Easy as ABC….and a Paint Sale
Hi there,
Greetings from a hive of activity above the garage!
The clock is ticking and the pens are clicking!
The countdown is on for Sunday TV on HOCHANDA,
and I’m nowhere near ready yet,
so Heather
and Paul
have dived in to help me.
7 Hours of live TV is a bit extreme, even for an old timer like me!
But the new stamps we have planned for the One Day Special
are pretty cool….
You know all the Word Chains we have in our collection?
Well at 8pm on Sunday, we will be launching a full blown
Word Chain Alphabet !
So that you can finally join up the Word Chain words and personalise your script. They really do work well!
You’ll never have to cut up another word to create another word again.
I cut up Dream because I needed the D, and now I’ve got ream.
Go knows where the D is.
And a few new Wee sets, which are just fabulous!
I do hope you will be able to watch,
despite Hochanda not being on Freeview for a few weeks.
There have been a lot of irate viewers,
mixed in with a handful of agitators
who have been stoking the frustation.
And the fact is that we will probably lose a great deal of business as a result, but still have all the work and prep.
Whether there are 10 or 10,000 at the party.
But I can’t dwell on that!
The first layer of acrylic paint has dried, and I must press on!!!
Speaking of acrylic paints,
Let’s knock 25% off all Daler Rowney System 3 Acrylic paint
until Midnight tomorrow.
Must crack on..
love and hugs
109 thoughts on “Easy as ABC….and a Paint Sale”
Remember that anyone who cares will be watching – however they can. I'll be there for one. X
The stamps are just wonderful Barb and such fun to play with; an absolute must have. Let's hope plenty of viewers will join the party online. Good luck! Xxx
You won't loose me, although I've tried to watch on my laptop but the sound is so quiet I can't hear .Also because I'm rural and slow internet isn't working well.
Looking forward to seeing Paul at Colemans tomorrow.
Love Trudy x
I will be there, either on the computer or the Kindle, so I hope you are not going to hurt my bank account too much. However, I suspect it is going to be hard to choose. I wish the whingers and agitators would just give it a rest. I suppose it makes them feel good in their twisted miserable way. I am sure Hochanda will come back stronger, and I suspect Clarity will still get sellouts. Good luck and breathe. xx Maggie
Remember that anyone who cares will be watching – however they can. I'll be there for one. X
Everyone WILL find a way Barbara! Please try not to get too stressed. Thank Goodness you have such a great team to help and support you
The alphabet is a brilliant idea. Thank you yet again for another wonderful offer. Take care and hugs xx
oh bother! i can't watch as on hols and my internet connection is not great. so typical! and quite annoyed that off freeview too as i don't have sky and don't plan on ever getting it. i hope i can see the stamps at ally pally, hugs xx
I will be watching on Sunday. Racing downstairs at 0900. It's not your fault, or Hochandas fault, based on what I've read, that Frevview is down for a few weeks. Unfortunately, there will always be those who want to stir up the pot, but I'm not paying them any heed, looking forward to all the shows. Best wishes to you and all the team, and I hope you're not all still there in the wee hours of the morning.
Love and hugs xxxxxx
Hello all my wonderful blog friends. This is just a quick one as my beloved grandson has shared his bug with me. So I've been in bed since yesterday with flu symptoms and splitting headache. I just wanted to say that I hope you're all as well as can be and I hope to catch up properly tomorrow…fingers crossed. Love and Hugs to you all xxxx
Bless you morag sending get well hugs xxx
Sorry to hear that you are not well Morag – I hope that you will feel a lot better tomorrow! Get well hugs from Gilly xxx
Hope you feel better soon Morag- aren't grandchildren kind sharing their things with you! Xxx
Oh aye Morag the grandkids are good at that disnae stop you kissing the wee snotty faces though…xx
Hope you get over the bug you've picked up quickly Morag. The Grandchildren do love sharing, that's what it is. Take care, sending a hug love Pam xx
hope you are feeling bit better this morning Morag. xxx
Looking forward to the shows ,have set recorder to record it as don't know if will be able to watch straight away ,love the alphabet I done a card once with EWE on it and the sheep were made from the cotton buds xx
I'm sure it will be as great as ever, Barbara, so I'll be watching… well, recording and then watching and re-watching at leisure. I didn't realise Freeview was down. We must be lucky enough to be in an area where reception is good. Just so long as those camera people learn how to do real closeups, and hold them, instead of long shots all the time, I'll be happy 🙂 Look forward to seeing the new wee stamps!
Hi Barb,
I've been waiting for you to blog so that I can go to bed. I don't mean that to sound awful, it just I've got a migraine and wanted to get my comment in . Although I'm a bit peeved that I won't be able to watch on Freeview, it will not stop me watching you on the computer or my iPad. Come hell or high water, I will be there with you and I'm sure that goes for most people. I love the idea of the alphabet. Brilliant. As for the gorgeous Groovi plates – well what can I say – gorgeous, beautiful, fantastic! Must go now as my head is splitting and I'm struggling to stay awake. Love and hugs to you , Dave, Paul,Heather all at Clarity and all my blog friends , Alison xxxx
Get some rest Alison sweet dreams hugs xxx
Sleep well Alison – hope that you will feel much better tomorrow, there's some serious tv viewing to do!! Get well hugs from Gilly xxx
Hope you feel better soon Alison , night night x
Night Alison hope your better tomorrow..xx
Poor you Alison, hope you'll feel better by tomorrow, the best place is bed and sleep a great healer. Sending a hug. Love Pam xx
Will be there on my iPad I know not quiet same put will do for know you will be great and stamps all sound fantastic special the Alphbet cannot wait hugs xxx
If people WANT to watch, they'll find a solution. I have – as I did last year when Hochanda was launched and I was in Kuwait. As for Les Agents Provocateurs, not worth a second thought! ;~}
Evening Shelagh hope your managing to use all those stamps that you haven't used yet hugs xxx
Hi Sheila,
Not much done today – still 'apres bathroom' reconfiguring of house. Beginning to look much better.
Have a few ideas, though.
However, the best today – pulled out the drawer of alcohol inks and there they were, my original 'bursts' misplaced since June of last year, nestled between the alcohol ink bottles, From now on,,'Double Trouble! ';~}
Well I will watch one way or another. Looking forward to the shows. Let the ones that winge just get on with it. They must be very sad. You will be great as ever. Take care and all my best wishes for Sunday. Lynn xx
Ooh how fabulous to have new word chains and wee stamps. Oh my poor poor bank account. Lol. Sadly there will always be folk who enjoy stirring up trouble but rest assured that your loyal customers will find you one way or another. Xxxx
Oh the lovely Heather. Isn't she such a gem?
I am lucky as on Sky and my machine all set..I WILL be wanting the new stamps. Will have to try ringing the office on Monday.
I rang Wednesday and spoke to Jeannette she sorted me out with my order and it's arrived..thought I would include the new punches in my demo next weekend xxx
I'll still be watching Barbara. I think a lot of people have sky and Hochanda is still on there. Really looking forward to new stamps. I've done the same and cut up my word chains, but it's not ideal.
Negativity can be so draining, best not to dwell on it. I bet you still sell shed loads!
Good luck
Amanda. Xx
Oh the lovely Heather. Isn't she such a gem?
I am lucky as on Sky and my machine all set..I WILL be wanting the new stamps. Will have to try ringing the office on Monday.
I rang Wednesday and spoke to Jeannette she sorted me out with my order and it's arrived..thought I would include the new punches in my demo next weekend xxx
Hi Barbara, I'm really looking forward to your shows, thank goodness you have your helpers.
I'm one of the Freeview watchers, as only have Virgin and Freeview, but after watching Leonie's promo showing how we can watch, my hubby got me a small HDMI lead and plugged into my laptop and my TV and now I can watch on the big screen, can't record, but fantastic that I can still watch, I don't want to miss any of your shows.
Don't forget to have some 'me' time.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
I will be watching on Sunday via the computer then on Monday I will have to watch the catch-up as I'm spending the day with Amy in Manchester! It's her birthday on Wednesday so we're going to get her pressie! Can't wait to spend time with her!
Love and hugs! Xxxx
I will be watching on Sunday via the computer then on Monday I will have to watch the catch-up as I'm spending the day with Amy in Manchester! It's her birthday on Wednesday so we're going to get her pressie! Can't wait to spend time with her!
Love and hugs! Xxxx
7 HOURS? What madness is this? Sounds pretty tough, but no doubt you'll have a blast!
Can't wait to see the new wee stamps! Pity about the Hochanda disruption – strange sort of contract agreement. Disappointing, but not worth all the aggro being generated. I had really hoped that it was an early April Fool! I don't enjoy watching telly on the 'pooter', but I will. It turns out that my 'smart' TV is not so smart after all – it won't load the picture properly – c'est la vie!
Tonbridge Sue
It will either be iPad or computer for me and I'm also going to see if I can record it during the night as I believe Hochanda are still on free view then if I've read it right. Word chain sounds fab! I've already had two deliveries this week!
Those who love you will be there come hell or high water ! Xx
Barbara you know it will all go well and now heather and Paul are helping you out your not alone you have a fantastic team around you and a massive clarity following cannot wait to see the wee folk comming together in the demos crafting hugs to help you all through xxx
Evening Donna Dorothy Diane Brenda pam gilly sue55 thinking of you all hugs to you all xxx morag Alison extra hugs get well soon xxx
Hi Sheila – hope that you have had a better day. Oodles of crafting hugs from Gilly xxx
Hi there Sheila still chilling out I hope hugs on there way..xx
Hi Sheila I hope you are feeling better today. My baby flower plates arrived today. I just had to play – they are lovely xxx
Hello dear blog friends yes I've been resting thank you for your hugs they help me through each day xxx
Hi Diane pleased to know got your groovi plates and had Time to craft with them too hugs xxx
Hi Sheila, hope you have had a better day today. Sending a big hug, have a good weekend. Love Pam xx
Hi Barbara
Your shows are showing up on my freesat viewing guide so I hope I will be able to record. I can watch on line too. I don't understand why there is a little band of folks who have to gripe all the time. These things happen. I hope it will not affect you too much. You work so hard. I am itching to see the new Wee Stamps. Good things come in small packages.
Hugs from Chris X
I'll have to try and work out how to watch on my computer tomorrow, so as not to miss any of your shows, as those new stamps sound fabulous. Hope the prep continues to go well, and thank goodness for Paul and Heather pitching in to help you. Keep smiling, Susan x
Hi Susan, Its easy really…Just go to Hochanda.com find the show and click on watch live or you can watch on catch-up for 7 days I think….Hope this helps…David
Hi Dave hope your keeping up making all the new groovi plates xxx
Thanks Dave – I did all that but I think I need my OH to install a viewer on my new laptop as it just didn't work. The only thing I miss about working for the NHS is that I don't have a PA and an IT department to sort these techy things out for me! Susan x
Looking forward to seeing the new Wee stamps and the new alphabet. Good luck with all the shows xxx
Hi Barbara – I will also be watching your shows, wouldn't miss it for the world. Will have to record Monday's shows, as it's a special day for me, and we will be going out! You will be fine with your tv shows, but I feel for you, as it's a HUGE amount of preparation to do. Take care, and looking forward to seeing your latest range of tempting goodies!! Hugs Gilly x
Hi Donna, Diane, Pam, Dot, Brenda, Pen, Jackie, Sue57, Julia. I hope that you have all had an enjoyable day. No crafting for me today – I have been out with my husband and bumped into some friends, and enjoyed a lovely chat. Take care everyone, hugs from Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly, no crafting for me either. I don't know where the time went today. We have just come back from ten pin bowling which was good fun. My girls are 15 and 17 and still nice to be able to go out as a family for a bit of fun. Have you had a look on the hochanda website, it has new groovi plates which have got my name on.
Evening Gilly glad to here you've had a good day hugs back.xx
Hi Gilly, what a lovely day, it's nice to catch up with friends isn't it. Oooh do we need to give you the bumps on Monday? We will putting the cushions down first 🙂 xx
Hi Julia – make sure that you enjoy this time with your girls, it passes way too quickly! xx
Hi Dot – hope your day has been good too!
Hi Diane, I have seen those in an email that I had from Hochanda, haven't seen any more. Regarding Monday, yes it is my birthday, and my Wedding Anniversary too! xxxxxx
Hi Julia – sorry I replied to Diane about the plates, it should have been you! xxxx
Hi gilly is it a birthday Monday if so early birthday wishes xxx
Wow anniversary too wonderful day special hugs xxx
Oh remember log in on Monday if you can we will celebrate round the campfire…xx
What a super idea Dorothy lots of tea and cake xxx
Aah – thanks Sheila and Dot. I will log in on Monday, I really enjoy being a part of this wonderful blog. You have become friends, who have and still are helping through some challenging times! Thankful hugs to you all xxx
Hi Gilly, quiet day for me – no crafting. Mum was discharged from hospital yesterday. Very frail, huge bruises everywhere. Hoping for quiet weekend and looking froward to watching Barbara on Sunday and Monday. Happy birthday and anniversary for Monday.
Best wishes, Sue
Ah, thanks Sue – I hope that you will have a quiet weekend, so sad about your Mum. Take care, Hugs Gilly xxx
Glad you've had a lovely day and met up with friends Gilly. Have a lovely weekend too. Love Pam xx
Looking forward to the shows and your trusty helpers will ensure you are all ready.
Linda xxxa
As you say Team work makes the dream work and you have a great team pitching in to help you.
Looking forwards to the shows got a wee email from Hochanda and it looks like the wee groovi plate I was hoping for is coming my way soon looking forward to the funky alphabet to.
Take care see you Sunday we will all be there I'm sure of that, let the moaners moan It will be something else tomorrow.
Take care and send Dave for the fish suppers..XX
That'll be the groovi plates with my name on them. I'm sure I saw them first, ha ha.
Evening Brenda, Donna, Pam, and Diane's around here somewhere hugs to all and a cuddle fir oor Brenda…xx
Hi Dot
Enjoy your new plates when they come, my new flower plates arrived today and they are beautiful. Hope you are ok xxx
Hi Dot, been using the cushions again I see. Hoping my order will be here next week. Have a good weekend. Love Pam xx
Nothing will stop me watching. Laptop, HDMI cable, good broadband connection – I'm sorted. I've had a wee sneaky peak on Hochanda's website. The two sets a wee stamps are a must have and then there are the new groovi plate that I must have and now you go and tell me that there will be a word chain alphabet that I must have and to top it all off you've put the system 3 paints on offer and I there are colours I don't have. My credit card will be on fire! Ah well, you only live once.
Looks like that wee groovi we were hoping for a few blogs back is on its way..Yay…xx
Haa Haa was typing at same time but I'm a wee bit slower so there will be 10 new comment before a type this.xx
Gosh that is a lot of prep to do. I hope to be able to watch as much as possible, will not be as easy on laptop but hey ho these things happen sometimes. I am coming along to Open Day so can catch up on a lot then. Glad you are doing an alphabet like the word chains just got to convince my hubbie that I really do need them. Hope your shows go well. xx
Really looking forward to seeing the new word chains! I hope it's all coming together and you feel you've broken the back of it before you go to bed tonight.
I couldn't watch Paul on telly last Sunday due to the time change confusing my machine, so just watched online. I'll do the same this week. Thank goodness Hochanda have the catch up feature though – would have been a lot harder without that!
Fingers crossed for a successful couple of days!
Don't listen to the moaning minnies. I often go weeks not being able to watch because of work and studying, but I still find time to read blogs and keep updated on all my favourite crafters and artists (some not even on TV over here). Whether I can watch or not I already know that I MUST buy the alphabet LOL.
Night night just posting before bed to wish u good luck for the shows and monday. Cant watch but will still try and look for the bargains. Will catch up with all the blog tomorrow. Fantastic offer again. Crafty hugs xx
Sweet dreams pen xxx
Night Pen, hugs Gilly xxx
Hi Barbara
I hope you have managed to get on top of things by now with the help of Paul and Heather. I was reading another blog today with lots of people making a huge fuss about not being able to watch, full of outrage but presumably all using a computer to leave their comments so technically able to watch on line!! Some people are only happy when they are moaning! I'm looking forward to the new groovi plates and the new alphabet stamps sound great. Thank you for sharing.
Make sure you get some rest!
Love Diane xxx
Hi Brenda Donna and Pam hope you are all ok today, weather has been fabulous here again, it will be a busy weekend with gardening, Barbara and the Grand Prix! Xxx
Hello Barb,
Don't worry, I'll kick the old man upstairs so that I can watch you on Sky!!!
He can watch the freeview programmes upstairs. He won't mind, he likes you!
Maureen xxxx
Well I'm one of the fortunate ones that have you on either sky or my I pad. Some are saying the Internet is slow and jumpy but we live in very slow Lincolnshire and never had problems with watching that way. Looking forward to the new letters
Evening, good luck with the shows. I have had a sneaky peak on Hocanda and the new stamps and groovi plates look beautiful. Can't wait! Just hope the website live stream behaves. Xx
Evening Brenda, Sheila, Diane, Pam, Dot, Morag and Gilly. I have a lovely day at the seaside today. Hope you are all OK. Xx
Hello Barbara
You should be sound asleep by now
Need your rest for the marathon!!!
I will be watching and admiring you from afar. Go get em!!!
Hugs xxx
Hello Barbara
You should be sound asleep by now
Need your rest for the marathon!!!
I will be watching and admiring you from afar. Go get em!!!
Hugs xxx
Let the whingers whinge and the moaners moan
Some people aren't happy unless they've a groan
As for me, I usually watch on TV, this weekend I'll view my PC
I can't record…that's a bit of a bind
But I can take notes to help jog my mind!
Main thing is…I can still watch and learn
While Barb's on my screen… doing her 'turn'
Yup, you've guessed… come 'hell or high water' I'm watching! Lol!
I have Skye and I recommend Skye too if anyone is interested? I hope it all works out well Barbara and don't forget to send Heather back to me for next week !! Xxx
Really yay, Can't wait to see Heather xx
Love the new alphabet stamps, hope you'll have plenty at Ally Pally on the Sunday. Got a list of Groovy too, the list keeps on growing. Hope you won't get stressed before the shows, you always do a brilliant job. Love Pam xx
Hi Donna, Diane, Brenda, Pen, Sue57, have a good weekend and enjoy the clarity shows if you can watch them. Love to you all and all the Clarity bloggers. Pam xx
Where there is a will, there's a way. Make the demos and they will come ala Field of Dreams lol xx
Special Hello to Heather xx
I am sure I heard a rumor that you were slowing down, good thing I didn't believe it for one minute. I really am looking forward to the shows they always give me inspiration xx
Hi Barbara, hope you're in the land of nod and having good dreams. I'll be doing my best to watch all your shows. Fingers crossed the Hochanda website has enough capacity for all us freeview viewers. I don't think you need to worry about losing lots of sales as everyone knows your regular slots so they can check out your website for your new products if they've abandoned Hochanda. Their gripes will be with Hochanda not the craft companies. And it's probably all hot air anyway! Best of luck, love Brenda xx
Looking forward to your shows and seeing all the samples. I'll be particularly looking out for Kirsty's work as I had the pleasure of meeting her yesterday during our tour of HOCHANDA. They are doing their fabulous best about the free view situation which is out of their hands. It was a fantastic day and I'm so glad that I had the chance to meet everyone there (from the CEO down). My friend Eva even had a screen test as a German speaking presenter/demonstrator. I was so proud of her as we had an hour and a random range of products to pull together a something to demo! Ateast she didn't have time to get nervous!
Hi Barbara, hope you're in the land of nod and having good dreams.
Good Work!
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You will be fantastic as always Barbara. I know the new stamps and Groovi plates are right up there for me.. I love um! The alphabet is just perfect! Fantastic idea, just what I needed too!
Have fun and be fab! Xxx
Ooh I talked about a word chain alphabet a while ago, dream come true.
Can't wait to see the new stuff on your shows
Hello Barb, how nice of Heather and Paul to get stuck in and help. Really looking forward to the shows, and very excited about the word chain stamps. Take care. Bx
Tis me …. lovely to read all your comments and it keeps me in the moment. It is a shame that the only way I can watch is via the internet which is soooo soooo slow and keeps buffering BUT I WILL TRY TO WATCH and record the programmes in the early hours hoping that there will be YOU BARB so that I can see the show…if only one will better than nothing.
However I can still see the offers so that is good.
I had a lovely day yesterday went to see my Grandson who is 5 and my eldest Daughter. Lovely couple of hours. Took my mind off things.
However I have just put the phone down from Mum who is worried about the cost of Care for her… and is now talking about not having anyone after May. I keep on saying keep it in the day, look after yourself today and the future has not arrived YET. I feel totally drained – her memory has been so affected by this stroke but I try to keep positive that at least its her memory and not her body.
Well off for a cuppa and crafty hugs to all you Dear Blogging Friends.
Good luck with the shows this weekend….. hopefully stocks will not sell out before I get my hands on them 🙂
Love to you all Pen x
Can't Change freeview situation so no point getting annoyed – accept the things you can not change – I am sure Hochanda would have kept broadcasting if they could – i too have rural internet but may try catch up at work in my lunch hour – have a good weekend Barbara x
Hope you three managed to get everything sorted Barbara and will do my best to watch on line if the internet behaves. x
I am sure you will get everything ready and the shows will be fab! I only have Freeview but will watch what I can online. These things happen, no need to get annoyed! I love Hochanda, the shows are awesome and the presenters enthusiasm is wonderful, a pleasure to watch! xxx
Hi Barbara
I'll definitely be watching,looking forward to the shows.