Oi! Trompe L’oi !!! over ‘ere !!!
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in today!
Been catching up on yesterday,
having had THE best meal ever at the Goring.
What a splendiferous Hotel!
Check out this Trompe L’oeil!
The whole Hotel Lobby was hand-painted like this!
I looked for the wallpaper seams, but couldn’t find any,
so investigated further, and yes it was all an original painting.
You felt like you could step right into the walls.
Absolutely unbelievable.
A real living work of art.
Even the elevator door was hand-painted!
And then the private dining-room….
Now I never usually take pictures of my plate,
but on this occasion, I just had to.
Menu first:
I had a little chuckle at the Post Script.
You know I’m a monkey for finishing the end of the sentence…
well in my head I read:
If you suffer from any food allergies,
please inform a member of staff,
as we have additional doctors on call.
So eat what you like, and we’ll sort it out later.
Didn’t take a picture of the Starters.
I was that hungry, I forgot to!
And by the time I remembered, it really wasn’t that picturesque!
But look at this little masterpiece:
No wonder they just received their first Michelin Star.
And the pudding was actually substantial.
Just looks small when parked on a plate the size of a dustbin lid!
(Compare with dessert spoon to get proportion!)
And the business meeting ?
Yes. It was excellent too.
Good People, clever people, wise people.
I was delighted to read all the blog stories of lady Hipple-Popple and the like yesterday! What colourful imaginations you have!!
There are clearly a lot of books out there that need writing !
Saturday’s blog a new technique, right?
Just a quick peek at what’s coming up tomorrow on TV.
I have 2 arty-stamping hours in the afternoon, where I will be turning my hand to a couple of new techniques :
2-3pm 5-6pm
Then at 8pm we’ll be going across the borders into Grooviworld…
and I will be launching a handy new Groovi thing.
So 4 more hours on Monday:
9am 12noon. 4pm and 7pm
Hope you can join me.
love and hugs,
87 thoughts on “Oi! Trompe L’oi !!! over ‘ere !!!”
Afternoon Barbara so pleased you enjoy your meal and the meeting went well
So looking forward to the hochanda shows spoiling us with all the inspiration on both days and a new groovi thing crafting hugs xxx
Afternoon Donna Dorothy Diane pam Brenda
Crafting hugs to all on the blog xxx
Hi Sheila! Hope that today is a good day for you, big hug from Gilly xxx
Hi Sheila sending you a hug, how are you doing today? Hope your not being blown away! Xxxxx
Hi Sheila, hope you are not in pain today. Hasn't stopped raining here all day and very windy. My Diamond parcel came today sooo exciting. Finished my calendar challenge card & took photo.
Evening Sheila hope your still crafting away there and that lovely man of yours still looking after you…xx
Hello my dear blog friends I've been having to rest spent yesterday from 5pm ish in bed till lunch time today yes my CFS has kicked in so I know I'm trying to hard to craft oh well rest it must be goodnight hugs to all xxx
Ah bless you Sheila! I know just how it is – but you've realised, and you're being good now. No crafting tomorrow – it's 'Watch Barbara' for the next 2 days – will be thinking of you – take care, night, night and a big hug from me xxx
Oh Sheila sorry to hear that. Slow down and take things easy for a little while. Glad you know the signs and are resting. Love and lots of gentle hugs Pam x
Fab photos of Hotel, wouldn't like to guess how much those small portions cost, even if they were tasty!! Looking forward to watching you tomorrow…are you teasing us with the new Groovi thing, can't wait and am recording all progs as usual (will soon run out of space on box at this rate) x
What a stunning place. How the other half live eh, also if you are a little hard of remembering your allergies, there is a full medical team to put you right! The decorated walls were a delight, no wonder you pictured them, thankyou. Looks like you had a fabby time with your assignation. Xxx
Wow what an amazing place. Thanks for showing us Barbara as I really don't think I will ever have the chance to dine there. I am hoping to catch the 5pm show tomorrow as it is grand children's day till late afternoon, so it will be quick cuppa and feet up for an hour with you when I get home.
This hotel looks amazing what a treat… Thanks for sharing.
That looked wonderful – lovely place and very yummy food!
Looking forward to the shows tomorrow.
Have a lovely evening, Carole xxx
Wow looks wonderful! Looking forward to tomorrow and Monday we are spoilt! X
WOW! That hotel looks amazing, I expect you got some ideas for stamps or Groovi? You've been having some fun times away from home and well deserved too. I envy you Barb, doing what you love every day. Looking forward to seeing you on Hochanda, I never get tired of catching your enthusiasm for the wonderful world of Clarity. Got my Diamond kit, it came through really quickly and I can't wait to grab some 'me' time and have a play. Loved watching Paul too, bet you're glad you've got him on board! Have a great weekend xxx
Wow that place looks amazing. Just received my Groovi starter kit and awaiting more goodies soon. I also signed up for Diamond membership – sooo looking forward to my first parcel!! I will be watching and recording the shows on Sunday and Monday, xx
Wow! Hope the food tasted as good as it looked.
I received my baby Groovi platemate today and I am delighted. It is awesome and completely cute. So pleased that I will now be able to put messages on cards with smaller letters. We have just started a new arts and crafts club and the ladies were bowled over by the Groovi system and they can't wait to have a go. Think there will be some new parchers there.
Looking forward to the shows tomorrow. X
What a glorious place and such talented artists that decorated it. The menu and food looks delicious,…how big is that plate? The desert spoon looks like a teaspoon. Very pleased that you had a good business lunch.
My recorder is set to record the shows (I'll be at Maria's class during the day Sunday and at work on Monday)but I hope to catch the evening shows. I'm really looking forward to seeing what new Groovi-ness you have in store for us. I've just received my Diamond starter pack so I'm a very happy bunny! Hope you have a safe & pleasant journey there and back. Love & Hugs, Jeanette xxx
Amazeballs indeed looks fab. Happy it all went well. My Groovi package arrived today so took my time to enjoy it! My dear husband passed comment that we too will need a Clarity Warehouse to store all my "stuff" in. Didn't have the heart to tell him that you are on tv tomorrow with even more new things!! Love the baby Groovi and the new size files just perfect thank you! xx
Looks fab, glad you enjoyed it & hope Dave enjoyed his sarnie! Received my baby Groovi plate today, perfect to take on hols – love it. Looking forward to the TV shows. I noticed today Clarity Stamps are back on sale on C & C website does this mean we get double helpings?
Good afternoon, Barbara, what an amazing hotel with all that artwork, plus fantastic food. Received my order yesterday of more of your stamps and stencils so I know what I'll be busy doing this weekend. Have set the recorder for all your shows. Take care love Alison B.
What a wonderful place. Spill the beans – what do sweetbreads taste like? I've had a sneaky peek at the hochanda website and I think I've seen the new groovi borders which will definitely be going on my list, not too sure what the thingy is. I'll be working at 8pm tomorrow but have booked the TV for the rest of your shows.
Julia your calendar challenge is beautiful hugs xxx
How the other half live eh! Were any of you vegetarian – we do not eat meat so I wonder how they would have responded?
Looking forward to the shows they will brighten up my days – more rain here oop north I am afraid. All the best for Hochanda xx
Oh dear, suddenly I can't see any of the photos when I look at Barbara's blog on my PC. All I get are squares with a small crossed box in them! I haven't changed any settings (as far as I'm aware). If anyone can help, I'd love to hear from you. Many thanks.
Sounds like something to do with your privacy settings. Are you on a windows system as if it has updated recently it may have reset your settings for you!
Hi Chris,
I haven't gone down the Windows 10 route (yet). I will have another 'rummage' in my settings and see what happens. I appreciate your reply.
Pity Brenda's no here yet she'd know have you tried the off/on routine.xx
Just looked on C&C there are loads of things on there – some tagged as new in though none of them look new to me and none look cheap. Mystery deepens….
Well jel barb !will have to record the shows as im in work…booo!on a happier note , my clarity club parcel arrived today!!!!!
Well jel barb !will have to record the shows as im in work…booo!on a happier note , my clarity club parcel arrived today!!!!!
How cruel is this? I was so excited to receive my baby Groovi system yesterday and then I fell downstairs and broke my right arm…..In plaster for six weeks!!!
What a disaster Carol. My baby groovi hasn't arrived yet but I've got all my tools ready for when it does. You'll just have to watch all the shows and when they are finished there is youtube. In six weeks time you'll be bursting with ideas.
Oh no Carol poor you. I hope nothing else was hurt – arm is bad enough! You will feel like you've gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson for a few days so get plenty of rest and just direct the washing, ironing and cleaning from your chair! Xxxx
Oh no Carol, what a shame for you. Hope it's not too sore, and glad that was all that happened in your fall. x x
Oh dear Carol, bet you're right handed too. So annoying when you've only just receive your groovi and now you can't have a play. Never mind have fun planning what you can do after your plaster comes off. Hope you aren't in too much pain.xx
Oh no Carol!! That's rough! Xxxx
Sorry to hear this Carol. I hope it heals quickly.xx
Oh carol you will have plenty to play with when you get your plaster removed lots of hugs xxx
Hi Barb,
The Goring looks fabulous, those paintings are magnificent. The food looks gorgeous too. No wonder Kate Middleton opted to stay there the night before her wedding to William. The rooms and suites look stunning on their website. Really looking forward to the shows although not sure what the new Groovi thing is! Anyway I have set the recorder for all the shows tomorrow and Monday. Love Alison xxx
Wow hotel sounds amazing could spend day looking at artwork food looks yummy to glad meeting went well looking forward to tv tomorrow save trip tomorrow xxx
Hi Barbara – thanks for sharing that amazing hotel with us all – so pleased to hear that you had a great time, business wise too! Looking forward to watching you on TV tomorrow and Monday. A real treat for us all! Hope you managed to get all of the prep done today, Love Gilly xx
Hugs gilly thank you for thinking of me xxx
Will watch tomorrow then will probably have to record the rest. Glad you enjoyed your lunch meeting, nice to do 'posh ' occasionally. Love those paintings, would be soul destroying if someone damaged them though. About to turn manic in Bishop household as our son and fiancee have just sold their flat and are moving in with us til they can find a house. Oh well we were getting a bit used to house being quiet. Hope shows go well tomorrow. xx
What an amazing place! The food looks like a work of art – almost a shame to eat it!! Fabulous walls and doors. Looking forward to tomorrow and Monday. Mxx
What a beautiful hotel art on the walls and on the plate! Glad you enjoyed it. Looking forward to tomorrow's shows. I'm sure there is something I need to add to my groovi stash …… xx
Hi Barbara
What a beautiful place, gorgeous artwork. If you are ever in this part of the world, pop into Motisfont – they have a lovely trompe l'oi room – beautiful. Glad the munch went well – hubby and I have made our choice from the menu! ( in our dreams!). The food looks wonderful. Looking forward to the shows, will set record box when rugby has finished – don't think I will be popular if I do it now! Safe journey tomorrow
Love Diane xxxx
Get a chippy menu out cannae beat it…xx
Hugs Diane thank you for thinking of me xx
Hi Barbara looks fantastic definitely an artistic place to lunch glad it went well.
Treating myself to a fish supper the night might dribble some broon sauce roond the plate make it a bit posh lol.
Looking forward to all the shows take care..Dot xx
Dot, posh would be to put it on a plate and use a fork instead of eating it out of the paper with yir fingers.
HA HA Julia getting to know me now…xx
Hi Donna Pam and Brenda hope your weekends off to a good start hugs and a cuddle for Brenda..xx
Evening Dot, hope you've had a good day. Rain here all day. Only been out for a coffee. Enjoy your fish supper. Love and a hug Pam xx
Hugs Dorothy thank you for thinking of me xxx
Oh wow how simply simply simply beautiful – just amazing.
Loving the menu – no chicken pate there then Barb!!!
Very much looking forward to tomorrows shows – intrigued by the groovi clue – my mini plate mate came today – its soooooooo cute!
Much love as ever
Kim x
Thank you for showing us the photos of the hotel. The Lobby looks beautiful with the hand painted scenes. Glad the lunch and business meeting went well. The food looks amazing. Looking forward to Hochanda tomorrow and Monday. Wonder what the Groovi thing is. Bet it's something I need!!! Received my Diamond package today, can't wait to have a play with it. Love Pam xx
Wonderful that you got your diamond package hugs thank you for thinking of me xxx
The hotel looks simply superb, and the menu … well, I made my choices. Just had to check in to say I received my diamond club goodies today. Delightful! I now have an idea for a wedding card. The mini groovi plate is a little treasure. Many thanks for such prompt delivery. I wasn't expecting it yet. Lynn
Glad you had s nice meal those paintings look awsum roll on tomorrow xxxxx
The photos of the hotel look amazing, thank you for sharing them with us. My Diamond package arrived today, going to have a play later on. Will watch some and record shows tomorrow and Monday. Janine xx
What an awesome place and the food looks yummy! Looking forward to your shows tomorrow! Yay! xxx
So glad you had a lovely meal and a good business time.
Just climbed out of my bed to see the blog. Got that horrible bug – coughing, spluttering etc etc. I have spent the whole day trying to clear my planner. Guess what I found? Barbara with shoulder length hair, demoing the mandarin duck and Lotte – wonder where she went, she was so lovely. Ah all the lovely memories of the first programmes I watched and how things have moved on. Finished off watching Paul and the Groovi. Must tell you this and make people laugh. Someone rang me up and said I cannot get my groovi to work. I asked if she had used a tumble dry sheet. No she said, I haven't got one and I heard that a tea-light would do. I said, yes it would work. She then said she used one of those imitation ones!! We did laugh – needed to. I have sent her a tumble dry sheet.
On a final note, staying in bed tomorrow, watching the shows.
Much love
Anne (Reading)
Hope you get over that bug quickly Anne. Do you good to stay in bed resting watching our Barbara. Funny about the tea light!!! xx
Oh dear Ann! Like you need a bug too! Stay in bed and stay warm! See you tomorrow xxxxx
Ha ha…I thought you were going to say she burnt her work. Hope you feel better tomorrow.
Anne please get well soon get well hugs xxx
Hi Barbara, thanks for sharing your photos, it looks like a fab but homely establishment.
Looks like we can look forward to a reflection project tomorrow. Can I ask, is there a trick to getting the reflections deeper than the source stamps? Just so the reflections project closer to the viewer. I'm probably asking for the moon when we have the stars. Or is it the other way round?
Well I made it out of hospital today, so pleased to be home. My wife and I are off to Cape Verde in 4 weeks so I will have to go back to get my gallbladder out. Just means I have to follow a very low fat diet and alcohol free. Oh well, better than missing our holiday completely.
Looking forward to seeing the Hochanda shows tomorrow
Glad to hear you're home John! See you tomorrow then! Xx
Glad your home John xxx
Glad you're home John, take things easy.xx
Evening Donna, Diane and Brenda, hope you have had a nice Saturday and kept out of the wind and rain. Hope you have got over yesterday's saga Brenda and that you are less stressed today, been thinking of you today. Got my Diamond parcel and sooo pleased with it. Got my calendar challenge ready to send in Donna. Love and hugs Pam xx
Can't wait to see your calendar challenge. I've just emailed mine. I'm not happy with it but this was an arty challenge and I'm creative but not artistic.
Your calendar challenge is lovely Julia, wasn't too happy with mine either, but out of all the shaving foam copies it looked the best as the others were far to dark. Hubby going to show me how to email it tomorrow.
I have just spotted some of the new Groovi Side plates, luv em !!!!! I must remember to call about my Diamond, I don't want to dip out. Good luck with all the shows Barbara, I will be with you. !! Xxx
What a stunning place and a fab menu. It will have done you the world of good to have the break…even if it did involve business.
Can't wait for your shows tomorrow and Monday. I gave the tv over to hubby for racing, football et al for all of today, so tomorrow it's MINE!!!! xx
What a hotel! Food looks delicious – thanks for taking us with you, even though we didn't get a taster. I'll look forward to watching the recordings of your shows over the next few days, Susan x
with such a menu i'm not surprised hat the meeting went well. good food makes for good atmosphere and happy people. looking forward to shows tomorrow. glad they are in afternoon as might be able to see them live for a change, hugs xx
Give my love to Massimo. His lovely Xmas Card is in the drawer, ready to come out again next year xxxxx
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and as it forecasts rain…no excuse to stay in all day
Late tonight! Been out for most it and then spent a while writing an email to a friend. Looking forward to the shows tomorrow and Monday. Xx
What fabulous hand painted walls in The Goring Barbara and the food looks fantastic, also glad the meeting went well. Looking forward to seeing you on Hochanda tomorrow and Monday. x
The hotel looks amazing. They should promote it as an art gallery. The menu looks terrific too and I'm please to see you seem to have chosen (Romney?) Marsh Lamb. That would be my choice.
At Leeds Castle with the grandsons tomorrow so am recording your shows.
C & C doing Clarity clearance Sunday at 10am & 4pm. Website says 3 for 2 & £1 p & p so if you want some Clarity brushes that's a really good buy I think. Can't wait to watch Hochanda today!
Looks a fantastic place and arty food to boot, sounds like a great time
Hi Barb, thanks for sharing those amazing photos, both the hotel and the food. Good to hear the meeting went well. Looking forward to the shows today. Take care. Bx