Sunday. Day 2 at the Frankfurt Messe
Thanks for popping in.
Sorry I’m a bit late tonight.
It’s been a long old day at the Frankfurt Messe.
Messe = Trade Fair.
Mind you, there is a serious Frankfurt mess around the train station.
Blimey, do they need to sort that out!
I thought the open air urinals took the biscuit,
but when you get feral packs of young men running wild,
scoring drug deals in public and then scattering like cockroaches when you switch the light on,
you really don’t want to be out there.
In fact, all I want to do is get back to the leafy lanes of East Sussex.
I know we have exactly the same in our cities; I’m not delusional.
You must know by now that I wasn’t born yesterday!
Seeing it all and smelling it all
just flags up the desperate situation in our urban communities.
Makes our little Clarity bubble of art and all things lovely
very uplifting.
I suppose on the other hand, it makes me very grateful that I CAN escape back to lovely.
So what happened today?
Well, I gave a presentation on blogging,
waved my arms around a bit when the German words wouldn’t come out…
Showed off our stencils,
and of course our stamps,
got very very Groovi…
and gave a big shout out for Hochanda.
Did the audience enjoy it?
No idea, but they were maybe too scared to complain!!
was mighty relieved when Kathrin let me off the hook too!
Also shook hands on some very good business deals today.
If they all come to fruition we’ll be laughing.
Time for bed now.
Travelling back tomorrow.
Although the expo here is massive, and you could get lost in the rabbit’s warren that is the Messezentrum,
enough is enough.
love and hugs,
69 thoughts on “Sunday. Day 2 at the Frankfurt Messe”
Sounds like a fantastic day. Fingers crossed that all your deals come good – which of course they will. Safe journey home. At least you can keep warm and rest your head with all those duvets and pillows. Lol
Hello Barbara
Sleep tight and have a safe journey home.
Hello Barbara
Sleep tight and have a safe journey home.
Really pleased to hear that you have a good time in Germany and that, businesswise, it was a worthwhile visit too
Glad all went well for you Barbara. Another very sad loss today for all us Toggs as we say goodbye to the wonderful Terry Wogan who joins the late great Ray Moore. They kept me company for many hours when work took me all over the UK. Who can forget Janet & John? In the words of another great Irishman (Dave Allen) Terry, may your God go with you. Safe journey home Barbara.
Yes, just heard the news when we got back to the hotel. What is going on?! and yes, may his God go with him xxx
And another loss apparently today, Frank Finlay. Not been a good month. xx Maggie
Thank goodness January ends today. Let's hope for a happier February x
January has seen us loose some very talented people so sad xxx
Hi Barb,
Well it sounds like you've had a very busy day certainly of contrasts. I'm so pleased that the trade fair has been such a success for Clarity. I know what you mean about living in a bubble too. Up here in rural Co.Durham we don't see too much of the homelessness and drugs ( although there is some of it). I'm always quite distressed when I go to London and see the homeless on the streets and I'm thankful for living where I do, where the pace of life just seems much slower. I look forward every day to reading the blog and I'm thankful to belong to such a lovely little community ( although it is growing ). Thank you for everything Clarity. Have a safe journey home, love Alison xxxxx
Glad business went well. Gute Rueckreise!
I think I'll be giving Frankfurt a miss then! Glad you had a good show. Safe journey home x
Yep, I'm quite happy living in my safe, naive, sheltered bubble. Have a good journey home.
Great to hear business is booming. Your Clarity bubble is waiting for you. Did they understand what a fantastic tool the blog is for building a community and for showing the great Clarity products to the masses? I rather think anyone who doesn't get it is missing out! Bring a brolly with you when you come back, actually scrub that, if you put a brolly up you'd probably get blow back to Germany!! Xx
Evening Brenda, Sheila, Diane, Pam and Dot. Happy Sunday to you all. Xx
Hi Donna, the same to you, hope you've enjoyed it.xx
Yes thanks Pam, are you still enjoying your family time? XX
Evening Donna I've manage to craft today with my clarity so a happy bunny did you manage any ?big crafting hugs xxx
Hi Sheila, did some sorting and then some colouring to finish a card off. Xx
Hi Donna glad you managed some craft today, makes the day a happy one doesn't it. Xxxxx
I'm sure you'll be glad to get back home after such a busy weekend.
Here is another one from rural Co. Durham. Having worked in Substance Misuse for many years I'm very much aware of the problems up here. But I'm thankful too to be living somewhere relatively quiet and peaceful.
Safe journey home and get snuggled under those new feathers as soon as you can xx
Glad you had such a successful couple of days… Safe journey back.
Glad it all went well, Wouldn't want to go to Frankfurt then. Sad news today with our dear Terry Wogan and Frank Finley passing away. Have a safe journey home you and Dave. Love Pam xx
Hi pam hope your pain was better today lots of hugs xxx
Glad the business side went so well, and just tuck yourselves safely in your hotel till morning. Have a safe journey home. At least you can be warm and comfortable with those pillows and duvet. xx Maggie
Hi Sheila, Diane, Brenda and Dot, hope you've all enjoyed your Sunday. Xxxx
Hi pam message up above xxx
Hi Pam its been a lazy day but just what we needed to recharge the batteries . Hope you are ok xxxx
Ich bin mir sicher, dass es den Leuten gefallen hat. Wie könnte es anders sein 🙂
all is well that ends well. have a good rest, goodnight, hugs xx
Hope you have a safe journey home 🤗🤗
I'm glad you had a successful business trip. More Clarity addicts no doubt. The photos look impressive. I stayed in Bad Homburg, near Frankfurt for 3 months 50 years ago. The station was quite a no-go area then, especially for a young girl, but I liked what I remember of the city. Carol
Glad you can leave urinals behind! Your blog is amazing a proper community now, think back to those tentative beginnings in October 2013! Amazing …………
There's no place like home eh Barbara??
Safe travels xx
Much love
Kim xx
There ar areas almost everywhere where you have to keep your eyes and ears open and be careful . The refugee problem will create challenges for us all .,
Been a depressing day here in Devon too with the loss of a much loved local radio presenter. Let's hope that's an end to it now. Have a safe journey home. F x
Sounds a very productive trip, very pleased for you. I do wonder whats going on with the world, thank goodness for the crafty community, a santuary in troubled times. Safe journey back x
Hope you have a safe trip home and that all those seeds you've planted take root. X
Barbara/ Dave so pleased you had a productive time hope it all comes good ,safe journey home
It's lovley to live in our clarity crafting bubble I find crafting with clarity takes me into a tranquil peaceful place just looking at the calendar for January and taking part into the calendar blog challenge makes you loose yourself into that place .thank you for building a lovley community here on this blog xxx
Evening Dorothy sending big hugs xxx
Evening Diane lots of hugs too xxx
Evening Brenda hugs to you and daisy xxx
Hugs to all on the blog xxx
Hello Sheila hope you have had a good day. Wet and dull here again xxxx
All city centres have their homeless, their drunks, their pushers and users. And lots more besides no doubt. I don't go into the city centre unless I really have to, and then I feel very uneasy, especially if I'm on my own.
On a brighter note, glad it's been a productive trip, and I hope all comes to fruition x
Hi Barbara another Trade Fair done and dusted and the Clarity word spread further a field sorry your surroundings weren't up to much but home tomorrow safe journey both of you…xx
Hi bloggy pals hugs to all Im on ma phone as Grandson borrowed my laptop so hugs to all and a wee cuddle ti oor Brenda..xx
Hello Dot, hope you get your laptop back soon! Sending you a hug xxxx
Hi Barbara, I hope all your deals come through. Bet you'll be glad to be back home. Wishing you a safe journey.
Let's hope February doesn't see us lose any more lovely people. I grew up watching Terry Wogan and loved him, he was so funny. We always watched Blankety Blank! So hilarious.
Amanda xx
Don't often go into town at night as I was horrified at the antics on show the last time I ventured forth and that was from the safety of a taxi – prefer to have lunches out instead. My highlight today was a few miles walk along the beach – didn't cost anything either!
Safe return home. ;~}
Well think Frankfurt might not be on my to do list but so glad you have had a successful weekend. Going to miss Terry Wogan just loved to watch him he made every show he was on wonderful. Safe journey home. xx
Hi Barbara
I hope all your handshakes turn into signatures on the dotted line for you. Hope you had fun explaining our mad blog antics – think a few hand gestures and funny faces would cover that!!!! Safe journey one for you and Dave – stay clear of open toilets! Dear Terry we are all going to miss him he was such a lovely man.
Love Diane xxxx
Hi Brenda hugs to you and Daisy xxxxx
Evening sounds avert fruitful trip and duvets as plus staying somewhere like this makes us live were we live we have so much to be thankful for don't we well safe trip back to our lovely clarity bubble hugs ninght night joy xx
I think I must be getting old. The court case on which I served as jury member shocked me with what happened with young kids, so it is not just cities, it's towns too. I felt I must be very sheltered where I am, although I appeared not to be the only one shocked and we were not all middle aged. How depressing and yes today was sadder for the loss of Sir Terry, especially since he represented that gentle mocking of the state of ageing. So am very glad to hear some good news that your meetings went well and a successful trip. Safe journey home and sleep well. Karen xxx
It's good to be sheltered from what goes on in this world it's good to feel the love this blog brings to us all thinking of you xxx
Welcome to my "Work-place" – lots of drugs – you can smell the fumes outside in the bushes some days. Plenty of knives smuggled in, through inadaquate security. I could go on. But then, there is lovely. The blog, you, the artwork, the products – sorry not in the right order. I manage the days at work, knowing I have the network out there with you and your blog. They have certainly seem through the last few days.
Again I cannot thank you and all those lovely bloggers out there.
Lots and lots of love to everyone. certainly have needed them and they helped more that the tears shed.
Have a good week to all and sundry.
Anne (Reading) xxx
Lots of hugs and lots of love xx
Yes got a glimpse of your work place this last few weeks and I don't envy you. Glad we can play our small part in easing you through it. Keep strong, lots of love and hugs Karen xxx
Sending hugs Anne XX.
Phew, I'm exhausted just reading about it – hope you have a calm journey home and a chance to relax and reflect when you get there.
I've been last minute Lucinda tonight – uploaded my challenge entry at 7.45 this evening, and placed my order from the members sale at 11.54! I keep saying that I'll get more organised one day and be on top of these things, but as it hasn't happened yet maybe I need to embrace the way I am and stop worrying about it!
Hi Barb, great pics, some of your expressions really made me laugh. Have a safe journey home. Take care. Bx
Hiya Hope you have had a safe journey home and its so true when we live away from the hub bub of the cities we are not "aware" of what goes on. But as you say I expect its like it all over the world.
I remember when I was in New Orleans being told to turn right out of the hotel NEVER left …. why because of all the drugs and crime to the left.!!!
Looking forward to the new challenges ahead.
Crafty hugs Pen x
Looks good my dear glad all went well safe journey home. Love June Horrocks xx
I went to Germany with my older sister way back in the 1960's when The Beatles and Rolling Stones were just hitting the heights. My sister spoke fluent German and lived there for a while helping to renovate a castle, she was a lot older than me as she was born before the Second World War. One of my biggest impressions was that I didn't see any litter at all, I went to Cologne,
Düsseldorf and Koblenz [hope the spelling is correct]. Most of the time we were in the countryside near a place called Bad Ems I think, it was beautiful and when I arrived at Dover on the way home I felt ashamed of all the litter I saw. I have had a bee in my bonnet about litter ever since then. I hope you have a safe journey home xx
Hope you gave a safe trip home Barbara. Great news about your new business channels – hope they all work out for you. Hugs xx
Hi Barbara, glad it was a success for you, it must be very exciting,
Julie xxx
I'm so pleased everything went well Barbara and that lots of new links were forged which means lots of new people are getting to hear about the fabulous Clarity brand. Have a safe journey home. x
I hope your journey goes smothly despite storm Henry … Terribly gusty here today.
I got my groovi club mailing today. All i can say is Thank You! It is a perfect addition to the grown up groovi stash we already have. I have to say that clarity parcels are the ONLY reason i am happy to get out of bed when the postman knocks on the door!
Hugs, Alison.
Hi Barbara, I feel so lucky to live in this country, hearing your descriptions of places around Frankfurt where you have been, doesn't make me want to go there hahaha.
I'm so glad that you forged some links, here's hoping they come to fruition, they can't fail to love your products.
I hope you have a safe journey home, you will be well on your way now I presume.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barbara, I feel so lucky to live in this country, hearing your descriptions of places around Frankfurt where you have been, doesn't make me want to go there hahaha.
I'm so glad that you forged some links, here's hoping they come to fruition, they can't fail to love your products.
I hope you have a safe journey home, you will be well on your way now I presume.
Lots of love from Patricia xx