Feel the Fear and do it anyway…
Mindful Wednesday today.
The day when we look not so much at what we’re crafting,
but WHY we’re crafting.
Or not crafting, as the case may be.
If I had a pound for every time somebody said to me,
“I’ve got a brayer, but it’s still in the box”
“I’ve got a Gelli Plate, but it’s still in the box”
I could buy shares in those companies!
Last Wednesday, we talked about CHALLENGE.
About stretching ourselves by setting ourselves goals or targets,
accepting challenges.
Today, I thought FEAR would be a good follow on!
My guess is that many of us want to try something,
but the fear of failing, coupled with the effort involved,
proves too much.
And so the Brayer/Gelli Plate stays safely tucked up in the box.
Fear’s a big one. I get it, I really do.
My brother and I decided to take the course together.
And the argument, “what’s the worst that can happen?”
didn’t really work on that occasion!
The core fear of tipping the bike or falling off was extreme.
It was the turning right, the sitting waiting in the middle of the road
while cars whistled past you on the left and right,
which freaked me out.
But I’d paid up front and wasn’t backing down.
So I hired a little 125cc and went to the local Sports centre car park,
which had a kind of island of parked cars.
And there, I spent hours, going right, right, right, right, right, right.
Then back the other way, left, left, left, left, left, left, left.
Until the wobbling went away, which it did, eventually.
The more I did the same thing, over and over, the better it got.
Unlike on a car where it switches off once you straighten out,
you have to manually flick the indicator off on most bikes.
Evidently, I was so happy I did the turn correctly, I forgot to flick.
Hahahaha! Hadn’t used the indicator in the carpark!!
Passed the second time though.
Got straight back on the horse, so to speak, the iron horse.
My brother’s approach was more radical.
He hired the 125 for the week, and rode the main roads from Edenbridge to Gillingham and back every day!
And I thought the Edenbridge Car park was brave!!
Now I can only speak for myself here,
but I think that is pretty much how I learn anything –
by repetition.
You have to make a start though, don’t you?
Just as I had to get the motorbike out of the garage,
we have to get the brayer out of the box if we want to learn how to use it!
No matter how long it has been in the box…
What’s the worst that can happen?
You waste a bit of paper and ink?
Get your hands messy?
Getting stripes? Work out why and adjust what you’re doing,
until you don’t get stripes.
If you always do what you always did,
you’ll always get what you always got.
Dave has a little card in his wallet.
with the 4 letters:
Every now and again, when my fears are crippling me,
he gets it out and waves it at me.
Oh. And by the way, as soon as I passed, I went straight to
Warr’s Harley Davidson, London, and bought myself the most beautiful Mother-of-Pearl 883 Sportster you have ever seen,
with a huge comfortable touring saddle,
and a front fly catcher windshield.
(btw. Harley indicators go off automatically….)
I would show you a pic of mine,
but I cannot find the garage key to go take a snapshot.
Looks like this, but sexier….
![]() |
On the subject of challenges,
I have decided to get back in the saddle once the weather changes.
I haven’t ridden it for years. Got busy, fear crept back in.
Time for another carpark session….
Dave has a 1200 Sportster; I’d like to join him when he rides out.
Before my fears get the better of me and I decide I’m too old.
Did you know that the average Harley biker is 50 years old??
Probably because only the old farts can afford one!
I’m not suggesting you get on a motorbike!
But if there is a skill you want to master,
and you aren’t taking the plunge perhaps because you are afraid of failing, then what I AM suggesting is
JFDI !!!
And JFDI again and again and again
– until you can do it in your sleep!
Have a great day,
and let me finish with this:
She who never makes a mistake
has probably never made anything…
love and hugs,
96 thoughts on “Feel the Fear and do it anyway…”
I had a fear of heights, in 1988 when I was in my early 40's I took up hangliding, had the best 10 years chasing the wind, met some wonderful people, learned to paraglide when that came out and realized I was scared of falling not heights. Just do it. Every 10 years I reinvent myself I am now an artist, I have a feeling I'll stick with this one xx
Fantastic. I love the idea of a new challenge every 10 years xx
Well done you! X
That is brilliant. I too have a fear of heights/falling. However, I don't think I will be going hang gliding or anything like that. I salute your courage and determination. xx Maggie
Time to get the Breyer out of the box – I think I have two! Actually just remembered I did use it for the gelli plate once so think I'd better get the gelli plate out too. Then I need to get some cards made – one for Friday. When I get back from lunch with friends I'm going to JFDI ! Thank you.
P.s. It was lovely to talk with Paul yesterday and thank him personally for the inspiration you all give xx
I remember reading that book 'Feel the fear and do it anyway'. It was really inspiring. It made me realise I'm not the only one who feels scared. 🙂 xx
You could have been talking directly to me Barbara , I really must get the brayed and gel I plate out. Trouble is I see the work that you,Paul,Maria ,Jane and all the others do and I get overawed and think I can't compete, but as Dave save I must JFDI…….took me a while to work that one out lol!!
Lynne T
Oh dear excuse the spellings #%*+ auto correct!
Lynne T.
Your reflective thoughtful blog is my favorite part of the week. Thanks
Yippee! Just joined the Diamond Club. Knew that if I kept redialing I would eventually get through. Exciting week next week as I should receive January newsletter for the stamp club and my new Diamond Club goodies.Must leave a note on the front door saying do not disturb, woman enjoying herself!!! Thank you very much everyone at Clarity, it's a great idea to upgrade. Looking forward to Barbara on TV at the weekend but I dare say I shall spend toooo much once again. Must sit on my hands or hide the credit card.
Barbara I knew you were pretty cool but now your coolness has gone up several points!!!! You are the Crafty Biker!!!!!
Being dense here – very short of spoons, but what do the letters stand for 😳
Just f***ing do it!!!
Thanks for asking that, I couldn't figure it out either!
that was quite a challenge, to ride a motorbike. Well done on succeeding.Took me a while to get brayer out of box but not as scary when you get started. Lots to think about today, wonder what I can challenge myself to this year. xx
Not content with being a pillion, I too decided to learn to ride a motorbike in 2009. Like you, gunning right was a nightmare but because of the need for a CBT certificate (Compulsory Basic Training), you can no longer practice in a car park. I was proud as punch to pass and ride my bike to work. Kids in my class couldn't believe their teacher was biker chick! It also helped me relate to some of their fears of learning. A few years later I decided to go for the bigger bikes, surprised myself by passing my theory test first time and booked a residential course. Again the figures of 8 were my nemesis but I mastered them and was allowed out on the big guns which I loved. The day of the test arrived, I fought to get my nerves under control and performed the perfect figure of 8, perfect emergency stop but unfortunately my toe clipped the cone in the swerve test and so I failed. However I had faced my demons and felt accomplished. My back put paid to me trying again but a new challenge certainly helps put your feet back on the ground whilst lifting you to new heights. Wishing you and Dave many happy rides together (if that doesn't sound too rude) hugs , Jeanette xxxx
That should have said "turning " right…where did gunning come from? !!!
Lol I'm impressed xx
Barbara, you never cease to surprise me but I honestly didn't imagine you driving your own Harley 🙂 You're a wonderful role model but I can't give that one a go. I used to go on the back of my hubbies motorbike when we were young but daren't do that anymore, too old and fat!
By the way it took a while to work out what Dave's card meant 🙂
Hope everything goes to plan this week,
love Julie xxx
That´s exactly the same when I used the Gelli Plate some weeks ago for the first time and to be honest I never used the speedball brayer and he is here with me for years…
Thank god you came up with the brushes!
But as someone said to me: "You should never say "I can´t" until you tried it". And that´s absolutely true and I have to try the brayer sometime.
Rolf xxx
Took me a while to work out JFDI – then I laughed. Must craft myself one of those cards! Not into motorbikes myself, but I can relate to Brayer-in-the-box syndrome!
Tonbridge Sue
Biker Chick go you. Reading your blog made me face up to the fact that I let Fear hold me back from so much, especially my crafty activities, fear of failing and not being good enough, well of course I'll never be any good if I don't try in the first place so think I just need to say to myself JFDI, think I'll make a tag with those letters on and keep it with me like your Dave, great advice today thank you xx
How brave . Don't people surprise you all the time,just never imagined you riding a motor bike! Bravo for persisting though and reaching your goal. I'm always a bit scared to talk to people so maybe I should try harder. Never know what to say! I remember when I was at the Glasgow craft fair getting my granddaughter to speak to you first , I was that shy! I'm ok once I get going though ! Xx
JDFI…absolutely. Now that I know what it means! Brave is a great word. Last week I bought my autistic grandson a mug with exactly that written on it (not the JDFI lol!)as he lives in fear of so many things.
I too joined the Diamond Club this morning. It was a pleasure to talk with the young lady who sorted me out over the phone, she was so patient. You and your staff are truly blessed to have each other. I feel as if Christmas is coming all over again, and if you knew how excited I get about Christmas each year!!! x
Brilliant Barbara!!! Never knew you were a biker chick!!! I had suzuki 125 when I was 16. My boyfriend gave it to me as a present. It turned out he was an "Indian giver" as he took it back when we split up! But I did love the thrill and freedom of riding it. My fear was of heights….I can climb, it's the looking back down I don't like, discovered that when I went skiing the first time. Cried all the way down!!! Hence the reason (one of them) for climbing up Ben Nevis last year. Despite the cold,rain, wind, freezing teardrops on my face it was so worth it for the peace I felt inside as I looked over the surrounding Ben Nevis,over loch Linnie and out to the sea. Took my breath away…I felt really proud of myself for making it to the top. And yes I was shaky coming down and yes I did fall four times. BUT, I am so glad that I did it. I am also happy to say that both my Brayer and my Gelli plates were only in their boxes for a few days before I got to play with them…Went through a fair bit of copy paper but boy did I have fun. I agree with Dave's sentiment JFDI, you only live once!!!
Hugs to all xxxxx
I tackled one of my big fears on my first trip to the Crowborough Retreat (can't wait for this year) – driving round the M25 on my own, even getting stuck in the traffic due to Canada geese closing the motorway. The next year, I felt like a pro. This year's big challenge is to take myself in hand, lose all my excess weight, and get as fit as is possible. My crafting challenge is to have a go at as many skills and techniques as I can fit in (and sort my craft stuff out at last). I hope we are going to see pictures of you and Dave setting out together on your bikes. You are very brave tackling the roads on two wheels, but have fun doing it. I love these Wednesday chats, they are always full of inspiration. xx Maggie
Very brave Maggie ! I don't mind motorway driving but have never done it on my own. X
I'm delighted you're gonna dust off the sportster Barb, lovely to leave the smoke behind and get up a peaceful mountain somewhere, I used to love the ride up the horseshoe pass on a Sunday morning and have breakfast at the Ponderosa cafe at the top, good for the soul. xxx
When I was at college in Yorkshire (many moons ago) we did outdoor activities out in the Sales, sailing, provoking, and climbing. Sailing and profiling, I loved them, but climbing was a very different thing. No exaggeration but SIX inches off the ground on a proper rope, and I froze, totally unable to move. I froze in the same way when we went up the tower at Blarney. Going up was fine if a little tiring. Going down was a different thing altogether, steep very narrow treads from brilliant sunshine into pitch black with nothing to hold on to. I went into total panic mode and just could not move. I had to be literally talked down, with someone placing each foot safely on the uneven steps. When I finally got down, I shook for hours, not a pleasant experience – fear of falling again. xx Maggie
Love that story Barbara. You really do give us all someone to look up to and inspire to be more like.
I have never done anything in my private life or professional that involved interaction with other people. It is my big fear. I took the plunge last year and went to a craft workshop one day. I felt so sick, but I went, and really enjoyed it. That started me of on regular card classes, which I loved too, until one time the tutor said I could teach next week as they were doing something of mine!!!! I felt ill all week, but I felt I couldn't let them down. When I got there and started I was shaking from head to foot. But then people started asking questions about what we were doing and I started talking about my favourite thing in the world, and everything calmed down. I ended up really enjoying teaching people, and am now starting my own classes. I love being able to share something that I've been doing all my life. It's a great feeling. I have a very good friend that pushed me that day and believed that I could do it. So I did!!
By the way Barbara, cool bike!!
Afternoon all, what a great story Barbara! I knew you had a Harley but not about how you set about learning to handle it. I'm I the only one who doesn't know what JFDI means?
Like most you could have been sitting with me tell me to get my brayer and gelli plate out and practice?
Well I'm one very happy bunny as i too am I diamond member of Clarity and I await another great year with you all. Have a good day xx
I take my hat off to you learning to ride a motorbike Barbara. Many years ago I rode pillion on my dad's bike but didn't like the leaning into the bend, I felt I wanted to lean the other way all the time, but it is good to give ourselves a new challenge at what ever age we are, probably not hang gliding or surfing..lol, but just learning a new skill or taking up a new hobby. When I started my blog over two years ago I'm sure my other half thought I would never get it up and running but I did. It took me about a month but I stuck with it and I have never looked back and I love it! JFDI is a good maxim too. Thank you Barbara for making us address our fears and give ourselves new goals. x
My challenge for 2016? Moving house and finding room for all my bits and pieces. Thankfully my craft room will be larger so no excuses for not playing more frequently. Like the idea of the Diamond Club but think it's probably better to wait until after the move before joining up. I'm easily distracted! Fran x
Afternoon Barbara I'm so excited for my post man to call with my January envelope and my new diamond club crafting goodies it's like having a birthday every month .
Your inspiration and all your clarity team enthusiasm also hard work we your clarity CCA couldn't ask for more so looking forward to this year with clarity big crafting hugs xxx
Afternoon Donna Diane Dorothy pam Brenda hugs to all on the blog thinking of you all xxx
Hi Sheila how are you today hope your well getting your wee envelope each month is going to cheer you up once I can talk without coughing going sign up myself….xx
Hello Dorothy I hope you start to feel better soon you have had a rough time this past months .i been a clarity club member when it was just the stamp then couldn't resist the stencil club too and now the groovi diamond wow .i just hope Barbara doesn't spoil us with lots of new products as I will need cushions strapped on permanently ☺️
I've been to Drs this afternoon she said my cyst is benign and will always be there just need to make sure get antibiotics when get infected apparently they don't operate on benign cysts on the national health not that I fancy an operation.
You take care sending a special get well hug xxx
Hi Sheila – glad to hear that your cyst is benign, not surprised that you wouldn't fancy an operation! Love Gilly xxx
Hi Sheila, glad your cyst is benign, a nuisance though that
it gets infected and you have to take antibiotics, but as long as it clears it up. Sometimes they make you feel awful though. Hope you are feeling better. Think we'll all need these cushions strapped on. Love and hugs Pam
Good to hear your cyst is benign but how annoying that it cant be treated more effectively on the NHS. Glad to hear you are up to a bit of crafting again must have been that gug I sent you the other day!! XX
Yey Donna that guy did it ☺️ That was supposed to say gug xxx
Hi pam how's your pain ?any appointment for physio yet ?
Hi Barbara, JDFI, can someone enlighten me hahaha !! I haven't a clue !!
My 'hat goes off to you', Barbara, being able to ride a motorbike, I am such a 'wuss', I would be scared stiff. I only drive as a necessity (although I would be lost without my car), and still won't drive on the motorway.
You could have been speaking just to me today, as my brayer is still in the box, and my 2 gelli plates from you are still in their packages. I am going to challenge myself to getting them out, I watch all your video's and your demo's on TV and it always looks so easy (when you do it), but like you say, you have to get them out of their boxes, and practice, practice, practice. They always say 'practice makes perfect', I WILL give it a go !!
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Sorry, that should say 'JFDI', I can't even write it properly hahaha xx
Sorry, that should say 'JFDI', I can't even write it properly hahaha xx
I too, have unused craft items including a brayer that I give up on after failing to achieve what I wanted. I have a fear of heights which also meant I could not go on an escalator going down in a shop. The time wasted looking for stairs got me down so I had to conquer my fear. After a very nerve wracking start I now focus on something at eyelevel, never looking down and I can travel on any descending escalators. Not in the same league as your challenge, Barbara, but a personal achievement all the same. Now I must get the brayer out and have another play.
Alison give it a go enter a clarity blog challenge it helps with confidence believe me I know I never thought I would and when I did I've gained so much from clarity xxx
Patricia Howarth – "just f*****g do it!" Lol. I had to think for a minute or two. I knew you was a biker chick Barb – one of your older newsletters. Lol. I used to love abseiling and would love to do it again some day. You never know eh? Xxx
Your words are just right for me at present. Decided to book a holiday and go scuba diving again (I did this a few years back for my husband. He in turn did Ballroom lessons with me!) Well, there is certainly the fear, great fear but like you say – life is too short to listen to the demons – JFDI. Truly a mindful Wednesday and the FEAR is with me until I redo that first dive into the unknown.
Much love
Anne (Reading)
Going to have to remember that JFDI, I think everyone fears something, some more than one thing (that's me). I never learned to swim because of my fear of water, and even now won't swim if children are splashing around. I took the plunge (forgive the pun) as one of the things to achieve before I was fifty. Have used my Gelli plate and the Brayer but keep them boxed. Wouldn't say I was proficient in any of them but enjoy using them, more practise needed, that's the fun of it, yes? Love your mindful Wednesday's you manage to give us a prod to do something more. Love and hugs Pam xx
Hi Pam as long as you enjoy what your doing then that's enough its the doing that keeps us happy..xx
Pam, it is never too late to learn to swim. Many pools do special classes for fearful adult learners. Many years ago, we took our two children, who were competitive swimmers, to a pool on holiday in Cornwall. There was a lady in there swimming up and down and chatting to her, discovered that she was 86 and had only learned th swim six months before. She did length after length and complained that her husband was a real woose as he could only do widths. As a qualified swimming teacher, I will tell you what I always told my pupils – the hardest thing is your first stroke. After that, you just do it again. It works. The most important thing to learn is how to get your feet back on the bottom. Once you can do that, your fear will vanish. Good luck and enjoy the journey. xx Maggie
Thanks Maggie, I did learn but only to do the breast stroke and a width was my maximum. Have a job to get my feet on the floor so end up panicking. Don't do any now as it kills my back, makes it feel like it's going to snap in half. Xx
Any news on your physio? Hope you have managed to craft xxx
Good luck with getting back on the bike Barbara. I'm sure you'll soon be having a coffee at the Ace Cafe. Jase used to have a Hayabusa and it scared the life of me being on the back of it. I think it's probably much more fun to be the one in control. x
Hi Barb,
Well you learn something every day – I never knew you were a biker! Good on you for conquering your demons. I remember years ago when I was teaching, the head told me I had to give an in service training day on differentiation to the rest of the staff. I said I wouldn't but needless to say I had to. I was terrified about standing up in front of all of the staff and telling them what to do. I know this may seem strange to most people when you think that teachers do this all day! It's a totally different thing to stand up in front of your own colleagues than it is to young people or evenn staff from a different school. I had about 8 months to plan this and even thought about seeing if I could get pregnant in time!!! ( Anyone knowing me would realise what a sacrifice that would have been!!) Anyway, the day came and I stood with a cup of coffee during the break before I had to begin – I was shaking so much that there was more coffee in the saucer than the cup. At the end of the day, the staff all came and said how much they'd learned and that it was good to go away from an Inset day that had been so worthwhile. I was chuffed to bits and really quite proud of myself. I'm not saying it was a pleasant experience but at least I'd done it. I should have had one of Dave's cards in my hands I think!
Looking forward to the launch tomorrow and receiving my goodies shortly. Love Alison xxx
Hi Barbara well you never cease to amaze me with your wee private peeks. Am I surprised you've got a Harley in the garage not in the least She Who Dares Wins that's how we all have Clarity today.
Just promise me one thing when you JFDI …stay safe..xx
Hi Donna and Diane hope you've had a good day..xx
Brenda the sun been shining across here this afternoon hope it hit your side to cheer you up here is your cuddle…xx
Hi Dot, hope yourcough gets better soon so you can join us looking forward to our diamond envelope each month. Hope you are feeling better now. Glad you've had a bit of sunshine,Love and hugs Pam xx
Hi Dot, hope that cough clears up soon. Its horrible when you start and then can't stop isn't it! Stay in the warm and craft, that would be my advice. XX
Oh how true, how true. My staff used to quote that back at me! It's great short hand. Good luck with the bike, bet it comes back instantly, there s a book called fear the fear and do it anyway which is v good too. So far my New Years resolutions are holding. Basically to get all my stamps and techniques sorted and have a go. So far it's working…..I ve got to the 27 th of January much better than last year!!
What a great post today, really resonates with me. Not that I would get on a motorbike (I was a ward sister in a Head Injury unit), but I do try to make myself do things that challenge, and sometimes scare me. In my 20s I went by myself to work in the US and didn't know a soul there, and in my late 40s I left a well paid, secure job, and moved to Scotland to do something completely different although I'd only visited once before in my life. You know the saying "Don't regret the things you do, only the things you don't do" – wise words! Susan x
lovely blog.
I've still got all my bike gear if you want a passenger 🙂
Just need to find the time eh.
good luck with your trip,
see you soon xxx
When I was 45 I decided to learn to sail wee boats – you know they ones – wet suit on, get in the water, climb onto the boat like a beached whale and off I go. The thing with something like that is that I accept that I will gradually learn more and more and get better the more I do it and I love it! The thing with crafting is when I try a new technique I expect to be able to do it perfectly first time and get disheartened if it doesn't work. I am my own worst enemy.
Well.. the reason that mainly older people drive Harleys (I am 60 and have a proper bike, BMW 1100, about 20 years old, yes I am a girl).. no, why Harley drivers are most over 50 is because they have the time to mend them… there is always one thing or another to repair. One hardly sees a well worn and much used bike as there is only littlr time left to ride it since one is busy with repairs. And that for all money you pay for that bike.
I know some guys with Harleys so I do know that they are always busy with looking after them instead of driving. And…. Harley owners are just sunshine drivers as we call them. In my younger years I only had a car for the winter or for transporting stuff. OK, it looks a bit funny when peeling yourself out of the leather gear or pulling the newspaper out you had stuffed yourself with for isolation in colder times. But hey.. that is part of the fun.
When you really haven't been on a bike since 12 years… please start somewhere on the side and not on the road that you get the feeling again and do a safety class!
Let's go over the big pond and do the Route 66.. the old, orignal one… a dream I can tell you.. just so much fun to drive
Always nice to know there's an expert in the room.
Well kartenkunst – you really do know 'how to win friends and influence people' don't you!! My husband rides a Harley which he bought (new) in 1998, and he hasn't needed to spend any time repairing it, as it hasn't broken down! He has lots of experience riding motor bikes, and also rode a side-car outfit professionally for some time – including taking part in the TT. So I think it's fair to say that he knows about motor bikes. However, I think that it is important to remember that we are all entitled to our own opinion and we shouldn't try to dictate what other people do!
Finally – it's plain to see that you don't know Barbara very well, if you feel that you have to tell her to get used to riding her bike again somewhere quiet!
Well said gilly xxx
Barbara you always manage to make me smile when I read your blog or see you on T.V and I love your Wednesday blog. You are truly amazing and I admire you so much for being so brave. I have used my brayer and my gelli plate(not often)and was so pleased with the results but it doesn't quite compare to a motorbike!
Hello Barbara
How true, on all aspects. That was the way, as infants, we learnt our times tables. Repetition every day. By the time we moved up to the juniors (aged 8) we knew them up to 12 times. Just by repeating them parrot fashion day after day.
Hi Barb, sorry I have been MIA, with all the blog posts, but have been away for work since last Friday with long hours. But just felt the need to try catch up with Mindful Wednesday. And it was lovely. Lifted my spirits and thoughts straight away. Thank you. Will have to try play catch up on the weekend again. Take care. Bx
Hi Barbara – let me just first say that you have risen to new heights in my husband's opinion of you – he has always said that you are the best on TV and that you always produce amazing pieces of artwork! NOW you share with us that you ride a Harley – well, that's it – he is impressed more than I ever thought that he could be!! Here was I thinking that I had done well riding pillion! He also owns a Harley Sportster X53C in bright yellow, and I had never been anywhere near a motor bike until I met him just over 17 years ago.
My most recent challenge is driving again, after a period of 8 years – so that I could visit my husband in hospital, when he had his knee op in October, and then drive him around for a couple of months. However, I bought a brayer in your Gray Day Sale, and it is still in the box – so this is obviously my next challenge. As you quite rightly say, the worst that can happen is wasting some copy paper and ink! Love Gilly xxx
Hi Sheila I forgot to say here is a hug for you today! Love Gilly xxx
Thank you gilly sending a caring hug back dear blog friend xxx
Such wise advice , ok I'll get out the Brayer and I did get the gelli plate out a few days ago . Now I think I will get it out and open it up and take it out of its container and then——- well let's not rush it too much .haha. Saga and journey to be continued . Joy now. Jan
Just get the Gelli plate out and sniff it……..yummy! Am I weird? Hmmmmm maybe! 😉
Careful Jan Donna goes in to craft shops and smells paper to weird Hmmmm no she's lovely really …xx
I also smell new books! I think I need help! XX
You need a clarity fix 🙃
oooooooo and Tarmac……….
Naaa she needs a Doctor…xx
Loved your blog. It made me chuckle. Must print myself one of Daves cards. We have a friend, who when asked how something works,he just says JRTFM. It similar, but not quite the same. Xx
I’ve got the J the T and the F. R and M elude me though…ahh! I know! Just read the f888king manual!!! hahahaha! brilliant!
I was afraid to ask , thanks Barbara . Haha
Hi Barbara I learnt to colour with my alcohol markers like this. I kept trying things and if I like what I did I tried it again and if it didn't work I tried something different. I hate having craft stuff that I haven't used so everything has been out of the packet at least once and often more. You are so much braver than me. Take care. Have a great evening. Hugs xxx
So, is the next challenge an autobahn or two???? Think I'll stick to the open top sports car, despite my dad being a motor bike 'nut' in his time. ;~}
Hi, Donna, Diane and Brenda, hope you've all had a good day, and that you had a bit of sunshine like Dot had. Cold and very windy here and showers. Love and hugs Pam xx
Hi Pam, no sunshine, just wind and rain. Oh well soon be Spring, although I have daffodils already in the garden. XX
Evening wow what a lovely half hour I have had reading all the comments and your blog Barb.
I use to ride a "bike" oh dear it was a lambreta (spelling) to learn I just got on and drove. Full leathers as I had to drive from Catford to Bromley at the time
I love the challenges of crafting trying new techniques but my main challenge is to loose weight. Eating more veg and fruit and less chocolate.
Crafty hugs Pen x
Just FDI! great sentiment to live by. I kind of go to and fro with this when I do my art journal. Learning to just go with what comes and the fact the ink squelches out the side or seeps through the margin sometimes makes me feel like throwing it away. Then if I'm in the JFDI frame of mind I can just accept that the ink seepage will add something to the following pages! I never would have even thought of doing an art journal if it hadn't been for you introducing the Gelli plate to us. The freedom to create comes with that tool, hidden in the box, like an added bonus. Can't say for sure what the print will look like so either you live with what comes or you give up. I love mine now, experimenting with different ways of using it sometimes it goes well, others I just chalk up to experience. Thank you for giving me the freedom to try! XX
that is a good motto. i use both the brayer and gelli plate so they are definitely not my fear. so i need to look deeper. i also need to read that book. it's been on my shelf for far too long, hugs xx
I might have told you this? But two of my Brothers bought a scrambler bike between them, they took me and my sisters up into the moors and said go on then have a go!!! The only training I got was as I was headed towards the edge of the hill at what seemed like 100 miles an hour, as in my panick I pulled the throttle back!!! Shouting "how do you get it to stop"? My Brother shouted after me "you will have to just fall sideways so you don't go over the hill" . So I did, I trusted my Brother completely. thats when he told me that to go faster you have to pull back on the throttle and to stop you turn it forward!!!! We did LOL though – no bones broken but it's cars for me all the way! Sam
My brother got a motor about his fifys fellow over outside ours big old bike but his bad shoulders know bad knees about two years ago sold it and brought think could a spider three wheeler still just sits there but won't sell it no going to go out ride it he lives about five mins walk from Hochanda over road if ever you and Dave would like a look sure would love to got photo on Katies profile her sitting on it she says she is missing you hugs night night Joy xxx
For got to say pulled me socks up last week and crafted every day a bit apart from Sunday Monday struck down with sickness bug so not good back on track will post some work and enter challenges just got calander one to do Twitter of the flower one xxx
Oooh, I wish I could post a photo here – I'd show you my 60th Birthday pressie (it was Tuesday) – I've got the most beautiful Can-Am Spyder, not exactly a motorbike but a 3-wheeler with a 1330cc engine, pearly white paint and a very comfy seat for my old bones! I've spent the past 15 years riding pillion on our GoldWings and loved every minute but now I see exactly why people like to actually 'ryde' (we spell all sorts of things with a 'y' now – it's Spyder speak). Wind Therapy – love it and can't wait for some decent weather.
I almost took 2-wheel lessons for my 50th but decided I was happier sitting behind my hubby, this I can ryde on my car licence so I've not had to be as brave as you but still had to learn how to deal with traffic from the more vulnerable vehicle. Have fun when you get yours out again.
What a great blog (I always enjoy your Mindful Wednesday blogs). I am so envious of your bike!!! In my earlier years (30s), I rode a Lambretta for years which I loved, but now, gaining in years, I have had a desire to ride a Harley (only on the back though). Several people have offered to help me cross this one off my bucket list but so far none of them have actually taken me!! Maybe one day!!!