Thank you
Hello there!
Thanks for dropping in.
This time last week, we were just winding up the final session
of our Clarity retreats for 2015.
It seems like months ago!
What does that signify I wonder,
when a week seems like a month…
So I decided today, to make a Thank You card for all those of you who came to Crowborough.
You brought so much enthusiasm and creative energy with you!
You handed out kindness and generosity in spadefuls;
You embraced each project and task with a smile
and left any apprehension at the door.
In short, you helped make the 12 days remarkable and successful.
So I have picked one of the stamps we used together,
which is also in the sale now.
There is a 30% Clearance Sale online,
which includes some very lovely things.
I have also used some of the techniques
& tricks we learned together,
and added another little learning spin on it.
I hope you like it….
Cor, it’s like beaming backwards on my timeline!
Stamp the Large Thank You Ribbon Stamp
(mounted on a 5″ x 5″ Megamount)
into the centre of your 7″ x 7″ Gelli Card.
Position the round Shape stencil around it
and outline with a Black Micron Pen.
Move the stencil over some, and redo with the pen.
A customer friend of mine, Jane Marbaix,
is making a book writing career out of her craft: Zentangle.
She is very talented. Always was.
Anyway, she sent me an email, telling me that she had written another book, and that she had borrowed an illustration/stamp of mine, which I was delighted to see. I was also taken with the way she doodled a certain border. Couldn’t quite work out EXACTLY how she did it, so here’s my version, inspired by Jane.
Thank you Jane.
Look out for her Zentangle Books.
With the pen and a C-thru ruler, divide up the rings, getting smaller to the crossover, giving the illusion of depth.
Do both sides.
Go back through every other one, making a stripe in the centre.
Go back again and black out.
Both sides.
Now to create the 3-D illusion…
Out with the Spectrum Noir Pencils.
Lightly shade the lower half of the white areas.
If you were at the retreat, you will remember:
3/4 – 1/2 – 1/4
light grey, dark grey, black.
Look how round the frame suddenly looks!
Now for the Ribbon Writing.
Light Grey, dark grey, black.
Just make sure you leave a little white.
That creates the illusion of light.
Light feathery strokes.
Build up the depth gradually,
always leaving the white part of the ribbon.
Can you see the roundness? Squint!
It works – it really does!!
Time to trim the card back and add a splash of colour.
Poppy Red Promarker, chisel end.
Dig your heel in and drag along the edge of the card.
Remember? It’s like a little revision project really, isn’t it!
Mount on black coated card. The shiny gear.
Works very well with this retro style.
But now it’s time to personalise it….
out with the Million Thank you stamps again.
And I can’t not use the little birdies.
They make it!!
Oh. And a little red pencil the the black & white.
Because I never know when to stop…
Done, cuppa tea!
Sitting on it’s little stand.
Remember these little acrylic stands?
Yep, happy with that one.
So thank you for coming today.
Thank you for coming on the retreats.
If you didn’t or couldn’t make it, maybe next time.
Either way,
Thank you for supporting Clarity.
Thank you for your loyal custom.
Thank you for the presents.
Thank you for the flowers.
Thank you for the cards.
Thank you for the kindness.
Thank you for the advice.
Thank you for the help.
Thank you for understanding our predicament.
A million thank you’s.
Thank you for reading this blog,
and encouraging me to have our get together here every single day.
And thank you for leaving positive, uplifting, messages,
which make life lighter and sweeter.
love and hugs,
86 thoughts on “Thank you”
Love it!!!
Oh Barbara! I don't know if you realise the effect you have on us – I love reading your blog, and it's helping me on a long and tricky road towards being the me I am aiming to be. Your words are inspirational, and never fail to lift me up. From me to you, a million thank yous!! X
Hi Barbara
What a stunning card and I think I'll definitely look out for Jane Marbaix book.
I can't thank you enough for the inspiration on this blog as I do look at some of my stamps and think what am I going to do, then I come to your blog and always find inspiration.So a big thank you to you xx
Oh wow this is amazing I could never achieve anything like this. I would love to come to one of your retreats I think I would learn so much. I am having a weird day we spent part of the afternoon watching the telly and spotting my husband's father in the march past for VJ day. Now my husband is upstairs practicing Christmas songs for tomorrow's service at church. Here I am on the computer. I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend. Hugs Jackie
Christmas songs for tomorrow's service – are you in a different time warp! LOL x
Errrrrrm, don't mean to alarm you or anything but it is only August so I think you may have to check his song book! Xx
Haha Jackie , usual day in the Trinder household then! I was looking out for your father in law but didn't catch him, wondered if he was there. I'm sure it was an emotional day for him but a fitting occasion to celebrate. I wonder if we can book on the retreat together next year – we can cause chaos together again ! Xxx
Yes guys Christmas songs our weird assistant pastor requested them – he gets a kick out of saying we can sing Christmas songs all year round, he has done it before and it is a bit tired. It does fit with me making Christmas cards though. Diane I have photos from the telly I can show you of Keith's dad. Hugs xxx
How wonderful for him to be apart of the celebrations emotional day for you all xxx
Thank you Barbara for all that you do despite having a very busy life with clarity . I have learned loads and although I'm not too good it's your inspiration keeps me trying new things. So I thank you with all my heart x
It is us that should say a Million Thank Yous to you and all the Clarity Team. I was unable to attend your retreats (I will be at Catterick for the two days though…lots of hugs to give and collect) It was lovely to read all the comments of those that attended….they were all so happy and upbeat…I was well jealous!! I know that the other Clarity Fans or should I say Devotees will agree with me in saying that You and Your People give us marvellous design, marvellous service and a marvellous feeling of belonging to such a happy family. Your Blog is inspirational as is your whole company and I for one am Definitely proud to be able to take part by sharing the designs I make with your wonderful products. Hugs to you all and long may it continue. Hugs xx
P.S. Forgot to say I love this card and the technique you have used. Brilliant design again. xx
Fingers crossed I'll be at Catterick xx
Thank you for the Zentangular illusion! Just love this one! Thank you for the retreatS! Thank you just for being you. Life is better with you in it! Thanks for sharing. love J x
What a great effect – can't wait to try it! I hope to come to a retreat one day. You don't have to squint to see this come to life! Would do well with the Happy Birthday stamp for a mans card too. Thank you Barbara xx
Oh my this is fabulous – will def be trying this one. I don't think you need to say thank you either. It is a pleasure to be even a small part of the Clarity family and that means that I – and I'm sure many others visit for the pure enjoyment we get from that visit. So thanks for the thanks but no thanks required. Xxxxxx
Thank YOU Barbara for all your hard work, great tips and techniques, your patience and for making the retreat so much fun .,,,,, see you next year hun! xx
I am rubbish with words so will just say I totally agree with all the comments above and just to add reading your blog is a highlight of my day, always uplifting. A Million thank you's back at you and your brilliant team.x
Wow Barbara stunning a wonderful thank you stamp set will have to give this a try .
Thank you for all you give and all you do the inspiration I get from this blog is fabulous
The clarity blog family keeps me going each day the crafting is all I can do now I cannot come to your retreats but I know I can come on this blog and learn so much so thank you too all big crafting hugs xxxx
A million THANK YOUS to you too. Clarity is something special and so are you. Your guiding hand and daily inspiration is something very unique, and I love popping in everyday. Xx
Wonderful thank you card. I had an absolutely marvellous time at the retreat – over too, too quickly. I learned so much from you and Paul was such a help – what a lovely, lovely person he is. I came away with new ideas and techniques and although I still struggle – especially with getting things straight – just messed up my groovy Christmas tress with a wiggly border!! I will get there eventually but I have to say, thanks to your dedication and inspiration, I have progressed farther than I ever thought.
A big thank you to you and the team. You are ACE!
Best wishes and love
Anne (Reading)
Great artwork, you never fail to inspire. Thank you to the whole Clarity family xx
That's really good artwork.
Beautiful Barb, and Thank you for thanking everyone, so nice of you to be thankful. this day and age not many are thankful. SO.. thank you for your time, your care and your inspiration. especially that.
Hi Barbara. That's a fabulous card you made there! There are not many people who organise things would do that so its right back at you with a massive thank you!
On a personal note I want to say thanks to you just for being you! You have your own wonderful way of inspiring people including me and that's why I love the retreats and why I love being a part of your team!
I hope you are enjoying your weekend and getting time to sit with Dave and enjoy a cuppa! Love and hugs xxx
I am not part of the DT, but I echo everything else you have said here, Jane. Barbara makes every one of us feel special and worthwhile and that is a real gift. xxx Maggie
Hi Barbara. Wow what a fantastic card I love the effect – will definitely have to try and give that a go and get Jane's book if I can. I 100% agree with all the lovely comments above….. it is us that should be thanking you and your wonderful team for all the effort that goes into making Clarity Stamps what it is. Wouldn't be the same without you.
Hope you and Dave enjoy the rest of the weekend. xxxx
But most of all … Thanks You Barbara 🙂
No, thank YOU!!
Hi Barbara, I was one of the lucky ladies to attend last weeks workshop. You are an inspiration and a genuinely lovely lady, so THANK YOU! xxx
Absolutely love coming to your retreats, an absolute pleasure. Wonderful projects and great teachers, so a BIG thank you to you Barbara and all your team. I hope you are remembering to 'take it easy' love Doreen xx
Thank you Barbara for another amazing card and your heart warming blog. It's really good to hear how nice people have been to you an yours. What's that saying? "you always reap what you sow". Sound about right… in a good way. Have a restful weekend. xx
What a wonderful post,so much optimism and love. Thank you for taking the time to write your daily post. The card is brilliant and yes has sooo much depth with the shading. Crafty hugs xx
What a wonderful post,so much optimism and love. Thank you for taking the time to write your daily post. The card is brilliant and yes has sooo much depth with the shading. Crafty hugs xx
I feel I should be the one saying 'Thank You.' The two day retreat was simply marvellous, great fun and a joy to attend and be part of. To take this amount of time out to spend with us as well as keeping the business running and blog going as per norm shows your unfaltering dedication to your art, your customers and followers. Not forgetting your team who not only kept the shelves well stocked with crafty goodies but who also prepared our 'daily bread.'
Another spectacular card from the 'House of Gray.' Going to have a go at the frame and practise the 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 technique from last week. Have a rest this weekend! ;~}
You are soooo clever, Barbara. Loved every minute of it! THANK YOU X
This card is the bees knees Barbara with that wonderful shading and that pop of red. I love reading and being a part of this blog every day and your expertise and teaching us new ways of using our crafty stash is tremendous, you never lack for new and clever ideas, and you and your great team make Clarity what it is so 'thank you' to you. x
Barbara, thank you so much for your wonderful blog and sharing your talents with us. Would love to have been able to attend the workshops but I live in Canada. Read your blog everyday and love to watch your videos. They are great. Have just received my large Groovi order from Clarity and excited to give it a try. Looking forward to some new videos and inspiration for these. Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend.
Love the card Barbara it's beautiful also love you and love davexxxxxxxxx
Love it barbara would love to join you next year all sounds so wonderful thank you for being you xxx
Omg this is fantastic . I will have to try this and maybe feel like a real artist . You're fabulous .
I look forward to you each day . You make a difference in the world and that's what it's all about . By bringing a smile , a thought , a creation , an inspiration and — Joy , that's what it is all about . Not many can say this but each of us can make a difference .love and joy to you and yours Jan
Thank you Barbara-just for being you.
X Chris
Fab card, lovely thank you and a massive thank you to you for being such an inspiration to us all. Jx
Hi Barb,
This is wonderful, so very clever, not sure I'll be able to manage this though! I really believe that it should be all of us who should be saying thank you to you for giving us all of the inspiration and the fabulous Clarity products. Looking forward to Catterick. Love Alison xx
A beautiful card Barbara , but this card is not for me as I didn't come to any of your retreats , but one day I will be there,,,.
Hubby not been well and on Wednesday he had a AF Ablation , so hopefully after this we can get back to doing all the things we love doing ,,. Love Annie ,,,xx
Annie you can share the thank you as you are part if this fabulous blog. I hope your husband is soon on the mend. Take care xxx
Speedy recovery to your husband hugs xxx
this is such a gorgeous project. i have ordered this set from the sale. love the way the shading created the roundedness. will be borrowing. and today i have used those stands as well as i displayed cards and projects on them at my first craft fair, hugs xx
Hope it went well xx
WOW! That's another stunner! A million thank yous to you too, Barbara, for all the inspiration and kindness you extend to everyone you meet. Hope you and Dave have had a good day today. Love Gill xxx
Thank you Barbara for being the lovely person that you are. It was a pleasure to be on the retreat, I so enjoyed myself and you make everyone feel so welcome. This was one stamp I did not buy whilst there, now I think I just might need it. Wonderful piece of art. xx
You really do need it, Lynne and the little set of tiny stamps that we used with it. xxx Maggie
Hello Barbara
Thank you for being you. You are so generous with your time and knowledge. Yes, I know it is your business/livelihood but you go the extra mile. I look forward to the blog every day and your days on Create and Craft. I am hoping to obtain a place on next year's retreat.
What a difference two little birds make to the card. I must look through the sale items again,as yet I am going for the twiggy frame set. Thank you once again for your blog, I love it .
Hello Barbara
Thank you for being you. You are so generous with your time and knowledge. Yes, I know it is your business/livelihood but you go the extra mile. I look forward to the blog every day and your days on Create and Craft. I am hoping to obtain a place on next year's retreat.
Such a beautiful project, and thank you right back at you! You share so much on your blog and through your work, have such a wonderful team around you who inspire and encourage us with fabulous designs and amazing samples. I'd love to come to the retreats, but sadly summer is my busiest time – now maybe if you had a winter retreat….or maybe if I decide on another career change!!! Susan x
Thank YOU Barbara! For your inspiration, for your amazing craft knowledge, for carrying on regardless of problems, for your sense of humour and for Mindful Wednesday which has made me(most of the time) approach things differently, and for sharing all these things with us. X
Hi Barbara oh my goodness this is fabulous, it looks so 3D, you could pick it up off the page! You really are an amazing lady. Thank you for being you and for finding such lovely people who work with you, they all deserve a big thank you too. Take care my lovely lady and have a relaxing weekend with your lovely Dave.
Love Diane xxxx
Just to reiterate what so many before me have said – thank YOU for the inspirational blog – if you'd started with the photo of the finished card, I would have been impressed but daunted – I can't do something like that – but your clear step-by-step means that we can all have a go at recreating the beautiful designs. You're so generous with your skills & knowledge, and you're a great teacher! Wish I could have been at the retreat – maybe one day (how does one get to book in, by the way?)
Thank you for such a wonderful thank you card. It was truly my pleasure to come to the retreat and learn about 3/4, 1/2, 1/4. It's really made a big difference to my colouring. It's so effective at creating 3D in this card too. A great big Thank you to you and all at Claritystamp for your excellent customer service, support , wonderful products and inspiration but especially to you Barbara for simply being you.
Off to Sicily early in the morning (with suitcases thanks to your help) so may have to catch up on your blog on my return. Love to you and Dave xx
Have a great trip Jeanette xx
Wow, that's so effective, looks so glossy and 3D. And a completely different take on the stamp to anything I've seen before – where do you get so many ideas from?
The previous comments say it all – you are a very generous person and so it all comes back to you. Hoping to get to a retreat with you one day!
Awesome card! I so wish I could manage to get to a retreat! They should so wonderful! xxx
Love, love, love this! So fab, I am going to try this one. Thank you for all your inspiration Barbara. Xx
I really love this. And Thank you too for your patience, inspiration and generorisity of sharing your knowledge. I so enjoyed the retreat, and so enjoy my daily visits to your blog too xx
I love you can take a simple message, a simple black and white approach and make a stunning result. The essence of saying thank you, two little words that can make the world of difference and what a joy to receive this card. I finally got round to finishing the scrapbook I started for Mum and Dad's golden wedding anniversary, only 4 years after the event! To watch Mum opening it and looking at the pictures just reminded me how important it is to preserve those memories and not to forget or get caught up in the daily rush. Yesterday was a day about remembering, celebrating that we came out the other side and mourning those not so lucky. So to all who came through it and all those who made the ultimate sacrifice through all wars, thank you. Thank you that I can sit here and create and chill and just enjoy and thank you for the lovely inspiration and support, Barbara and your team and followers give. You are so welcome to all the joy you get back, from Clarity, from retreats, from this blog. Thank you. Karen xxx
Hi Karen, I was thinking of you on Friday. Hope your work get together went well and that you all managed to enjoy a bit of down time. XX
Friday was lovely to spend time with my team, although my office manager there almost burst into tears when I walked through the door. It was good to just sit together and chat and think about our colleague who is still at the hospital with her son. Thank you for thinking about us, I definitely felt blessed with your positive thoughts and Jill told us that she could feel the support and love from all of us even though she was so far from home. Once again many thanks for your kindness. Karen xxx
Hello Karen so pleased you had your time together and hope her son keeps fighting each day for recovery big get well hugs xxx
Morning Barbara, I have the Thank you set, and love the roundness of the circle surrounding yours. I wish I had ordered the birdies when I put in an order the other day. Oh well.
Hello Barb, oh this is just fantastic, something I am going to try, especially as I have the stamp set. Will find a circle template somewhere. Love the shading and the dimensional effect. Have a lovely Sunday. Bx
Good morning Barb, just to say Thank You to you too…. I know how much hard work goes into planning and prepping workshops and then running 6 in a row can be exhausting… So a big thank you to you, Paul and Jane. I really enjoyed the retreat and hope I get the opportunity to attend next year…. I love the card you have demo'd and will definitely be having a go at it….
Best wishes
Moya x
Thank you too.
I had a wonderful time at the Retreat and thoroughly enjoyed the company and the creativity.
NO THANK YOU FOR BEING THE AWESOME YOU BARB! WE LOVE YOU! Your support team are pretty damn fantastic too! xx
Long time not join you,and am very sorry. Especially that your posts make my day everytime. It is another gorgeous card.
Thank you for all your work,
thank you for your time,
Thank you for your kindness,
Thank you for your idea,
thank you for sharing it all with us,
Thank you a million time for all those "little" attentions which brighten our day.
Laurence xx
Thank you for sharing your beautiful ideas here on the blog and at your lovely retreat. Thank you to Dave and all your marvelous Clarity Team at at "Clarity Towers" and the retreat. Last and certainly not least Thank you to all the lovely ladies at the retreat. This blog and the retreat are such happy and satisfying places to enjoy.
I think it is we who need to thank you and Dave and all the Clarity team for all you do for us. My experience of the Retreat was all positive and will be savoured for the twelve months till next year' event. I have been practicing some of those new techniques while doing other classes, with great results. The atmosphere that you create for us is just so special and full of love. Anything that we bring for you is so small in relation to what we receive from you throughout the year. So thank you, Barbara, xxxx Maggie
Thank you Barbara,
Tracy and I had a fantastic time at the retreat last week we learned so much and laughed loads such a treat. I have finished all the projects we started and I am really pleased with the results you make it all possible for us to look like experts, I can't wait for next year meanwhile I will keep on working on improving and gaining confidence thank you also to Paul and the lovely ladies who kept us fed and watered. Another lovely card to try now thank's again.
Pam xx
Thank you for sharing your awesome talent and your blog. It makes me a better person 🙂 Hugs Kim xxx
Many thanks to you, Barbara, for all the reasons stated above and for taking the time to thank us.
I so enjoyed working with this stamp at the retreat and now you give us a new twist. It being that time of the year though I opted for the gorgeous Merry Christmas, which is equally lovely.
I hope Dave's improvement continues and by the way, I hope your lovely Mum is fine too.x
Thank you, for this brilliant technique! I couldn't get to Crowborough. That's life. We never know what we have got until it has gone. Hugs x
No, no no, …..THANK YOU!Wxx
A bit late catching up Barbara – didn't get to read your blogs this weekend. What a great design – it looks fab. Thank you for everything you do and thank you to the Clarity team who support you. As many have already said you're so inspirational and we love reading your blog. xx
It looks so 3d Barbara, great trick, thankyou to you for writing your blog, come rain or shine xxx