YouTube Tuesday – How to use Clarity Stencil Brushes

YouTube Tuesday – How to use Clarity Stencil Brushes

Hello there!
Good of you to drop in.
YouTube Tuesday it is, so today I thought we would take a look at how to get the most out of our lovely Stencil brushes.

I have only used ink here, 
but they work beautifully with paints, too.
And don’t forget: they are washable. 
Warm soapy water for ink and acrylic paint.

Items Used:
If you already have a set of 4 stencil brushes,
you have probably worked out that you could do with 
another set of 4 !
So how about a little offer….
How about £16.99 instead of £19.99?
Sounds good to me!
(Offer ends Midnight 8th March)

much love,

38 thoughts on “YouTube Tuesday – How to use Clarity Stencil Brushes

  1. How lovely to see you this afternoon and wow are those brushes extra special.
    I have had a lonely, disastrous crafting afternoon! I wanted to do the cardinal birds. Stamped fine, coloured fine with a makeup sponge. Then what a mess. I did not get the box straight round the birds! Tried and tried again and have given up. I must have "skew-whiff" eyes – nothing worked. Totally dejected now and throwing my toys out and shouting at myself – no-one listening. Must be a solution to "gozzy eyes".
    Anyway had a moan and now going to watch an expert – your DVD – probably get more morous as your projects are absolutely awesome.
    Will give myself a shake and try and think of a solution – or perhaps donate the crafting things to charity!
    Best wishes
    Anne (Reading) I can hear you saying – "What's her problem, its easy. maybe if you have a straight eye!)

    1. Anne we all have these days, but I keep "mistakes" so when I try again I know what I did wrong the first time. Our teacher Barbara makes it look so easy, but practice, practice is my new motto and I get there in the end, keep going and make it fun.

  2. Thank you Barbara, simple effective and even I can manage this. I have 4 sets of brushes and use them a lot. Just need a bigger pot to put them all in. How about a Clarity Stencil pot, to go perhaps with the Clarity mugs we all want. Keep up the wonderful lessons, as we all learn so much from these. Take care and look after yourself.

  3. Hi Barbara, you really are a mind reader, just recently got started using your brushes, so this close up real time youtube is perfect :-). And aye I was also thinking that I could do with another set of brushes, saves on the ink too, not washing it all off the brush so much, so thank you very much for the offer too 🙂 (Nae jammies today – thought you were starting a new arty trend in clothing!!!) love Brenda xx

  4. Great video ~ love how clearly you explain things for us. Thanks!

    p.s. low tack tape makes a great guide for trimming your hair too {don't try this at home} but try explaining this to the man in the hardware store when he asks 'what do you want it for' when you ask if it is the lowest tack tape they sell? lol From now on, I will say 'it's for securing a mask to card' ~ saved from further embarrassment, thanks Barbara!!!

  5. Hi Barbara,
    I'll be sending this link to my daughter Danielle straight away as it's just the expert tuition that she needs. I recently got her hooked on crafting after taking her along to one of Maria's workshops when she visited me. Unfortunately she lives in Kent and I live in Cumbria so your blog and You Tube videos are just perfect for her. I've packed up a box of goodies to send her, including a Clarity blending mat and brayer! Thanks again, Jeanette xx

  6. A great video Barbara showing us how to brush uip on our brush using techniques, haha, no pun intended. They are lovely and are definitely on my to buy list. x

  7. Fabulous tutorial Barbara! I have two sets of the brushes already…mmmm…nothing wrong in having another set, they are brilliant after all!!!!

    Hugs xx

  8. Thanks for another video. Love them all. I bought one set when you were in the US. Haven't used them yet so maybe today. I wish I had bought some stencils though.
    Barbara, when will you be back on C&C USA? We need lots more of you stamps, stencils, paper etc here. Would so like to have the fairies.

    I wish you could do a monthly show for us like you do for the UK channel. Aren't they all filmed in the Uk for the most part anyway? We want the new products too, pretty please??? (and the older ones that we never knew existed til now)

  9. Hi Barb,
    I absolutely love these brushes and do have 4 sets of them! Might even get another set at this price. They are so easy to use and the finished result is gorgeous. Would recommend them to everyone. Great video too. Love Alison xxx

  10. I love these brushes, even my husband agrees that they are very good and believe you me ,he does not give praise easily. I would love another set but I want the wee fairies as well. Oh dear decisions. xx

  11. i love these brushes. i have 10 on the go and another set of new ones. i don't think at the moment i could justify another set even though i;m so tempted.
    now i need to try them on paint, hugs xx

  12. I love these brushes and so much so when I held a workshop recently bought some for the workshop and let the ladies there ' try before they buy' and there were a few that said straight away when using them where did you say I can get these … Clarity Stamp was the obvious reply but with this offer I am sure when they attend the next one they will have purchased theirs and a special offer price too !! They just make perfect sense and you can go from the most subtle airbrushed artwork to dense built up colours all with the same tool ! It doesn't get any better than that does it ?? xx

  13. Hi Barb
    Thank you for that brilliant tutorial. I have the brushes but have not used them yet. They are so lovely and soft and I think another set is a must. I thought I might try stroking them very gently over a gelli plate that has been inked with distress inks to see what happens when I pull a print. I have added more Clarity brushes and stencils to my shopping list for the NEC.
    X Chris

  14. Barbara, that took me back to the very first Clarity East Midlands class when you popped in as a special treat and you sat with Joy and myself and showed us exactly the same with a make up brush… A moment I will always remember xxx
    Great blog xxx

    Much love
    kim xx

  15. I love my brushes. TBH I spent a couple of months just looking at them and giving them a quick feel. LOL It was only when I got my second set that I felt I could use them. Now I still love looking at them with all their different coloured tips. I really do think they are an installation in my room! Great video. Thanks.

  16. Hi Barbara I love my brushes too and must use them more. Thank you for the tutorial, it's great and really good to look back on when you need a reminder (I always need a reminder!). I recommended your brushes to my friend at the weekend, haven't seen her on here yet so will text her tomorrow so she checks the blog. We all love a bargain ! Take care love Diane xxx

  17. Really instructive tutorial, Barbara. Many thanks for that. I love my brushes which I only got recently; they are superb, much better than what I've used before. I also like that you've rehabilitated the sometimes avoided yellow. It's such a cheerful colour for this time of the year and you use it so effectively. x

  18. Hello Barb, great video with tips on how to hold the brushes to get different depths of colour. I love my brushes and have 3 sets, and it is not often that a piece does not get "brushed", love the blue over the butterscotch. Have a great day. Bx

  19. Brilliant Barbara I wet to a craft fair where I live in Warrington and saw a young lady using your brushes to do a beach scene the finished product was beautiful I bought a set of brushes they wernt yours but the ones she was using were clarity clever girl xxxxlove June horrocks xxxxx

  20. Thanks for the video, you gave really clear instructions on how to use the brushes. My brushes are always close to hand as I use them regularly. The brushes give much more subtle effects than and are so much more forgiving than the brayer. Your brushes are the best quality ones on the market and they are really good value for money.
    Happy Days

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