Double-Glazing listed buildings? I don’t think so !!!

Double-Glazing listed buildings? I don’t think so !!!

Hi there!
Thanks for dropping in.
Wednesday’s blog is something new.
For who? For you? For me?
Well, this week we launched the Paperartsy Chalk Paints at Clarity.
They have been around a while, and I have loved them for a while.
So today I thought I’d have a play with one of my all time favourite stencils, The Town Stencil, because they are shouting to be aged.
Crackled, in fact.
I want to get that really old English Wattle and Daub effect, 
so we shall see…
First, drag Grunge Paste through the stencil on our black shiny Clarity card. Allow to dry.
Pick some paint. I picked 
Love the names!

Straight on the artwork

and spread it around with one of our stencil brushes.
Excellent for this paint!
Let it dry, or help it along with a heat gun.

Next comes a thin layer of Crackle glaze.

I used a blending tool with the cut n dry sponge applicator, 
because I wanted to stay on the top of the houses 
and not get into the recesses.
Special Offer on these until after the NEC
or we sell out. Whichever comes first…
See how you just hit the top?

Again, let dry, or help along…

Now you have to know that I am learning as I am doing here, 
and I have to figure out the amounts of paint and glaze, 
just as you do….
So I have added a Metallic paint Old Gold, to see what will happen.

Again, I wanted to stay on the top and not go into the recesses.
Blending tool is brilliant for that, I conclude!

There is a little crackle appearing, very subtle.
Very, very very subtle.

Like it, and it does look very cool.
But I want to see what might happen if we used 
more glaze and MORE paint.
So let’s add another second coat of crackle glaze; 
not quite so thin this time.

And let’s try a little Cheesecake
so we can see the effect better….

Well, in the name of research and development, here goes!
Wishing she’d put the stencil on first, 
before she slapped the paint on.
Hey ho. Next time…

Ahh, now that’s more like it!
Instant crackle!

It really does look like Wattle and Daub.
I should know; we live in a house made of it!
Now to adjust the colour a little….

Next experiment.
Will it take Distress ink colour?
Answer: YES.

Wipe it back to reveal the stained houses.
I have taken a craft scalpel and scratched away some of the Grunge Paste in the recesses, too. Round the windows and rooftops.
It just creates more depth.

Mission accomplished.
This was a good arty session.
I have worked out how to crackle paint and how to crackle paint on a raised texture paste image.

I call that a good morning’s work;
Wattle and Daub for real!

And I have double-glazed some listed buildings!
You want to try that in the real world !!
I don’t think you need double-glazing though.
Just a thicker coat.
 (Of the top paint, and don’t keep going over it)
Just have a little peep where we started out…
For the entire selection of 
Fresco Finish Acrylic Paints and Glazes,
go to
And before you ask, yes. 
They work brilliantly on the Gelli Plate.
And yes. You can do the peel-off-several-layers-of-paint-at-the same-time-Gelli-Plate-trick perfectly.
I will blog it soon. xx
Must get to work now…
much love,

40 thoughts on “Double-Glazing listed buildings? I don’t think so !!!

  1. I have loved the Fresco finish paints for some time – almost as much as Clarity stamps and stencils!! I just need to pluck up courage to combine them all on my new Clarity canvases!! I've got the crackle glaze and grunge paste too – so I just have to get going!! Lovely artwork today Barbara – maybe just the inspiration I need – after all – whats the worst that can happen??

  2. Barbara, many thanks for today's blog. I had the same issue with the Old Gold yesterday – thought it was my application that had gone badly wrong. Ended up sanding it back too much and lost most of the grunge paste definition; we live and learn! Think I will gesso over the top and start again!

  3. I enjoy (and admire) your free spirit of experimentation. I sometimes get too locked up in "well this is how it SHOULD be done" that I forget to play. It's only paper and some ink and paint and when it's done, it's beautiful.

  4. I haven't used these paints before, once I get a bit of time I shall get some and have a play. It is fabulous that I will be able to refer back to your blog post for this

  5. I haven't used these paints before, once I get a bit of time I shall get some and have a play. It is fabulous that I will be able to refer back to your blog post for this

  6. Oh wow! My hubby went very pale when i mentioned the new chalk paints. He dreams your blows on Wednesday as so often i accompany my resting with exclamations of 'ooh i like that' 'that'll have to go on my wish list!' and the worst of all (as far as he's concerned) 'i'll have to get that, Barbara's come up with an amazing offer!'
    These certainly do look lovely. I'll add them to my list!
    Hugs, Allison

  7. This is fabulous Barb! You know how much our Sam Crowe and I love these paints, I hadn't thought you try over texture with the crackle, really cool effect xxxx

  8. Hi Barb,
    This is just so …………. can't think of the word, but it's great. When I think how straight lined and it had to be perfect for all those years, and now we embrace the more mess the better!! It's great, isn't it?
    Maureen xx

  9. Hi Barbara, thanks for sharing your play time with us, it's good to learn alongside each other, it helps. These paints look great. I've done the crackle effect on a picture frame before using Sheena Douglass's idea of pva glue and emulsion paint, very easy to do and loved the effect, must try it again.

    I'm one of those – double glazing in a conservation area battle people, or I should say the guy that was helping me at the time was! 3 years it took to get them to agree, while all the time the three old ones were rotting away more and more, and bits falling off, and my craft room and living room pretty much out of bounds in the winter! They kept telling us we had to put in windows that were below industry standard, and no way was my guy going to let me. He's like a dog with a bone and kept at it, and we both learned much knowledge about sash and case windows! The battle was over 5mm, I'm not joking, to make them safe windows the astragals needed either to be bonded on or if integrated 5mm wider! The thing that got them to budge – industry standards became law, and when we found that out (obviously they weren't going to let on) they didn't have a leg to stand on as they were now telling us to break the law if we wanted new windows put in. So after 3 1/2 years I got my new double glazed wooden sash and case windows, and I have been able to use my craft room in winter for the first time since moving here 🙂 They are not completely draught proof being sash and case but are a whole lot better, and no mould or rotten wood! Still can't use the living room but that's because of the other work needing done in there, kind of had to get worse before it gets better in there. Now I'm waiting on a blind getting organised for the craft room, playing draughts with dust sheets these days, moving the dust sheets round the room, covering up craft stuff as the sun moves to stop it yellowing /drying out my stash! My clarity stamps are safe under my bed, learnt that lesson a few years ago, thinking a semi opaque box in my craft room would be enough protection!!!

    If Donna is checking in, just wanted to say hi, and that I'm thinking about you, hope you are on the mend

    love Brenda xx

  10. Barb, not sure why but the metallics (old gold/pewter) cannot go on TOP of crackle glaze, but they can go UNDER. eg gold under little black dress looks amazeballs, SPESH when you put a lush layer of gloss glaze on top of the black.
    And … the amount of crackle glaze you use won't change anything about how your cracks develop. Thinner the better. It's the opaque top coat and thickness of that which determines the size of your cracks.
    Thick coat = big cracks, thin coat = fine cracks, too thin = NO cracks.
    HTH ~ Leandra x

  11. Oooh – this looks like fun! I've just got some new brusho paints and grunge paste, and had a play with them and my first canvas yesterday. I think I might just get addicted – PLEASE don't make me want anything else – my little craft room just can't cope!!! Brenda – I feel your pain re the conservation area and new windows – might start to do battle with my council ready for next year's renovation projects. Susan x

    1. Hi, my advice would be to first check out planning office requirements and then find a quality window supplier, planning dept will require a sample window and plan, and the company will be able to advice you as to industry standards and kite marks too. If you have problems take copies of the relevant legislation to any meetings at the planning office. Hopefully others in your area will have done the battle for you. That was the problem with me, we were the first to challenge them, any neighbours that try now will have it easier, they'll be advised of the company and windows that I finally got permission for as being acceptable. Good luck xx

  12. I do like people that will have a go even when they are not sure what they are doing. As Leandra says the amount of paint you put on determines the size of your cracks. But how you apply the paint also makes a difference. If you have your piece in front of you and paint the crackle glaze top to bottom, then once dry paint your top coat of paint from side to side you will get a slightly different effect. And as you've found out, you never go back over once you've applied the paint. I love both crackle glaze and cracklelure and I buy it by the litre, just call me greedy!

  13. I love your buildings stencil with the Fresco paint and glaze treatment Barbara, and a lovely finish over the dimensional paste. x

  14. Hi Barb,
    The town stencil is one of my favourites and what you have achieved here is fantastic! Really like the look of the paints and it looks as though I'll be spending again shortly! Bet this looks fabulous done on one of your great canvasses. Thanks for introducing these paints to me ( although not sure my bank manager will agree!) love Alison xx

  15. I love the 'buildings' stencils, but I'm not sure about using the 'crackle'. Looks like I'll have to resort to the 'wine' before hit the panic button and buy some to try,(not wine but crackle -already used to the wine).

  16. Hi Barbara well this technique is certainly in testing and makes a fab picture. Love the different coloured layers. Enjoy your evening. Love Diane xxx

  17. Fandabbydozzy! Love this idea, I have the paints but no glazes yet. I've got both my boys birthdays and Mother's Day coming up, so they might have to wait. (The glazes of course)!? Lol.

  18. no no no the Barbara!! Kimmy is trying so hard to be good on craft purchases!! and there you go tempting her with guaranteed crackle and paints with delicious names – good enough to eat !!!! LOL
    Brilliant – !!!!!
    Onwards and upwards !

    Much Love
    Kim xx

  19. Ordered some of these paints yesterday. Looking forward to receiving them soon so I can try this out. I wish now that I had included the gold in my order!!
    Need to get busy creating something for mothers day now. I am going to use this month's club stamp and stencil to make a lovely card for mum and also mother in law. (Time to step away from tablet Fiona and admiring Barbara's çreation and created some thing myself!!)

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