Meet Jane Crosby.
Hello there.
Thanks for stopping by.
You may remember in November last year,
Dave and I went to Spain,
to spend some time with my dear friend Jane.
This is she…
Thanks for stopping by.
You may remember in November last year,
Dave and I went to Spain,
to spend some time with my dear friend Jane.
This is she…
Jane spent most of her life crafting.
It was certainly a lifeline when she became ill.
When we talked on the phone,
after Jane had made the decision to let go and let God,
I quickly figured out that one of the things that made her sad
was that she was not going to be able to finish all the craft projects
she had in her head,
let alone all the ongoing creations in her craft-room.
She was indeed a prolific artist!
But her upbeat attitude was inspirational.
I remember clearly saying to her,
“there must be a way we can keep you alive,
so that you can inspire others!”
And then it came to us.
So she and I hatched a plan,
where even when her tired body had packed up and left town,
her wonderful spirit and joie de vivre would stay right here with all of her crafting friends.
Tomorrow, more will be revealed.
Why not today?
Well, tomorrow you will find out why not today!
Much love,
77 thoughts on “Meet Jane Crosby.”
How very moving that Jane didn't get to finish her journal, but with your help her story will carry on. An amazing lady .
Lynne T. X
This is a truly wonderful thing to do to honour a very special lady. I didn't know Jane but followed her difficult but inspiring journey on her blog, and was very sad when she lost her fight to stay in this world.
Hi Barbara. How lovely to meet Jane, I followed her blog and was amazed by such a positive lady who very rarely complained and made me laugh when she was so ill – what an inspiration to us all. Did shed a tear as she started to speak , she is missed. I hope Stephen and her family are doing ok. Looking forward to tomorrow to see what you two planned, I have a thought or two but will wait and see because whatever it is will be exciting. Take care in this snowy weather. Love Diane xxx
An emotive and poignant film clip Barb. Thank you for sharing with us.
Angie. Xx
How sad, and how fragile we are. I look forward to seeing the plans you have both hatched, and how her legacy can live on. X
What a brave lady, I can't wait to see the plan you both came up with. Thank you for sharing the clip with us. Pat x
Very emotional video and an amazing lady Jane was courage looking forward to seeing her plans unfold God bless her family and you Barbara for your part in this love Joy xxx
That's beautiful Barbara. It was lovely to finally "meet' Jane. I knew her online for many years but sadly never had the pleasure of meeting her. I look forward to reading more tomorrow. x
Thank you Barbara for continuing Jane's crafting journey. What an amazing woman. Indeed what amazing women you both are.
Hi Barb,
I though yesterday that the person you wanted us to meet was Jane and it is wonderful to see her although so sad that she is no longer with us. I did follow her blog and was so inspired by her bravery. It is wonderful that you are continuing her journey. Looking forward to seeing what is planned. Thank you for sharing this with us. Love Alison xxxx
Must admit, I shed a tear to finally "meet" Jane after following her blog and listening to her voice through her very eloquent and honest words. So sad that she didn't get to finish her journal. I look forward to the realisation of the plan that you made together – such a fitting tribute to a lovely lady. Thank you for sharing this with us all, Susan x
looking forward to see where this is going…..but you are a tease…… hugs xx
Yes barb I remember your dear friend can't wait till tomorrow love June horrocks xxx
In that case, dear Barbara, we shall wait patiently for tomorrow! See you then. xx Margaret Col.
Hi Barbara,
da bin ich sehr gespannt, was Du mit Jane aus dem Hut zauberst!!!
Sorry, I can´t translate that today???
Rolf xxx
I didn't know of Jane until you told us about her Barbara , I wish I had because it would have been lovely to have followed her Blog. By the time I did, she had put up her last Blog Post. Its lovely to see this video because it helps to relate to her properly and gives a much clearer indication of who she was. I look forward to tomorrow. I do think this is such a lovely thing you are doing. xxxx
Wow, I have a huge lump in my throat. This post is very poignant to me as I have just beat cancer and crafting was a huge help to me. Looking forward to where your journey with Jane will go. Kind regards Joanne K x
Hello Barbara,
Intriguing. My daughter-in-law died last April after an eight year battle with a terminal brain tumour. She, like your friend Jane, was an inspiration to all who met her.
Hello Barbara,
Intriguing. My daughter-in-law died last April after an eight year battle with a terminal brain tumour. She, like your friend Jane, was an inspiration to all who met her.
Hi Barbara,
It was lovely to meet Jane and I'm looking forward to what you two have got hatching.
Much love,
Jackie x
Very emotional, looking forward to tomorrow xx
Look forward to tomorrow xx
Hallo liebe Barbara,
ich bin sehr berührt und auch traurig zu lesen das Jane nicht mehr ist unter uns. Ich bin gespannt was uns morgen erwartet. Ganz liebe Grüße Silvi
What a lovely lady, tissues at the ready for tomorrow x
Hi Barb,
Oh what a wonderful thing you are doing in memory of this brave, amazing lady. xx
Dear Barb, one incredible woman, introduces us to another. It was lovely to hear Janes voice. When I used to read her blog, some days it was with tears and sorrow, other days it was with gales of laughter and amazement at her strength and humour. So no doubt you will be bringing us a lot of both as you reveal whatever plan the two of you have hatched. Thank you for sharing this. Bx
Wow … isn't she lovely! She's the sort of crafter I've longed to have as a friend. I have no one who crafts other than me and I've tried to find craft clubs where I live which I could join in the hope of finding someone just like Jane. Someone lovely.
I'm sat choked with tears … but thankful to you Barbara for bringing Jane to us and sharing her with us all.
God Bless, Jane, Barb and all. ~ Cobs. x
Whereabouts do you live? I thought there was nothing in my area, but I have now found a couple of places. I still have to travel over an hour for anything Clarity, but, at least, I get to have some crafty chatting and swapping of ideas. xx Maggie
What a wonderful plan! … Really looking forward to seeing the blog xxxx
Hello everyone , I'm rather new here and from the USA and I so enjoy Barbara . What a wonderful person nd friend you are . A lovely lesson for me the we really never do finish our "journals " for story goes on long after we have transitioned . It's all about the journey and it looks like she lived it and traveled it well . Bye for now and have a joy filled day. Jan
Hi Barbara, I had guessed your special YouTube would be from Jane, had decided it would be best to not look at it for now as too sad, but what you have written has made me feel the hurt and upset already so I went ahead and watched it. How moving and how sad. I like others, only learned about Jane towards the end of her life from you telling us about her on here. It's so sad for Jane and for her family, but whatever plan you have both hatched up must have been a comfort to all of them and, I'm sure, you will make happen everything both you and Jane wanted. Jane's a special lady, who despite her battle with cancer still managed to laugh and craft and create right to the end, still had loads more work in progress and ideas in her head that sadly she never got to finish or start. I'm glad you both have managed to find some way of keeping her and that alive.
And here's me with ideas and so much on the to do /wish list creatively and doing less and less, always putting it off trying. That makes me feel bad at myself, what a waste. Maybe if I just take that leap and join your arty train and do as much as is possible for me, maybe in some small way, it's paying homage to Jane and the special lady she was. And I’ll be one more person on here helping to keep her inspiration and enthusiasm alive. You know, I got up today, feeling a little better – the part that I call sleeping sickness starting to lift, even managed to get up while it was still morning! So now, hopefully, I'll be able to have a bit more time up, more time to do things in the day again. And it's today you decided to introduce us to Jane and your plans. I think I need to take that as a sign, and start to make some changes as of now and be inspired by Jane and you to create as much as I can to the best I can, enjoy it, and share the gift people say I’ve got with others so they too can get a bit of pleasure from it. (And maybe I need to start believing in myself and my abilities a little too!)
Love Brenda xx
(I just need to say, I worry a lot when communicating at times like these, my asperger's can mean that what I say can come across as me being selfish, self-centred, not thinking about the other person /people. If what I have written comes across that I am thinking about me, thinking about me too much or if I’ve said something I shouldn’t have at a time like this, please can you try to understand that it is not meant. I have taken a lot of time over what to say and how to say it Thank you. Sorry)
Brenda, I think you are lovely. What you write is always eloquent and poignant. Relax. It is fine. You are fine! Xxxx
Thank you sooo much for saying that Barbara xx
I have never read your comments and thought that you are selfish or self centered. Brenda your comments are what you need to write, a cathartic task, and you certainly don't need to appolgise for being honest! What a great day to think about your first crafty project now the sleeping fog is lifting. I will take a leaf out of your book and start my first journal page. XX
Thank you Donna xx
Just wondering, what is an art journal and an ideas book? xx
I brought a ring bound sketch book type book ( not sure that made Sense!) to try out new techniques or stamp ideas. I was going to use mine as a place to try things out and maybe to add quotes to the pages. I also like to doodle so will probably use my book for this. Some art journals are more like diarys that people make with their thoughts or feelings. Xx
Thanks for that, so it's kind of a posh/proper version of what were my wee piles of scrap bits of paper here, there and everywhere then!!! Except I ended up chucking a lot of them out, especially before moving here, so had nothing to refer back to, having to start again or not if I'd forgotten my idea! xx
Yes, like a one stop shop for craft ideas. I also thought about using it to try out different colour combinations And new stencils. Xx
Thank you, Brenda and Donna, for those ideas about an art journal. I think it what I need to do. My head is constantly whirling with ideas, some of which I have forgotten by the time I have the time to sit down and play. Brenda, I certainly do not think you come over as selfish, just very articulate and thoughtful. From what you write, we can start to get to know you properly, so keep doing it just as you do. I know from my experience how important that writing is to you and the chatting to others. xxx Maggie
Thank you Maggie xx
What a special lady! I can't wait to see what you have planned together. Xx
Looking forward to it Barbara
I have been waiting to see what you came up with together so cannot wait for tomorrow lol!
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
I just know we are in for something special tomorrow. xx
I have just shed a tear as I was so moved by this wonderful woman's courage, I can't wait to find out what you have in store for us.
X Chris
Hi Barbara, I 'met' Jane through her wonderful and courageous blog chronicling her last few months. Her blog was so inspiring, despite the debilitating effects of her illness she was not one to wallow in self pity. Her posts were very bitter sweet in that even though you knew where she was heading she was able to make you laugh with her along the way. A truly inspirational lady and I am so glad that you managed to spend time with her before she died and that you both thought of a way of keeping that spirit going. Looking forward to finding out what the big plan is. Bless you Barbara x
A moving piece of video Barbara and look forward to seeing what you have planned so that lovely, brave and talented lady will not be forgotten. x
Today's post is so sad, brought all the thoughts of my Mum who passed away in October 2013, she too was an avid crafter, so many unfinished projects. Life is too short for many beautiful people, like Jane, my Mum and many other's. Looking forward to tomorrows post and what you have been working on. You are a special person Barbara, to help complete Jane's dream. Michelle XX
How lovely to see and hear Jane, after meeting her through her blog. A truly inspirational lady and I know that whatever you planned together will be sensational! Thank you, Jan
I echo what Jan Sharp said…… I also got to know Jane through the crafttelly forum and then her blog. She was a very special person and always up-beat even in the darkest of times.
I am really excited to see what you have planned. Although I have dabbled with crafty ventures on and off in my youth, I never considered myself creative but a whole new side was shown to me when I had cancer for the second time 9 years ago. I have just found out that it has come back for a third time so all being well, I am going to have some enforced non-working time and I am already planning all the craftiness I hope to be able to turn my hand to. Can't wait for tomorrow.
I am so sorry to hear that, I hope they can cure it for good this time for you. Love Brenda xx
Sorry to hear about the return, but your approach and plans sound spot on. All the best. Carol
You have beaten it twice. I hope you can make it three times and a bonus point. xxx Maggie
Hi Barbara
Nice to meet the lady behind the blog.Jane looked a lovely lady I wish I was able to see all her projects that she'd done,I'm sure her family will have many treasures that she made to bring happy memories for them.Just a shame she wasn't able to finish her journal.
Will be here tomorrow to follow the next journey.
What a great lady, can't wait to see what the two of you planned.
I followed Jane's blog after you pointed us in her direction She came across as a lovely lady who really enjoyed her crafts. Sad she did not finish her journal. I look forward to seeing what you both came up with. God bless you Jane. xx
I too followed jane's blog and she always managed to make me laugh and cry!!! She also managed to make me feel very lucky to have my health and my life. I am looking forward to see what you have in store for us. Hope you are in a better place and smiling Jane. X
Thank you for letting us meet Jane. Like many others I followed her blog after you pointed us in her direction. Such an inspirational lady, I'm sure whatever you two have planned will be fabulous, and I've no doubt she's looking on down on you waiting for the big reveal. Now I'll go and dry my eyes! xx
What an inspiration, thank you for continuing her journey for her and all of us.x
How lovely Barbara, that her spirit can still live on. Xx
What a wonderful tribute toda special and inspiring woman. Thank you for sharing her story.
Thankyou for letting us meet your friend it must have been a very emotional blog for you to do but thankyou I would love to here more about your friend..Dot.x
That was a most moving Blog. I'm really looking forward to peeking inside a most precious journal. Thank you.
Looking forward to more from Jane her dreams go on through you Barbara ,
Lovely thought, Barbara. I look forward to seeing where Jane's inspiration takes you.
How lovely to meet Jane – I am looking forward to what is to come – it's cool that her memory and crafting legacy lives on! xxx
Having heard Jane's voice through her blog, it was lovely to hear it for real. I'm looking forward to seeing what "The Plan" is but I'm sure that whatever it is, it meant that Jane could finally stop worrying about her craft ideas being lost. I'm pretty sure that tomorrow's blog could be called Jane's Legacy! Xx
We never really know what tomorrow will bring, #livinginthemoment. Thankyou for sharing xx.
Hi Barb, I'm not sure what happened to my post, but it vanished when I hit "send". I have just seen a message from Dad saying that all will be revealed tomorrow, so I came on here to find this. I took a deep breath before I hit play, and I watched painfully through tears. Thank you so much for giving me another chance to see and hear my Mum…I miss her so much. I will look forward to seeing how everything came together tomorrow. xx
Very moving, I look forward to the 'plan'. Anne x
Lovely to see jane you are very lucky to know her very moving look forward to the plan xxxxlove June horrocks xxxxxx
Hi Barbara, a moving tribute to your friend Jane, thinking of you and thank you for your video x x x
Hi Barbara, finally plucked up the courage to watch this very moving and poignant tribute with Jane. February is a painful month for me as it's the month my dad began to lose his fight for life and left us, this year will be 30 years ago that we lost him, yet it is often as painful as that fateful day.
That said, it was lovely to meet Jane in this way and something to look back on – wonderful – it must have been a truly moving experience to meet her and to make plans etc.
I cannot say anymore than this as feel quite choked up ….
Much love as ever
Kim xx
Hi Barbara. Jane certainly inspired me, and made me laugh and cry in equal amounts over the last few months as I followed her blog! This sounds like a perfect tribute to a wonderful lady. Take care.