Jane’s Inspiration
Thanks for stopping by.
Today is a very special day.
Craft was a lifeline to Jane,
and her uplifting, courageous approach to her circumstances
is inspirational.
If you have the time, go to her blog.
It will open your eyes.
It will make you laugh.
It will make you cry.
Jane and I founded this Inspiration Day together,
to celebrate and shout about the magic of crafting.
It’s our job – yours and mine,
to carry the message.
Thousands of people out there would benefit immensely
from this creative, caring community.
We just need to tell them about it
and open the doors for them.
Jane picked her birth date,
4th February.
Our task is to take her inspiration (box) and run with it.
Make a piece of art entitled
“I love the Sea”
and email a picture of it to me.
We will upload it onto our Jane’s Inspiration Day Gallery online.
63 thoughts on “Jane’s Inspiration”
This is a fabulous idea. We all have so much to learn from her
Could agree more with Jane crafting and clarity family has Been a huge support to me through that dark time still not through but getting there with all your support and your blogg in couraging us to try new things cannot believe have gone from card making to stamping stencilling journalling and canvas painting and that all through support and love of all of you. So would love to help in anyway to see Janes dreams come true love and thanks Joy xxx
'Jane's Inspiration Day' is a truly memorable way to celebrate her crafting legacy and a tribute befitting an exceptional lady.
As you know, Barbara, the support and friendship I have had from the Clarity and crafting family has been my lifeline over the past nearly two years. So anything I can do to repay just a small part of that love and care I will happily do in memory of this special lady, even though you have reduced me to a soggy mess two days in a row. Brilliant idea, Barbara and Jane. xxx Maggie
What a fitting tribute to a lovely woman – I might just try my first ever multi-media canvas in her memory! I'm so pleased she was part of the planning of this event too. Thinking of Jane's family on her birthday. Susan x
What a wonderful fitting tribute to a very lovley lady her memories will live on ,crafting has helped me through some very tough times like it has done for so many others who comment on your blog my crafting is what helps me face each day even days when I am not able to craft I plan what I would like to make in my mind your blog is on my daily routine your inspiration has helped me create some lovley cards thank you xx
Hi Barb,
What a mess I'm in, and I never even knew her. At least not in person, only through you, but I will always remember her birthday.
I am inspired by you and Jane and am going to make my 1st multi-media canvas and also some chipboard books with a sea-faring theme to present to my local Hospice. They can put the canvas up in their art room (if it's good enough) and sell the books to raise funds (these are my new obsession). I'll have to send photo's to your office as I'm not computer literate enough to send them via a post.
Thank you for introducing Jane to me and inspiring me xx
Hello Barb, what a wonderful idea, and I am sure Jane is looking in on all of us and smiling, giving us a nudge, saying go on, have a go! Will definitely have a go, and take part. Crafting has become over the years my escape from work, stress, and daily trials, that I am sure many people experience. Thank you for doing this, and for mentioning the fund raising too. Bx
Hello Barbara
Most apt today as today is world cancer day as well as being Jane's birthday.
What a great idea! As I've said before a lot of us need inspiration and Jane provided it in more ways than one.
I know I have some sea themed peel offs! I think I used a deck chair once…..
Reading this in my lunch hour and hardly got time for that at the moment but it is something I will look forward to having a go at. I wondered what I was going to use those canvases for …… never touched a canvas before until Clarity did them – I haven't touched them yet either apart from unpacking them! It's now getting to the point where I soon wont be able to get in the room which makes crafting difficult so perhaps I need to do a bit of sorting into boxes…..
As Roz says it's very apt that it's Jane's birthday today xxxxxxxx
Hi Barb,
What a truly wonderful idea. I never knew Jane personally, only through her blog , but she was truly inspirational and extremely brave. The last two videos that you have posted have been very moving and have reduced me to tears. I discovered crafting many years ago. My late mam was a time served seamstress and loved to make things. My dad was a radio and television engineer and loved doing things like DIY. I suppose it was inevitable that I would take after them both. I love knitting, sewing, crocheting and more lately ( last few years) paper crafting after coming across CandC on tv one day. When I was working, I would come home from stressful days and sometimes very upsetting days as I was in charge of child protection at my school and would go and attempt to make something in my little craft room. Surrounded by chaos I was usually able to produce something lovely. That is was craft is for me. I will attempt to do something to help remember Jane – heaven only knows what! Thank you for doing this and for introducing me to this wonderful lady. Love Alison xx
Barbara what a fantastic idea. I really will try to be inspired to do this. Thank you. x
Amazing lady, don't think I would be able to come up with art work to share but will certainly make a contribution to Make a Wish. Their head office is 10 minutes walk from me. A very worthwhile charity.
Lynne T.
Oh my , that was so lovely .
It's 9:00 am here in virginia beach ,virginia and I'm thinking of the stuff in my little craft corner . I love watching all you wonderful women and Pinterest will be my downfall . Perhaps this will really motivate me to Do . What a blessed community you have . That's what it is all about .joy now and always .
Welcome Janice xx
Hi Barbara, what a lovely idea, truly inspirational and spreading the word, inspiring, sharing, helping, supporting and encouraging. More often than not I am on the receiving end of that just now, so I know exactly how much it can help people in need and who are lost. Crafters are an amazing community of people. I have and do spread the word as much as I can, even non crafter's can benefit. Nicola doesn't craft, yet – I'm working on getting her to start knitting!!!, but she get's to share in a way because I often tell her stories plus she sees how much it is helping me.
I will make a donation
I will go round my craft room this week collecting anything sea (though I don't think I have anything Clarity relating to the sea yet)
I will try my hardest to make up some kind of artwork from it (Is there a time limit? I think it is going to take me quite a while to get through each step to a finished project.)
I will try my hardest to then email it into you
I will try my hardest to be inspired every day by Jane and you to craft
(I'm not sure you'd want to read my story and why craft and this community here means so much to me, why craft has truly always been my lifeline, it's a bit hard for people to hear!)
Thank you Barbara and Jane
Love Brenda xx
Hi Brenda I would love to hear your story and I'm sure most of these lovely people on here would to take care…..Dot..x
Lots of good 'I will' statements there Brenda, well done xx
Me too, perhaps you could start a blog too x
Brenda – what a positive blog with so many targets that I'm sure you will achieve! Think how far you have come in such a short time since struggling to make that very first post – you are an inspiration to me, Susan x
Thank you everyone, you are all very kind. I'll speak to Nicola when she's back, see what she thinks about writing my story to send in. I don't mind telling it, especially if it helps others, it's just that people have told me it's hard for people to hear, and I don't want to make anyone feel bad.
I've got this far since posting my first comment thanks to Barbara and all you lovely people on here xx
Hi Brenda. It is so good to see your great "I will…" list. You should be very proud of yourself at all that you have achieved since you managed to send your first comment to Barbara. Maybe you should start your own blog in the future as I am not the only one who looks forward to hearing from you. You are an inspiration. Take care : )
Thank you Mrs B 🙂 xx
Oh Barbara! What a beautiful idea! And how fitting that you start this on Jane's birthday! I've found my box and I'm going to start collecting my bits together… I have a spark in my head so I may get my journal out later and sketch some ideas! I think it's right to do this and carry on the love of crafting that Jane had!
Another thing that struck me was that we never know the day when we will no longer be able to do things so we should never put off til tomorrow what we can do today as so many times tomorrow never comes!
I hope loads of people are inspired and take the time to do this and then show off what they have done so that this wonderful idea becomes a reality and Jane's love of all things crafty lives on forever!
Oh Barbara! What a beautiful idea! And how fitting that you start this on Jane's birthday! I've found my box and I'm going to start collecting my bits together… I have a spark in my head so I may get my journal out later and sketch some ideas! I think it's right to do this and carry on the love of crafting that Jane had!
Another thing that struck me was that we never know the day when we will no longer be able to do things so we should never put off til tomorrow what we can do today as so many times tomorrow never comes!
I hope loads of people are inspired and take the time to do this and then show off what they have done so that this wonderful idea becomes a reality and Jane's love of all things crafty lives on forever!
Hello Barbara what a great idea. I did wonder if today was Jane's birthday and think this is a very fitting way to mark a special lady's special day. I'm certainly up for joint in and hope lots of others feel inspired to join in. Thank you to you both xx
sounds like a great idea. will try and get something together. i'm sure crafting helps each and every one of us that does it, hugs xx
What a lovely way to remember Jane. I'll definitely make something for her – It might be the perfect time to have a go at my first canvas. Happy Birthday Jane. x
What a great idea – crafting is my happy world. I will definitely join in but just one question – does our art need to be all clarity products as in the challenge blog? Lx
Not necessarily ….x
That was emotional. Lovely to dedicate a special date in Jane's memory.
Crafting has certainly saved my sanity and thanks to my crafty bestie Julie Wheatman, has given me something else to focus on when times were hard for many reasons. There is a wonderful sense of achievement when you start with a blank piece of card, it can become anything and everything, a gift to someone special as well, makes, me feel good xx
This is a fabulous idea and Jane's memory and her creativeness will be spurring us on! Crafting is very therapeutic and I'm sure each and every one of us will have found something creative that has taken our minds off problems and given us something to focus on. x
A beautiful tribute to your amazing friend Jane …..x
Bad day at work today and then watched the video and that finished me off! Oh for a long, long ……..long walk on the beach! Will get my head into a better place and craft something at the weekend. Fabulous way to remember a good friend! Xx
Sorry you've had a bad day at work. Hope tomorrow is better xx
Aah Donna. It's already over! Leave it in today and don't drag it into tomorrow! Xxxxxx
Thanks ladies xx
I haven't watched the video yet. I 'knew' Jane through a forum and have followed her battle. Today my Dad passed away having lost his battle too. I will come back and watch when I need inspiration but it's a little too close to home today! Sending love to all Jane's friends and family. Cxxx
Sincere condolences Carole xxx
Carole, I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time.
Sending you a big hug Carole and deepest sympathy xxxx
Sorry to hear your sad news. Sending hugs. XX
Take care hugs xxx
So sorry to hear your sad news Carole – thinking of you and all your family x
Sincere condolences Carole x
So sorry for your loss Carole xxx
so sorry to hear that, I'm thinking about you. Love Brenda xx
So sorry for your loss Carole. Take care. x
Sincere condolences Carole . Take care.
Fantastic! I have a box and will start collecting my sea themed items straight away. Thank you for the inspiration Jane. Today is my nephew's birthday so 4th February will always be marked on my calendar as a special day xx
Hi Barbara
Very inspirational,I'm sure I'll find something oceanic in my stash.
So sorry for your loss Carole x.
A most inspirational lady and a very emotional video. Will go find my box, find all things oceanic from my craft stash, take a walk to my local beach to get even more inspiration and then join the challenge. Anne x
Hi, Barbara, I rember reading in the club newsletter last year about your visit with Jane in Spain, just before she died. I sat there with tears running down my cheeks.
This is a lovely way to remember a special friend. I will watch the video later.
Hugs to you and your family Barb, and to Jane's family and friends too , on this special day Xx
I'll have to try and make something with an oceanic theme to join this fab challenge.
Simply a wonderful plan and idea – may this grow stronger by each passing day
You are a wonderful person Barbara and it's so fitting that you and Jane made this plan…. She has clearly left her mark on your heart ….
Much love
Kim x
Hi Barbara what a lovely idea and a fitting tribute to Jane. Will have a think about what I can put together. I've just spent a lovely day with my friend Jane who had her birthday today so I'm not going to forget this one am I. Take care love Diane xxx
honoured to be invited.
Dear Barbara,
This made me smile, cry, think and reflect. Craft for life. How amazing of Jane to share such a piece of herself and now to inspire so many others. Thank you for thus!
Hi Barb,
Sorry have only just read this as my nieghbour sadly died yesterday. Its a great idea to keep Jane's memory alive, i shall look forward to viewing all the creations.
Love & hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Sad but very inspiring. What a wonderfully fitting idea. I will be honoured to take part . X
Lovely idea! xxx
This is a lovely idea and I will definitely be joining in. I once wrote a poem about the beach I might incorporate that. xx
I saw this on Sunday Barbara and it is beautiful, and the hares leaping like that really capture the imagination. A gorgeous background too with those stylish trees. x
Hi Barbara. I am playing catch up so have only just seen this post. I was lucky to get to follow Janes blog for the last few months of her life and I am delighted that you both came up with such a fabulous idea. I am in a chaotic place right now crafting wise (all of my stash is boxed up in the lounge at the moment, long story that will have a happy ending) but I will be making a donation to Make a Wish (a charity that we have supported for the last 23 years for personal reasons). It will be a honour to do so as Jane certainly inspired me. Thank you Barbara for putting this together. Take care.