Love Heart Canvas.
Hi there!
Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for watching the Clarity TV shows if you did.
Just got in, had some pilchards on toast, and now I just thought I’d close the day by step by stepping that red heart piece I whizzed through today.
Forgive me if I write fast; Mr Selfridge is on and I really must catch up!
Harry has got it all going on!
Anyway, from the beginning.
Nothing worse than turning on the telly halfway through a film!
Spread acrylic paint over an 8″ x 8″ with a brayer.
We need 3 or even 4 layers. The paint dries quickly.
Thin layers and several, but be sure to roll the brayer clean between layers,
Like this,
Or you’ll get this!
When you’ve got a nice even dark red,
Attach the stencil.
Load a little Grunge Paste
And gently drag through.
Wash your stencil in warm soapy water sooner than later….
Nice. Allow to dry.
Takes about 15 to 20 minutes.
You can help it along with a gentle heat from a heatgun.
Then, once the centrepiece is dry, add more texture around it.
I chose to leave some canvas exposed, as contrast.
Then use one of our stencil brushes to paint the hearts.
Literally squirt some paint into the centre and just start painting out to the edges.
I mounted this red piece on a larger canvas board,
But I haven’t got a photo of it.
It’s in the back of the car, and I’m not going out there –
Not even for you lovely peeps!
Dave says it looks like tooled leather.
I agree.
Very easy, very classy.
Makes a great wall piece.
And a lovely gift.
Glad you like it Dave!
41 thoughts on “Love Heart Canvas.”
Fabulous, would look good in other colours too, a la Warhol
Hello Barbara
What a beautiful piecs of artwork. Worked today, got a granddaughter tomorrow and Tuesday while a grandson (her brother) has his tonsils out so will have to wait until at least Wednesday to watch!
Hello Barbara
What a beautiful piecs of artwork. Worked today, got a granddaughter tomorrow and Tuesday while a grandson (her brother) has his tonsils out so will have to wait until at least Wednesday to watch!
Wow beautiful enjoyed both shows got tonight's on record will watch tomorrow xxx
This is beautiful! Dave is right it looks just like leather. I really like the contrast in textures, may have to try this when I have a moment. Great shows today super DT samples and demos, you never fail to impress! XX
Thank you for excellent shows today. You do make me chuckle and on the grimmest of days with sleet and dark clouds, that was most welcome. X
Hi Barb,
Great shows, fabulous stamps and brilliant samples.mcongratulations all round me thinks. Pleased you've done the step by steps for this, as I really loved it when I saw it on the show. Dave is right as well, it really does look like leather. It's gorgeous. Thanks again, love Alison xx
Watched all your programmes today and also recorded them for later. Brilliant. Your blog of the heart stencil looks great & hope to have a go at it when I get some canvases, I 've put several orders in the last few,days so will have to wait until next month for the canvases. Trouble is everything of yours is so tempting.x
beautiful artwork. Thank you for the blog as I did not catch all of it on the programme. I did e-mail in and ask what other mediums can you use of the canvas. Must have a proper go tomorrow as I made a right hash today – canvas can fly like a frisbee when one is frustrated!!!
Anyway great programmes. Looking forward to your blogs this week.
Best wishes
Anne (Reading)
This is awesome Barbara. As a CANADIAN fan, just one question?! When im looking at the pricing, is it the price you ask,, plus 1/2 more???..Lol..Are you going to price in US dollars? There, that's better! Thanks EH!
Great shows today Barbara and a lovely piece of artwork. Anne x
Oooh I really must have a go at this, it looks so good, proper classy. Thanks for sharing this idea. I love where you're going with your art now Barbara. I so enjoyed watching the C&C shows today. Roll on March 1st as long at you get a chance to chill in-between.
Really enjoyed the shows today and you and Martyn did give me a giggle with your naughtiness. This heart canvas is lushous! (Not sure if that's a real word but seemed to fit). You really do seem to have taken to this canvas work; but then again, I've always thought that your card designs were mini masterpieces so it's not surprising that you can adapt your techniques to canvas. A great mix of the traditional and new in the shows. Thank you and I hope that Mr. Selfridge did not disappoint
Love Jeanette x
I can't believe you managed to blog after such a busy day. The shows were great today and I particularly liked the canvas, so I'm very pleased that you've done the step by step above. Also loved the music stamps, so versatile and an absolute brainwave to include the blank stave. Hope you get some rest along the way.
It does look like leather. Lovely. Great stencil.
have to admit i was only half watching this evenings show and as you were explaining the technique my ears pricked up. I was quite excited when you mentioned the edging with a sharpy and when Dave asked who the winner was I was even more amazed to hear my name! I was going to email in but my friend's daughter rang, all excited. She had been watching too!
Now the only problem I have is how to narrow down my choices! Thank you so much x
Hi Barbara Thank you for showing this amazing canvas, I was going to tell my sister about it, now I shall just direct her to the blog. The shows this morning were brilliant, loved the parrot stamp as a friend and I have a very longstanding joke about parrots and buy each other parrot related cards and presents each year. I must get this stamp to use on cards for her! I'm saving the afternoon show for Monday. Hope you enjoyed Mr Selfridge. Take care love Diane xxx
Fabulous piece Barbara, what's not to like! I had to do catch up on the shows so I am a bit upset about that. It was great watching you and all your techniques and what a wonderful, fantastic pieces of art from the Number One Design Team. Always inspirational!
Hello Barb, glad you got home safely, the shows were fabulous as always, the demo's and samples full of inspiration. Could not turn down the opportunity of the word chain stamps on flexi-pay, so some card and the parrot stamp fell into my basket as well. Dave has very good taste as this canvas is a gorgeous piece of artwork, and does look like leather, will try it on a smaller scale first. Hope you had a lovely relaxing evening. Thank you for all that you do. Well done to Pam, enjoy your shopping. Have a great day everyone. Bx
I really love this, Barbara. I only recently took up stamping after a long break of about 25 years and am amazed at how things have developed and changed since the days of wooden mounted stamps ~ including all the products, such as grunge paste. Back in the day I'd never have dreamed of combining things like stencils and stamps either ~ they were two separate crafts. Thank you for opening my eyes to the possibilities that await me! ~~~Deb
Good morning,
I loved the shows yesterday, so many cool products. The red on red is stunning but I also like the white grunge on the red too, very artsy.
Great shows yesterday, and love this canvas piece. Hope you post the little altered art canvas too as I didn't really get a good look at it, and my first impressions were that it was fabulous! I'm slowly building up confidence to have a go on a canvas, and to get over my fear of messy stuff and invest in some grunge paste. Thanks, Susan x
Hi Barb,
Great show yesterday, as usual. Love what you've done with the canvas and will try this out, but not with the heart stencil as that would be copying, although…………….. ??!! xx 🙂
So glad you went through this again, although I watched the process on the telly, I missed the reason for cleaning the brayer. It was a lot to do with a cup of coffee and questions being asked. I'm afraid my multi-tasking skills are going downhill with age. Yep the finished art does look a lot like leather – I like it. Thank you.
Wonderful Shows on Create and Craft and wonderful peace of Art. Love the canvas! xx
Stunning and classy piece of artwork! Your shows were fabulous yesterday xxx
It shows up much better in the photographs and it looks so expensive. Really effective. I found the cleaning off of the brayer very interesting and explains a lot of things that have happened in the past. Thanks for going through it again for us. I am sure Dave will put this one into your gallery. I hope you have signed it. xxx Maggie
Watched the whole show Barbara, gave up watching Andy Murray to see what you had brought us !
I haven't tried any texture paste yet, so I suppose that's the next thing I should buy. Your hearts look super.
haven't watched shows yet but they are recorde. so this is new to me. will have to watch them asap now. another way to use the brayer. it's getting my head swarming with ideas. hugs xx
Never thought to you brayer on canvas a must to try thanks love all you help xxx
Enjoyed the shows Barbara, this canvas is really beautiful. Pat x
This is gorgeous Barbara and it really does look like tooled leather. Congratulations to Pam for getting the card instructions correct – she will enjoy her shopping spree I'm sure! I enjoyed yesterday's programmes and you were great as always. x
Hi Barbara, this looks gorgeous, love the step by step tutorials you do, well done with the shows yesterday x x x
Hi Barbara loved the shows and love the heart canvas trying to pluck up courage to give it a go
I will probably be rubbish but hey ho nothing ventured and all that….Dot..x
The shows were great Barbara .
I love this piece of art work and it has a fabulous finish to it.
Thanks for the inspiration,
WOW!! I am in .. i love this. I will be making one too!!!
Jessica Lynn
I reckon we all going to have heart canvas' on our walls. I will certainly give this a go , Love it. Shows were brilliant as usual. xx
Hi Barbara
Enjoyed Sundays shows and all the demo's.The canvas looks great and I think I'll give this one a go.Thanks for sharing.
ooh pilchards on toast – I havent eaten that for years!!!!
Loved the demo on the TV you did with this and I agree it does look like leather.
I now need to go out and buy pilchards!!!!
Much love
Kim xx
This is lovely
I'm going to watch yesterday's TV shows this evening while I have some time to myself
Jackie x
It looks gorgeous Barbara. All your Demoes were great yesterday. xx Ugh Pilchards on toast??
Hi Barbara. A gorgeous piece, it does look like tooled leather doesn't it. Pilchards on toast is a favourite in our house too, yum : ) Take care.