Hi there!
Thanks for dropping in.
I think DROP is the word of the day.
The kettle’s on because I need a DROP of Rosie Lee.
The sun’s pouring through the window here –
and life is good.
Friday’s blog a private peek.
Well, what can I tell you except that I DROPPED my Ipad on my toe this morning, stumbling around in the dark,
trying not to wake anybody.
Ouch! Hurties!
I didn’t break my Ipad.
trying not to wake anybody.
Ouch! Hurties!
I didn’t break my Ipad.
But I think I broke my toe!
Ipad Air my eye!
Ipad Breeze as in Breeze block!
Ipad Air my eye!
Ipad Breeze as in Breeze block!
Not going to take a picture of it.
Photos of peoples’ wounded body parts is not really that pleasant, is it?
I was lying in bed, wide awake at 3 in the morning
with Wurka on the left, and Hollick on the right,
freaking out about the length of my
Got-to-be done-by-Monday list.
Finally I decided that the only way to deal with it
was to deal with it.
So I quietly gathered up my clothes in the dark and crept into the bathroom. Forgot I had the Ipad clutched under my arm.
(Had taken it to bed to read the hilarious limericks).
Remembered it very quickly when it landed on my foot though.
Ah well.
Ipad’s fine, and my foot will heal…
But the good news is I have done all my prep for the TV and it’s not even lunchtime! Love ticking those boxes…
Time to DROP a meal into my brother.
He is ill again, poor Steve. Pesky kidney stones again.
Let me show you something I did this week,
whilst getting ready for the show.
whilst getting ready for the show.
It’s supposed to look like a Meadow of wild flowers.
I thought the fairies would look lovely fluttering around.
I thought the fairies would look lovely fluttering around.
It’s not finished yet;
I still want to add detail to some flower heads, but I do like it.
Check out the bluebells. Can you see them?
You can if you step away and squint…
Squint long enough and you may even see the fairies!
I DROPPED paint directly onto the paper with the tip of the brush to make the larger flowers.
DROPPING the paint into place like that
gives you so much more control!
I put on my Clarity Apron (thank goodness!)
dug out some paint –
Water colour paints and Paperartsy Chalk paint.
Used a Megamount as a paint palette because I couldn’t find the lovely porcelain one that makes me feel like a REAL artist!
Then I proceeded to flick loads of different colour blends
at a sheet of water colour paper.
I tried using my electric toothbrush, and it worked fine – on the apron, on my face – in fact everywhere!
A little even landed on the water colour paper!
So trying this technique on live TV was, I decided, not an option.
Hahaha! See the toothbrush handle in the pic?
Dave thought I had finally lost the plot.
I’ll give it to Jim. He can use it for a Banner backDROP!
There we are.
A glimpse into the mad mind of an overwhelmed,
middle-aged chick.
I shall see you on the telly on Sunday, Create & Craft 9-11am
You can’t miss me – I’m the one with yellow teeth.
Cadmium yellow !
much love,
Thank you so very very much everyone,
for the gift of limerick laughter.
We were rolling around in bed.
I kept reading them out to Dave.
It was the ones which didn’t rhyme at all that cracked me up most!
We tried to pick a winner, but it was impossible.
The strimmer one, the lawn mower one, the dairy one –
the list goes on and on!
So I hope you will agree with me that a random pick is fair.
Let me close my eyes and scroll with the cursor….
Let me close my eyes and scroll with the cursor….
Ha! Twas meant to be:
Ironically, the random pick is BridgetCG – The Strimmer Fairy!
Let me go copy paste it for you…
Ironically, the random pick is BridgetCG – The Strimmer Fairy!
Let me go copy paste it for you…
There once was a fairy called Mary
Who’s legs were frightfully hairy
So she got out the strimmer
And in just a glimmer
Her legs were once more light and airy.
£20 Gift Voucher on its way to you Bridget,
as soon as you tell me where to post it!
51 thoughts on “DROPPED MY IPAD….I think it’s BROKEN!”
Congratulations to Bridget. Great verse. That is a lovely background for those fabulous fairies, and for a lot of other things. I would love to see you use the toothbrush technique on live telly. It would rank up there with the shrink plastic. Hope you get rid of the Cadmium Yellow by Sunday. Get out into the sunshine today for a break while it is still here. xxxx Maggie
I cannot believe I am here first again, second day running. Have a great day and give that poor toe a rest. xxx Maggie
I love that background you made Barbara and sorry you now have a sore toe! See mojo soon returned so relax just a little bit. I tend to work best late at night when everthing is quiet though it doesn't do a lot for the dark circles and bags under the eyes ..lol. x
Well done, Bridget. Great rhyme. Sorry about your toe, Barbara. Why do we always find feet problems funny when in fact they can so painful and limiting! Terrific idea with the toothbrush. If not TV how about YouTube? You could sit down for it too ( toe?)
I love the background, its so good. I can't wait for Sunday, are you on twice again??? Well done Bridget, very good x
Another drop in the ocean of great things you keep giving us!
My friend dropped her breeze block iPad too and broke the screen. She said it would have been less painful to break her toe???
Are you turning into Jack the Dripper ~ I love the effect this makes all arty sparkly looking very expensive there ~
Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, which happens to be St David's Day! Yay! ~leek eating~daffodil wearing~day in Wales ~~~Deb
Hello Barb, my oh my oh my, deep breath, still doing my happy dance around the kitchen. I didn't think I had a hope in ……. having read all the others. But was prompted by a movie,which I am sure quite a few will know I am referring to. What a great day, having spoken to the lovely Ann to renew my gold membership, ànd now this wonderful surprise. Thank you so much, i am over the moon (thanks Maggie for the compliment). Cannot wait for the Sunday show, just to see if there are traces of cadmium yellow. Although I already know what this voucher will be used for. Will pop you àn email Barb. Thank you again. Bx
Well done Bridget – great poem!
Well done Bridget, it made me laugh. Enjoy your spending spree! Xxx
Great Limerick was some great ones hope toe is okay ouch,glad your all sorted just getting my bag ready for tomorrow's workshop live the flower garden blue bells are lovely what a glorious day out there lots love joy xxx
Ow! That sounds like double trouble. Still, nothing like pain to make you forget wurka & holik!
Loved the gimmicks, but todays laughs came from your new use for a toothbrush! (and the yellow teeth ha! Ha!
Oops was so excited, forgot to say I love this background, and hope the toe is better by Sunday, go barefoot or wear flats we can't see your feet Barb.
Hello Barb. Poor toe! They do break very easily, luckily ipad's don't as I've dropped mine almost everywhere. Clever Bridget for her great limerick. Still laughing. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. xx Margaret Col.
Oh what a wonderful sense of humor you have , such a blessing ! Some of the English expressions I don't know , but my imagination goes wild and funny .
You are so funny – I can see you with the toothbrush and paint everywhere! Love the background though – very clever! Sorry to hear about your toe, but glad the i-pad survived unscathed. Time to start the Lancashire hotpot, then I can go to my craftroom and play!! Susan x
Oh I did lol, read it as ink pad not ipad at first, very ouchy indeed! Love the meadow background, it's amazing what household objects can be used for crafting tools, actually just remembered I have one of those battery operated pot washing gadgets with the large brush head, what have you started!
Great limerick from Bridget, I was reading them all out to hubby, very funny!
Looking forward to sunday x
Oooh! i want one!! X Dave !!
Hi Barbara love the meadow flowers saw some just like it last summer in the hedgerow it so reminded me when I saw yours see you Sunday xxxxxxxjune horrocks
You sound much more cheerful today Barb, must be the sunshine along with ticking some of your worries off of your list. Sorry about your sore toe. Lovely meadow background, had to laugh about the toothbrush though. My turn to be down today & don't know why. Been out for a walk so feel a bit better this aft. Looking forward to seeing you on Tele this weekend, and seeing the new fairies. What a good laugh with the limericks. Well done Bridget, bet you're going to get the fairies.xx
Great limmerick many congrats.
I can see the flowers what a lovely meadow. Sounds like today is going well, hope your toe is not too sore, looking forward to Sunday and seeing the fairies xx
Great limmerick many congrats.
I can see the flowers what a lovely meadow. Sounds like today is going well, hope your toe is not too sore, looking forward to Sunday and seeing the fairies xx
well done Bridget with the limerick! They were all really good I thought and it was a laugh to think of Barbara & Dave in bed reading them! I know someone who has broken their toe recently putting up a pole dancing pole in their living room – unhealthy exercise I call it! As for taking your ipad into the bathroom, well, I haven't gone that far with mine yet!
I love the paint drop effect! and look forward to Sunday except just realised I'll have to record it as we're off to London for the Fawlty Tower dining experience for the Sunday lunchtime performance ! A bit apprehensive but had the tickets bought for us so have to go! Good luck with the show, it will be fine! xx
I love the wild flowers Barb, they grow them deliberately outside the huge M&S near Cheshire oaks,very pretty and they attract so many butterflies in summer.
I'm not sure if I'm more concerned for your toe or your toothbrush….I'm scared for you! Xxxx
Oh Barbara, you're going to make yourself ill again, working through the night no good! I'm glad you got finished the work you need to do for the telly, and I do realise how much better and relieved that must make you feel (I know!) but there must be a better way, one that is going to keep you healthy too. Hope your toe heals soon, does this mean you'll be wearing your baffies on telly?!!!! 🙂 Sorry to hear about your brother, I believe kidney stones are one of the worst pains you can experience, poor soul.
You didn't need to tell me that was a meadow of flowers, I thought that right away, it's brilliant. Glad to know I'm not the only one that likes to splash and flick and drop, with a right mess to clean up after!!! Just wish my stuff was even half as good as yours :-). Don't be giving it to Jim, keep it and finish off your idea, I really want to see the end result, I think it will be one for your gallery on the stairs 🙂
Please have a total rest day tomorrow, (I was about to say I nice long walk in the countryside around you, but on second thoughts, that might be a bit of a sore point right now!!!!!!!!)
Love Brenda xx
p.s. congratulations to Bridget, hope you enjoy spending your voucher
Hi Barbara oh you do make me laugh using your electric toothbrush, I can imagin the mess! You sound much brighter today so hopefully the good laugh you had and getting things done has helped. I hate lying in bed not able to sleep so I think I would have got up too! Your poor toe though, that's not good. Put your feet up and have a snooze this afternoon in the sun. Love the wild flowers, just right for the fairies. I love it when the bluebells come out in the woods near here, so pretty. Poor Steve, kidney stones aren't nice, I hope he feels better soon. Take care of yourself. Love Diane xxx
Stunning background. Love it. You did make me laugh, should we all try to perfect he toothbrush technique? Congratulations to Bridget x
Ah yes, my poor Mrs , thankfully nothing broken..although we won't be sharing toothbrushes any time soon! The toe is now a Magenta/Coeruleum Blue kind of hue, which does clash rather with the Scarlet nail polish, Oh well it's back to 'Sensible' shoes for you ! Ha Ha, some chance with all them Cowboy Boots kicking around…..
Barbara so so funny at least you got all your prep ready for show, your poor toe , looking forward to the show xxx
Hi Barb,
Ouch! I bet that hurt! Pleased the iPad is ok though – that would have cost a bit to get repaired. Love this background you've created for the fairy wee folk, it is very effective. Like the idea if you trying the toothbrush on live TV but can you wait until you're on with Dean to try it ' cos it will definitely turn into a " shrink pkastic" moment!! Not sure Andy would be as much fun? Well done to Bridget on winning the voucher – great Limerick. Hope Steve gets well soon. Looking forward to Sunday hopefully you'll be ok by then and able to get shoes on comfortably! Love Alison xx
Brilliant flowers Barbara! Glad you got your jobs done otherwise Wurka and Hollick would be dancing on your head again tonight! I have them all the time at the moment but I do find that hot chocolate drink keeps them at bay!!!
Looking forward to the show on Sunday! And I want to check you didn't muddle up the toothpaste and the paint!!! Love and hugs! X
Brilliant flowers Barbara! Glad you got your jobs done otherwise Wurka and Hollick would be dancing on your head again tonight! I have them all the time at the moment but I do find that hot chocolate drink keeps them at bay!!!
Looking forward to the show on Sunday! And I want to check you didn't muddle up the toothpaste and the paint!!! Love and hugs! X
Love those flowers in the meadow can't wait to see it with the fairies too.
Bridget I love your limmerick…..congratulations
Jackie x
Hi Barb,
Hope the toe soon heals and remember to say to yourself "must not limp, must not limp" whilst in the Studio!!
Love the backdrop, I can see a beautiful delphinium, ready for your gorgeous fairies.
Well done Bridget, great limerick.
Get Well Soon Steve, get rid of the stones as soon as possible.
See you Sunday Barb, but the granddaughters are having a sleepover on Saturday – Noooooo
Bless your heart, hope the toe is better soon as is Steve! Glad you didn't break,your iPad….
Owwwww hope your foot isn't too bruised. Xx. This is on Canvas Boad right? I love it I want to do one! LImerick well deserved win. Xx
Hi Barbara
Liking the meadow and looking forward to seeing the finished scene.
I sympathise with your brother,a friend of mine had stone and he was crying with pain and had to have them blasted.
Hope your toe's a little better.
Hi Barb,
Love this meadow and yes it does look just like a meadow, beautiful.
Got my parcel of goodies ordered from you today so a weekend of play lol!
Looking forward to your shows
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Oh Barbara, what are you like. Hope your foot feels better soon. Love today's offering. Looking forward to Sunday. Kind regards Joanne K x
ouch! hope your toe is ok. i'm poorly myself today. cellulitis in my left foot. ouch too. will record show but if unable to walk might be watching in real time, hugs xx
Sorry to hear about your toe and hope it is better soon, I have a swollen knee, have no idea why hopefully it will go away if I ignore it. I love the meadow very pretty. Well done Bridget, oh and my lovely parcel from Clarity arrived today, thank you x
Oh no! bet that was really painful – hope it is soon feeling better, What a gorgeous meadow you've made, I'm sure if I flicked paint onto paper it would look a flickin' mess!! Looking forward to the show. Pat x
Hi Barbara
Love reading your blog every day it is so amusing. Even dropping your ipad had me laughing. Hubby thinks l have gone mad when l lol at mmy tablet……….and then asks if l am reading your blog!
Love the meadow and think l may have a go at trying this method tomorrow. Not sure l will use my braun toothbrush though. May try a cheaper alternative……….or a toilet brush (unused of course)!
Lol Barbara W
Sorry to hear about your toe Barbara – hope it feels better soon. I love how you write your blog – you gave a laugh before bed! I love the meadow you've produced, when I've tried this before I usually end up wearing more of the paint than is on the paper 🙂 hugs xx
Hi Angela! Time to make a plan for Claritystampers Southeast! X Let's talk next week! X
Hi Barbara, hope you are ok re your toe, ouch!! Looking forward to your shows and well done Bridget x x x
Oh dear Barb, sorry for you poor toe, but I'm afraid I have far more sympathy for your brother with his kidney stones. I have had ONE – and I hope never to have another. I spent a week in hospital with pethidine injections for the pain – far worse than childbirth!
Love the flower meadow, will tune in tomorrow.
I hope your toe is better now! I also hope your Brother recovers soon. Love this background, it looks awesome! I am really looking forward to the show tomorrow xxx
Love the flower medow, very abstract. Would look good in any gallery. Hope the toe is not too sore today! Already put my order in for the fairy stamps! Couldn't let them go without making sure I had mine coming. Xx
Loving the flower meadow – just fabulous. Hope your toe feels better soon. x
I love this, brilliant. Hope your toe easier before Sunday.xx
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