Christmas Light Show!
Hello there!
Thanks for stopping by on what must be
the most hectic Friday of the year!
Have you got your decs up yet? I decided last night was the night. Mostly because I couldn’t find my address book,
so Plan A – writing Christmas Cards – was dashed.
Plan B : Oh Dave! Haul the tree out of the garage and set it up in the living room pleeeease. And then climb up the loft to get the boxes of baubles and festive stuff, pleeease…..
After which he quickly shot off to Homebase
(that’s what they all say….)
When he left, I discovered the obscene tangle that was the Christmas tree lights, which had obviously been put away very lovelessly last January.
So I proceeded to untangle them.
I kid you not. If they hadn’t cost £40 at Hoopers last year (still choking on that one!), I would have launched them 10 minutes in!
But no. Anybody who is daft enough to spend £40 on a string of Christmas Lights deserves to waste two hours of their frivolous life trying to get a second season out of them.
When Dave came back from Homebase, he piled in the back door exclaiming, “It’s mental in Tunbridge Wells!” “It’s pretty radio rental in here too!” I yelled from the living room. Yep I was STILL sat on the floor, with a solid ball of lights between my legs.
Thing is, once you’ve spent over an hour on something, you don’t want to give up do you…
Fabulous tree though. Took a while, but got there.
complete with German fairy…
Are we in the festive mood yet?
Got so much still to do, I could do with another month!
Is it me, or my age? Is it that Grace isn’t coming home?
Is it that I know it will be over in the time it took me to unravel the lights? Ah well.
I asked Dave what he would like for Christmas.
He said a grey cashmere scarf.
Dave asked me what I would like for Christmas,
and I asked for a walk-in wardrobe!
So he’s been constructing and painting one – and it’s BRILLIANT!
David! Is that how you hold a paintbrush, is it???
It will be fantastic when it’s finished!
And once I have parted with all the clobber which I will never,
ever get into again, there’ll be loads of space!
Why am I still hanging on to the jeans I wore when I was 35? Does that make me optimistic? Or delusional?
ever get into again, there’ll be loads of space!
Why am I still hanging on to the jeans I wore when I was 35? Does that make me optimistic? Or delusional?
There is just one little issue:
The guest bedroom.
aka Mum and Dad’s room at Christmas.
Dave, if you’re reading this, there’s no pressure.
They can always have our room…..
Have a great weekend!
much love,
46 thoughts on “Christmas Light Show!”
I suspect there will be quite a few people like your good selves – wishing that Christmas wasn't less than a week away! Hope you got your Christmas cards written and posted in time for last posting dates!
Your walk in wardrobe will be fabulous – good luck with clearing the bedroom (aka mum and dads room!) in time too
Seasons Greetings
DOH! Forgot to say that your tree looks fabulous
Yes Fab Tree Barbara. My hubby said I could get a walk in wardrobe too! But then he spoilt it by saying my craft room would have to go….sacrilege! I too am way behind (keep playing around with that Christmas Jumper set) Hopefully I can get the last of my cards posted today. I am sure you will be organised in time for the big day. Good luck. Hugs x
I have a walk-in wardrobe…it was a no-brainer when I had my (very) little house built. I LOVE IT!! I love your tree, too, Barbara, it's beautiful. I hope you have a fabulous Christmas, even though you will be missing Grace. xxx Jo
What a treasure 🙂 Your tree looks lovely especially the fairy and candles on it. I would love to have a bedroom let alone a walk in wardrobe but that's another story … Merry Christmas to you both xx
Hi Barb,
to be honest this year I got all the gifts and I baked five different sorts of Christmas cookies. Maybe I want to show my sister that she is not the only one who can bake. This year she made 12 different cookies for Christmas…
I´m happy when the x-mas turbulences are over, sorry for that.
But your walk-in warderobe is great gift for christmas
Rolf xxx
Your guests room looks like mine but in my case it matches the other rooms . I WILL be finished for Christmas. Well the conservatory is tidy, lounge next lol x MERRY AND PEACEFULLY CHRISTMAS to you and the Clarity team x
Wow, the tree looks fab and the closet a work of art, go Dave…. Happy holidays!
Fab tree…mine looks like a dogs dinner but it will have to do. Oh lucky you with your wardrobe wont it be fabulous x
Barbara I love reading your blog you make me smile happy crafting xxx
Happy Christmas Barbara and Dave, and all you lovely people at Claritystamp. Let the festivities begin! And long may you blog… Gill xxx
Tree looks fab worth all that time unwinding the lights they are wonderful and a walk in wardrobe brilliant do you higher out dave he is great love joy xx
Its funny how quickly Christmas creeps up on us! My job list seems endless this month and crafting is taking a back seat but I have written out my cards, planned Christmas food but not yet got the decorations out of the loft. Hopefully hubby will be on the case this weekend and we can at least get some fairy lights up, if they have been put away neatly! Personally, I am looking forward to the period after Christmas and before I return to work. I am planning to use my new Clarity stencil brushes with the lovely chyrsanthemum stencil (another Clarity product I think?) and make some more wonderful cards using my adirondack inks. Can't wait! Have a good Christmas everyone, Crafty hugs from Crafty Tash.
Hello Barb, what great pics and thank you for sharing, love the tree, the walk-in wardrobe love it all. Great tree light story, but perhaps I have a tip to share which may be a solution and is worth the time. Take an old wrapping paper roll, cut a slit in one end, and stick the top end of the lights in the slit, start winding string of lights around roll, till you get to the plug end. Place in a plastic carrier with plug/adaptor – next year, just unroll when you want to put them up. Has saved my sanity, as we have close to 1000 lights on our tree. Have a great afternoon everyone. Bx
1000 lights?! Jesus! I nearly lost my sanity with 50!
Wow, a walk in wardrobe for Christmas – what a great keeper of a man you have, but I'd really like to borrow him, if he's available. Ooops, Joy, above got in before me, but I can wait until he's done hers, and then be second on the list. Now, Dave, which date would suit you, – springtime in Ireland is really pretty?
Is that naughty Dave giving you a gesture? The tree looks really festive and I love the fairy. Why is it that we are never ready for Christmas? it always catches us out! Love the walk in wardrobe, wish I had room for one. Enjoy your weekend. Joan x
Dave -you surprise me ! Now where have I seen that pointie finger before, oh yes the woman who drives my car !
Lovely tree Barb. if amongst the chaos which is my family at Christmas I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. If you're in Wales -Nadolig LLawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
Lovely tree Barbara, and I'm so jealous of your walk-in wardrobe. Enjoy!!! We're almost ready for Christmas, just a long drive from the Highlands to Essex between us and our dinner! And then, after New Year we'll be treading in your footsteps in Spain – last hotels booked this morning, and I can't wait… Merry Christmas to everyone, Susan x
Hello Barbara
Long while since I commented….. but I do read your blog every day!
Smiled at the comment about the lights…… I did the same thing but swore a lot ….well a little then !
The tree looks lovely and so will the wardrobe ..you are lucky Barb!
Take care
Love Marg
Hi Barbara well the lights were worth it, the tree looks wonderful and your walk in wardrobe is fab but I agree with you that's not quite the right way to hold the paint brush! You could make a fortune hiring Dave out as a handy man! Our whole house looks like your spare room too, tree is outside the back door waiting for the lounge to be tidied! I'm all behind too. You must be sad not having Grace home, I hope she skypes you during dinner so she can join in the fun at the table. Take care love Diane xxx
Love the tree a walk in wardrobe wow I'd loved it thank you for all the lovely blogs barb love em. Love june xxxx
What a man!! Worth keeping that one Barbara!! Merry Christmas to you all.
I have no excuses and am completely unprepared for Christmas! Am finding myself losing interest in decorating a tree or the house as each year comes and goes. Made cards this year, but still have to do a bit of finishing on them before I can get them sent out. Am more than content to sit and watch Christmas movies and specials and listen to Christmas music. Your tree looks gorgeous and what a wonderful gift – a walk in wardrobe!! Excellent idea if you have room for it. I have watched your videos for quite some time now and always enjoyed them. Am so happy I discovered your blog site and really enjoyed reading it. Wishing you and yours a super Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I feel better about decorations this year but my trees are easy – two fibre optics that just plug in and switch on or off. I do have extra decs for them which are Christmas earrings, but the box with those in has gone walkabout so far this year. The only other thing I do is to have loads of lovely smelly candle around the house. Hope you have a good Christmas, Jane. xx Maggie
Hi Barb,
I'm in a lovely festive mood. Went to children's Christingle service on Wednesday, school Mass this morning and Carol Service in the Forest School with the children this afternoon, it was heavenly. Wonder how long this calm, tranquil mood will last!!!
All I want for Christmas is a Dave, even with a dodgy finger. I have trouble with my index and middle finger sometimes, especially when the old man annoys me – which is fairly often at this time of year!
Well done on getting the tree up and decorated, love the angel. Great idea from Bridget about the lights, I'll copy that this year when our decs come down. xx
Your Dave is wonderful. I might not be around much now until after the festivities as Hannah and Michael are home from Canada now and Ruth will be home from the Isle of Man on Sunday
Happy Christmas to you all
Jackie x
Hi Barbara, all it was worth spending the time to unravel the lights – the tree looks wonderful. I've just finished buying the last few presents though have some to make this weekend. Nothing like leaving it to the last minute! Well it is for me. How wonderful is Dave? The walk in wardrobe looks great – lucky you. Hope you had a good day. xx
Hi Barbara
Tree looks wonderful well worth the trouble with the lights.
I wish I'd have thought of a walk-in wardrobe you lucky lady you.Have a peaceful,happy Christmas.
I am sat with loads of presents at my feet, intending to wrap tonight. Our son has the flu been so poorly since Tuesday so extra workload looking after him. I think your tree is lovely worth untangling the lights. We always get everything ready on time so I am sure your spare room will be clear in time and you will have a wonderful Xmas . xx
Hi Barbara, love your tree, very traditional.
Please can Clarity start selling clones of Dave, I'll put up with the dodgy brush holding technique!!!!! How much would one cost?!!!!
Love Brenda xx
Oh Barbara thank you!
I've spent so many Christmases like you describe – cursing my inability to make the lights work & the tree fur into the small space I can spare it. Putting the tree up at 2 am on Christmas morning some years (Some years we haven't got the tree out at all I've been so far behind) but in recent years I've had to be much more realistic about my capabilities! The preparations are more sedate, determined by less predictable things than time, and I have had to let a lot go. This years Christmas gift already received is a good gap between my infusion (todays joy) and the day itself, so I may have some energy to use on the day! The spare room is still drying washing. I still have day present to finish making (gulp) and have no idea if the tree will ever be unearthed from the frozen north that is our loft! Before we can do that, hubby needs to ensure that all the plans are in place to make sure that those struggling this year have food over Christmas, be that by volunteering for the local community organisation who provide Transport to supermarkets for those who can't otherwise (rather him than me!) Or by volunteering at the food bank on Christmas Eve. That makes me so proud of him.
Whatever happens we will have each other, will do our best to have a laugh, enjoy the day, have fun. It won't matter what is not done. We will know that more important things have got done.
Wishing everyone much Christmas joy, however you celebrate.
Alison x
Not sure who day is …. but he's not having Dad's present if it does get made!!!
He's a star boy as we all know :). Hope you manage to get yourself and the lights untangled 🙂
Ha Ha , Dave should have asked for the use of a Handy Man for Xmas!!! I bet when he gets his scarf, there won't even be any room in your walk in wardrobe for him to put it in it. The tree does look lovely so it was worth it – easy for me to say Eh? xx
What a man! It will be brilliant. Your tree looks so festive and you sure lighten up my day. Happy Christmas to you and the team x x x
ah well at least it's done now and you can enjoy it. good luck with address book, hugs xx
What beautiful Christmas lights, haven't seen anything like that in Australia.
gorgeous tree! It was worth de tangling those lights! A walk in wardrobe – that's so cool! xxx
Your tree is beautiful, I love it. I think Dave is trying to say that your walk in wardrobe will be finished in one day. Wow!
A beautiful tree with the special fairy on top. Well done for having the patience to sit and sort out those lights. Hope that address book has turned up by now and those cards are on the way. Dave is a real treasure, setting to and making the wonderful walk in wardrobe. You are not alone trying to do it all at the last minute. Considering that my cards were supposedly done and dusted a month ago, I am now just trying to finish last minute family ones, including one for the States. Good luck getting yours done, Barbara. love, Maggie. xx
Hi Barbara. I could have written this blog today, exactly the same challenges. Glad someone else wishes there was another week before the 'big day'. Anne x
Hi Barb,
Sorry I'm so late in writing this, for some reason I thought I had but never mind – better late than never! Really liked your tale of the lights – I think that will resonate with a few of us!! I checked mine before I put them on the tree and they were fine. Got the tree decorated and switched on the lights. – beautiful! Three hours later one string in the lights died so now I have dark patches all over the tree! I thought about going to buy some more but I couldn't be bothered to take all the decorations off and the lights and then start all over again. Plus in a few days, I'll be able to buy the lights at a fraction of the price! Love the wardrobe – I wish my Dave was as handy as yours, although he is good at using gestures!! Anyway, your tree looks beautiful and was worth the effort. Love Alison xx
Hi Barbara. Well, the tree looks gorgeous so all the untangling was worth it : ) You lucky lady, getting a walk in wardrobe, funny to see that Dave has the same problem with his finger that my hubby does though : ) Have a good day, try not to stress because everything that really matters will get done. Take care.
I think Dave and my husband went to the same sign language school! I often get that response too. I love Christmas but mine doesn't start until Christmas Eve when the tree gets decorated and stays for the 12 days of Christmas. Up to that time it's just preparation no real festive spirit. I remember when Christmas presents (pre young children so many moons ago) were also bought on Christmas Eve: work finished lunchtime then off to the pub then to the shops. Thanks for another very funny blog.
A beautiful tree Barbara and well worth persevering with the lights as they look great on it. I think that walk-in wardrobe will be fabulous, and I'm very envious. It's hard at these times when our kids cannot be with us, and our son lives in Australia and have to skype instead, so understand how you feel about Grace. x