Flying the friendly skies?
Hello there!
Thanks for stopping by.
Had a little lie in today.
The flight back from New York was pretty uncomfortable.
It never ceases to baffle me how cramped and packed the back of the plane is – you know, the large area where the peasants (those who paid a mere £1,000 for the privilege of flying the friendly skies) get to huddle. The most entertaining part of the flight was watching two stewardesses get into a bitch-fight, with one telling the other one she was useless. Several times. Which she was. But I thought one reserved those altercations for the Head of HR – not whilst throwing dried up Croissants at the customers. Yep, that’s right. For a moment there, maybe they forgot that all of us poor sods, trying to hide under flimsy blue blankets in a feeble attempt to simulate night, were paying guests.
Ok. UA rant over.
Nice to be home.
So here’s a little offering I made for you when finally I got up.
Plus a little wave of the wand for some added magic…
Gelli Card 7″x7″.
Then make a panel with low-tack masking tape.
Dust in some colour with your stencil brushes.
I used
I used the two new Fir trees to fill the panel, first and second generation ink using the same ink pads.
Just tapped the trees in the blue AND the green for a mottled effect.
Very quick and easy.
Remove the Masking tape.
Time to add 2 beautiful new stamps:
I used Cornflower Blue Archival for this job.
Dusted round the edges with Old Paper
and a stencil brush
Whizzed round the edges with the blue and green leftover ink
on the other brushes.
Looking good, but needs a little something….
Go round the trees with a fineline Micron Pen, bringing darker trees to the front and lighter trees to the back.
Add some snow peaks to the tree-tops.
Now close your eyes, clap your hands three times quickly
and boom!
Found a super Gelli Plate background in my stash, using the large Gelli Plate
and the large Dotty Wave stencil
Great compliment.
I used the dotty wave stencil and the Old Paper + Faded jeans
to dust into the artwork.
Makes it flow better…
Outlined the artwork with a black Sharpie pen too.
I enjoyed that one.
Wasn’t sure where we were going,
but a panel usually sets me on the right track.
Especially when I’m still reeling from a gruelling flight.
Or should I say fight?
much love,
PS Fantastic Limerick efforts yesterday!!
Cheered me up no end. x
We will all read them at work tomorrow,
and then pick a winner.
To be announced Tuesday.
37 thoughts on “Flying the friendly skies?”
Fab card, love the colours. I'm sure you had a fantastic time with Grace, hope you get to meet up again soon. Thanks for continuing your blogging, really love reading it and the ideas. Hope you get over your jet lag. J x
I bet those stewardesses got a good telling off, someone would be bound to tell. Still it was interesting for you. I love this card, beautiful colours. Have fun reading the limericks, I don't envy you trying to pick a winner. Some of them were fantastic. In the meantime get some rest. xx
Hallo liebe Barbara,
ich wünsche dir einen erholsamen Sonntag. Ich hoffe du erholst dich vom Jetlag rasch wieder. Es hört sich nach einem stressigen Rückflug an. Deine kreative Arbeit bewundere ich immer wieder sehr. Die Karte sieht fantastisch aus. Ganz liebe Grüße Silvi
Long comment gone off into the never never AGAIN!
Try a quick one….. get in under the blogger radar! Great card!!!!!! XX
Beautiful card today. Hope you get over the bun fight and jet lag soon 🙂
Great card, thanks Barbara
Hi Barb,
Welcome home.
What a beautiful card, one for my "to do" catalogue. You should have tripped the useless one up when she sauntered down the aisle.
I don't envy you having to choose the limerick winner. They were all fabulous entries.
By the way, how is Mark doing? xx
WOW sounds like very unprofessional air stewardesses. What a flight, I would have put a complaint in lol!
Putting that aside, a fabulous card Barb, beautiful colouring and stamping.
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Hi Barb, welcome home. Glad that the 'girlie week' was so much more enjoyable that the flight home. Loved the card design, makes a lovely Christmas card. Thank you
Enjoyed the magical touch and the beautiful card but sorry that your flight was so bad. Hope you feel better after your rant. It' s always good to get it off your chest and I did find it entertaining lol! Thought the limericks were fun yesterday too. Have fun in the office reading them tomorrow best wishes. Jeanette xx
Sounds like an eventful flight home…at least you had on board entertainment!!!
That card you have done is lovely and those colours work so well!
It's nice to have you home but I bet any money you would still like to be in New York with Gracie!
Love and hugs! Xxx
gla you are home safe, sounds like an entertaining flight. Just watched the first of last weekends shows this morning as I was away last weekend. Going to watch the second just shortly, loving the new stamps and I love this x
Fantastic card as ever. Really, really cool. I am pleased with myself. Made a card with the aid of the Tuesday blog and used the stag buried in the snow, instead of the dog. You have urged me on and I am beginning to think you were right when you said at Crowborough that I had made progress. Yes, feeling good. Thank you so much for your continued encouragement and ofcourse the blog. Have a great week
Best wishes
Hello Barbara, lovely card as usual !
I would definitely put in a complant to the airline, you never know you might get a free flight back to see Grace, wouldn't that be good !!
Christine (Andypandy) x
Hi Barbara
Great card love the way the dotty background was brought into the art work very effective.
I adore today's card. That touch of dots going into the main design really sets this card aside. I have a day off work tomorrow and plan to do some Christmas cards. Hope I can remember your inspiring tips and ideas. Great work Barbara.
Welcome home Barbara that sounds like an entertaining flight even if the stewardesses were being unprofessional
I love today's card
Jackie x
Lovely artwork, the gelli print is particularly gorgeous and I love how you added the extra dots from the stencil to bring it all together x
Really love this effect with the trees and brushing through part of a stencil – very clever! Glad you had a fun time with Grace, but sorry to hear about the poor level of in-flight entertainment! Might be worth a complaint to their customer services – you might get some money off your next trip to see her :o) Susan x
Sorry to here your flight wasn't good on way home. Live the flashing effect you got on here, and picture hope your day has been good today and feel chilled xxx
Hello Barbara, what a gorgeous piece of artwork. The background fits perfectly with the image and I love how you've brought the two pieces together with the dotty stencil. What a carry on you had on your flight home!! Hope you recover from your jet lag soon. xx
Hello Barb, absolutely beautiful – love the little bit of techy knowledge at the beginning. Great colours. So going to try this. Bx
Good pouring with rain evening Barbara!!!
The old red eye flight back is no fun – Air India was my worse experience – BA probably one of the best – blooming appalling that the stewardesses had a row in front of you all though!!! Make a complaint you might get a voucher for some money off your next flight !!!
Love the card – I find myself singing the carol when I read the words!!!
Much Love
Kim xx
This card is magical! Thanks. Welcome back?
Stunning card, love the colours and the stunning backround. I wouldn't have dared using it but it is so great, it makes me change my mind….Lol!!!!
Laurence xx
Welcome home, sorry to hear you had such an appalling journey home. Disgraceful conduct! Love the card by the way.
Love, Roz.x
Lovely card. x
Loved the card today Barbara, especially how you continued the dotty stencil onto the card, brilliant.
Feel for you leaving your Grace in New York. Felt bad enough today when after spending a lovely weekend with our daughter and family and celebrating my hubby's birthday altogether with our son & family last night, as well, still feel sad when they left just now & they only live a few hours away. Did you spot my limerick mistake this morning, damned predictive text. Don't think a cartridge could dance if it tried, do you. xx
Wow fantastic art work I'm waiting for my parcel to fetch me these lovley stamps and my jumper stamps too I don't mind waiting as I know clarity towers must be very busy you deserve to rant over your flight they should act professional at all times as you say your paying to fly .think of your lovley memories with grace xxx
gosh that artwork sure matched that gelli print! i love that sentiment stamp. it's great.
those hostesses should have been more professional but i suppose stress makes us behave in unusual ways, hugs xx
What a gorgeous tutorial – as always Barb, you make it loom so easy! Re your flight home, have you ever considered sailing home and having a few days complete rest at the same time. No jet lag either……just a thought..
Love the card Barbara and the gorgeous gelli print behind. Glad you got back safely even though it sounds like the flight from hell! They should have been paying you to fly! Still at least you had a great visit with Grace. x
A fab card
Hope the flight attendants get a good telling off as not on !
Hi Barbara . Lovely card especially with the geli background (and the special effects). Hope you recover from the jet lag soon. As others have said, complain to the airline, you might get some money off your next flight! Night night sleep tight. Love Diane xxx
Hi Barb,
Love the card and the way you have used the dotty stencil to connect the background onto the design. The colours are gorgeous together too. Glad you had a great trip to New York with Grace and a shame about your in flight entertainment! That is just disgraceful behaviour. How unprofessional! As others have said, it could be worth complaining you never know you might just get a free flight or at least money off your next one. I would never complain in the past, but as I've got older, I just think that I should get what I pay for and you certainly didn't pay to see two stewardesses having an argument! Love Alison xx
Finally I get to Sunday's Blog? First went to open it at 8am on Sunday??? How kids distract us eh? I love this card and love the way you brought the two together, neat little finishing touches here, thanks I will use these. xxxx