Up in North Yorkshire with our friends! xxx
Hello there!
Thanks for stopping by.
Friday’s blog a private peek, right?
Well, we’re up in North Yorkshire today,
all revved up to go to Catterick for the set-up of our
Heather and Elaine are twittering away in the kitchen,
all ready for the off.
Young Chloe has just surfaced, too.
So I will keep this short and sweet.
The doors for our big Craft Event open tomorrow
Saturday 9-4
Sunday 10-4
6 Demonstrators, including myself, all set to entertain and dazzle you with their excellent art techniques.
Prize Draws on the hour every hour.
Free parking.
The address is
KINGS CHURCH at Indbuild
Colburn Business Park
Catterick Garrison, DL9 4QL
Many of our Design Team stars are arriving
during the course of the day, to help set up;
the others will be there for the weekend.
Heather (aka Angel with Knee-pads) and her hubby Len have been planning and prepping for weeks!
You should see the love and effort; it is very humbling.
So if you want to meet the Clarity Team,
we are up North this weekend.
It is very accessible from the A1. Can’t miss it.
If you didn’t get a ticket, you can come on the day.
Looking at the building, we can handle it !!!!
Sorry, no pics.
Tinternet is sluggggggish….
hope you can join us!
much love,
39 thoughts on “Up in North Yorkshire with our friends! xxx”
Hi Barbara. Have a fantastic time. All of you and your wonderful teams hard work will be appreciated and enjoyed by so many, but not me sadly, I can't make it this time : (. I will be thinking of you all though. Enjoy yourselves. Take care.
So looking forward to this and meeting up with friends on FB in person. Heather is such a lovely lady, always so helpful 🙂
I wish could come but cannot make it this weekend hope go get to some thing next year xxx
See you all tonight! Xxx have a great day! Xxxx
Hope you're prepared for Maria's Preston Gang on Sunday, Barbara. I'm sure that we'll be a very well behaved group of crafters… wonder what the collective name for a group of crafters is?
Hope your setting up goes ok and no messing about in that lift… now why does the name Sam Crowe come to mind? Only jesting Sam 🙂
Like Lisa says, it will be great to meet FB friends in person. Will be good to see you and Dave again too, Barb.
See you Sunday
Jeanette xx
Good Morning Barbara and Dave and all the wonderful support Clarity Team –
Catterick just a little too far for me – but have an absolutely wonderful time – it will be a blast
Much Love
Kim xx
Hi Barb, well I hope the setup goes well, and no doubt everyone will have a wonderful time. I wish I could go, but sadly due to family commitments I cannot, but have promised myself an outing to one of your events next year. Have a fantastic weekend everyone, and looking forward to pictures, especially the funny ones, as they do make me LOL. Bx
Have a fabulous time – as if you would have any other type of time!! I know this year's events haven't finished yet but as soon as you have the dates for next year's retreats can you let us know – I am determined to get there next year so need to book holidays avoiding your retreat dates. Exciiiiiiiiited!!! Ta ever so. Xxxxc
I hope you all have a great weekend. Sorry I can't be with you. Work calls.
Love, Roz.x
Good morning Barbara.
I am looking forward to joining you all tomorrow. Can't leave south Essex until 2pm (must not miss my sewing class) so wish me luck.
Big hugs
10 out of 10 for effort! Xx
I'm really, really looking forward to it. Just one more sleep!!!
Love Joan xx
Have a fantastic weekend
Jackie x
Have an amazing weekend! xxx
One more sleep until I leave to drive south. My friend and I are staying in a B&B on Saturday night so we are fresh for spending Sunday with you. Really looking forward to spending lots of money on even more Clarity products and learn from the demos.
Have a fab week-end, wish I was joining everyone, sounds to good to miss..xx
Hello. Have a simply amazing weekend surrounded by hundreds of adoring fans. Wish I could be amongst them but family duties take priority sadly. Save me some goodies for when you get back and make sure you take lots of photos for us stay-at-homes to enjoy. xx Margaret Col.
Hi Barbara and all the Clarity crew. So sorry not to be coming. Not up to driving at the moment which is a pain, as public transport from here to there is nigh on impossible sadly. Next year – I do hope there will be a next year up north?!- I'll hopefully be back to driving. So, have a great time. Yorkshire knew you were coming so hung the sun out for you 😉 hugs (())
I would love to come to your weekend and meet everyone, better still, I'd love it if you all shipped over to Ireland so we could meet you in person, but I know this is likely to be out of your scope. Perhaps a stall at the Knitting and Stitching show next year would be great too (its on Oct/Nov weekend).
Hi Barbara hope you have a great time I'm sure you will. Take some time out to rest yourself though and let the clarity angels weave their magic! Have a great day love Diane xxxx
Have a fab open day, I wish I were there too. We are with you in spirit… Enjoy and have lots of fun.
Everyone have a fabulous time would love to be there as it's my birthday on 15september I love clarity and would be fantastic to meet you Barbara and your fantastic team but am too ill to travel ,thinking of you all and very envious xxx
Hope you are feeling better soon x
Have a wonderful time Ladies. I'd so love to be there. Instead I will be donning the heels (ouch!) and my posh frock and tripping the light fantastic. Will be fit for nothing on Sunday but will be tuned into the blog and looking out for all your fab photos. Have fun 🙂
Have s great time Barbara too far for me be thinking of you all love June xxxxx
Hope you have a wonderful two days, but alas the drive is still too far for me to think about at the moment with guests still pouring into Inverness to see Nessie! Actually, I think they are here this weekend for the Homecoming parade through town tonight and the start of the World Masters Strongman event starting tomorrow – why men over 50 still want to toss a caber though is beyond me!!! We'll probably go down and cheer them on though – have fun with your inky friends, Susan x
I would love to be there, but, even if it were closer to us in the middle of the country, there are family reasons why I could not get there. However, I know it will be a great weekend. Don't do too much – let the others take the strain. Save your energies for your trip to see Grace. xxx Maggie
Hope everyone has a really great time x
I hope everyone has a wonderful time and all northerners take advantage of the opportunity. Unfortunately, we'll just be passing by on the slog up to Scotland for the week and will be out of communication range for the duration. I'm looking forward to the peace and beauty while there and looking forward to catching up on all the news on our return. Have fun. Thank you, Jan
Best wishes to all for a great time. I've just spent 2 lovely hours catching up with the C and C show from Sunday, as we were away. The new stamps look terrific but become even more desirable when the demos show just what you can do with them. Well done to all the sample makers too.
Hi Barbara. Just wanted to wish you and the team a good weekend. Wish I could be there but not well enough to travel that far yet. I am sure everyone will have a grand time. Very jealous. Hugs xx
Lovely day for a drive to the dales and beyond, sun on your face, wind in your hair and all the stock rattling and jumping about in the back of the van. Wish I was there, but too far for me to travel. However I have put my name and money down for tickets to the October Port Sunlight show , only a mere 90 miles or so from my home and less than 3 miles from my brother's house. Really looking forward the show that's if I get a ticket.
Of all the weeks, I have to be on holiday when you are coming so close to where I live, gutted I can't be there. Have the most wonderful Weekend Barbara I am sure all who attend will have the most amazing time with you and the Design Team. Enjoy, and don't forget to post us lots of lovely photos. A warm Yorkshire welcome to you all ….. hugs xxxx
Oooo it's so exciting!! Seeing all the clarity team makes me feel really happy and proud to be a part of it!
See you all who are going on Sunday! Oh and I don't have pink hair but I'll find someway of you knowing I'm me!!!
It'll be great to see you and Dave ooop Norf! love and hugs! Xxx
Hi Barbara
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Hi Barb,
Really looking forward to tomorrow when I get to meet you and the Design Team. I'm so looking forward to having a day off from decorating and Catterick is only 30 minutes away from me so it would be rude not to come and see you. I can feel my credit card groaning already!! Thanks for travelling this far North. We've even arranged good weather for you! Love Alison xxx
Hope the set up went smoothly and that everyone has a lovely weekend. If it's anything like the Cowden open days it will be fabulous! xx
I hope it all goes well for you and your team this weekend. Can't be there this time sadly got to wait for NEC for my Clarity fix. xx
Hi Eveyone just checking everything is on track before setting off. Looking forward to a fabulous and informative day. Thank you for everyone who has participated in the making. See you soon. Deborah x