Come fly with me, let’s fly let’s fly away….

Come fly with me, let’s fly let’s fly away….

Hello there!
Thanks for stopping by!
It’s Monday, and I’m late again.
I had fully intended to have a quick cuppa and get going.
I have just spent 2 hours cleaning the fridge out instead.
Somebody laid the litre bottle of orange juice horizontal,
but the lid wasn’t on properly, so when I went to get the milk for my said quick cuppa, oh what joy!
Everything – and I mean EVERYTHING 
was swimming in orange juice.
Sticky orange juice.
On a positive note,
the fridge is spotless.
Moving on,
here is the lovely Grace under the Ginkgo tree,
smiling at what I decided was my favourite piece of work from the Crowborough Open Days.
Let’s take a closer look….
For the houses and the castle, I used 2 out of the 5 masks in our 
Ink Pads?
For the Background Mask-work, I used a make-up sponge and 
2 Distress pads:
These 2 Claritystamps are just wonderful.
And they work brilliantly together, too.
The little boy in flight is just perfect, and I find myself reaching for him all the time. He just works for so many occasions!

And the Wise words Stamp? Very useful.
You can even mask off parts of it:

Clean out…
the fridge
will instantly 
fill it.
with more pork pies, coleslaw and potato salad.

Used with a Black Archival ink pad
So to celebrate a really, really fantastic Clarity weekend,
I would like to have a special Monday offer:
If you invest in the Boy Stamp
we will send you the Rooftops mask as a gift. 
If you invest in these wise words,
we will send you the Castle mask as a gift.
I am off to work now;
Must fly!
Have a great day!
much love,

42 thoughts on “Come fly with me, let’s fly let’s fly away….

  1. This is really lovely Barbara, just love these stamps and words. I had a chuckle to myself when I was reading your blog, for one minute I thought you had put Dave filled the fridge with Black Archival Ink Pads lol !! That will teach me to slow down a bit when I am reading, enjoy you day xxx

  2. Oh Barbara that is lovely and yes I can see the boy is your favourite and as you say perfect for any occasion. What a morning you have had! Don't you just love it when that happens and I bet everyone will say it wasn't them! It's too hot to be cleaning too but the fridge is now clean no bottles of sticky stuff lurking set the back and as you say plea try of room for pork pies coleslaw potato salad and wine/beer. Hope the rest of your day is calmer. Love Diane xxx

  3. They are beautiful stamps and masks and love the words one I need. We had a a problem last week were Katie hadn't shut freezer door put in garage was found till next day so trip to dump freezer full of food so now all defrosted cleaned and indoor one done to so a job that needed doing done but not in way wanted so know to restock what fun never a dull moment x

    1. Bummer. That happened here once too. But we didn't realise for weeks. Kept thinking there must be a dead squirrel or something somewhere….and then we opeed the chest lid. Oh boy.

  4. what a start to your Monday morning but how lovely to have a nice clean spotless fridge…..until Dave fills it up again lol
    I love your card and as you say that image is useful for so many occasions
    have a good day
    jackie x

  5. Hi Barb, isn't it annoying to find a leaking bottle in your fridge especially on a Monday morning! But nice to have a spotless one again – how long will it take Dave to fill it up I wonder 🙂 Love this image, and have tried it with the stencil, and it turned out quite well. My ordering for this month is done and dusted, so roll on next payday. Have a great day. Bx

  6. Hi Barb,
    What a start to a Monday morning! I bet the air was blue! As you say to be positive you at least have a spotless fridge. I've just had a bloke out to fix my washer – he was here a grand total of 5 minutes and charged £25 – all he did was take a spindle out and put it back again so the selector would work. Today's work if art is lovely and I can see why you love the boy stamp. Have a good day, love Alison xx

  7. Hi Barbara. Totally understand why this is your favourite piece of the weekend, it is beautiful.
    Several years ago I cleaned both inside and outside the fridge, pulling it out to do the back and underneath….. Good job done. The next morning I dropped a full pint of milk(still had glass bottles then) so had to pull it back out to clean it all up…… Not happy. Then things got really nasty! I did exactly the same thing the following morning!!! Our kitchen were yellow then but for that day the air turned blue… you can imagine I was not a happy bunny! Still can't believe that I managed to do it two days in a row, and just AFTER having cleaned. Why don't these things happen before you clean? Oh well, I had the cleanest floor ever for a few days, I can laugh about it now. Have a good day. Take care.

  8. Morning Barbara, glad you had a great weekend.
    Fridges can provide no end of cleaning challenges, leaks, spills and defrosting to name but a few!
    This is wonderful artwork -so three dimensional, love it!

  9. Oh no! I know I should have waited – I ordered the boy stamp last week and am awaiting delivery! I had been debating with myself for weeks as to whether I really needed it.

    Roz x

  10. A really lovely piece of work, worthy of your gallery, I reckon. I am just finishing off the tidying before my cleaning lady comes. That also involves clearing out the fridge and making sure ther is room for when Sainsburys deliver this afternoon. I think orange juice in the fridge could be preferable of what Bec's kittens did to her. Tesco had dropped all her shopping on the floor in her front room. The kittens decided that a large container of orange juice would go very well with a large bag of sugar – lovely! Try not to work too hard this week and give yourself time to recover from the wonderful Open Days. xx Maggie

  11. Blown away by today's art work. Getting a signal now. Last week in HUnstanton struggled to get your blogs. Now home and catching up. Lovely picture for a busy Monday.
    Best wishes

  12. Hi Barb, hope you've had time for your cuppa after "the OJ incident" 🙂 Was a really good day on Saturday – Vida & I had a lovely time. Great to see Grace again – & yourself, as always. Hope you're going to take some time out to chill this week???
    Take care & ttfn, Liz xxx

  13. Good afternoon. I too love that stamp. Haven't got the words yet and would like the castle mask so perhaps that's this week's purchase. Have a lovely sunny afternoon with Grace in the garden maybe. xx Margaret Col.

  14. What a beautiful image, no wonder its your favourite, its lovely. Hope now that your fridge is gleaming and Dave is in the throws of filling up the empty space you can relax and enjoy the sunny afternoon with you lovely daughter. Joan x

  15. This is beautiful Barbara, and I love that dark but rich Stormy Sky DI background with the masks, and such lovely shadows which bring it to life, and also that lovely Little Boy in Flight stamp, which seems to go with just about any background. x

  16. Hi Barb,
    I just wish you'd stop it. This is so beautiful and I've just got to order the necessary bits and pieces.
    I see Dave has the same healthy eating menu as my George, except coleslaw is too healthy so George would have peas pudding with his pork pies (you notice I said pies – plural). Do you have peas pud in your neck of the woods?
    If you get the chance have a rest and spend some time with Grace.
    Oh by the way, I've just spent the day at Beamish Open Air Museum with 66 school children. Half were doing the Victorians (the class of my 7 year old granddaughter), so we all dressed appropriately – my outfit and pokey bonnet were made out of old bedroom curtains and curtain linings, and the other half were doing World War 2 (my 10 year old granddaughter) so they got dressed as evacuees – George went as a Spiv with packets of nylon stockings and old watches pinned to the inside of his coat. It was great. One visitor asked me where the toilets were, I told her I didn't know, I was a visitor myself, so I suppose that was a compliment to my dress-making skills. Putting my feet up now and having a coffee.
    Love to all xx

  17. Well after very little encouragement from you I bought the boy stamp on Friday. Not used it yet, have been busy catching up on washing and ironing since we got home. My son is off to Glastonbury on Wednesday and guess what….. rain is forecast can you just picture his bag of clothes when he gets back. Poor you, just did not need to have to clean out fridge, hope you got that cuppa eventually. Lovely artwork xx

  18. I have this stamp, but am yet to use it. Still trying to decide which of my stencils to use him with as I believe it would make a nice birthday card for my Godson's 10th birthday on New Year's Eve. So have got a bit of time to decide. Maybe I will get some inspiration from the Nottingham Clarity workshop and from your blog.

  19. Hi Barb, My iPad would not let me put a comment in yesterday! So did anyone own up to the orange juice – my experience is it was never anyone else – so must have been the orange juice fairies!!!
    Love this – your favourite stamp! I have him to – he speaks of childhood memories, trying to fly a kite and never quite making it (in my case anyway!)
    Superb art as ever
    Much love
    Kim x

  20. Lovely as always Barb x. I have the little girl with balloons and love and I have used her more than other stamps as I love it so much. I have the masks so I may do a remake of the girl and the masks. Have fun

    With love Denise xx

  21. Hi. Or should I say good evening. It's late but been so busy. Lovely art work Barbara. Should be in a frame.
    Yuk. Orange. I have had that happen more then once. Never sembtovfind out who didn't do up the lid though fridge gremlins I guess. I hope your week improved Debra x

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