And the 7th day was a day of rest….

And the 7th day was a day of rest….

Hello there!
Thanks for stopping by. 
Sorry I’m a little late out of the starting blocks today.
Just been mopping up after the Pizza & Beer after-party we had at the house yesterday for the Team.
My God!! It’s been a busy few days!
In case you haven’t heard, both Open Days here in Crowborough went down a storm, and a very happy, creative time
was had by all – both the guests and the Clarity crew. 
It’s quite quiet here at the house today.
Sam Crowe left on a jet this morning, 
Heather and Len took off after breakfast,
Paul Church is popping over for coffee in a minute,
Gracie is still in the land of Nod.
Dave is eating cold pizza, and I think I am just going to upload a load of photos, for you to flick through. 
They say it all.
Well, better than I could today, that’s for sure!!


DAY 1. 
200 Guests showed up for the day…
and oh boy! did they know how to spend it!

Lovely smiles, lovely peeps.

All I will say is Perfume and Telegraph….

Ink and Paint – that’s more me!!!!

Sam trying to get the lid off again, 
and Maria doing a blinding job on reinkers.

Paul on film and fibres…
had he switched off, do you think?
Jo was on top form on Stencils and Brushes. 
And Yep, Paul was definitely having a mental lie down…
Sam was on Grunge Paste duty…
finally got the lid off!

Mandy was greeting and hot-desking 
and generally being a darling.
Dee was on shaving foam, alcohol inks – 
and a veritable cornucopia of tricks and tips…

It really was a special atmosphere.

at 4 o’clock, 
The lads love a challenge….
and we hustled, too…..
honest guv….

SAM PROPPED HER UP, as she does…
and JO, WELL SHE WAS ON HER KNEES – literally!

(by yours faithfully!), 
5 o’clock.

with time to pose,
from left to right:
Dave, Ian, Len, Steven, Tom, Dan, Pete,

and mingle,

from left to right:
Jan, Chloe, Heather, Ann, Jayne, Grace, Katie.

even frolick,

 and lark about!
Cozy, innit!


 Paul definitely needs a holiday!
I’m saying Nuffink!

 Cream-Crackered, but still smiling!

So, on behalf of all the Clarity Crew,
many, many thanks for supporting our first Open Day Celebration.
Will we be repeating it? 
Has the Pope got a balcony ???
Watch this space…
Lots of love,

53 thoughts on “And the 7th day was a day of rest….

  1. Looks like you all had fun. One thing I miss living here in Spain are outings to craft exhibitions etc. but can't have everything and I got the sea, sun and sangria.

  2. Well peeved I couldn't come this time, however looks like you didn't miss me at all!!! When Pope Barbara decides to put herself on her very own balcony again I shall hopefully be first in line for a blessing!!!! Can't wait….xx

  3. I am so pleased went well looks like was fantastic wish was there but next time I will come one way or another, so will be watching out for date . Enjoy what's left of your weekend what cracking weather xx

  4. Oh my goodness, what a hard hard day but oh my it looks like so much fun!!! So rewarding when all 200 per day go home happy and poorer but with so much crafting to look foward to. Please do it again and I'll try to be one of the happy shoppers next time. Such a happy gang of workers you are truly blessed. xx Margaret Col.

  5. Hi Barbara, Thank yo for a wonderful day, I came on Friday and thoroughly enjoyed every minute. All the demonstrations were very informative and no question was left unanswered, what a wonderful and talented bunch you all are. I cant wait for the next open day, will definitely be there, also glad that there may be a workshop held there! Yes I am that person who asked why there wasn't one for us down here, Hope you can now have a good rest. Thank you once again xx

  6. Hi Barbara, Very impressed at how quickly you all packed up. Yesterday was a really great day, and everyone was soooo helpful. Thanks to you all for sharing your expertise and ideas, and for making the day go smoothly. Enjoy your Sunday. xx

  7. Oh Barb, what amazing pics, what a wonderful team! You look amazing at the awards. But my giggle for the day was defo the post open day pics, especially Churchie. Say hi to him from me. Hopefully he will remember me from MK. Well done to the entire team. My plan is to convince the hubz that I need to attend the next event and he has to drive me to Kent. Bx

  8. So glad it was all a great success!
    I want to try and make it to the next one so hope I can!
    I'm so looking forward to the retreat now! Xxx

  9. Hi Barb,
    this is my second post because I added one to yesterday's thinking you were having a day off (silly me). The photo's are great. Churchie looks as though he's asleep with his eyes open (I do that at mass) ha ha. Mandy looks as though she's got a plate of shaving foam ready to put in someone's face! And it's nice to see a photo of Pete. He was so helpful and patient with an old, computer novice, when I phoned the office for help.
    I'm so pleased it all went off with a swing – did we expect anything else from you.
    Rest up and love xx

  10. Hi Barb,
    It certainly looks as though everyone had a great time. You all must be shattered but happy that both days went so well. Hope I might be able to persuade hubby to go on a trip to Kent next time you hold the open days. With any luck, Durham might be playing cricket at Canterbury so he can go to that!!! Love Alison xxx

    1. Just persuade your husband to go and have an overnight stay. There were several men there and they just got chatting with one another. ( while we emptied bank accounts ) x

  11. Oh please making it a traveling road show and come to Somerset (best during the dry season lol!)
    I can think of several venues and I would be happy to make the tea and wash up and sweep the floors lol!
    ( I an so jealous of thouse who got to go this time round I have actually turned an intresting Shade of puce green lol !!! )

  12. It was a fantastic event I think you can be very pleased with yourself and all your brilliant team even the lads in the car park who were so friendly. Dave who was working hard on the till as usual. I will definitely come again if there is another, my husband even enjoyed the day. He is a retired engineer and spent a lot of time after explaining to me the mechanics of making your products. It was a brilliant idea and a success I reckon. Hope you get some rest soon though . Thanks. xx

  13. I do so wish I could have been there this weekend, but I am so glad you all had such a fantastic show. Love all the pictures. Your stand at the shows is always a real magnet but in this case, you were surrounded by undiluted fans. What a great buzz it must have been. Definitely a time for a break in your little house to unwind among your lovely flowers and birds. xxx Maggie

  14. Oh Barbara you are such a lovely lady, so humble too. It was awesome yesterday, loved every minute of it. What a team you have, and a huge success! You are a lucky lady but that luck you have made for yourself through all your hard work and dedication. The pictures are great just shows the happiness and fun you all had. My favorite has to be the one with Jo on her knees with Maria and Sam! You really need to chill and take some time out now, and enjoy your success! Love you loads!Wendyxx

  15. Barbara – wow what a great time you all had!!! great photos – so glad it went off well and even more glad you will be doing it again – maybe next time I can make it – keep chillin girl!!!!
    Much Love

  16. We had a lovely time and it was so great to meet all the team – they are all angels :0. Hubby and I are booked in for the 2-day July workshop so this was a trial run for us – and just as well as the sat nav took us almost to Eastbourne from Essex! Maps next time. Needless to say our basket was full by the time we got to see Dave at the till. It was a fantastic day and thank you all for making us feel so welcome – Helen and Mike xx

  17. Sorry I haven't commented on your blog lately. It looks like a great time and much laughter was had at the open day. Wish I could have come but to far when on public transport.

    1. I'm sure had you put out an S.O.S for a lift , someone from your area would have been able to help. I travelled for 3 hrs on my own and I would have liked to have someone to share the journey with. Once I arrived at the venue I met some lovely like minded people and a good time was certainly had by all.

  18. this looks so wonderful Barb – what a fabulous two days – so glad to see Jo there – I'm doing her workshop next weekend so she'll be able to tell us all about it! Lol!!! Hope I can get to the next one xx

  19. I cannot wait to your next open day as I will try and attend as it looks so much fun. I would have loved to attend 🙂

    Glad you are the other side of it now Barb xx

    Loads of love Denise xx

  20. I had an amazing day. Your event was absolutely wonderful. The atmosphere was happy, innocent, fun and creative. It was like being amongst family. I so admire you for your talent and what you have achieved s

  21. Looks like you had a great time. Hope to be able to come for the next one. Relax a bit now, before you come to us with stunning new créations, stencils or stamps.
    And well done to all of the team.
    Laurence xx

  22. Hi Barbara,
    What about the Bournemouth area for an open day -or at least further west than the recent one! I did look into attending, but it was miles!! Bournemouth gets nothing in the way of shows, exhibitions, etc. It would be lovely to be put on the map!

  23. Hi Barbara,
    What about the Bournemouth area for an open day -or at least further west than the recent one! I did look into attending, but it was miles!! Bournemouth gets nothing in the way of shows, exhibitions, etc. It would be lovely to be put on the map!

  24. What great photos. Looks like the Open Days were a roaring success. The new mounts for the Gelli plates are such a great idea. And congratulations on your award. x

  25. Hi Barbara wow it looks like you all had a fantastic time and you must have enjoyed it because you are still all smiling at the end (I do agree that Paul definitely looks like he should have a holiday!) I'm really pleased it was a success and will be trying to find a way to join you next time. Congratulations to you all and hopefully you will be having a quieter week before you start on TV show stuff! Take care . Love Diane xxx

  26. What great pics and how wonderful to see everyone enjoying themselves so much, and glad that you are taking it easy today and enjoying the lovely weather. x

  27. Really enjoyed looking at the photos, I'm know that you all worked very hard, but it great to see that you had so much fun too. The photos with Paul, Maria and Sam crack me up and it's amazing that you packed it all up in 1 hour. Glad it was such a success for you and please, please, please make the next one in the school holidays so that us teachers up north can come too. xx

  28. Hi Barbara. Great pics, I am so pleased to see just how well it went. And I am really pleased to hear that you are chilling out today catching some rays in your garden : ) Take care.

  29. Me again! I have just realisedthat I didn't comment ysterday and wanted to say big Congratulations on both the award, so well deserved, and the Clarity MegaMount, what a great idea : ) x

  30. Wow, I'm surprised you could all still be smiling at the end of that, I'd be completely pooped. Now if it hasn't put you off, why not come over here to Ireland, and bring the crew! You would all go down sooo well at the Knitting and Stitching show in Dublin in Oct/Nov. I know it says Knitting and Stitching, but it takes in a lot of card stuff too, it's our only craft show of the year, so we save up lots to go to it.

  31. Well it looks like you all enjoyed yourselves – what team work!! I'm sure everyone who attended had a ball too – I fondly remember my two days at a Clarity workshop with you years ago, and I still have all my samples that I did in a precious little plastic folder! Look forward to hearing about the next event… Susan x

  32. We at Crowborough Rugby Club enjoyed hosting you all and we look forward to seeing you in July. I think we even have one of your customers painting a water colour of our clubhouse and grounds for us

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