Fab New Stencil brought to life.
Hello there!
Welcome to Wednesday’s blog
Let’s try a new stencil and a beautiful blue tit!
I used
Worn Lipstick Distress Pad
Stamp the bird in black Archival, cover with the mask,
dust with Worn Lipstick.
(No, don’t slap some lippy on and then lightly kiss the paper!)
(No, don’t slap some lippy on and then lightly kiss the paper!)
and Dusty Concord
Attach the new mask with Low tack masking tape
Load a Stencil brush with Worn lipstick and swoosh over the stencil, working away from the bird.
Check to see.
Dust with Weathered Wood.
Using a make up sponge, add a little shade with Weathered Wood.
Change masks. Now we want to cover the outside.
Use a make-up sponge to add colour from the Tumbles Glass.
Add a little Worn Lipstick
When you lift the mask, the bird is already complete.
Dust lightly through Punchinella.
Add the verse. One of my favourites.
Now it’s time to add some depth to the edge.
I used a blending tool with the blending mat to add shadow around the edges.
Touch too purple. Tone it down with Slate Adirondack.
Use a black Sharpie Pen and a ruler to draw a fine black line around all 4 sides.
Mount on a white card. The fine black line makes the artwork really stand out.
Now imagine the bird is looking down on the earth,
at all the fields…
or gliding over the streets of London, if you’re an urban chick!
I think the Dusty Concord is a beautiful colour.
And as for Maya Angelou’s words; well, she has always been my shero. I love this woman.
I remember many years ago, listening to her give an impromptu, magical poetry recital at the Glide Church in San Francisco.
I had gone along to the Glide for the morning, as I always did whilst living in Northern California. And there in the front row, quite by coincidence, was Maya Angelou. I was so excited!
Just couldn’t believe it.
Just for once, I was in the right place at the right time.
If I could choose a woman to spend a day with,
apart from my Mum and Grace,
it would be Maya Angelou.
How about you?
Leave an uplifting comment here about your Shero.
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we will pick a random winner for a £100 giveaway. There are already 959 One Day at a Time Blog friends! Wow! Amazing! Thank you xxx
Just follow at the top, if you don’t already, and email me at barbaragray123@hotmail.com to tell me you have ! xx
Thanks for stopping by.
much love,
80 thoughts on “Fab New Stencil brought to life.”
Lovely as always Barb,wish I could do what you do – am so jealous you have seen Maya Angelou and heard her talk she is an amazing person I love her work x
How beautiful, both the artwork and the words of Maya. I researched some more of her writings are falling in love with some of your stamps. Mind opening.
Wonderful sentiment so fitting for this lovely artwork. Going to read some more about Maya, an amazing woman, thank you for introducing such an amazing lady xx
Ps. Love the new stencil, make sure you take plenty to Harrogate, see you sunday xx
Barbara the colouring on this card is gorgous, lovely card all round. I have thought long and hard about who my shero is, apart from my Mam, and I could only come up with Pam Ayres who is a great poet to me and who taught me at a young age that things don't have to be "exactly right" to be accepted. I only really like rhyming poetry and her way of fitting an "Odd Ode" together is still the way I like to write poems, or would like to. However she doesn't really compare to Maya, who I must have seen on "Roots" I loved that programme. I have just read her poem "Still I rise" and I think I am going to have to buy one of her books. xx
Lovely Demo Barbara. Always a pleasure to see what you do and also to hear what you have to share. xx
Wow another fantastic idea, I have used the stamp and now I have the technique to make the bird look fab, thanks.
Love the colours and the new stencil cannot wait to get it . And what an amazing lady she is such wonderful words would love to meet her will look her up and readier of her writings cxx
Lovely card, beautiful verse as well. My shero Barbara has to be you. You've taught me so much artistically that I never thought I could achieve. I' never could draw but with the help of stamps and all your teachings I can at least do a presentable card nowadays. Also the inspiration from your journey through life has been great. Keep on doing what you do!
Another wonderful Wednesday step by step. It seems ages ago (well, it is!) since someone gave me a copy of Maya Angelou's 'I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings' when I was in hospital. Inspiring!
Barb, what I love about you is that you not only teach us art you also share and educate – I like a few people above have been off to 'google' a bit more on Maya – and totally understand why she is your Shero – what an inspiring woman and what a life she has had – so thank you not just for the art but also for the education xx
Fingers crossed that the blog reaches the 1000 today xx
Loved today's demo The first thing I do every morning is look at your blog it always inspires me whether it is a demo or or just you chatting you have a wonderful well with words and usually manage to make me smile? Thankyou
Hi Barb, Maya Angelou is a great inspiration, her writing is amazing, and she is an amazing lady. This card is simply stunning, love the new stencil, and the way you have used the colours is gorgeous. I am sure everyone will agree that you are our shero with your insights into life and your artistic inspiration. Have a good Wednesday. Bx
really enjoy your blog every morning while having my coffee always inspires me to make art x
Morning Barbara,
WOW! This is stunning, thank you so much for the step by step instructions, its amazing what you come up with. Love the colours, stamp and that mask…wow! Love it!
I absolutely love the verse, she is an inspirational woman.
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
It always amazes me how you can produce such stunning cards with just a couple of stamps, mask, stencil and ink, they always look amazing. I don't really have a shero but I do collect people who I admire. Thinking about it most of these are people I have come across who inspire me to try something new for myself.
Good morning Barbara love this card the colors are georgeous and love the new stencil. Maya Angelou seems to be an amazing and inspirational woman. JB xxxx
Lovely card Barbara….. x
Wow and yesterday the framing, This artwork will look amazing in a frame, that's this weekend planed out, can't wait for work to finish on Friday so I have enough time to play! Xx
loving the stencil Barbara and the whole card looks fabulous – thanks for sharing Maya Angelou with us – I bet that was some day you sitting in the same row as her – I bet you felt really in awe like that thousands of us do when we see you at a show! Thanks for the inspiration Barbara xx
Stunning work, like many others I have googled maya and will be reading more. Your blog lifts my spirits each morning through your insight into the creative or your forthright down to earth humour
thanks 🙂
Great piece of art, love the colours. Maya Angelou's word are so inspirational just like you are to all your followers with your art, you've certainly made me believe in myself with regards to my crafting. Thanks Jx
Beautiful as always, you make everything so clear and easy to understand . Thank you
Love how you do this technique. I made my first proper attempt with the shading using the letterbox kit yesterday and was so pleased with the result, going to try more, the masks for the lerrbox have made me much more confident so am going to get more masks for the stamps I have
The colours of the card you have made match the colours in the sky where I am amazing!
Love this new card. Unfortunate for me my blue tit stamps are sitting in the post office waiting to be collected and I can't get there till Saturday!! I too think that Maya's words always hit the right spot. My craft shero would definitely be you and Sheena Douglas as I love both of your work and wish I was a combination of you both. As for an ultimate shero I will have to give that some thought……….
Love this new card. Unfortunate for me my blue tit stamps are sitting in the post office waiting to be collected and I can't get there till Saturday!! I too think that Maya's words always hit the right spot. My craft shero would definitely be you and Sheena Douglas as I love both of your work and wish I was a combination of you both. As for an ultimate shero I will have to give that some thought……….
Artistically you are definitely my Shero …..I think you are just amazing. Day after day you come up with all these different ideas..I try but ….enough said. I love reading your blog and looking at your artwork. Although I said "enough said" I am happy with my efforts and so are the people that see them so some of you is rubbing off on me! Look forward to this time each and every day.
Happy birthday in advance for tomorrow, hope you have a fab day….xxxxx
I love the colours you have used on this card, and the new stencil looks great. I've been inspired by many women including my Mum, Sister, a teacher from my primary school days, Maya Angelou and you. My shero though would have to be Mother Theresa whose selfless devotion to others in difficult circumstances was, I thought, incredible. xx
This is lovely, the verse is beautiful too and in answer to your question all I can say is I am not really sure…. however my daughter would argue this and say that is you Barbara. She has a good point but overall I still would say I am not sure as there are so many that I do admire xx
Lovely card Barbara -love the stencilling.
I have quite a few scheros- one was a very dear friend who sadly died last year-she was an amazing person and gave so much to everyone. I have a lovely pic of her in my little craft room and she reminds me how blessed I was to call her friend.
Have a great day !
Morning Barbara. Fab card today. My sheros are you and Mary Queen of Scots. Although Mary was naive she was a young woman trying to make her way in a mans world, a particularly savage and alien one having come to live in Scotland after living most of her life in genteel France. Can you imagine the difference. She was betrayed by almost everyone that should have protected her but remained faithful to her crown and faith to the end. What a woman! Have a great day. Lynne.x
Hi Barb,
This is just gorgeous. Love the new stencil – another must have. I was playing with my garden birds stamps at the weekend and did this one with watercolour pencils – my husband didn't believe that I had done it! Really like the colours you have used here though. Went for a walk along the River Wear near Durham yesterday and was lucky enough to see a kingfisher – so beautiful. My Shero had to be my Mam who gave me a love of crafting – she was a time served seamstress and had such a hard upbringing in London – she was born during WWI and the family lost a number of members in that awful conflict. However, my crafting Sheros have to be yourself and Sue Wilson,. Both of you have changed my card making so much that I cannot thank you enough. Following you on C&C and now the blog, has given me so much more confidence to try new things and I cannot thank you enough for that. Love Alison xx
What a fab way to colour the bird. So effective, and thanks for the tip on toning down the purple ink.
How fortunate to have been in the right place and the right time to to see and hear such an inspiring lady.
Beryl xx
Fab card Barb love that stencil. My shero? ?…….My Mum who sadly is no longer with me and I miss her every day x
Hi Barbara. What a very uplifting blog today. Love the beautiful bird you´ve created today. I so admire people like Maya who face such trials in life yet come through and stamp their place in the world.
Have a lovely day.
Love Val in Spain x
The colour combination on the bird is lovely& your range of stencils is to die for. Beautiful card
Stunning Barbara, thanks for the inspiration
Hi Barbara,I, like Donna Brooks rate you and Sheena D as my Artistic Shero.I have the `Never Forget` stamp ready to make a thank you card to send to my ex colleagues as I left my job of 22 years in the same care home. Thank you for your inspiration daily!
Morning Barbara,
Love the art work this morning, I bought the garden bird set at the SECC so will try it out later.
My shero would have to be my daughter as she was my strength through my breast cancer.
Lorna D
Hi Barbara my shero is nelson Mandela his book moved me so much my dear friend Winn McCormick i lost her two weeks ago after 51 years of friendship.my craft ones are you and sue Wilson I sit watching you on tele in awe of what you create the card today is beautiful I told you yesterday that I had blue tits in the nesting box we have been married 56years on sat that will be a nice card to try love always Barbara xxxxx
This card is wonderful! I love the new stencil and the bird is stunning! The colour combination is awesome! My Shero is my Daughter Sarah. She is a new Mum and is an absolutely amazing one! Always happy and nothing phases her – I am so proud! xx
Another wonderful card with step by step instructions Barbara. thank you. My shero is my grandmother. She was such a creative and optimist woman. So kind too. She never said a bad word about anyone. She could make anything out of anything. I miss her very much. Mind you, she was around for 103 years,
Hi Barbara. I love the blue tit card, great colours and stencils too. I must find out more about Maya. I don't have just one shero, you and Sue Wilson are my crafting ones as you have both opened up my world of card making, and also given me the confidence to" have a go" no matter what : ) Take care.
Took my breath away as did the new design stamp and instructions. Good way to start the day
Thank you
Anne x
My today Shero has to be Barbara Gray – she inspires me every morning with my cuppa!
How beautiful, love the colours. I bought the verse with the magpie stamps when you brought it to C@C. My shero has to be my mum, she was a beautiful intelligent woman, very loving, she died far to young and is missed every day but she showed me the person I wanted to be. You are my crafting shero, you have given me gifts I didn't know I had, thank you for that. Joan x
This is so pretty, and quite a quick and simple technique – another one to try.
Reading about Maya makes me appreciate what most of us have from birth, but don't realize. Not everyone is given the same opportunities in life, and like Maya, have to work so hard to achieve what we all take for granted – she sure is inspirational & could be a role model for many – thank you for the introduction to her! 🙂 x
Forgot to mention my Shero – definitely my Mum who sadly passed away in 2008 – I miss her smile and encouraging words every second of every day. I can still hear her praising my art work when I used to sit crafting at the kitchen table, while she would be doing her jigsaws. 🙂 xxx
Beautiful card, so peaceful The poem is the most thought provoking I have read in a long time. Apart from my family I don't have a shero, but I do mix with some fantastic, caring, thoughtful and considerate women. We laugh together a lot, travel together and most of all help each other out when the times are tough. We've all enjoyed fulfilling careers and all have close families, but most of all we are crafters and that's the best part of it all.
Hi Barb, fabulous work today and thanks for the detail about how you created it. The devil is in the detail know and your "recipies" give all the information you need to re-create your art. My Shero is Elizabeth I, in an age where women were largely ignored she ruled over a disparate nation, unifying them and bringing pride into Britain – early "girl power"! Love your blog and I'm sure it won't be long before you reach 2,000 followers! Jean.x
How beautiful I received my birds the other day have not had time to play yet .love how the black line makes it stand out and such lovely colours thank you Barbara for another wonderful uplifting blog xxx
Words always hit the spot. Lovely crafty blog.
Loving the blog today with this technique. I've got the bird and the poem in the SECC last weekend so off for a wee play. My Shero is/was my Mum but it's a pity I didn't tell her more when she was with us. I suspect she knew but still wished I had said it more to her xx
Love it lovely card colours are great xxx
The bird stamp is already on my shopping list for Harrogate, might have to add the stencil as well. Lovely piece of art. Have just been into the charity shop across the road from work and bought some more picture frames, though they do need sanding and painting.
Absolutely beautiful
Another piece of art work for the gallery Barbara? It's absolutely beautiful and I love the new stencil – added to my Harrogate list. I have to choose two heroes – my mum and dad. I was so lucky be brought up surrounded by love and I wish they were still here. Pat x
My hero was my late mum she spent her life looking after others never complained and would help anyone and refued to hear or say anything about others saying if you cannot say anything good dont say anything a rare woman I am so proud of her
What a fantastic piece of artwork, another one for the gallery methinks! My hero would have to be Lady Olave Baden-Powell who along with her husband worked tirelessly with the Guide and Scout movements, also all those ladies and gentlemen who give up so much time to these organisations today.
Another stencil for my wish list – love the way you have used it today with the bird – so soft and subtle! My shero was my grandma – she lived to 90 and albeit a little confused at the end of her life, loved her family with a passion, loved life, laughter and learning. She could still recite poetry and Shakespeare that she had learnt at school, even though she couldn't remember what you had told her 2 minutes ago! And strangely for an elderly lady she loved a good horror film – the weirder, gorier and scarier the better!!! God Bless Nan :o)
Love this stencil and the way you have used it with the bird, another one to add to my wish list.
As for my Shero I really don't know who to choose will have to give it some thought and get back to you
Jackie x
Hi Barbara, a beautiful card. I love the stamp, masks and colours that you've used.
Gorgeous card Barbara. You make it all seem so easy!
I have just ordered this stencil amongst other things!! My club stamp arrived today, beautiful so am very happy. Wasn't sure if a Shero should be someone who's not here any more, anyway I have chosen my mum who will be 83 in May. She goes line dancing every week, sequence dancing twice a week and body toning as well her social life is better than mine and she wants a girls night out when my sister and niece come from America in a couple of weeks. I know I am so lucky to still have her here and hope I will have her energy and enthusiasm to make the most of life the way she does. X
What a lovely card. Great stamp & stencil. There are so many Shero's that deserve recognition, Helen Keller, Anne Frank, Marie Curie and Princess Diana are some of mine. All for different reasons. Mainly though for there fortitude and resilience in the face of extreme difficulties. Valerie
Beautiful piece of artwork just love the colours. Cheered me up today as hubby not well and our short break in doubt in next week, trying so hard not to look sad as it is not his fault. Think my shero would have to be both my nan and my mum. Neither of them still with us but nan gave me a love of needlework being a wonderful seamstress herself and my mum was always there in a crisis and when the ironing pile was threatening to bury us. Bless her. Enjoy your birthday tomorrow , it is my son's girlfriend's as well, just finished decorating a cake for her. Lynne xx
Really enjoyed the blog post today. Maya Angelou is an inspiration… This stencil has been added to my shopping list for Port Sunlight later in the month:)
That mask is now on my list for the NEC, so I hope you have got plenty. I think my shero would have to be a lady who wrote some wonderful books, some fictional and some biographical. She was Joyce Stranger, who died a few years ago. In additon to writing some great stories about animals and country life, also wrote about her own dogs and cats and how she trained the dogs. she was also very generous with her time and advice and at the age of 80 something, she was still training dogs for other people (some of the being assistance dogs). Joyce was also very happy to communicate by email wth anyone who wanted advice about their own dogs, and she gave us loads of very sensible an useful tips to keep our clever and energetic dogs sane and happy.. She also gave us the confidence to walk away from a trainer that we were not really happy with. Hope your neck is improving and you are delegating as much as possible. xx Maggie
Such a lovely card, the colours are just stunning. Never heard about Maya Angelou before I read your post. My Shero is surely my mum. Always tried to help the ones who had less, grown me up on her own and still have time for friends and family. Not sure that can count for a Shero, but she was mine, and I miss her every day. xx
I always enjoy your step by step tutorials as I always think I can have a go at that, then when I have a go I'm so pleased when I've accomplished it.Many thanks
wow this is beautiful and Maya sounds amazing, no wonder she is your shero. One of my shero's is YOU! More so as you tell your story through this blog of your struggles in the early days and how your determination has gotten you to the levels of success you enjoy today. If only I had a smidgeon of your determination, assertiveness, courage and of course talent x
A beautiful card and I love the new tangle stencil.
I've never heard of Maya before but she certainly sounds like an amazing lady. x
i really like the fact that you are using distress inks more and more. i love them and find them so versatile. great choice of colours too. xx
Another superb tutorial Barbara. I look forward to mornings these days; reading your latest blog whilst I relax with my breakfast and cuppa. Todays is inspirational and I am patiently awaiting delivery of my bird set, then I can have a go although I don't have the stencil but perhaps a different one will do for the first attempt! [I hope you will have them at Ally Pally!]. My Shero has to be your good self Barbara as you inspire me every single day with your tutorials and words of wisdom – thankyou! I hope your kneck problem is resolved soon – have you thought of acupuncture? – just a suggestion….. Beryl S x
Gorgeous demo and really loving the new stencil. One of my sheroes would be Octavia Hill who was one of the founders of the National Trust. She was an amazing woman who cared enough about social reform at a time when cities were expanding, open spaces were disappearing fast. Thanks to her legacy (and the other founders) we can still enjoy many beautiful open spaces, landscapes, gardens, houses and treasures which might of otherwise been lost forever.
Beautiful stamp and beautiful stencil = beautiful piece of artwork!
Maya Angelou – very special lady!
My shero – always has been my mum – love her to bits and always there for me when I need her xx
Beautiful everything
Beautiful stamp
Beautiful sentiment
Beautiful Lady
Beautiful piece of art to be proud of x
Very nice, I like it! I think my Shero would have to be you Barbara, sorry if that sounds a bit icky! You are one amazing talented kind inspirational lady!Wx
I love the blue tit and together with the stencils make a fantastic piece of art. The colours you have used and the shadows make the bird rise from the page. Thank you for this great inspiration. As for a shero that is more difficult. There are lots of strong and clever woman, but probably no-one who has influenced me personally except my mum who was always creative and passed some of that on to me. Creatively also I would like to say that you, Sheena and Glenda Waterworth are ladies whose work I admire, and I strive to emulate in some small way.
I can understand why Maya Angelou is so revered by many people because she obviously had a difficult early life but her strength of character and obvious talent with words has made her connect with and be an inspiration to so many people. x