You’ll like this new, starry starry night!
Hi there!
Two packs of Lemsip and a good nights sleep later, and boing!!! She’s back!
I had such a good time today, prepping this for you. I drew this little fella a long time ago, and I vaguely remember doing a similar sky years ago, on TV, but I have to tell you, my memory’s not what it used to be. So the Starry starry night sort of evolved…
Here’s what I used:
For the Moonfairy:
For the Background:
You do realise, I hope, that the products here are all linked to our website?
I figured out how to do that all by myself, she announced proudly;
she who still has no idea how to tag on Facebook!
Just click, and you can go and check them out directly!
So to some of you, that’s obvious, but to others, that’s news!
Ready, steady, go!
Make a frame with the Low-tack masking tape.
Stamp the Moonfairy in Black on the Claritycard
Now for the Fusible Film for the Fairy. FFFF….
Place the stamp on a riser and ink up with Black Archival
Make a Fusible Film Sandwich.
Lay a piece of film on the inky stamp,
then a little white fusible fibre,
then another piece of fusible film,
then the Baking Parchment,
to stop it sticking to the hot iron.
Travel Iron set to not full on….
Hey Presto!
Cut out the image. Don’t throw the scraps away;
you can use them in the next sandwich!
Put the shimmering fairy to one side for now;
it’s time to tackle the night sky.
You will LOVE this !
Ink up the Brayer and use the blending mat,
so you can re-visit the ink.
Brayer an undercoat of the Stream in the upper sky.
Load the Brayer with Denim, but before you unload it on the card,
sprinkle the whole picture with Deep Impression
embossing powder, UTP.
Now brayer straight over the gritty picture, back and forth with the Denim brayer.
The granules will move about, just keep brayering!
If you want to pick up a bit more Denim off the Blending mat, do that. I actually like the way the dark blue faded to almost nothing.
Let’s turn it round to get a better look…
Can you work out why all the photos up to now were on their side?
Dust off all the bits, and remove the Masking Tape.
Fantastic. I even impressed myself today! Wooo!!!
Now for the shimmering Moonfairy.
Looks more like a weird alien with a crash helmet on…
OK. So I’ve cut off his head, feet and hands.
Bit sadistic, but at least he looks like a little fairy now,
and less like a Vulcan!
There was a time I could balance like that …
Dodgy angle! Way too close!
Much better…
Yes, and I like the graduation, don’t you?
So there we have it.
What a neat way to create a starry, starry night. God Bless the Speedball Brayer!
with love from
69 thoughts on “You’ll like this new, starry starry night!”
Brilliant. I would never had thought of using embossing powder in any other way than just heating it, but it is so effective. What would happen if you heated after the brayering, I wonder. I love the way you do these tutorials. It seems as though you are here in the room doing one of your workshops. Hope you soon feel fully recovered. I blame that Dean with his bad throat. xx Maggie
Beautiful card Barbara. Can't wait to try this, the thick ultra thick powder creates a fantastic effects, but I think I need some more lemsip first! Glad you are feeling better.
Glad that you are feeling better Barbara. I just adore this stamp ( I have both sizes) I forgot about this technique. It is a really good one, so effective. great tutorial xxx
So pretty, I love this fairy image and I really must get some of those fusible fibres to try, i've seen a few projects that you have done with them and they all look wonderful and you make it look so very easy to do with your pictorials. Roll on payday. Thanks for sharing. Hugs xnx
Another technique to master, glad you are feeling better, love the fairy on this. Best wishes Jx
Love the card and the Ut is a new one for me to try. Glad you're beginning to feel better xx
Oh my! Barbara – you must be feeling better to be up so late doing this blog. What a lovely card – another stamp to put on my Wish List! Thankyou for the brill. demo – the way you write the comments, I can almost hear you saying everything! Keep taking the meds and get really well again. Beryl
Well how did you think of that! It would normally be really hard to get that look! It's great. I'm glad you are feeling a lot better. Xx
She's back. What a fun card, glad you are feeling much better.
Glad you're feeling better I love this tutorial, I remember you doing it on tv ages ago and the presenter asked if you could use sugar instead of embossing powder. I have always loved this stamp it was one of the first ones I ever bought xxx Annie
Glad you're feeling better I love this tutorial, I remember you doing it on tv ages ago and the presenter asked if you could use sugar instead of embossing powder. I have always loved this stamp it was one of the first ones I ever bought xxx Annie
When you can't sleep there is always clarity inspiration! now back off to bed with lovely images in my head of what I can achieve toooo! Thank you. Xxx Karen
Oh glad to see you felling a bit better.. clever this Barbara where did you get tge idea if tge embossing powder….and deep impression powder not heard of that, but what a fabby result. Mmm musthaveabash! Xxxx
Love this technique. Gals you're feeling better.
Lemsip,,, eww yukky stuff…but if it did the trick well I am pleased we can't have our Barb bed stricken for too long when she has all these wonderful blogs to share with us!! Deep impression? does that mean the granules are bigger which is why it gives the starry sky effect?? I love that graduation effect and the use of the fibres, another to try! Thank you Barb xx
Hi Barb, glad to hear you are better. Love this card and a fabulous technique, will have to put it in the ITTB (ideas to try book) See, your blogs rub off on us :-). Great step by step instructions, easy to follow. Bx
Fantastic just love it . So glad you feel a little better . X x p
What a great idea. Not brave enough to try the risible fibres yet as I feel U have si many other techniques to learn first, especially the Brauer. Glad you are feeling a bit better.
Blooming yummy! I've never seen that technique Barbara… It's wicked! I looks a little like salt on watercolour! Thank you… I'll give that a go! Glad you're feeling better x
Glad to hear you are on the mend. Another fantastic card, I really must try out fusible film and fibre myself. Thank you for all the wonderful inspiration. x
Just wondering………would it be possible to use the gelli plate to print on fabric? And what would be safe to use on it?………… Glad you are feeling brighter….colds are horrible!
So glad you are feeling better, love the post today, great techniques, the tutorial is brilliant, love how you write things up. Have a great day today. Michellexx
Good Morning Barbara
glad you are feeling better and inspired, great technique for sky. I would not have tried this, (if I had even thought about it that is lol) as would have been worried my brayer would be marked by the embossing powder, thanks for sharing and I will be trying out a new sky technique very soon!
Hi Barb,
Really pleased that you are feeling better. Love the techniques in this card. Would never have thought of using the UTE like that. The overall result is gorgeous. Love Alison xxxx
I do like this ! I would never have thought to use the embossing powder to get this effect, you clever girl !! xx
Could you use salt crystals instead of embossing powder? I really like that background. Thank you 🙂
Oooooo I love this. First job after work is to order a moon fairy stamp! Love the night sky with the embossing powder it is a really interesting background. Glad you are feeling better today. Xx
Love the effect created with the embossing powder, awesome!
What a really fantastic effect, god bless lemsip! Glad your feeling much better. Joan x
Hi Barbara. So glad you're feeling better today.
Love the night sky and what a pretty stamp. Never tired fusible film but you've inspired me to get some. I LOVE trying out new ideas.
Love Val x
Brilliant effect Barbara, I think the moon fairy is my favourite stamp of yours so will definitely be having a go at this
So glad you're feeling better today. Just love this background technique – one to try out myself at some stage. Thanks Susan x
Oh wow love this stamp, must try this again I'd forgotten about using the deep impression powder. Thanks Barbara xx C
glad your feeling better. Nice card, just to push me trying the brayer again…. Thanks for sharing.
Laurence x
Good Morning Barb!
So pleased the Lemsip are helping, and you are feeling more like yourself!
I bought this stamp when you first demo'd it, and the fibres really make it look magical!
Take care Barb
Love Marg
I really must try this technique, looks impressive. Pleased you are feeling better.
Like others I love the technique for the sky and will give it a go. I also now know how to use the fusible film!!! Glad to hear you are feeling better. xx
I'm so pleased you are feeling better today. That's a great technique for doing the sky and is definitely one I will be trying. Thank you for sharing
Jackie x
Glad your feeling better it's amazing what a good nights sleep can do.
Love this idea for the sky I will have to try it out.
Lorna D
Love your moon fairy, and glad you are feeling a tad better.
Glad to hear you have improved today. This is another lovely technique – thanks for in the instructions.
What a stunning technique … Love the moon fairies x
What a stunning technique … Love the moon fairies x
Hi Jacqui. I didn't know you had a blog. Hope you are keeling well.
Beryl xx
Hi Barbara. So gla that you are feeling better. This is a beautiful technique, it is perfect for a night sky isn't it! Take care.
What a brilliant background. Not come across that before. Very impressed with the whole scene.
Beryl xx
Good to know your feeling better barbara good idea for embossing powder sheila xx
Barbara I use the clarity branch stencil outside part to make my frame for my cards it works brilliantly as you get to stencils in the set its great value too .didnt know if anyone else had tried this .sheila xxx
Me! Yes, it gives a fab deckled effect. X
this looks amazing Barbara – really fabulous sky – will be having a go at that xx
Beautiful card Barbara. Love it.
Lovely as always! Got all these things so definitely giving it a go. Glad you're feeling better today xx
Must have a go at doing the night sky- hope it looks as good as yours! I have the moon fairy so I may be REALLY brave and try to do the whole lot. Pat x
So glad you feeling better, take care to make sure it does not come back at you. Beautiful card really love the sky, very clever. Oh dear links to the website even easier to spend more money, so tempting. Keep improving Lynne xx
I'm still learning to use the brayer as I'm not so good at it! Glad your feeling better though x
I have watched you do this technique many times and still LOVE it . xx
love love love this technique, great starry sky. Glad you are feeling better x
I have tried something similar with die based inks and salt but will try this way as it seems a little less messy.
MUST now get the moon fairy. I have so many of your stamps I might already have it. I have re-ordered the same ones a couple of times, shows you how organised my craft room is. Glad you are better
I wish that lemsip would give me such a creative boost 🙂 Love the background effect, don't think I have ever seen it before.
What a great and effective background!
A beautiful, atmospheric card. Glad to hear that you're feeling better today. x
i love this sky. Barbara is UTEE the same thing as deep impression powder? To post on facebook what you need to do is click on the little f at the bottom of post and another window comes up. you can chose pic and put a title on top. hope this helps xx
You did make me laugh today with your Vulcan comment. Lovely, lovely effect .. live long and prosper!
That is gorgeous Barbara, I have some of that fibre somewhere……
Glad to hear you are feeling better Barb. Nice to see how you got the background using ute, not seen that before;salt,yes but not this. Another technique to put in the archives for a play day. Hope you get back to 100% soon. X
Oooo fab technique, another must try.
Glad you're feeling better, can't beat lemsip, I always add honey to lessen the taste of paracetamol xx
Sisters are wonderful, my best friend is like a sister we do everything together, even look alike, just like these sisters, you can see how much fun they've had from these lovely photos, thanks for the inspiration xx
I must try this technique and also see if I can make a similar effect with dishwasher salt, brain is churning, thanks for sharing xx