How did I do this?!!
Hello and happy weekend!
So here, we are, Saturday.
Saturday’s blog a New Technique.
No TV Classroom for another 2 months yet!
April 3rd is the first official TV Lesson.
Do you miss the Lessons? Or more importantly,
do you miss the homework? The challenges?
Are you ready for this then?
Let’s turn the tables.
Let’s play a game.
Let’s win a prize!
I have made a piece of artwork, which I hope you will like.
I am going to present it to you from different angles.
Your job is to tell me how I did it.
Step by step.
Dissect it.
Types of ink? Paint? Pens? Go on! Give it a go!
How did I get that purple hill-line? Remind me…
If you’re not sure how a specific thing was done, say so.
I will be sure to tell you later!
The prize will be worth the work!
Which country does it remind you of?
If you can get the order, the sequence,
you will get extra points!
Be an arty Sherlock!
If you follow me usually, this will be quite straightforward.
Tell me the ingredients. ALL OF THEM.
Which card, which colours.
How did I get the background patterns?
Name the flowers. Have they got a stamp code? Are they mounted stamps?
Email me your instructions for my artwork
Then leave a comment below, telling me you have done so.
It’s not mandatory! It’s just a brain tease for you.
Or if you don’t want to join in, that’s fine, too. I hope you like my artwork!
Somebody tell me how I did it!
The person who comes closest to correct will win the prize….
with love from
55 thoughts on “How did I do this?!!”
Good morning Barb – I do not think that for one minute I will get this right but I will give a go later today – thanks for the challenge. I had a Gelli plate for Christmas and I am practising with it but I am not getting the results that I want but I am not giving up on it. Love the card and the colours, it's very tranquil. Have a great day. Jx
Morning Janet. Thank you.
Forgot to say that I do miss the lessons, the homework and the challenges, really looking forward to April when they begin but at least we have have next Sunday to look forward to. Jx
Hehehe! You naughty person! Lol! I don't have a lot of time today, but now I've read this, how am I going to put it down? If I have time, I'll do my best to give it a go! X. Beautiful picture by the way! Xx
Hi Barbara what a task you have set today needs some concentration and a cup of tea to help ! Your blog is brilliant and I am so missing your Classrooms.Nothing to record when you are not on. ! Have a great day xx
O.M.G. what a challenge! I can sort of guess some of the steps. Not sure they will be in order or even correct…………… Am I brave enough to have a go? Hmmmmmmmmm?
Oh and I also wanted to add that I love your classroom shows and can't wait for them to start again. Always record them as they are a great teaching aid.
Oooooh that's nice, I think I would rather try and copy it than write it all down! Perhaps that could be the next game Barbara, submit our attempts to recreate! I won't use photoshop on your image!
Gelli plate session yesterday, not my best. How come once you start thinking about it, it doesn't go quite so well as when you just play!
Have a good day all. Looking forward to Janet's workshop tomorrow.
What no classes til April oh no. Wish I had bought a gelli plate, maybe I can afford it when I've saved up and place my next order.
I love the picture. Joan x
You can be so naughty, Barbara. You love putting these things out there and then sitting back and watching our efforts. Makes life fun though and exercises our brains. Not sure yet what, how and what. Bird count first then think. Beautiful picture, by the way. xx Maggie
Hi Barb, well you certainly know how to get our grey matter going on a Saturday – trying to delve into the GRAY matter. Had a go, probably not very good, but it was fun. Thank you for the idea, I agree with the suggestions to try re-create if we have the items. Have a great weekend all. Bx
Thats a nice challenge and a wonderful art-work. Like it. XX
It's beautiful and what a brilliant idea to get your readers to 'dissect' it.
Beryl xx
That is a beautiful card but I am not sure I can work out exactly how you did it! I am looking forward to the classroom restarting because this year I have challenged myself to join in and get brave enough to send in homework even! I need a bit of Clarity in my life! Thank you for the inspiration x
What a beautiful creation Barbara. If I knew how you did it I would be as clever as you and that will never happen! I hope you tell us the recipe and how you did it once the competition is over. Pat x
a beautiful piece Barbara – I look forward to joining in – but it will have to be later – big hugs! Rachel xx
Hi Barbara. Blimey, now that is something different for us to get our heads round, great idea : ) I will have a go but won't be holding my breath as I'm not good at noticing the subtle layers, I just love looking at the whole thing. How long before we have to have the answers in? Take care.
Morning Barbara I hope you are enjoying your weekend. You certainly know how to challenge us don't you. Not sure I'm brave enough to have a go at joining in though but maybe later when my chores are done. I hope you share your how to once the competition is over
Jackie x
What a clever idea. I'll try and have a go later x
Oh goodness me! Not too sure about this, but I will try. No I think that I'll go over to my crafty friend's house on Monday, we'll drinks loads of tea, chat forever and see if we can work it all out. Fingers crossed. I think that it will be 'order' that kills us.
I have these stamps. I bought them at West Meon when you did the lessons there. I have never used them, they are carefully tucked away in my drawer. Perhaps I should dust them off and put my thinking cap on. Brilliant challenge Barb. I do miss the Classroom, but it is giving me a chance to get Jo's wedding cards done x
Will have a go later, have "some" idea, but other part are a bit in the dark side for me…… I do miss the classroom, as they are always full of great ideas and tips.
Laurence xx
Hi Barbara – I've sent my email…..not sure how accurate it'll be, but I'm looking forward to finding out how it's REALLY done 🙂 Have a lovely day x
Lovely artwork Barbara, of course we miss the Classroom it's the best weekend of the month and I always look forward to it even if I can't be there to join in it is recorded and I play catch up as soon as time permits me to.
Really got my mind working overtime on this one … lol xx
Back again, I had to delete my first comment because I started to list my ideas, I do love this artwork and want to know how to do it!! I also miss the classroom programs for the interaction and of course the homework xxxx going to lie down now because my one brain cell is tired …… Failed C- …. love Annie
Lovely artwork Barbara. I'm afraid my brain is too full of what goes in what box (packing up for house move on Wednesday) to get my head around the order of this one. I do wish everyone who does take part, the very best of luck. If I have the time I may send an email with what I know, but even if I don't when do the entries have to be in by? I am so glad that you are doing this Blog. It helps make up for the break of the Classroom shows…we have to get our FIX somehow! xxxx
Oh no it's the weekend – my brain shuts down and only goes into gear for Clarity lessons on C&C! I think I'll just look forward to reading the winning reply!
Barbara you're artwork is amazing!!! And what a great challenge!! If I get my work done and I calm down from my excitement this morning I might give it a go!!!
Good morning sunshine,
Wow this is a good exercise. I miss your classrooms and watching your teaching, brilliant idea to challenge our minds. You are so clever,
Well I've given it my best shot and just emailed you!
Beautiful artwork,I have spent a very enjoyable hour trying to work out how you have done it, and even if I am wrong it has made me think about planning my work instead of throwing myself into it.
Thanks. e mail on its way
Toni 🙂
Lovely pic. Have changed my mind so many times but have had a go. It certainly was a brain teaser. When I watch you I think I've got the idea but this was certainly a challenge. Got a gelli plate at Xmas and just building myself up to use it.
wow Barbara this is great. My brain is not in gear today so i will not be joining in but I thinks there is a gelli plate ans some stencilling in there somewhere x
Well you certainly know how to set a puzzle. Think I might have a go in a while ,got to give it some thought. Nothing ventured nothing gained so the saying goes. Reckon my attempt will give you a good laugh if nothing else. I promised myself that I would join in classrooms and challenges this year but this is a cracker. Anyway it is a beautiful picture however you created it . Lynne xx
What a great challenge. Have had a go with what I think is right but am probably not even close. Love this artwork and yet another stamp to add to my ever growing wish list.
Forgot to put, it reminds me of an old English Country Garden!
A beautiful atmospheric piece of artwork that reminds me of Wales. x
I have emailed you my best guess at the instructions for your beautiful artwork.
That's lovely had a wonderful day today at workshop clarity East Midlands with Sazz xxx
It is beautiful and I don't care how you did it – I just love it! I would hazard a guess that the Gelli plate was used somehow or other xx
Am about to email my guess!!! In for a penny in for a pound as they say. Love the picture and love the idea of the challenge – you sure are mixing things up and I love it.
I am missing the classrooms – was only saying to Sazz today about the next one!
As ever Barb you brighten our days and bring true inspiration! xxx
Well I have had a go at the step by step. Spot on right 😉 …………. NOT! Oh well I had fun anyway! xx
Had a go!!!!! Please don't give me a detention if I've got it wrong, can't wait until the classroom is back, thanks for the challenge, it reminded me of Scotland x
Just a thought Barbara, has that evil fairy got in your head today. Setting a challenge like this. About to send my ideas ha ha xx
Lovley artwork cannot wait till lessons start xx
well i've tried. don't know that i got it all right. anyway this is so pretty and lovely colourways. miss classroom esp massi who keeps asking: when do we send card to Barbara? hugs xx
Thank you so much for having a go if you did! I will work it out myself and as soon as I do, I will let you know who the winner is xxxxx
Lovely card! I only started crafting end of last year so watched two lessons, although have started watching some of the previous lessons on the video links. Not quite the same but better than nothing! Have been really looking forward to the lessons restarting this year, so am missing them already! Love this idea of turning the tables on us! I did submit an email earlier, but looks like an automatic 'F' for late submission. It was probably an 'F' anyway! Can I use the excuse that the cat ate my homework? 😉 What I have learnt is to expect the unexpected with your wonderful blog. x
Hi Barbara
Sorry this didn t get posted until today, I didnt get home til midnight after an action packed day… but it was on my mind in quiet moments.. so I thought i d give it a go and its interesting then to see whether I was even on the right lines!
Email just posted. Thanks for great challenge 🙂
Great card and very clever challenge, cor the poor old grey matter has taken a bashing! Well I've given it my best shot but be kind with the marking Teacher, not too many red marks over my work please. I've emailed my work, thanks for a great blog, regards Jane x
Hi Barbara, Well, I just spent an enjoyable hour trying to dissect your challenge. I'll email my attempt and look forward to seeing if I was anywhere near………….! It was certainly interesting and maybe I might even get the Gelliplate out and have a go [haven't got that stamp though!!] Perhaps I'll do the chores first!!!!!
I too am so looking forward to the next Classroom, but did you mean April 3 as that's a Thursday?
Cheers! Beryl xx
Hi Barbara I've sent you my ideas as to how you've created this beautiful image. xx
Oh Knickers I missed it!! Mmmmmm reminds me !
Oh by the way that is a pretty gorgeous background! X