Say it with Flowers and Candy

Say it with Flowers and Candy

Happy Monday Morning! I am off to visit my Mum and Dad today, so I can’t chat long. Mum is in and out of hospital like a yo-yo these days, so I would like to spend the day with her. But before I shoot off, how about sending you a lovely Flower card and the chance to win a really cool Comment Candy prize…
But to the project here. How about something more practical than a card? How about a bookmark for the reader who still uses a book?
Our Melanie designed these beautiful Flowers and the Wall Flower Corner. I think they are fabulous! Very William Morris, don’t you think? Maybe the colours I have used were inspired by the great man himself…
Very easy to make.
The lineart is embossed with Clear detail powder.
I like to use black Archival and clear powder when embossing.
I have painted the flowers with Perfect Pearls mixed with a little water. 
The large corner was brilliant for making a little pouch

and the bookmark itself is actually double-sided and folded over.

We even have the Claritymasks for these flowers, so overlapping them is a piece of cake!

What card did I use? Theuva Card. But remember, the Bookmark is double- thickness. We supply Theuva card A4 AND A5 nowadays.

Hope you like it! 
So let me think…
Blog Candy round Christmas…..
Leave a comment any day and as often as you like between now and Friday 13th (my lucky day! I was born on Friday 13th!),
and I will pick a random winner to send a smashing
Clarity Stencil Hamper to! You should go and check our hampers on the website; lovely gifts and great value!
But be sure to leave a lovely, uplifting and positive message; I believe that if you think and you speak positive, 
you act and you do positive. 


100 thoughts on “Say it with Flowers and Candy

  1. Morning Barbara this is lovely and as you say very William Morris. Colours you have chosen are beautiful. Shows at the weekend were as ever great to watch. Enjoy your day with Mum hope you can both do something nice x

  2. had to record your shows as Janets Clarity Workshop was same time,we have a lovely time .I love the book mark it is very pretty ,love reading your blogs . xxxx

  3. Good morning,
    I hope your mom is feeling a little better and no doubt a visit from you will be perfect. Clever card and bookmark. Very cool. The weekends shows were fab.

  4. Great shows over the weekend and love the book mark. Enjoy you day with you parents. My quote is " …..and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make" ……. it's a line from a Beatles song.

  5. lovely card/bookmark. the colours you chose are very William morris but the flowers themselves are very reminiscent of his artwork too. I hope your mum is keeping well and it is really good to spend as much time with parents as possible. Take care xx

  6. I love this, I am a person who still reads the old fashioned way, I have always had a love for books, they are a source of comfort to me and I can lose myself for hours in a bookshop. So this project really appeals to me, beautiful artwork and beautiful colours. X

  7. December 2nd is our Wedding Anniversary (46) so what could be more uplifting than that. We keep each other positive by having lots of love and laughter in our lives. We are SO lucky to have each other. Thank-you for the Sunday morning show. That is the one I get to see as I live in NZ and watch you on my computer but time differences mean only your Sunday morning show is practical for me. I keep asking people, who are very computer savvy, if there is a way to record the show viewed via computer. Sadly it seems the answer is no so I sit up until midnight to soak up all the good tips and techniques. Loving the Daily Blog too. Many thanks Barbara. x

  8. Very William Morris and I love the colours you have used to make this beautiful bookmark I still read books :)) so will make this for myself if Santa brings me the Clarity stamps or if I'm lucky in the draw thanks for sharing and your jolly blog is a great read with my porridge. Hope you have a good day with your Mum.


  9. Good morning Barbara,
    You've brightened my day already!
    I haven't laughed so much in ages πŸ™‚
    I did my first ever Christmas fair yesterday and sold a few cards not as many as I would have liked but was happy, BUT I don't know how many times I was asked if I had BOOKMARKS!!!
    I didn't even think about making any because like a lot of people I too have been converted and use an e-reader. So imagine my GRIN when I opened your blog to discover your gorgeous Bookmark, I will not make that mistake again and now I have a fantastic way of presenting them.
    Thank you πŸ™‚

  10. Another brilliant blog post Barbara. Your blog is now a must-read, full of super projects and fab photos.

    Well done. Hope you have a good day with your Mum and dad , you are lucky to have them still with you.

  11. what a great project my mum used to collect bookmarks and have left us a book full of memories of where we have visited and our mum travels.So thankyou for the memory and I hope i am lucky and sending positive thoughts to all. great blog.xxxxx

  12. I loved this set the first time I saw it, and you have just reminded me of how much I still like it. I feel far more ready for the day having read your blog this morning. The weather might be a bit dull and dismal but who cares – I have loads to do, even things I want to do. I have good friends and family, and you are right – If you act positive, you fool everyone else and, in the end, you convince yourself. I am sure there is a brilliant Clarity stamp somewhere in that thought. I am very positive that, if you have not done it already, there will be one on the website within a few days. I notice that, although you say you were born on Friday 13th, you do not say which month. Have a great day with your Mum and Dad, and I am sure your positive attitude will do them both good. Please tell your Mum how much I loved her slate creations – one of the handbag charms I have actually turned into a key ring and everyone admires it. xxxx Maggie

  13. Morning Barbara beautiful project. How did I miss seeing these stamps, they are beautiful and I love the colours you have used. Positive thoughts and prayers flying your way. Have a great day with your Mum.

  14. Sending good thoughts to your Mum, and I hope that you have lots of good times together. My little bit of positivity? Life is a journey, not a destination. May your journey be long, happy, healthy and positive, I'm very glad our journeys crossed paths. Happy Monday!

  15. I loved this card when you did it on the TV but had forgotten all about it! Great to be reminded and it's giving me some ideas for Christmas gifts. Hope you're mum is doing okay.

  16. Another fantastic project Barbara
    Sending best wishes to your mum and have a lovely day together it's lovely to spend time together when you can. My mum is coming today to stay until Friday so I must get on as I need to go to kings cross to meet her from the train and bring her here on the tube.
    Happy Monday
    Jackie x

    Ps the candy sounds fab too you are a very generous lady, thank you for the chance to win

  17. Lovely project. Sending lots of love towards your Mum – have a lovely day together. When there is a lot of change going on I always think of the saying 'if change didn't happen there'd be no butterflies' it helps me look for the positive in all change. Thanks for some great shows over the weekend. xx

  18. You really know the value of words Barbara.
    Here's wishing you and yiur blog followers peace, love and serenity for Christmas and the new year x

  19. I like these sayings
    1. Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. ~Author Unknown
    2. Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same. ~Francesca Reigler
    xxxx Maggie

  20. I just love that bookmark. And I use a few per year as am still a "bookworm"……With "real" old fashioned books. The colours you've chosen as perfect specially on some of those grey days we have here, bring a bit of sun in the house.
    Hope your mum and Dad are all right and that you'll have a wonderful day with them. They make us what we are and should always remember it.
    Thanks for sharing another stunning project.
    Laurence xx

  21. Another super project, Barbara – I absolutely love the 'William Morris' feel to your artwork. I spent time with my Year 4 class recreating William Morris artwork last year and even at 8/9 years old they seemed to love the style.

    I am very much still a 'bookworm' and am addicted to book covers (have to stroke them, bit like my background papers!) What a great gift idea your bookmark makes, just in time for Christmas.

    Sending festive love and best wishes to you and yours.
    Hugz, Jan xx

  22. Love your bookmark Barb – and those colours really do make it very william morris! Thanks so much for a chance at the clarity stencil bundle too – I saw that on the website the other day and thought that was my favourite! Fancy you being born on Friday the 13th – my sister was too so its always been a lucky date in out house! Big Hugs rachelx

  23. Lovely stamps. I bet they would look equally good in bright colours. I am a bit of a 'hybrid' reader, electronic is good for hols, but there is something about reading a paper book…

  24. 13th My Hannah's Birthday. I completely agree with you about the positive thing, and about the slight William Morris thing too. I love William Morris and I love this book mark its is gorgeous, I used to love making book marks till the Kindle arrived. However, you always need a book mark for a diary, or a note pad or even a Journal to show the page you are working. Your work is always so classy Barbara I love it. Sam xx

  25. I agree with the 2nd quote that MaggieC wrote, Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same. ~Francesca Reigler. I take the positive out of that. I love making bookmarks for people and I like how you have made this one. Very William Morris and I like the presentation. Have a good day with your mum. Hugs xx

  26. Hi Barbara, great shows at the Weekend, loved it ! And I absolutely love bookmarks. I Need loads of them for myself πŸ™‚ and when I started with stamping what do you think I starte with, right Bookmarks! And for Christmas I made them with the deer, snowflakes and so on. at that time in Germany we dit not have so many clarity stamp, but the deer look so beautiful. As I said – I love Bookmarks – thanks for this great idea with the flowers. Have a nice day with your parents and GenesungswΓΌnsche to your mother, hope she will get better soon.

  27. Hi Barbara, I love the bookmark. The William Morris look is so elegant and restful – yes, restful. Sometimes when you look at a piece of art it is uplifting, but this piece is restful and calming. I love it. Sending loving thoughts for your mum. I've spent a lot of time at the hospital this year so I can sympathise. Enjoy the moment and don't forget to remember it! Love Jean.x

  28. Lovely just lovely! The simplest stamp yet so beautiful. Really enjoyed your shows yesterday. Hope you find your mum in good health. I like "May you always walk in the company of angels" feels like someone is watching over us. Joan x

  29. My new favourite thing to do is make a morning cup of proper coffee and come upstairs to the craftyattic and read your blog .. it's the best start to my mornings especially when the weather is so dreary outside I am bathed in sunshine in my crafty bubble with clarity.
    Love making bookmark cards for friends and family and this is simply classic … and yet again you have put another stamp on my Christmas wish list to make doubly certain I have added your website address … please Santa πŸ™‚ xx

  30. I wish I could think of something wonderfully witty and uplifting but alas I cannot. All I can say is that the bookmark is gorgeous and something to treasure.
    Treasure your mum she's the only one you have so have a wonderful day together x

  31. In the summer I love to get up really early, make a coffee and sit out side in my jim-jams listening to the birdsong. Enjoying the peace and feeling positive about the day. The winter I can't sit outside so I read your blog and do a bit of colouring in and then get ready for everything I don't really feel like doing. I hasten to add that I live in the middle of nowhere and my near neighbours are sheep and cows.

  32. What lovely artwork. I love reading your blog everyday and look forward to the inspirational ideas you bring to us. I really enjoyed your shows over the week end and can't wait to receive my Clarity badge. I hope your Mum is soon better!

  33. Hope you have a fabulous day with your mum; we are blessed to still have our parents with us so enjoy every moment! The bookmark card is just lovely – you really have created a William Morris effect and the colours are just beautiful. My positive thought for the day is that a smile and good manners cost nothing – wish they still taught that in school!!! Just need to get my Clarity stamped Christmas cards in the post now… Susan x

  34. Love the colours and the concept. I really enjoy your blog and look forward to reading it each day. It's like a second advent calendar that will last all year! Hope you have a great time with your mum and that she feels better soon. God bless. Pippa x

    By the way, how do you get a blog candy? Do you have to link to your own blog? I don't really know that much about it.

  35. Morning Barbara, love reading your blog and seeing all the wonderful things you make, I love making bookmark cards so was really enjoyed todays blog. I have just picked my dad up from hospital after being in for 6 weeks. hope your mum is OK xx

  36. The bookmark is a lovely idea and I might be pinching it if you don't mind.
    I hope you have a lovely day with your mum and dad.
    I really look forward to your blog. Keep up the good work x

  37. Hi Barbara, hope you and your parents enjoy your day together. I spend Mondays with my mum too as she is 82 and needs a little help with some things. Lovely stamps and beautiful bookmark, thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Veronica, you cannot have too many books. I lost count a long time ago of how many I have. Although I have the majority safely on the Kindle now, I still have several bookcases full of books I treasure. I hate getting rid of any books. xx Maggie

  38. They are gorgeous images, very William Morris-esque, especially with the colours you used to colour them in. Thank you for the chance, hope you have a lovely visit with your mum and that her health improves real soon xx

  39. Hi Barb
    Beautiful card,and bookmark. Really like the stamps. Loved the shows at the weekend and have to say you and Dean together are like a double act really working each other – love it! Hope you enjoy your day with your mam and dad and also hope your mam is ok. I'm sure both of them look forward to having you visit. Alison xx

  40. I love your blog and read it every day. I went to a lovely clarity East workshop with Janet Pring yesterday and such beautiful stamps and great ideas is turning my crafting into a different direction (dont tell hubby, he'll just say 'yet more stash'!).

  41. This is a lovely idea for a gift. Easy to post too. There is something special about opening a book – I think it is the smell of the paper that is missing from these tablets. Much easier to take on holiday though! Hope your mum is goddess today.

  42. so beautiful, love the colours you have used on the flowers. I still read books, despite having a kindle. Reading is my positive thought for today – allows me to indulge in a little me time which is always much needed for a positive frame of mind I find. Enjoy spending time with your mum xx

  43. Lovely blog to come home to, what a beautiful project this one is. Such lovely colours..just lovely. Sorry to hear your Mum is in and out of hospital, do hope she is well today and that you spent a lovely day with her. I would imagine that she is one proud mummy of her talented daughter. x

  44. Love it Barbara, beautiul design. I've never made bookmarks before – such great idea. I'm going to make some s Xmas pressies as many of my family are not kindle people so would really appreciate one!

  45. Love it Barbara, beautiul design. I've never made bookmarks before – such great idea. I'm going to make some s Xmas pressies as many of my family are not kindle people so would really appreciate one!

  46. Hi Barbara. Beautiful bookmark. I love the sentiment "Yesterday is history… Tomorrow is a mystery… Today is the present… That's why its a gift" ..and what better gift than time spent with those we love. Hope you enjoyed your day with your Mum and Dad x

  47. How lovely! I do like bookmarks and even though I have a kindle I still keep a bookmark that was given to me tucked into the cover I keep my kindle in! I was asked why….. My reply…. Why not! And also you never know when I might need it! And it was made for me so it's special!
    I hope you have had a good day with your parents! Every minute you spend with them has to be soecial! I wish I could spend just one more minute with my mum and Colin's mum too!
    Looking forward to your blog tomorrow! Hugs xxx

  48. How nice to have something different today. I have these stamps and will enjoy making a few bookmarks as little Christmas gifts. Thanks for your continued inspirational blogs, always upbeat whatever is going on in your life. I hope you are able to spend precious time with your parents.
    Janet (from Kent)

  49. I have been doing some book marks to enclose as a little extra with my Christmas cards, so this gives a fresh idea for some more. You are such a daily tonic Barbara. Love Marian xxxxxx

  50. Inspirational as always Babs – I love your blogs and love watching your demos! (Let it be me, let it be me, let it be me, let it be me, let it be me, let it be me, let it be me, let it be me, let it be me, let it be me, let it be me, let it be me) Sorry, was jist saying a wee prayer there! lol x

  51. Lovely idea Barbara, and so good to have a gift and a keepsake…
    I do hope that you have a great day with your Mum and Dad…A special time indeed….
    Thank you for the chance to win a hamper…I have been to the web site and had a look….oh They all look perfect for Christmas…I hope Santa reads your blog…( well I have been a good girl this year ) hugs Jo. X

  52. Hi Barbara, hope you had a lovely day with your mum & dad. The bookmark is lovely, I always use bookmarks to mark my page – hate to spoil a page by bending over the corner! I used to live in Bexleyheath in Kent where William Morris lived in The Red House. It's a National Trust property now & my friend used to volunteer in the tea room (not quite a claim to fame but hey-ho). Anyway bit late viewing your blog as it's 12.09am & I really should go now. Still Loveing the blogs xx

  53. I love the bookmark and as you say a very good idea for a present. The colours are gorgeous and I love the way you have made the corner into a pouch. Thanks for sharing and giving us the candy opportunity.

  54. It is so important to make time to spend with your parents amongst the usual madness of deadlines and chores – whenever I spend time with mine I wonder why I don't do it more often! Fabulous bookmark too….love the rich colour from the perfect pearls! I have been painting with them since I saw you do it and am loving the effect. I also bought some candles at the weekend – I will decorate one and give it to my mum this weekend πŸ™‚

  55. Hi Barb, lovely idea with the bookmark tucked into the matching corner. Fab colours on the flowers. Hope you had a good day with your parents and that your Mum is ok. 2 of the hampers are on my Christmas wish list. Bx

  56. Oooo anything floral has my attention, these are lovely, great idea for a homemade gift. Hope you had a lovely day with your Mum and Dad and that today is a good day for your Mum. My own Dad recently spent 2 weeks in hospital, gave us a proper scare but thankfully on the mend <3

    I've been reading about the christmas hampers, what fabulous gifts, I would love to win , fingers and toes crossed, xx

  57. Finally feel the need to craft again and caught up with you on C&C last Sunday, which brought me here, and reading your back from America story, brings me to new beginnings – I am making one and you are an inspiration Barbara thank you – I am off to make a few inspired tags

  58. Love the project Barbara.. gorgeous colouring.. I've got to make this (my sister and I are avid readers and still love to hold a book!!) Hope you had a good day with your parents and all is well. You are an inspiration to us all with your 'tenacious' planning and the outcome. Your hampers look fantastic – good idea!! Loved your shows at the weekend – you always lift my spirits… thank you.
    Take care.

  59. Thanks for the lovely shows this weekend Barbara . Hope you enjoyed your day with your Mum. I have just spent the afternoon with my mum and we have been crafting. She is 82 and loves to stamp and make all cards in general. We spend a lot of time together, I see her everyday. Tomorrow we are off to M&S to have some retail therapy. Thanks for the candy and the chance to win. If I am lucky I will share with my mum !.xx

  60. Why wont my ipad let me post on the blogs! Tried last night in bed and it wouldn't let me! Love this and think the pocket is great! Will try to keep it in mind for other things. I'll forget though!

  61. Hi Barbara, well here we go again and I'm lost for words already. I can say that they are Fabulous Stunning yet very elegant. I often wish that I too like you had some kind of talent but alase I don't yet I get lost when I have you stamps and I'm trying to create something.
    Thanks again once more for you blog as every day I await to read so see what you have for us your readers. Xx

  62. hi Barbara
    Just love the flowers, and what a good idea to make them into a book mark. as far as I'm concerned you can ramble on as much as you like, because you bring us so much inspiration with it. Hope you have a lovely day with your Mum and Dad. Off now to get some of my clarity stamps out and to try this technique.

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