Flowers for a friend…
It’s Wednesday’s blog – so something new. I thought we could take a look at a new flowery stamp and our Circle Dots Stencil. And I must tell you, prepare to be bowled over by the quality of the photos! I could not believe how good the new Ipad Air camera is! I HAD to invest in one, you understand, now that I am a full on Blogger! But seriously, what a difference! See for yourself…
These shape stencils are pretty cool. Last Wednesday, I was piping on about them, too. This time, let’s take a look at how you can use the inner circle to enhance your artwork.
By lightly dusting over the pattern stencil with a Distress ink or Adirondack using one of our super duper stencil brushes, you can get a very subtle and elegant echo. I used Worn Lipstick here.
Let’s check out the flower stamp, too. See what I mean about the camera though?
The Flower stamp comes complete with a couple of leaves, too. In fact, there is even a little leafy aperture stencil to match it ! I must say, 2013 has certainly opened up a number of new doors for us here at Clarity.
The Gelli Plate triggered stencil design, and now Claritystencils are building a life all of their own!
For me personally, this has been huge. It has led me down different arty paths, which has really expanded my range of skills and possibilities.
I think what is cool is that stencils are pretty novel to me; I see them through fresh eyes. But I also have some really good friends around, like Maria, who advise me and give me good ideas.
Like the shape stencils. Whenever I speak to Maria, she has always got a new idea for a new stencil! And that is magic!
Then there’s got to be an appropriate sentiment for a friend…
I used an Adirondack Raisin to stamp the flowers stamp and the verse.
That’s why colouring in with Promarkers was straight forward.
So how simple is this? And how quick? If you were making cards to sell, then these would be ideal; quick to make, elegant and fresh. You could make a whole set of them, say a set of 6 notelet cards, all in different colours, but the same design each time. What a cracking Christmas Present that would make, all tied up with a matching ribbon. And what did it cost? Your time.
And about £30 for all the gear !!! Yeah but no but! You wouldn’t just make one set, would you!
I often get to hear cynics say things like that, but they don’t understand, do they?
I have an idea! Why don’t you leave a lovely message here, so that you get included in the random Prize draw this Friday for a £50 Clarity Stash! According to the sceptics, that’ll make at least 3 cards! And whilst you are learning how to leave bloggy messages (you CAN do it!), why not leave me some stencil ideas? I’m serious!
Tell me what you want, what you really really want!
lots of love
106 thoughts on “Flowers for a friend…”
Another great blog, and the card is fantastic ,don't have the stencil or the stamp BUT I do have the fuchsia and the verse so improvisation here I come x
Another beautiful card, Barbara, and I love the sentiment. It is very close to one I used fir a cross stitch some years ago, which says "Happiness is being married to your best friend". xx Maggie
I love this stencil, and the rest in the set they give you really good results quickly, as you say. This is a lovely card. I once made a stencil out of your ND20F Corset Stamp so that I could blend ink through it and give it lots of shadows etc, then I did a row of them as the "ribbon line" It was quite a popular card. You could even do a false text background to go with it, like on the Corset Montage, then you could grunge through the text too. ? Sam
Love your blog,couldn't sleep so came on here and found a new days blog…the stencils are great and the ndc one arrived today so I spent a few happy hours playing…really gorgeous xxx Annie
Bah Humbug to the sceptics Barbara! So a design for a stencil eh!….what about a range of fences? You could do one for the Birdhouse set or maybe one for marking out fields (us old dears with shaky hands would like that). I personally would like a large stag to use in backgrounds (nothing to do with being Scottish…its just such a magestic beast). By the way…lovely card and lovely stamp and stencil and another brilliant Blog. xx
Wow what a fun card. I have both the stencil and the flowers so this will be my trial in the later morning. How about some stencils with rectangular or square centers some with ragged edges and funky interiors. Cheers xxx
I like the effect you get from using the circle stencil. I'd like some shell, waves, mermaid and fish stencils please!
Hi Barbara,
Received the new NDC stencil and your newsletter with details of your new Blog Tuesday morning.
I love watching your demos and lessons on C&C and have now got a couple of your Dvd"s to keep me inspired. I'm looking forward to trying something with the new stencil and all the new Clarity stamps I've bought recently. My stamp collection is quite significant now, it's a good job my husband doesn't know just how many I have 🙂
You produce such lovely stamps though that there's always another one or two or three….. that I want to have. And now I've got your Blog to follow too !!!
Thanks Barbara for all your inspiration Xx Angela
After being unsure at first I find myself falling more and more in love with the stencils/masks. So many great things to try and so little time to fit it all in. Is the world spinning faster making the days shorter and the months fly by quicker? Or is it just me???????
Beautiful card, so elegant!
This is a beautiful card and I agree with Emma Burns above ..bah humbug to the sceptics and go Barb for speaking out. You have combined your wonderful stamps with simple but effective good quality imaginative stencils that both compliment your stamps but also can be used as stand alones – so those sceptics have closed minds! I love in this blog that you have stated outlay cost but working on your factor of 4 you can quickly work out how many cards you can make to recoup your outlay and then start making a bit of bunce to fund the next Clarity project. You and your wonderful team put thought and care in to the product – its not stencils for the sake of stencils – its stencils that compliment your staple – with people like Maria and all your other clever DT such as Sazz, Jo, Mandy, Jane etc etc (sorry ladies too many names to mention) – to take their brilliant ideas and bring them forward in a product is testimony to your faith in them and their faith in you. You keep them coming…Im still waiting for my NDC stencil to come…was shocked to see one for sale on EBAY already! so bah humbug, bah humbug, bah humbug to those sceptics – we love them!- PS – Great Photos Barb – you need to know I am easily led so I must not let myself look at any more Apple products as I am waiting on a MacBook Air! xx
Beautiful card Barb and yes I am with Emma and Kim – as you know I love all your stuff and watching you and Maria and being in the NDC and having the first few chapters of the book you used to do before we got all technical, has taught me so much and now you are taking me on another journey in my life. If you had asked me several years ago I would have said there was no way I could produce anything worth anything and through my journey with you, your team and your products I have come so far.
I am looking forward to getting to have a bit of time to play with my gelli plates (yes I now have two lol) and the stencils ( these are becoming as addictive as your stamps) just need to get the stock finished for the Christmas fairs (second one tomorrow) and then hopefully play time. As for a stencil – mmm more aperture shapes and what about something like the cottage scene – but a coastal view – you know something we could use with the fabby harbour sets, the boats , the lighthouses the list is quite extensive lol xx
What a great card. I need to invest in these items to make a card for my friends birthday next year and maybe even Mother's Day. Ideas for new ideas, something transport related especially from the steam age.
Lovely as always Barbara, although I must admit when you said your had used worn lipstick I thought you meant it was lipstick that you had worn! Perhaps I should take things a bit easy this early in the morning x
Love this card, so simple. I had my Gelli plate out yesterday with the NDC stencil and had great fun. I also made my own stencil from the previous month's rose stamp using hot glue!!!
Brilliant project Barbara, I got the stencil brushes at the NEC but not used them yet, looking forward to seeing what I can produce.
Would it be possible to make a simple flower stencil (or stamp) which could be cut out, layered up, moulded etc to make our own embellishments?
An Air Camera? I'm off shopping………. See you soon xx
Hi Barbara,
I am a convert to stencils and now have quite a collection of yours. I'm waiting for the square and circle aperture ones and also the sunburst one to arrive – can't wait! Really like this card too. Like the idea of stencils to go with the harbour stamps as Linda said and also like the steam age theme as my husband loves steam trains so they would be ideal for cards for him – always a problem!! Alison x
ive got these stencils just need the time to play with them great blog post a usual
chrissy xx
Beautiful card Barbara yet again you have got me feeling inspired. I love your style of step by step teaching which makes it so easy for everyone to follow and achieve fantastic results. Who needs sceptics I say follow your heart you always know in there what's good and what will work- that's what works for me. Susan
Hi, love these new small stencils. Had to buy them as soon as I saw Maria using them at Harrogate show. They must already be one of my most used items, having made lots of thank you cards with them and some experimenting/playing. I've just set up a blog but haven't got very far yet as I don't know what I'm doing – can't put pictures on it . So well done you for having such a good one.
Hey Barb, more fabulous inspiration. Shape stencils are on my wish list, Stencils of wine (or beer) bottles and glasses, stacked together, or with complimentary single images would be great for those hard to make guy cards. Imagine the fun that could be had with that and the Gelli Plate, which may just be my Christmas present to myself. People can be cynical, but lets face it, once you have it, you just have to play to make it worth the money. Bx
Lovely card. Love the stamp
Hi, what a lovely clean fresh look on this card, I can just see it in a load of different pastel colours, thanks for sharing your expertise once again, hugs Carolyn
Another great blog. That stamp is gorgeous.
My mum has bought that stamp on the craftshow in Doncaster and it's so lovely! She took it back to Holland with her 🙂 The circle stencil is amazing! I love how it is possible to use the stencils even if you don't have the Gelli Plate, and create subtle, but amazing backgrounds.
Very pretty feminine card…..with so many possibilities. Blog is getting better by the day Barbara you have took like this like a duck to water…..you never cease to amaze me. X
Great card as usual, love the photos. First ever comment left on any blog. Not too bad, had to set up a google account, but seem to be rocking now.
Wow Barbara this is gorgeous, really must do more stencilling
Morning Barbara,
Your card is beautiful. Love the words.
That stencil is a must have. X
Lovely card. Never mind stencils I'm seeing texture plates from some of your stamps 😄
With your encouragement I have managed to leave a message every day this week. From someone who thought she couldn't do it. Just love this idea. Another must have!!!!!
I'm loving your blog, Barbara. I look forward to reading it every morning and it's great inspiration for my card making. I love this card…..it's simple but sophisticated and as I bought this stencil at Paula's show in Doncaster…..and haven't yet used it…..I'm off to have a go!
Love the stamps and the stencil and the finished look of this card, soooo very pretty. You don't need any ideas from me, you are the master and the creative genius xx Love popping by for my daily inspiration.
Hi Barbara
Love this card. Technique so simple but very effective. Another few things for my "must buy" list. But its getting so long so will have to keep this in mind or improvise with what I have just now.
Morning Barbara. BeaAutiful card. And aren't I lucky? I've got that stamp! I haven't got the stencil but I don't think you will mind if I improvise – just this once? Pretty please? I am really looking fiorward to giving this a try really soon. I've discovered there isn't enough time in the day for me to get crafting and I miss it so much that I am asking for a daylight lamp on my Christmas list. (I hope Santa listens 🙂 ). I'm not very creative but with your products and the 'Clarity' of your teaching I am getting some reasonable results. How about a beautiful Chinese Junk and maritime paraphernalia for some future stamps and stencils? I bought a 6ft junk rigged boat and sailed around the Med in it for eleven years, living on it and going to places where bigger and posher yachts couldn't get, so am very sentimental about Junk Rigs. Thank you for sharing your incredible ideas and products Barbara, you have added another quality aspect to my life. x
Good morning Barb!
Well I hope it is anyway…..bit nippy today in Bristol!
I love the subtlety of the stencil, gives the card cover, but not over bearing!
Loved yesterdays blog, sorry I didn't comment …sometimes life gets in the way !
Hope you are getting better Barbara!
Take care
Morning Barbara, what a lovely idea for a present. Well 2 presents really, the Gelli Plate etc for me, and then the notelets for someone else! Take care.
ring Barbara. I reall like this one thus morning. It's very clean and simple and elegant to boot. The sentiment us just right too. The photography certainly us very clear. Great job again xx
Morning Barbara, another good read and great way to start the day….and oh I do love all things pink…
The background and pattern stencils are my favourites as I feel there are so , so many ways to use them….hence I would love more shapes such as water splashes, lightening flashes and spirals….just to name a few….bet you wished you haven't asked now….
Off to craft…have a good day….x
What a great looking clean card. My other half is now buying me the Gelli plate for Christmas. I would like to see glasses as well for stencils – some for men especailly and also wedding rings and crossed champagne glasses for wedding cards.
A wonderful stencil ! Love the card and love your blog, Barbara.
This is lovely really into stencils at the moment. The stencil brushes are superb.Thanks for the blogs Barbara they are very inspiring xx
This card is so pretty – I have the stamp but not the stencil but I think I can do something similar with what I have. Loving the Blog and would like to say a big thankyou for all I've learned from you, both on Create and Craft and the Hobbycraft shows at Glasgow. So glad I joined your stamp club too, a lovely surprise every month – loved the heart stencil which popped through my letterbox yesterday – now I'm off to 'play'!
love this x
Another lovely Stencil and stamp i do love what you do with them ,must pluck up the courage to go to my little shed and put heater on its a bit to cold in there and hope it dont do my stamps any damage as i would hate to lose them i bought the little Xmas set from Janet at her class last month and they have gone walk about cannot find them anywhere ,i must have the round stencil i love it and the flower stamp ,i am getting a collection now
This is so pretty, so delicate and just the sort of thing my sister and I like…so I shall make her a six set in a box. She is 77 on Saturday and has never had a crafty side, so never had the pleasure of that creative buzz!. Thanks once again Barbara. I find myself staying awake to catch your post after midnight, though last night I fell asleep and the iPad shut itself off! I am toying with Pad Air, can I justify that treat to myself? Surely I'll talk myself into it before long. Love Marian xxx
Great card. I want the stamps and the stencils – hope that Santa will be kind and I get everything on my Clarity Christmas list (I desperately want membership to Clarity Club). I did my first craft fair yesterday and made £40 so thanks for giving me the final push I needed. How about a Welsh love spoon stamp (really hard to find in the UK could only find one in the US) thanks for all you great ideas
Gorgeous card again. Don't have the stencil or the stamp, but have the lovely "cherry" one from the club, which I thing could be great. For the stencil I will use the "Honeycomb" one I think.
Re. stencil Idea, may be one round one with a light house to go with the tropical fish stamps????
Laurence xx
Lovely card Barbara and it does not look like it took such a short time to take. Love the stencil brushes although I have just had a little play with them. Will have to think about stencils, could be an extensive list. Thanks for the blog a highlight to my day.
Such a pretty card! I'd love to be included in the draw, I just bought some stamps from you (still waiting for them as I get them sent to my DD in N Ireland to save some postage costs. Then I have to wait until she comes visiting. It can be frustrating, but I am on a fixed budget, so I have to save where I can.
lovely card and love the stencils and they also emboss beautifully my only gripe is that some of the ones i have got that are designed for the gelli plate dont go through the big shot as they are too wide so a few more 6 x 6 would be useful particularly the sunburst.
Absolutely fabulous. What a great idea for notelets. I love the brushes, wasn't sure about needing all 4 but so glad I have them. (thanks to your team at Glasgow!). Have just the club heart stencil for the background instead of the circles worked great!!! Thanks again for all these great ideas.
Beautiful card as usual, many thanks, I would love an ornate church window stencil could be used for a wide range of cards. Joan x
Great card, I agree, a set of them in different colours would be a great idea.Thanks for the inspiration yet again.
That is fantastic to see my comments up immediately! You can probably tell from that I am new to this blogging stuff! Love it
just love the circle stencil Barbara – I have to confess to not having any clarity stencils at the moment – apart from the two that are joining my gelli plate that father christmas will bring – but this looks like a fab one to invest in. Such a neat idea for the notelets too! Thanks for the inspiration. Hugs rachel x
I'm trying to read your blog on the bus in the morning but it's no good commenting then as it didn't work this morning! I posted to say yet another stencil I MUST have to put with all the others and the stamps that I don't have time to use at the moment! Lovely work and inspiration! x
Hi Barbara, thanks for the inspiration regarding use of stencils. I'm fairly new to them too and enjoying all the different things you can do. How about a snowflakes stencil – too late for this year, but Christmas comes every year, so we would be ready for the holiday season in 2014. Love Jean.x
Hi Barbara
Lovely stamp and stencil. I watched Maria demonstrate this stencil at Harrogate using your stencil brushes which are fab – just had to buy them and a gelli plate.
I am so lucky as I joined your new design club some 3-4 years ago and it's worth every penny and this month we got a fantastic stencil.
Keep it up Barbara just loving the stencils.
Take care
Janet Vince
Really gorgeous! Love the colour. Love playing around with the stencils too – it's taking us all down a new path. Yay the Gelli plate and Yay Clarity for bringing it to us 🙂
Yet another fantastic idea, the colour on this is beautiful in its subtlety. Really do need to get the sentiment stamp! As for other stencils – how about cars and motor bikes for the lovely guys or animal shapes – dogs, cats, birds etc. Wedding based stencils – church, bells, even a bride and groom? Thanks for all you do x
Well Barbara, the world keeps turning and we have to go with it, standing still isn't an option. And why would we want to, it's great to learn and discover. I would like a script background, french style. Beautiful card today, I need to get more of your stencils, but it will have to wait till the new year. X
Had a "Clarity" moment…like the lady who knows how many stamps she has, was looking at mine, and too frightened to count, but you asked for ideas, one of my stamps is the big easel, and really have never worked out what really to work with it. Just a thought for the future.
I am with you, Lynne. I do not dare count all my Clarity stamps and stencils. xx Maggie
I initially wasn't too keen on this stencil, but having seen what you have done with it here, all I can say is WOW! I will be adding it to my 'must have' list! I have only just started reading your blog in the last few days. It is very inspiring, so thank you!
Beautifully simple, I have the stencil, now I have the inspiration too, thank you
Another fabulous creation Barbara – love the stencils and hope to be able to get some one day. I would love to see a matching stencil, but bigger, for the blank easel stamp as well as large leaves, large open flower shapes, rain drops pattern and a diamond pattern. As always thank you for sharing and thank you for the chance x
Love this design and the blog. Think I'm going to try and use the gorgeous mistletoe stamp with this stencil as a Christmas card because the design is soooo beautiful.
You do simple so it really looks difficult which is an art in itself ;)) don't have the stencil or stamp (yet! ) but think I could improvise with bubble wrap. Loving the blog-think you need a medal for all the hours you put in for us crafters. Thank you.
I have just ordered this stencil I have been looking at it for a while but there are so many I want, sorry I NEED! What a lovely simple design not too complicated just the type that as you say you can knock up a few in different colours.Thanks for your blog Barbara it's Like coffee, it keeps the inspiration going.x
Beautiful & so simple. I'm currently waiting a delivery of a few stencils from Clarity. How about some apertures of animals/birds & then stamps to go with them like the flowers/leaves. It would be lovely to see owls & eagles as these are my favourite. x
Love this pretty, fresh and feminine card, the stencil is so versatile. I would love to see a musical stencil of maybe notes and/ or instruments? I find the larger size stencils better as it opens up more possibilities for the scrapbooking.x
Love the circle stencil. I've tried to make something like this with card but the colour bled under the card. Will treat myself after Christmas or may ask hubby for it for Christmas. Thanks Barbara.
What a lovely card Barbara. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
I would love a stencil of tag shapes so I could use the shading to create a tag effect on my cards or even make some tags.
Very pretty card, I would REALLY like a Bethlehem skyline stencil or mask, pretty please!
Another lovely card. I have used the inner circle like this and think it looks great in whatever colour or stamps you use.
What a pretty card, it's such a simple idea hut it looks very complicated as if it's taken ages to make. Thank you for sharing. As for stencil ideas I would love a nativity stencil, I know it's probably too late for this year but there is always 2014
Jackie x
Gorgeous stencil; at first, I did not see the potential, but as usual you were able to open my eyes. Making the stencil come in from the corner changes the whole card, you're such an inspiration. I love your blog, and as of today have signed up for my own (not published yet). My idea for stencil would be ripples, for watery scenes.
Great Card and yet another great sentiment and one that says all you need to say to let a friend know just how much you value him or her, it says everything that you would like to say but find it hard to do (if you struggle to show emotions).
Great Blog Barbara x
Fantastic card (as usual) and again you have inspired me to "have a go". Then gear may cost £30 but you have it for life and the pleasure it gives can not be measured in mere money. As for a stencil, I dont know maybe clouds. Used in different angles would give different effects maybe.
i really love using stencils as they are so versatile. your brushes re extra super duper and in fact i have sets to keep one for each colour without washing.
the stencil i would like is one that has the background of jazz man but not necessarily the jazz man. hope it makes sense hugs xx
Oh, what a beautiful card! I love the different ways you use these stencils, it's so nice to get fresh ideas.
As for suggestions for stencils – how about a nice 6X6ish leaf? As in, the outline with all the veiny bits, where the actual leaf bits in between the veins are the cut through stencil part? You could even do a pair, with the other one having the veins as the cut out bits. I'm not sure I've explained that very well, but if you understood it then that is really a design I'd like to see! Also, my mum loves your trees, so she'd probably just say "More tree stencils please Barb!".
Thanks again for the stencilling tips!
I love your card Barbara (as always) such a fresh and simple design but very very effective. When I saw the bowl of cherries I immediately thought of 'life is a box of chocolates' -maybe that would be a good stencil along with some chocolate and sweetie stamps. Lxxx
I first saw these stencils being demonstrated by Maria at the Harrogate show in October and see more potential for using them every time I see them. This is a lovely card, think I am going to have to get the stencil soon. Random patterns of script or music would look for a stencil.
I would love a stencil of Rebecca's little rosebud design. The stamp is so useful and a stencil would be just as well used for me. Rosebuds are good for sympathy cards as well as anniversary cards, in fact, most things. xx Maggie
I love reading your blog and seeing what you create. Love reading your story too.
Super duper card and how great it was to get a stencil this month as part of the clarity club, I love your stencils. I am trying to hint to my hubby for a Christmas presi from your website I hope he has listened as I really want the stencil brushes. Although I have had an inch and a half cut of my hair today and he hasn't noticed so I might end up buying them myself x
Barb, I really enjoy reading your blog, very many different reasons, very inspirational and encouraging for those who are thinking about following your path starting their own business. Love the circle and the bubbles on this stencil, very many different uses thank you
Wow, this card is very pretty looks fresh and very feminine…..Stencils….my choice would be different kinds of textures, although there are a lot around these really help make up fantastic backgrounds for the stunning stamps that you kind designing. Also blossoms on branches again for backgrounds to complement your existing stamps and as Spring will soon be here. xxx
I love this stencil and with the flower stamp, it translates into such a pretty card. Seaside themed stencils would be a lovely addition to your growing collection. Pam x
Another lovely project to inspire us. Thank you. I must admit to having a bit of a phobia about stencils but your lovely designs have cured me of that and now my collection is growing. I will add this stencil to my extremely long wish list, while I play with the fab NDC hearts. So much to try, so little time x
I have just received my Clarity heart stencil from the Clarity club and it's fabulous, and I'm sure it will look fantastic embossed. Stencils of raindrops or dribbling rain drops would be great to use over a creations and then use glossy accents over might look fantastic
Dear Barbara Little message to say your ideas and your stamps etc inspire us so much..Newby to your crafting but it seems so superior to everyone elses.Thank for the opportunity to win some goodies..thank you so much..
Meant to say i just love this flower stamp so much.So pretty.. Sigh!
Simply beautiful! xx
What a beautiful and simple card – so pretty!
Love the subtle effect of the dots – so need to add that lovely stencil to the wishlist!!
Aw..just spent ages composing a comment on my phone…but when I went to publish Google threw a wobbly…bloomin' technology!! Think what I was trying to say was what a stunningly beautiful but simple card !!…and as to ideas for stencils..I like Theresa's idea of Jazz and maybe musical notes like your Christmas carol stamps,and maybe an ornate frame of some kind? Also, some Christmas stencils, and Christmas text, like verses from Carols or your Night before Christmas stamps so the words could be used as a background and then the stamp as a focal point, and maybe larger text so it could either be stencilled through or used on the gelli, or drawn around and filled with Zentangle?….phew!! I'm off to look at your stencil brushes…they look lush!! xx
Hi Barbara
This is such a stylish card. So elegant. You asked about stencils. I love snowflakes as the moment, so I'd be keen to incorporate them in my backgrounds.
Best wishes
Anne O
Love this card – so simplistic but elegant. I am not really a stamper, and certainly haven't ventured into the world of stencils (except for my cake decorating over the many years). Think you may be gaining a convert here – now to explain to OH that I may NEED to spend some more money on craft ………
Love the soft inking of the stencils – a perfect setting for the flowers! Just gorgeous 🙂
Lovely Card, my christmas wishlist is getting longer and longer! This stencil is another must have, I have also seen Maria demo with this stencil , such creativity 🙂 xx
Thank you so much Barbara for all that you share with us. I spend as much time as I can stamping, stenciling, colouring and exploring further uses for all of the wonderful techniques that you show us. Every evening I now switch on for my daily dose of Barbara's Blog, great stuff.
Love this card, Barbara!! Just about to do some damage to my bank card. Need some retail therapy today to cheer myself up,!!xx
Absolutely gorgeous 🙂