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Tag: Christmas Card

Madonna and Glitter – Old Style!

Madonna and Glitter – Old Style!

Hello there! Thanks for stopping by. Advent Day No. 4 and it’s Thursday’s Blue Blog. So I thought I’d showcase Madonna  and some fabulous embossing glitters. So off to the cupboard to find Madonna. Well God bless my daughter Grace, because last time she was home she organised my stencils into folders. Just take a look at this… At the front there are mini graphics of all the stencils  in this particular folder, so I can flick straight to the…

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Clarity Advent Day 1

Clarity Advent Day 1

Happy December 1st! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you will join me in celebrating the advent of Christmas.  24 days. I decided to look up advent. It comes from the latin word meaning coming. So what we are celebrating in effect, is the coming of the Lord, one day at a time, in the lead up to Christmas. Monday’s blog is trees and flowers, so let’s launch our Clarity advent with a little Christmas tree and greeting,  and some…

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