What a laugh!

What a laugh!

Hi there

I just had such a laugh, reading all your limerick offerings on yesterday’s blog. Very funny. You do make me chuckle. There was one where I just curled up though, so I shall have to go back and see if it’s that funny on the laughometer the second time round. We’ll pick a winner on Friday, so feel free to go back and add your wonderfulness!

We all need a laugh. We really, really do. Don’t you agree? We are living in a very wicked world. Whenever I look out over the parapets, I see dreadful crimes against humanity, corruption and villainy. Today’s been a particularly awesome day for it. Whatever happened to decency? It baffles me. But as we’ve agreed time and time again here on the Day at a Time Blog, the only thing we can control is ourselves. I made a decision a while ago, to stay in my lane, “not make eye contact”, keep my own counsel and and just crack on with my life, one day at a time. I try to be a good person. Don’t always get it right, but I try.

So we keep it light, and we keep it moving, right? We rustle up funny limericks and we keep each other sane. At least that’s how I see it. You know that expression Birds of a feather flock together? Well, I do believe that. It feels to me like I’m actually surrounded by good, honest, decent people in my life, who are all just trying to do the next right thing.

I mentioned yesterday, that we’ve started a new Facebook Group called Clarity Crafts Mini Makes & ATCs. Check it out. It seems we have struck a chord with a lot of people. It’s not just me who has lost their way then, it’s not just me who has lost their mojo. What a relief! I am so glad we have built a safe spot for folks to relax, meet others in the same boat, and rekindle their creativity among friends. Yes. That’s important. I’d like to think that you see Clarity more than just a manufacturer of craft products. There’s got to be more to it than that.

Know what I think? I think the wickedness out there at large has a lot to do with our disturbed balance. Little by little it wears us down, it makes us question what we’re doing or not doing. We just have to circle the wagons and look out for each other. Stick together, help each other. That may be a simple approach, but it makes for a softer pillow at night.

Love always,

Barb x x x

15 thoughts on “What a laugh!

  1. You are so right Barb, there is a lot of wickedness in the world. Which affects all of us, but as you often say, it is pointless stressing about things you can’t change and focus on the things we can. I have been with the Shac since lockdown and it is my happy place to escape too. I am so greatful for Shac and all you do for us.

  2. Liked the limericks, made me laugh and smile. Joined the Mini Makes Group too. Barbara the Clarity Family is amazing, everyone so friendly and supportive. Well done to you,Dave,Paul and all the Clarity Team for keeping us all going x

  3. Hi Barb
    I so agree with you. I watch the news and it makes me despair so yes, let us “normal “ people stick together, make each other laugh and be kind when one of our tribe needs a hug.
    I’ve spent much of today on a sewing project but tomorrow the stamps come out to play, thanks for my order that’s on its way.
    Have a good evening
    Zara xx

  4. I know Barbara, just being saying to hubby what a day, another family without a child coming home, how do you cope with that. Devastating.

    I’ve just enjoyed the FB live with Janice’s and Gina talking about the buttons, I’m going to investigate her website it sounded so interesting, can’t believe I haven’t seen her before. Both her guests were interesting but I came in at the end of the first one. Had to smile about the shrink plastic though ! I’ve been enjoying the limericks too. X

  5. A couple of the limericks got me laughing so much hubby thought I would explode. They were all good so I don’t know how you are going to choose the winner.
    Interesting tv this afternoon. Reviving some of the earlier items as you have has boosted my mojo so I made some notes and dug out my cards, 5 x 5 or smaller, and set up for some mini crafting for the next few days. My order for the mini pens is on its way so until it arrives I will do some PTC’s.
    I don’t do Facebook but would like to see the new “mini” pages so how can I access them without signing up to anything outside Clarity? Can you help?
    Have a good evening.

  6. You are so right Barbara. I too, only today have actually stopped & wondered what is going on in the world and how on earth can it all be changed for the better?? – I hope someone does! – Also, I am getting back in my craftroom again and doing small things and once again back in the safety of Clarity. I’m making cards again and getting pleasure from knowing I have cheered someone up when they’ve received something that has been thougtfully made. I’ve started digging past stamps out as you remind me of them and then find other gorgeous things I had totally forgotten about!

  7. I keep telling myself that the vast majority of folk are good and kind and just getting on with life the best they can despite so many hardships and setbacks.
    I may not agree with the lifestyle choices and beliefs of many but neither would they necessarily agree with mine.
    In my opinion so much of the bad stuff that happens in this world is based in greed for either money or power over others or both. The wickedness comes when these people try to pretend their actions and persuasions are done for the greater good.
    I feel very grateful to be able to live a life without struggle but also that I am content with my lot.
    That’s a bit deep – thank goodness for the Limericks.

  8. I for one certainly see Clarity as a big family where we can be safe in our group and support each other through craft and kind words. If we’re unwell or feeling down or lonely there is always someone to support us. Yes , you are running a business but you give us so much more , a funny limerick to write, a nutcracker hunt, even in the hunt everyone was happy to try and help someone with an extra clue if they were stuck and I for one am happy to support you the best I can .

  9. What a day its been. So much hate and badness coming out. One in particular needs his leather swivel chair and white fluffy cat!

    I have decided not to look at posts that come from outside, but to scroll quickly past and stick with my Clarity family.

    I noticed that a lot who have joined our new group have been hurt by life in someway. Some have been knocked sideways and have had their creativity knocked out of them. This new group has come at the perfect time for sure.

    Thank you for a lovely, caring and safe place for people to just be. xx

  10. I love how the Clarity family is growing, a safe space to comment & share our crafty makes. The FB lives are great, even better that we can easily go back & rewatch if we miss something or want to check a demo. Long may it continue xx

  11. Sorry, can’t come up with a limerick offering – my head just isn’t in the right place……

    Enjoying the mini makes group and looking forward to what Linda has in store for us!

  12. Hello Barb, the limericks were amazing, such a good laugh. Not had time to look at the new group yet. As for what is going on in the news, around the world, makes me both angry and sad, but as you say, we need to do what we can do to keep things right and just. Bx

  13. That’s the thing about Clarity – it’s a community as much as it is a business. I think there’s always been bad stuff in the world, but these days of 24 hour rolling news constantly push it in front of us. It makes me think of Robert Burns’ poem about ‘man’s inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn’.
    You are so right of the importance of focusing on the good things in front of us and holding true to our values. I try every evening to give thanks for three blessings I’ve had that day – they may only be very little things, but I find it helps me keep perspective xx

  14. Hi Barb – I am so in tune with what you are saying , it’s the only way I can do things – one day at a time, and focus on all that’s positive and good and lovely, changing only the things that I can, and letting go of all the stuff that I can’t.
    And focusing on creating little pieces of art, is the best way I know to find that calm space. You Barb, and the whole Clarity family, the Shack and all the community, helped me through so much of a rubbish year – there is so much more kindness and generosity here – so how can we not embrace it it! Bless every one of you!
    Love and New Year hugs xxx

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