Hi there
If you joined me for the Mixed media Craftalong yesterday evening, THANK YOU! I hope it was interesting? Like I said, it’s all about the sequence and knowing your material – how much you need, and how fast it dries. Well, that aside, if you were there, you will already have heard the good news! Yep. How about a really cool afternoon online – a whole afternoon – together, making something really lovely – either for your wall, or a superb Christmas present. Wow. What a great gift! Actually, the workshop would be a pretty spectacular gift for a creative person, too.
We’ve already spent a fab informative afternoon together, creating the LIGHTHOUSE Paper Collage. It was very well received! This is what we made…(still available to enrol on the pre-record. CLICK HERE)

Now, as promised, we have created the next online course for you, so that we can tackle that rather lovely VIADUCT.

Please don’t think that I am milking this, that you could make the Viaduct without tuition – especially if you’ve already done the Lighthouse course. Mmm… maybe. But this one is actually more challenging, and there is more to learn. Anyway, for those of you who already have The Lighthouse hanging in your home, there’s nothing like a second run at something similar but more challenging. If you didn’t do the Lighthouse previously, you can certainly join in with the Viaduct! You just do need the tutorial.
It’s not just about the product, the end result either. It’s about setting aside a whole afternoon, making a plan, gathering up the stuff you need, and working through a cool process with a bunch of other like-minded people. You may not be in the same room physically, but it actually feels like you are! There’s so much banter and chat!!
There’s a lot of work in this for me, but I really enjoy this new way of teaching. It means that friends from all over the world can join in. We had friends from Australia, the USA, Canada, Germany, France – it was brilliant!
Enrol as soon as you can, so that we can get the Project pack out to you in good time. It’s a month from now, so that’ll be something to look forward to! If you did do the Lighthouse course with me, then we will have sent you an email yesterday, offering you a special loyalty price. Oh! and one for a friend too. If you didn’t do the Lighthouse project, then why not sign up for the Viaduct? You can do them in any order.
Right. Now from the heart. Help us make this work. There is a lot of tumult in the craft industry since Create & Craft folded, and it will take our business a long time to come back from the financial blow we have been dealt. I totally understand that the closure has impacted many, many, people – but at the end of the day, my job is to look after my team, and this is the only way I know how.
Here at Clarity, we are pedalling like crazy, to keep going. These LIVE workshops, our Open Days, the Clarity LIVE TV shows – like my one coming up on Sunday 3-5. These are our hope for the future. A creative, kind, classy arty kind of place, where folks can come, watch, learn, get excited about art, shop without being pressured. But it’s challenging to redirect and rethink your entire business strategy overnight. We have to keep it going at the same time. Much like cooking a Christmas dinner for 30 whilst remodelling the entire kitchen!
To be honest, we were already building a back up plan, because we could see this coming – just not quite this soon. Ah well. It is what it is. Truth be told, we have a great opportunity here, to do something really good. But it’s all about customer loyalty and support.
So. I’m off to a meeting now, to get Sunday’s TV LIVE wrapped up and ready. Loads of boxes need ticking first!
Love always,
Barb xxx
I’m watching your evening craft along and having a go at the gel press and stencil. Then I’m off to sign up for the Viaduct.
Looking forward to seeing you next weekend.
I’ll definitely be doing the viaduct.
Barbara, will the first cottage collage be available to buy?
Haven’t tried the gel press technique yet, but will have a go after the weekend. X
Hi Barb,
First let me congratulate you on the 3 nominations for the craft awards. I hope you win all of them.
Next while I would love to support you more it is very difficult for me to join your online tutorials and if I could it would be a financial choice between those and the craft club. I opted for the latter. You tube is very useful as I can watch and learn as and when it is convenient.
Hopefully you will continue to thrive and overcome this catastrophe caused by C&C. Your customers and your team will be there for you always. We are proud of you and all you do.
Fabulous evening yesterday, have signed up for the viaduct (though I will have to complete on catch up as away). Wish I could make the open day but the drive from here is a little daunting at my age.
So sorry that companies and yourselves lost so much. However you always rise to the challenge and positives are already showing, for example 300+ friends watching last night.
So many folks behind you and your wonderful company who do so much for us. You are loved 🥰
Difficult times as you say, I don’t envy you. However you have a brilliant team and an army of loyal supporters behind you willing you to new and better things. This too shall pass xxxx
Thanks so much Barbara, I have signed up and looking forward to the viaduct challenge xxx
Difficult times all round what with C&C and the budget all coming at once. I hope to do the viaduct to put with the lighthouse, might have to wait a couple of weeks as I had a big box arrive yesterday ! I must be going mad as I ordered duplicates of two things but never worry I’ll use them or pass them on. I’m sorry I can’t make the Open Days but I’ve bought nearly everything as it is and, at this rate, will need a bigger room to put it in ! I enjoyed the craft along last night, went to use the gelli plate yesterday and have put it somewhere safe which is silly as I’d been looking at it for most of the year knowing where it was ! X
Oh blow, I couldn’t wait, bought it ! X
that’s me enrolled. I will be something different for me so I’m really looking forward it. can’t wait
Class purchased, looking forward to the challenges this will bring but really enjoyed the first one. Just got the craft along to catch up with now before the show on Sunday with yet more must have goodies !!
Even changed our plans for next week & can now make the Open Days – Yeah !!! I am so excited 😂😂. Thank goodness for hotel adverts popping up in OH emails whilst sitting on a train – He loves a bargain !!
I loved doing the craft along with you last night and had another play today. I have a few prints I’m happy with and others that have potential.
I have signed up for the viaduct! Well there’s one just up the road from here so want to do that collage.
Anyway I better go and clear up the paint now and then I can get the parchment things out. Things to do over the weekend.
Looking forward to seeing you next week!
Love and hugs.
I love it that you are able to do Clarity Live TV and if there are more paid online workshops, I’d be keen. You are a great and enthusiastic teacher, sharing lots of tips. They are lots of fun too. I wish you and your team all the best in the changes and replanning for the future.
I enjoyed catching up with yesterday’s craftalong. Not actually my scene – too wet/messy for me – my craft is clean and dry ! My husband would add that it is also very messy but it’s a different type of mess and not at all wet……..! Saying all that, I do enjoy watching and listening, and seeing the beautiful artwork from the results!
I agree with Maggie – the viaduct needs a steam train…………….!
Take care Barbara and just breathe…………………….
Barbara, just had a thought……………….
If my sale order is ready in the next week, then perhaps I could collect it at the Open Day on the Saturday? If that’s too complicated then don’t worry about it, but just thought I could maybe save you some postage costs………….!
Just ordered my viaduct workshop so loved the lighthouse . Hoping the houses number 1 will be available too so I can complete a tryptic love the technique xx
Hi Barbara
Loved the craftalong had to catch up today, I have booked the viaduct and my three frames have arrived this afternoon to put the cootages, made at the retreat, lighthouse and viaduct on the wall.
I am demostrating the lighthouse collage in our local craft club next year. I am waiting for the boards and papers to arrive that I bought in the sale.
Keep up the good work and dont even think about retiring Barabra.xx
Hoping to find time to catch up with the craftalong over the weekend. Will be signing up for the viaduct collage – have absolutely loved the previous two (including the one on the retreat.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Open Days next week xx
Hi Barb
Well that’s me signed up for the viaduct collage course. I loved last night’s craft along and was pleased with my print. Having said that I tried to darken the orange and overdid it so it ended up a dirty green. I found some Christmas stencils that I’ve had for ages so I might try a Christmas version over the weekend.
Looking forward to Sunday’s session.
Zara xx
Oh Barbara, I am willing with every bone in my body, for this to turn out to be the best thing that could have ever happened. If anyone can do it Team Clarity can. They say the universe will always give back what you give out, and I believe that more than anything. And, if that is the case your positivity, generosity and good/kind nature will come back to you in spades and spades.
My circumstances don’t always allow me to buy everything I would like straight away, it’s VERY frustrating cos I’d love to buy more than I do, especially right now. But rest assured everything I do buy is only Clarity…. 2nd to none!!
If I’m lucky enough to ever win the lottery you will definitely be hearing from me….and that’s a promise! You have been a life line for me since I found you in lockdown and I will never forget that, and nothing would give me more pleasure than to be able to give a little back to you to take the pressure off of Team Clarity xXx
I will be there! I loved the last workshop we did and am looking forward to the next.
I’m loving the TV shows across the socials too. It is so lovely to be able to interact during the programs.
Hello Barb, you are doing everything you can with the whole team to keep things going, to keep us inspired and crafty, so you will have my support as much as I can give. I’m hoping to have a go at the Craftalong this afternoon, it is great that I can have my phone next to me, watching as I go. So the benefits of having all the shows from Clarity towers on YouTube are such a big bonus. I will be unable to join the Viaduct class unfortunately, but look forward to seeing everyone’s creations. Take care everyone. Bx
Hi Barbara, my friend and I came across the wonderful videos you made during lock-down. They are so uplifting and your caring nature shines through. We are sure that Team Clarity will “pull through” this set-back. You have a huge amount of good karma being sent from your loyal supporters. Keep your chin girl, you are doing a brilliant job.
Lots of Love
Hi Barbara & team,
Of course I already booked Viaduct collage as soon as I got email, I really enjoyed the lighthouse class and think this is absolutely right direction for you as a company, along with Facebook Lives and Craft alongs etc. For those of us working, like many I need to do some things on catch up, pesky work gets in the way. What craft tv was good at was allowing you to switch on when you could, my time is always early morning and then a simple ordering process to buy whatever you are demonstrating all of which is possible now, just requires a bit more effort to hook things up through the telly, these days need the bigger screen. Let me think through how to best replicate that process in these days of Smart telly and I will send through, as ideal set up means you can easily watch and buy at same time. All the elements are already there, buying web pages linked to shows, links to YouTube/Facebook to pick up show on TV, it’s just retraining the brain to do it a new way. I have been much heartened to see how companies rallied round to support each other post C&C and customers too, but really sad at what cost this is to small businesses. Yes I lost money on orders, but will hopefully get some money back through payment providers, whereas suppliers like yourselves have little to no chance of getting much back. Still you honoured orders placed, you and Clarity are one class act and whatever I can do to support you and your team, just reach out, always here to help. Of course will place orders, always did like to come direct. Keep crafting and they will come! Cheers and best wishes, Karen
Can’t tell you how tempted I am to take this class even though I didn’t do The Lighthouse. The Viaduct looks even more challenging and would really push me out of my comfort zone!!
Pretty sure not to have interruptions that day either: OH likely to be watching the final game in Autumn Nations Rugby Tournament.
Decisions, decisions.