With love from Clarity…
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Have you been glued to the telly today too? Did you watch the Royal Coronation and the amazing processions? Wasn’t it magnificent? Such an explosion of colour and energy! The military in their fantastic uniforms, the dignitaries from all over the world, the beautiful horses, the splendid carriages, the immaculate timing…everything had to be perfectly synchronised – and it was. Dave and I sat glued to the telly, drank tea and ate Battenburg cake !!
It was extra special for us, because we’ve only just been up to visit the King on Wednesday! If I said “We were there!” once, I said it 50 times! Every time the camera turned a corner, “we were there Dave!”. History in the making, and we – you and I – are here to witness it.
If there’s one thing the Brits do particularly well, it’s pomp, ceremony and pageantry! There must have been years in the planning! The one thing they can’t do much about is the weather, but it didn’t seem to keep the adoring public away! The show must go on, as they say! What a sight to behold! All those thousands of people in the Mall, just waiting for a wave. Quite something. We walked past dozens of them who were camping out on Wednesday! I hope they got what they went for!
There are those who disapprove of the Royal family, the expense, the upkeep etc. I am not one of them. I loved the Queen. I never knew her personally, but I loved her and what she stood for. She was, in my humble opinion, the greatest ambassador a country could ever want for. It is still strange to think that we no longer have our Queen; most of us have never known life without her. But her son, Charles, has been serving us tirelessly his whole life already. And now he takes her place as our Monarch. I am very glad of it. When people protest, and shout for us to get rid of the King, have they considered the alternative? Because when I look at other nations, at republics and dictatorships, I would say I prefer what we’ve got. Really. So uniquely, beautifully British! I only wish that our King would get more proactive in the governing of the country. We need his conscience and kindness. Just like that wearing of the glove symbolised during the coronation ceremony: to handle his power gently. That is all I have to say on the matter.
It would have been Dad’s birthday today too. He told me back in December, when the date for the Coronation was announced, that he wouldn’t be around to see it. So that was rather poignant today. But hey! He’s in good company! The Queen and Prince Phillip for starters!
We are having a little celebration here too. Not a royal banquet, not even a street party! But we are having a Bank Holiday Weekend Sale Celebration! And every single order over £30 will not only get 23% off to mark the year, but will also automatically go into a prize draw for a chance to win a £100 Clarity Gift Voucher.
Click here for details.

Today’s quote?
Live and Let Live
TV tomorrow. 3-5pm. I shall be with Janice, which is great! Really looking forward to it.
Love always,
Barb x x x
23 thoughts on “With love from Clarity…”
Hi Barbara
I was welded to the sofa watching the coronation today. History in the making!!! I love the pomp and ceremony and how immaculate all the uniforms are. And how splendidly the horses and their riders cope with the noise. It’s all that pageantry that is so British. My mum would have loved it today and I think that’s where my love for it comes from. I reckon my mum and your dad would have been watching from above!
Looking forward to seeing your show tomorrow. I think it’ll be a very colourful set!
Safe travels
Love and hugs.
Brilliant day today watching all the Pomp and Circumstance. I too was glued to the telly. Everyone looked great especially Katherine and William and their lovely family. Especially Louie, a little cheeky monkey. Couldn’t resist the weekend sale so already put in my order. Hope thee show goes well tomorrow, im sure it will. Enjoy the rest of your weekend xx
Hi Barbara, I too have been riveted to the TV today, hubby has also!
I totally agree with you -we do pomp and circumstance brilliantly!
I thought about you several times today , knowing it was your Dad’s birthday and of course when the King & Queen appeared in the back garden of Buck House I smiled and thought “Barbara & Dave were there just a couple of days ago”!
I too love the pomp and the ceremony and the sheer beauty of the occasion. It took a lot to beat the spectacle of the Queen’s funeral (I found that incredibly moving) but today was right up there as a day to remember! Thank you for your special Coronation special offer! x
Hello Barbara
I totally agree with you. Today’s ‘pomp and circumstance is something the UK is exceptionally good at.
The Monarchy only costs every individual a few pence. in the great scheme of things that is nothing. just think of the number of foreign visitors who come here on holiday just to catch a glimpse of the Royal Family.
I am glad you both enjoyed the garden party and that the weather was kind.
A very “proud to be British” day. A moment in history to be part of. It was wonderful with some emotional moments. Wonderful music too. I think two bits got me the moment with William and King Charles and in the garden when they did the three cheers. Very moving. A very memorable day.
Also have just read that Camilla’s dress had her two rescue dogs from Battersea, embroidered along the bottom of her dress. She is also Patron of Battersea. 😍
Like you, I was remembering my own father’s birthday too. My parents would have been glued to the TV all day, as I was. The music was so perfect, all the composer’s I love, my favourite hymn, the singing of the second verse of the National Anthem. The children were so beautifully behaved. Love how Charlotte kept a close eye on her younger brother, Louis.
I did not have Battenburg. Instead I had Saffron Buns, and lots of drinks to keep me going. I am one of those who can remember Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation. The idea of an elected head of state fills me with horror. I would prefer not to imagine President Boris or President any other politician. I think King Charles III will be an excellent monarch. I pledged my allegiance and I don’t care who knows it. xxx Maggie Craner (Silvercrafter)
Hi Barbara, oh my goodness what a fantastic show, no other country in the world can do pomp and ceremony like the Brits. Like you, I am a great fan of the monarchy and all it stands for. I believe the anti-royalists don’t understand exactly what benefits the royals achieve for the UK. They don’t know about the export orders that come into our businesses from overseas companies following a royal visit. Also the number of tourists attracted to the UK because of the royals – I bet this weekend our tourism industry is experiencing a bit of a boom 😊.
It must have been wonderful for you and Dave watching today and knowing you have recently been there.
Now to check out the coronation sale!
Carol xx
Very proud to be British, we can certainly put on a show! Watched the tv all day, blimming marvellous!
I loved every minute. We may not get everything right as a nation but boy can we do the pomp & ceremony! A faultless performance from all those involved. Looking forward to the show tomorrow & maybe a look at the website to take advantage of your generous offer. 😂
Watched it with interest, and so pleased the King had his Queen with him. Just think without them we could have a President Boris.
Proud to be British indeed. Was a bit busy today but dropped in and out of the broadcast. We certainly put on a good show for the world to see…….including some very well behaved children. Did watch a prog at 5.30 about Charles growing up. Very interesting.
I think our Queen did right by Charles including him in a lot of her work especially in her later years so he’s had plenty of experience. I think he will be a good King as will William when the time comes.
We have seen the humour and great interaction with the public over the last week. I look forward to a stable and modern monarchy for the future.
It fills me with horror to think of our lovely country becoming a state being run by presidents or generals. Although Charles cannot express his opinions publicly I am sure that in his weekly meetings with the PM he will gently guide him in the right direction as I am sure his mother did.
Off now to look at the sale.
Have a good evening. 🍒
Watched the ceremony not live, because was visiting our daughter and husband in their new home. So watched this evening the highlights and it gave me goosebumps. It’s so more impressive than the coronation of our King in the Netherlands 10 years ago.
Have a great weekend
I agree, it was a wonderful, magical day. All day TV, tea and custard creams, with dashes to the loo (after all the tea), so I wouldn’t miss a thing. I found it quite emotional, especially when William kissed the King on the cheek and he said ‘thank you William’.
I had watched the Patrick Grant documentary on military uniforms, which I found fascinating, and it was great to see them all on parade.
The whole day made me proud to be British. 🇬🇧 X
In Canada, I must admit I didn’t get up at 3 am to watch the Coronation but I certainly watched it on the PVR. It was beautiful. I am so happy we are part of the Commonwealth. Canada would not be what it is today without it. Enjoy the ongoing festivities.
Watched it all & enjoyed every minute, we have even watched the hi-lights. Mom also enjoyed her 3rd coronation especially as I managed to get her a new flag yesterday with the face of Charles in the middle. I agree that we do these events well & will have been watched by millions around the world.
Looking forward to the shows tomorrow to see what you do with the new addition to the Kiss range.
What an amazing day, full of magical pomp, circumstance and special ceremony. The precision of the marching is quite breathtaking at times, especially when they are musicians as well! The music was phenomenal, some of the oldest ceremonial music and twelve brand new pieces by modern composers especially commissioned by the King! We celebrated on holiday in Cornwall with a “Royal Cornish cream tea” – scones smothered with strawberry jam, clotted cream and a blueberry on top! A real Red, White and Blue tribute!
My second coronation but I was only 1 for the first having been born on the day of the late Queen’s Accession. Watched from start to finish plus some of the highlights later. Great coverage by the BBC love, Kirsty Young’s style. The music was wonderful, the pageantry, the immaculate timing too. I’m not a royalist but I’d rather our lovely country has a King or Queen than be saddled with a Trump or Putin like figure in charge.
Hope all goes well tomorrow on selly telly.
I was glued to the TV, very proud of our pomp and pageantry- like you said Barbara no one does it like us. Brings in a lot of tourism.
I did also say to myself – Barbara and Dave have been there! Must have been very special watching today!
I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s show – 2 lovely hours of Clarity. Might have to catch up though as got the family round. First time my 3 grandchildren will be together since little Jaxon born. Happy times!
Having run/walked around Delamere Parkrun with my Husband, who at over 90 has been around for 3 coronations and lived with 4 and 1/2 monarchs (including Edward), we rushed home to watch all the pomp and ceremony. Don’t we do it so well in this country. Although I will always have slightly mixed views on what King Charles did to a very young Diana I wouldn’t want to be without a monarch and I much prefer him to a Putin style head of state. Our village is holding a picnic in the park to day with wheelbarrow races etc and the weather looks good so we will be there joining in the community fun, then to round the day off watching yourself on the TV, I hope everyone that is doing something similar has a great time.
Having run/walked around Delamere Parkrun with my Husband, who at over 90 has been around for 3 coronations and lived with 4 and 1/2 monarchs (including Edward), we rushed home to watch all the pomp and ceremony. Don’t we do it so well in this country. Although I will always have slightly mixed views on what King Charles did to a very young Diana I wouldn’t want to be without a monarch and I much prefer him to a Political style head of state. Our village is holding a picnic in the park to day with wheelbarrow races etc and the weather looks good so we will be there joining in the community fun, then to round the day off watching yourself on the TV, I hope everyone that is doing something similar has a great time.
Greetings from New Zealand! We were up until the wee small hours watching the Coronation (NZ TV was showing the live BBC coverage, which was brilliant!) It was a bit surreal to be watching it late at night, but we were partying with my Kiwi friends (The King is head of state here too). What an amazing day!
Hello Barb, I loved the whole day, and watched it making Coronation Chicken for our street party (first time I have ever made it, and hubby said it was amazing). I have to agree with your sentiments. I can just imagine you saying that to Dave, about being here and there. Made me smile. I ma sure you had a cuppa or two to celebrate your Dads Birthday. Sending hugs to everyone. Bx