One Day at a Time
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. It’s been a funny old day. We had such a great evening yesterday. Bowling was a scream, and Dave and I did quite respectably for the oldies!
But this morning I woke up and reality hit me. Slammed straight into me. I went off to pottery for a couple of hours this morning, thinking that would redirect my thinking, and I did what I needed to do for sure, but my heart wasn’t in it. As soon as I left the building, the cloudsettled over me. Head was in a spin, and I didn’t know what to do with myself. Couldn’t settle to anything, just couldn’t focus. Ended up going to bed and playing solitaire on my phone for 2 hours this afternoon. I have never done that before, but it was ok actually. Just got to go with it, right? Whatever works. I even bought the Solitaire app, to get rid of the irritating ads!
Today’s quote is like my mantra, what I use to get through life. This ‘ere blog is called One Day at a Time. So I guess the day before Dad’s funeral it really is the only way forward. One day at a time, one hour at a time, one thing at a time. It’s 8pm, and all is calm. Only another hour or so to go, and it can be bedtime. That’ll be a relief.
Quote # 29
One Day at a Time
The kids are watching the American Football game in the living room with Dave. I really ought to go root for the 49ers, especially since the Philadelphia Eagle are winning… I have no clue how it works. Lot of stopping and starting, right?! I do remember The Longest Yard with Burt Reynolds being a great film. Do you remember that one? I remember going to watch it at the cinema in Chatham when we were teenagers in the 70‘s, and the whole cinema was on its feet cheering and clapping at the end! Magic. Still don’t know what the rules of the game are though!
Spare a thought for us at 10.45 tomorrow morning.
Love always
Barb x x x
82 thoughts on “One Day at a Time”
Will be thinking of you tomorrow darling
Take time for you
Love you xxxx😘❤️
Hugs, prayers and so much love coming yours and the family’s way xoxo
Sending love from Andy and I. Our thoughts will be with you tomorrow.
Look after yourself xxx
will be with you in thought, been there a few times….so sad, special thoughts for your poor mum.
I’m sure there will be candles lit throughout the world tomorrow for your Dad and your family. You will definitely be in my thoughts.
Just ‘go with the flow’; thinking of you. X
Hiya Barbara,
Slowly does it, that’s the only way to navigate this. You are doing brilliantly! There are no right or wrongs cos everybody’s feelings are individual. What works for one isn’t necessarily right for another. Thank you so so much for the most amazing thought provoking quotes, especially with everything you have going on. That just reiterates what a selfless amazing person you are. My love, thoughts and prayers are with you all, especially at 10.45 tomorrow. Penny xXx
thinking of you all tomorrow, love and hugs xx
will be thinking of you tomorrow. Sending hugs.
At someone else’s funeral at the same time and will be thinking of you all as well. Travel gently on this road and be kind to yourself. You have others around willing to help and support, let them and do what feels right for you – compartmentalise is what I do and allow myself reflection time, blow the nose and get on with it as that works for me- other things work for others and you will find your way. Sending love and good thoughts. Unity x
Will be in my thoughts tomorrow and I’ll have a candle burning brightly for your Dad as I am sure will many other shackers. Love and hugs to you all and an extra one for your Mum xx
will be thinking of you all tomorrow, just remember your Dad will be so proud of you all, big hugsxx
Will be thinking of you all tomorrow.
Go with the flow, Barbara, just do what feels right for you. This is a difficult time but you will get through it because you are strong and have a wonderful supporting family.
My thoughts will be with you tomorrow.
Thinking of you all. Will light a candle in the morning xx
Sending love from Zena. Will be thinking of you Barb.
Will be thinking of you all tomorrow. Look after yourselves. Lots of love xx
Will be thinking of you tomorrow, sending love and hugs Sue x
Thinking of you all now and tomorrow. Your lovely Dad is at peace now. 🙏
Sending love and hugs and prayers . Just get through it together, be thankful, and nature will take care of you. Xx
I haven’t stopped thinking of you all but it will be especially so tomorrow. I will light a candle for your darling dad. Much love to all of you xxx
Good for you, going with your flow is important. You’re also making new memories with those you love, and who love you in turn.
Love, prayers and virtual hugs to you all, I’ll be with you in spirit tomorrow morning.
Take care of yourself
Claire S
Will be thinking of you tomorrow, and will be lighting a candle for you and your Dad sending love ❤
You will be in my thoughts xxx
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I will be thinking of you all tomorrow. I hope all goes as well as it can. 🙏 xx
Will be thinking of you all tomorrow, lots of love xx
No idea about the football – still don’t understand our off side rule let alone American – too many lines on the pitch in that as well ! X
Thinking of you all at this sad and difficult time. A loving family and supportive friends will help you through today, tomorrow and the days ahead.
Definitely ”One Day at a Time” – going forward there will still be moments when things hit you out of the blue but they will ease as time passes but the memories will be with you forever.
Will be thinking of you all tomorrow xx
p.s I don’t understand American football either
I think what you were feeling today was the anticipation, and I guess that’s only to be expected. Of course you will still be sad after the funeral but you’ll feel more at peace.
I’ll be burning a candle with many others in our Clarity family. Stay strong! Sending love
Sending you all love and prayers. Travel gently and always remember there are loads of us thinking of you. Xx
You and your family will be in my thoughts tomorrow
Sending love, hugs and prayers, My thoughts will be with you all tomorrow.
My thoughts will be with you tomorrow. ❤
Barbara, sometimes retreating to a safe place is all we can do. There are times when even one day at a time is too hard. No matter whether you take things one day, one hour, or one second at a time, you will get through tomorrow. There will be lots of us thinking of you all tomorrow.
Well done for just getting through the day in whatever way you needed to. Will be thinking of you all xxx
Hi Barbara
We will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending love and hugs to you and your family.
Love Ruth and Jackie xx
That final goodbye is so very hard !! You and your family will be in my thoughts for sure❤
Will be thinking of you and your family tomorrow. Love and hugs.
Tomorrow as every day you’ll be in my thoughts and I’ll say a special prayer that all goes smoothly tomorrow.
Celebrate how long you had your dad and let love wrap you in its arms and comfort you and your family.
Lots of love xxxx
Our thoughts have been with you since we heard your sad news as they will be tomorrow. Love and hugs to you all xx
Sending love. Keeping you all in my prayers xx
Will be thinking about you all tomorrow. Sending love, prayers and hugs to you all. xx
So many people will be thinking of you all tomorrow with love and affection. I will certainly be with you in spirit. You are an example to us all Barb. You have had such a hard time over the last few months, and during the last two weeks in particular yet you have never forgotten us and your daily blog has held us all together. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us. I will light a candle at 10.45 for your wonderful Dad and you and your family will be enveloped in love. Hugs and special thoughts to you all. Pam xx
What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes part of us.
Wishing you and your family loving memories to warm your hearts – today, tomorrow and always.
Will be praying for you all tonight and tomorrow, Barbara. You will get the strength to get through this. You only need to do it an hour at a time. Grief is an emotional rollercoaster, as it should be. Sending lots of love and hugs. Hxxx
My thoughts and prayers will be with you all
‘One Day at a Time’
Much love
Doreen x 😘
I have been thinking about you all week Barbara. I will be with you in mind and spirit tomorrow. You helped me so much when Paul died with all those early morning chats, you are a wise loving and supportive Lady. You got my head straight and gave me some positivity so I could think about getting through the days. When everything settles I will be waiting for you. Xxx Luv you Barb
Will be thinking of you and your family and hope you will find comfort in being together at this time. Sending you much love x
Barbara, like many of your Clarity family/community who read your inspiring blog; I will be thinking of you and your family at this sad time, as you all gather to remember and give thanks for a long life, love and laughter that your dear Dad shared with you all.
I know what it is like to lose a parent; I have lost both of mine. Mum 11 years ago and Dad coming up to 4 years in July.
All anyone can do at a time like this is to take things one day/hour/minute at a time and at their own pace. Grief is a very personal and individual process. Travel gently on this rollercoaster of emotion and I hope you and your family will be comforted by knowing that this dark time in your lives will give way to the light. In time your emotions will be less raw/sensitive and your memories of the good times with your dear Dad will lift and sustain you until you meet again. I am sure that you will give him a send off to be proud of.
By the way Barbara; I came across a soft crafts shop called Fabrications that offers a “Remember Me” service where you can commission the shop owner to repurpose the clothes of a lost loved one. Their website address is: https://fabrications1.co.uk
I will leave it entirely up to you whether you wish to look into this or not. I just thought that you or anyone else that reads this might find it useful. I have no affiliation to Fabrications soft crafts shop; I only visited their website to check out their sewing classes.
Do not stand
By my grave, and weep.
I am not there,
I do not sleep—
I am the thousand winds that blow
I am the diamond glints in snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle, autumn rain.
As you awake with morning’s hush,
I am the swift, up-flinging rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight,
I am the day transcending night.
Do not stand
By my grave, and cry—
I am not there,
I did not die.
Thank you for sharing this “Soldier’s Poem” – always loved it as it is very comforting. Best wishes, Jutta x
This poem made me cry for my Dad for the first time since he died in 1980. Circumstances then were awful for me but he is always with me in spirit. Thank you for posting it.🍒
Thinking of you all Barbara. Hug each other extra tight today and draw some additional strength from all the love surrounding you x
will be thinking of you and your family today, sending hugs and lots of love.❤ xxx
Will be thinking of you all today, a very difficult one for sure. All our candles will be lit at 10.45 and what a sight that would be. Lots of love to you all x
We do what we need to at the time and that can be different thinks at different times. Will be thinking of you all today xxxx
Sending love and hugs. One day at a time for sure. Please give yourself grace- do what you need to do as you manage this difficult and emotional time. Thinking of you- praying for you and your family. Candles will be lit.🦋💕
Sending all my love to join with all that sent by this amazing clarity family!
We will all be with you in spirit at 10.45 , your family is so strong, and all must be so proud of each other. Your dad will be getting the greatest send off I am sure!
Travel gently today, you are all in my thoughts. X
Sending love and hugs. One day at a time for sure. Please give yourself grace- do what you need to do as you manage this difficult and emotional time. Thinking of you- praying for you and your family. Candles will be lit.🦋💕
Will be thinking of you all as you give your Dad the great send off he deserves. Remember all the good times in your sadness. xx
Sending love to you all on this difficult day. Hold on to all your happy memories and take comfort from all the love from your Clarity family around the world too. Xx
When my own Dad died in 2001 I left his graveside feeling I hadn’t left him behind but that he now walked with me. Now in 2023 both my Mum and Dad walk with me. Take one day at a time.
Feel my hugs and love.
Will be thinking of you and your Mum along with all of us your clarity family as you say farewell to your lovely Dad.
Be strong and take time.
Remember your saying one day at a time it’s all you need right now even hour by hour.
Love and hugs from Christine.
Barbara, you are in our thoughts and we will be with you in spirit. Find strength and support within your family to help you through this day.
One day at a time, be kind to yourself and travel gently.
I am thinking of you and your family.
Whatever it takes… We each have to find our own way of coping. I’ve struggled to comment recently because it all brings back my own loss – there has been so much that you’ve shared about your Dad that reminded me so much of mine.
I can only say that the pain will get easier…
Big hugs to all xx
My candle is lit in memory of your dear father.
You and all the family are in my thoughts today as you say your goodbyes to a much loved family member.
Thinking of you all.
Love and hugs
My love to you, your Mum, and all your family. I will be thinking of you this morning and my candle is lit…..((((hugs))). Beryl x
Prayers and hugs for you all today as you say your goodbyes to your Dad. Bless you all xx
Love, thoughts and prayers for you, Mum, Grace and Mark especially, and to all the rest of the family who are supporting you all with their love and care.
Rosemary T xxx
🕯🙏 God bless you.
Best love, Jutta xx
Sending lots of love and hugs to you Barbara and all your family. Xx❤❤
Thinking of you all. Its 10.45am and I am with you all in thought. One of life’s most painful days. When the times right, just let it all Out, clear the emotions and then feel the strength, your dear Dad will be by your side now without you even knowing. Big hugs xxx
Thinking of you and all the family today as you say your goodbyes to your dad. Gone but never forgotten. Sending love and virtual hugs to you. xxx
Thinking of you all today. Sending you much love
Deep are the memories silently kept of one we loved and will never forget. Thinking of you and your family Barbara, tomorrow is another sad day as I bid farewell to a very special aunt. ❤️
You have all been in my thoughts a lot especially over the last few weeks, but thinking of you now as it’s gone 10.45. Take comfort in each other and especially with your Mum. The sun is out.
you are all often in mine and Peter’s thoughts xxx
Sending lots of love and hugs to all of you. Praying that it all went off as well as it can. Bx
Just popped in
I’m late on my comment I did not need to be reminded of your task on Monday
My heart and my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Love to your Mum Barbara
You have lost your Dad but she has lost her one and only love
Sending love ❤️
Sending good thoughts prayers and many hugs to you.
Wishing you strength at this difficult time.