The week in review

The week in review

Hi everyone.

Paul here – the sun is streaming through my office window as I sit here writing to you today and the thermometer is recording 26 degrees.

Anyway, since it is Friday, I thought I would review the week just gone. It sure has been all go here at Clarity Towers!

On Monday, we kicked of the Clarity Craft Club Half Price Members Sale


The making, assembly, picking and packing teams are hard at it, with a few of us coming in tomorrow to pick and pack. Don’t forget, that if you have ordered a product that we make ourselves – stamps, stencils, Groovi etc we will never run out. Which means that you won’t be disappointed when it says “Sold Out – Come Back Soon”, but it may mean that we have to make something so that we can fulfil your order. My job tomorrow will be to go through all the orders and pull out the ones that I know can be picked and packed quickly – i.e Designer Paper, Pens, Pencils etc. So if you see on our Facebook pages that Mrs Smith placed an order on Wednesday and she has received it today, but you placed your order on Monday and you haven’t, then the reason will probably be because something is being made! So please bear with us as we work our way through them!! I can tell that some of you love a sale by the size of your orders!

On Tuesday, I had fun during the Groovi Tuesday session, showcasing the beautiful butterflies & moths from Cherry Green

Available HERE

and then teasing you with the new Elegant Ladies from Barbara

Available HERE

and the embossed samplers from Josie Davidson.

Available HERE

We also started the countdown of sleeps until we go back to school with Linda Williams


Wednesday was all about catching up with paperwork and getting everything ready to take up to the TV studio – checking, double checking, triple and quadruple checking. You would be surprised how much goes into doing 2 hours of live TV.

Thursday was TV day!
Here are the finished pieces from Josie Davidson & Jane Telford that I showcased during the 11am & 3pm shows

Josie Davidson
Josie Davidson
Jane Telford

Once again, Josie worked her magic with the new Embossed Pattern Sampler Plates and she created these sample pieces to show what you can do if you choose to introduce the basic grids to add perforations and also some picot cutting

Diagonal 2 – Top Row – Left
Diagonal 2 – Middle Row – Left
Diagonal 2 – Middle Row – Right
Diagonal 2 – Bottom Row – Centre
Diagonal 2 – Bottom Row – Right
Straight 2 – Top Row – Middle
Straight 2 – Top Row – Right
Straight 2 – Middle Row – Centre
Straight 2 – Bottom Row – Left
Straight 2 – Bottom Row – Right


And now it is Friday already – where did the week go? Actually, where has today gone? I started writing this blog around 1pm today, several distractions later and I am done.

Don’t forget the Half Members Sale is still running!

I hope you have an enjoyable evening.

Take care and stay safe.

Paul xxx

14 thoughts on “The week in review

  1. Thank you Paul for everything you and the team are doing keeping us all going with our supplies also for all the fabulous new plates you have brought us wow how do you keep coming up with these great ideas xx can’t wait for summer school to start have everything ready lol xx take care everyone xx

  2. What a great and busy week it’s been! I’ve spent far too much in the sale, but you only live once! Plenty to keep me going through the winter. (I know, it’s only just summer! Be prepared, as the Brownies say) thanks everyone, no rush due my orders. Barbara, have a fab time with you family. X x

  3. You work so hard Paul, thank you for that. Please convey our thanks to the whole team. I also thank you in advance for my parcel which says it’s despatched but is yet to arrive. I think tomorrow is going to be a good day. Have a great weekend ❤️

  4. Oh boy, you’ve had a busy week!!! we are so grateful for all you do. Loved the demos yesterday, have watched them again today for inspiration and to make some notes before I forget the ideas I had yesterday.
    Have a good weekend.

  5. Big shout out and many thanks to you Paul and all of Team Clarity for all your efforts and hard work. The Members Sale is such a temptation and it is no problem to wait for as long as it takes to receive the ordered goodies!
    Really looking forward to Tuesday’s Summer School!

  6. It’s still 22.5C up in the Highlands which is very warm for us, especially at night time! Hope you are keeping cool whilst fulfilling all those sale orders. Hope to have a proper look tomorrow x

  7. I’ve got my order started for the sale, hope it’s still there when I go back or I’ll have to start again ! You know what they say if something needs to be done – give it the busy one ! Or something like that ! Looking forward to Linda’s lessons, had the books and tools for ages! Have a good weekend. X

  8. Thank you Paul for all your hard work to keep the show on the road so that Barbara can have a break. My sale order is finally in (after several days of indecision…!), so I’m hoping it’s one of those you can quickly pull out and post off to me so I get to play with more new goodies! 😀 Enjoy your weekend xx

  9. love a sale, my order is quite big, but I am sure it will arrive in time for me to enjoy all the goodies on my birthday in August as officially my birthday money paid for it 🙂 I have plenty of other things to keep me busy like Lindas school classes each week, so not excuse not to keep crafting. Thank you to you and the wider team, crafting keeps me going and I love all your products, have been good this week and tidied my plates into my BOGOF storage 🙂

  10. just come in from the garden where there was a nice cool breeze but it is still warm in the house.
    The ceiling fan will be working its magic tonight – hopefully.
    Still adding to my order but will go & try to complete it. I am found to forget something !!
    Thanks Paul for keeping us up to date with the weeks happening. Looking forward to Summer school with Linda.
    The excitement will be mounting in the Gray household as Grace & Mark are no doubt getting ready to catch their flights home.

  11. Already done my sale order, was thwarted by he elegant ladies, put them on my wish list on Tuesday, and ordered them on Thursday, which wasn’t the plan at all!! I don’t mind how long it takes for my orders to come, good things are always worth waiting for. Thank you Paul, and all the Clarity team. Enjoy the weekend. xx

  12. You’ve done a good job this week, Paul. Don’t run yourselves into the ground over the weekend. If we all have to wait a few more days, it won’t kill us! Have a good weekend. Hxx

  13. Hi Paul it has been a great week. I have bought some bits in the sale. Have a great weekend. Take care. Hugs xxx

  14. Paul, I think Barbara is so lucky to have you, you are a loyal and hard worker. Just make sure you have a rest if you need to, as you have been working so hard since the beginning of last year. The whole team has been amazing, not only with the producing the products and selling and dispatching, but with all the filming and keeping us company. I must admit since the SHAC has been reduced in days, I miss the being part of something daily. I am perfectly aware that we, let alone Barbara, can’t be there every single day anymore now life is returning to near normal. I am therefore very grateful for there still being the SHAC and Groovi days, which I can always catch up on at any time. So thank you all so much, for all you are doing for us customers.

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