Poppies, Teasels and edgy Art = A craftalong!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. I’ve just come off air, after very good, busy shows. Lots of tricks n tips on how to use the new stamps, as leaves or trees….
I know that they are not your usual, easy to make a card, kinda stamps. I know that. I know they are a bit edgy and require some thought regarding layout, colour overlays and layers…
But when – and I can only speak for myself – when I start laying up those leaves and flowers, when I ink blot plot, to get a faded overlay…now THAT excites me!
It’s not even so much about the finished projects as the experimenting and playing! That’s what excites me. And when it clicks, comes together, there’s nothing quite like it, is there.

Us Claritystampers are pretty good at working things out, but as we always say, we’re much better together. So how about a Craftalong one evening on Facebook LIVE, using these new LinoCut Stamps? In a couple of weeks time? That’ll give you time to buy them and me time to clear this bomzitit mess up!!

On SUnday, I shall do that step by step with the poppies that I promised, and by then I shall have a Craftalong Date and Plan. And no, you don’t have to wear pyjamas to join in!!
I LOVE that the large square backdrop stamp fits so perfectly too! No coincidence mind. Lucy and I worked that one out beforehand!
So on that happy note, here’s the link to the stamps. I am going to suggest we use the Teasels and Alliums in the craftalong. But I bet you all want the Poppies!!!
Here’s your chance to help decide which one we use…tell us below which one we should focus on:
I only say this because I am mindful of the expense. If somebody can only afford one set, then let’s make sure they have the right one! Based on the vote, I will set a date and tell you which set to get on Sunday!
Love always
Barb xxx
36 thoughts on “Poppies, Teasels and edgy Art = A craftalong!”
Teasels, only because I bet they can look like strawberries to. Loved the shows. xx
10 days away planned in New Forest it will be my 1st holiday and time out from SHAC-SHACK etc etc. I will catch up on my return. Just wanted to say Claritystamp is the best company in the world. Jeanne and all your staff do your company proud. Just wanted to say thank you for everything. You are an amazing person. X
Alliums, because that’s the only set I’ve bought. Looking forward to it. Have a good weekend. Xx
They are all great – but if I have to choose – Alliums please.
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite)
Alliums, just love this plant. Loved all the demos great sets of stamps. Have recorded the shows as well for reference as you put so much into the slots. X
Teasles please they look lovely x
Great shows today, I like all three but my favourite are the Poppies. Great backgrounds too, my wish list gets ever longer. Enjoy the weekend. xx
poppies please
Thank you for making the first show so open; relevant to a genre of stamps not just the new sets.
I would like to see the poppies. I intend buying them but not as yet. As you are doing a step by step on them I won’t be dismayed is you choose another set to use in craft a long.
Love them all, but teasles are good because you can make unisex cards with them x
Poppies for me too please.
POPPIES PLEASE. I have the small poppy and meadow grasses set and this new set would be a perfect addition to the stash.
Your demos today, what I saw of them, were interesting. Unfortunately I forgot to record the shows, overslept and missed the first half hour, but managed to catch most of the second hour, though it was interrupted by the postman and delivery bods.
Looking forward to Sunday, hubby is cooking and I plan to craft all day.
Love them all but my absolute faves are the teasels xxx hugs
Poppies please. I have just bought them 🙂
They are all lovely but I like the alliums and the background stamp. Have them in my basket.
They are all lovely,but my all time favourite flower is the poppy, have some growing wild in the garden. Beautiful x
Alliums for me please!
Great shows today and the stamps are beautiful. They are a bit different but that’s what’s lovely, it pushes you out of your comfort zone. Can’t wait for the craftalong – can we wear pjs if we want to?!
Enjoy the weekend.
Zara xx
Enjoyed your demos today Barbara, loved the stamps and your colour choice was brilliant ! I will watch again to listen to which inks you used.
I’ve had to do a mammoth catch up on the SHAC mostly due to SOCIALISING with family. It’s been
two years since we met together – such a blessing [though surprisingly rather exhausting.]
Huge thanks to you. XX
Teasels or alliums as they are different from so many floral stamps xx
Fab shows as always xx look forward to the craft along xx
Great stamps; great shows!
Alliums, please x
Two brilliant shows in the Craft Store today Barbara. So much to take in, so much inspiration! I can’t wait to have a go and play with these stamps. The background stamps open up lots of possibilities. Another Craftalong, yes please. If I had to choose, I would go for the teasels, but they are all so good!
Watched the two shows……brilliant. The stamps are fabulous and I will order the complete set at the weekend. The craftalong is a great idea Barbara, I really enjoy the evening get together with everyone, and the Teasels and Alliums will be something different.
Take care
Poppies please
Love them all, they just fell into the basket honest. Don’t mind which you use for Facebook Live, will definitely try and join. I think we all need to play with these, have definitely got my creative juices going, so can’t wait to get them. Loved the shows you were on fire, your enthusiasm jumped out the screen. Thanks heaps Karen.
Hello Barbara
Poppies please.
Poppies please but happy to go with the flow. Going to put my voucher from the weekend towards them
They are all great with so much potential. If I can only choose one then it would be the Poppy. So much hope.
Great shows today, thank you Barbara xx
Allium please. Loved them all but my budget said just 1 so I chose the allium. Great shows as always – thank you xx
Definitely Teasels. I can imagine how fab they will look!
Hello Barb, what superb and informative shows yesterday, love all the sets, but have to sit on my hands at the moment. However I would love to see the Poppies in the craftalong. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Spoilt for choice as they are all great stamps so will go with the majority vote for the craft along.
Loved all the samples by the design team so many variations & also good they can be mixed in with many of the other Clarity stamps.
Hi Barbara
WOW I have just received my order, but to my surprise in my package was also a copy of your wonderful stamping book which I won last week.
Thank you sooooo much. This book is absolutely full of amazing inspiration to get me going.
And the fact that you have signed it with a lovely message too is just a complete bonus for me.
Thank you.
Love & Hugs
I ordered the teases earlier so have all 3 sets. Would like to see more with them having already been lucky enough to play with the other two sets.
I loved the demos and think the teasels are my favourite! Office/craftroom will be fitted in July now, so then I can unpack all my boxes again and rediscover my crafty goodies!!! I might be just a little bit excited x
teasels, they are different.
have invested in the alliums, so they get my vote! Had a happy email to say they’re on their way 😍