Attention to detail.
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Been thinking about attention to detail. Paying attention to detail when you craft. When you stop thinking about what you are producing, what it will be like when it’s finished, and instead you get absorbed in the detail, in the minutiae – that’s when you are IN the process, IN the art. And that’s the bit I love the best.
Sometimes I will spend hours doing something so seemingly insignificant in the bigger picture (if you’ll pardon the pun), and yet I thoroughly enjoy it. I seldom feel I have wasted my time, because when I am doing artwork, I don’t feel I’m EVER wasting my time. When I’m watching rubbish on the box, that’s a waste of precious time. When I’m worrying about stuff I can’t do diddly about – that’s a waste of time. But when I’m up to my elbows in ink, paint or Clay – then I am invested in a creative process which is mostly enlightening and enriching.
Remember those plates I was teaching myself to throw on the wheel? I also taught myself how to make a groove, a recess, an indentation. I’m sure there’s a special clay-speak term for it.
I wanted to learn how to do a slip inlay. So not a superficial line of colour, but an actual inlaid strip of slip. I googled it….
Halfway through the process, I was very, VERY focussed, because it looked like a right old mess. Mmmm, I wondered if should have left it with a nice plain groove. But the thing is, if you stick, then you never learn anything new, do you…
You had to kinda squirt the coloured slip into the recess, let it dry a little then press it into the groove. Then add more, smooth it in with your fingers and let it dry. I went with a turquoise colour. Had it everywhere! I completely forgot to take photos; always an indicator that I’m totally absorbed!
Once it was all leather hard, you had to scrape the clay and slip back with a metal kidney, to reveal the inlay. Did it work?
Oh yes!!! Well chuffed.
Now they’re ready to be bisque fired. I thought about decorating the tops too (hahaha! the bit you can see!) but decided to stick !! Drying out now. Too late…

Also, SWYAA! Or DTP! Or LIM!! Any ideas what these acronyms mean?
And on that happy note, I shall stop for the day.
Stay safe,
Love and hugs
Barb xxx
38 thoughts on “Attention to detail.”
Hello Barbara
Your plates are gorgeous.
Another beautiful job Barbara. Love the turquoise. LOVING seeing your pottery journey. Safe happy crafting, bet you can’t wait for the time for your family to be gathered and using your tableware, a memory to cherish.
Love and hugs.
Happy to see you are keeping busy and happy too!
SWYAA…Ship for World Youth Alumni Association
DTP …Dynamic Trunking Protocol (desktop publishing)
LIM …. Laboratory Institute of Merchandising (a college in New York)
You do ask the most amazing things!
Sending a 🤗 hug
For what it’s worth, I think SWYAA means something unprintable and funny, DTP, I’m thinking about and LIM is less is more. Lovely pottery results, very clever.
You are making brilliant pottery. So glad you are enjoying it.
Love Steph x
Stop While You Are Ahead I guess ! Less is More and still thinking about DTP Don’t ….. ?
Beautiful colour for the inlay – it would look great on the top too ….next time ! glad you’re having fun ! X
Oh wow, those are stunning. My grandmother used to do pottery when I was a little girl and I used to love how the little pots felt to handle because they are so tactile. I love the turquoise inlay and I can’t wait to see what you do with the decorations of the tops, when you get to that.
It is so lovely that you share your creativity with us, that inspire us and encourage us that we can try new things that will stretch our creativity to new levels.
I’m rubbish at acronyms – so instead of becoming incredibly inventive, I’ll wait for somebody to say what they are :).
The inlay looks fab, being totally absorbed, whether by craft, a book or nature’s beauty is always a good place to be. Enjoy it 🙂
Oh my I want these plates so very much. Love the turquoise inset, thats one of my favourite colours. Less is more and stop while you are ahead, not sure about the others xx
WOW!! All your pottery looks fabulous. Your plates look perfect, the blue inlay looks so classy.
SWYAA.. Stop Whilst You Are Ahead
DTP.. Do The Practice
LIM.. Less Is More
Well, that’s sounds more like Barbara than what my acronym book says!😅👏🏻👏🏻
Well, that’s sounds more like Barbara than what my acronym book says!😅👏🏻👏🏻
So clever! Isn’t it nice to learn something new. I have so much of your doodling and colouring to catch up on but loving ever minute. My latest was the Geisha. I decided to do it again and mount it on a card. You’ve probably seen it on Clarity Worldwide. Anyway, see you Friday!
Love the turquoise inlay on your lovely plates. You are so clever but Stop While You Are Ahead, remember that Less Is More so Drop The Paintbrush now! Xx
Look fabulous and just enough colour in there xx
Hi finally back on net your plates are coming on well know to get drawing again so looking forward to those session have a good evening 🙏🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️
Loving watching your journey into pottery, thanks for sharing. 👍
these are beautiful – that turquoise line is stunning! Looks like you’ve had a really productive day
Been thinking about the acronyms
SWYAA – stop while you are ahead?
DTP – not sure, still pondering that one
LIM – less is more
Hi Barbara your pottery is stunning. I love it. That turquoise line really sets it off. We went out for the first time after being isolated. I am so sleepy I can’t think of the acronyms. Have a good evening. Take care. Hugs xxx
Loving the pottery Barbara. You’re so good at it too. That doesn’t surprise me though.
Enjoy your evening.
Love and hugs. Xxx
Lovely plates. Will the blue still be blue when they are fired?
Stop whilst you are ahead, Don’t titivate perfection,
Less is more. No idea if I’m right but it was fun trying to guess x
Love your plates, you are such a talented lady and bus driver 🤣🤣 I’ve been totally engrossed today too with a Diana Groovi plate. It’s all so new to me and I’ve learnt loads today by making mistakes but I’ve enjoyed the process. Just got to get to grips with snipping now but as you say if you don’t have a go you don’t move forward
Wow move over Denby pottery. Hmm! Or is it spelt Denbigh? Whatever… you could be one of their team for sure .😘. I’m very jealous to be honest xx
Thank you Barbara- truly love reading your daily blog! Thank you- your words always make me think and refocus me. Thank you for your inspiration. Your pottery work as with all you do is first class – so admired and appreciated. It is exciting to see your projects. The projects you shared during the Shac Shack are amazing.
I am very excited hearing your plan to do tutorials with specific products on your blog and very kindly offering changes in pricing – wow- wow- wow.
Thank you Barbara for all you do- you have truly added to my pandemic days in a very kind and positive way- so grateful. Signing up for two clubs – monthly deliveries will take a while to get to Canada but that is just fine – it arrives when it arrives 😀.
Looking forward to sseing your new stamps, etc and your inspiration on Hochanda.
I heard this the other day- do not know where it originated…..
– stay positive- test negative!
Your plates are just fabulous Barbara !
Gorgeous plates and I love the turquoise. I think Nellie has nailed the acronyms, although knowing your sense of humour, they could be much more naughty 😂
Loved the SHAC this morning. Thank you. Hugs. Annette X
Gorgeous plates and I love the turquoise. I think Nellie has nailed the acronyms, although knowing your sense of humour, they could be much more naughty 😂
Loved the SHAC this morning. Thank you. Annette X
Love your plates, you are so good at it now. Hope all the friends you made pots for, will make good use, I expect they were delighted.
I was just thinking about you as I was watching Ghost. Then got interrupted with FaceTime with Michael in California, where the sun is shining. We had a thick frost and fog today and it’s very cold. So far no snow .
Time for bed . Xxx
Love the plates with their fine line trim – look forward to seeing how they change or not after firing.
SWYAA – Stop Whilst You Are Ahead
DTP – Don’t Tweak Perfection
LIM – Less Is More
Hi Barb,
The turquoise inlaid strip is really nice,you are very clever. I am loving following you on your pottery journey. Be interested to see when they are finished. Well done. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi Barbara
Asked Jackie if there was a special clay word she said just stay in the groove sounds familiar.
We both decided DTP was Dip the Plate 😂
They look great once the glaze goes on and fired when you open the kiln it’s like Christmas as you never know how they will look.
Carry on potting
Love Ruth & Jackie xx
Fab plates and love the inlay! Take care and stay safe xxx
The inlay color is fantastic!
Thanks for sharing your creations. Love your daily blog💙
Love these!
Hello Barb, you have very clever followers here. Love your plates, the inlay is beautiful. Happy New Year everyone, stay home, be safe and take care. Bx
You were born to be a potter Barbara and the turquoise inlay is perfection and the loveliest colour. x
Hi Barb,
love your pottery! it is not a hobby I would do, but I like looking to someone who has so much pleasure in her hobby. And beside of that I learn a lot about the pottery-process.
Fabulous pottery Barbara and well done for persevering; that blue line is perfect. Happy New Year xx