Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. Have decided to step away from all things Clarity for a few days, and focus on my folks. I am sure you understand.
The daily blog has been like my daily bread for many years. Since 15th October 2013 in fact, I have blogged every single day. And on the few and far between days when I have been on holiday or in a hole with no internet, our Paul has stepped into the breach and carried on.
But this week I think it will be okay to turn the lights off for a few days and let Paul do his job, while I take care of more important business.
Grace and Company will be running the Clarity Matters blog as usual. They will be happy to keep you company for sure.
Next week, all things being well, I will be back on track and full of beans, having stepped away from the plate for a few days. Yep. Sometimes a break is important. Nay. Vital.
Heads up though! Paul is on HOCHANDA.com tomorrow, at 1pm and 5pm, celebrating our darling friend Jayne Nestorenko. Check out her classic, beautiful, fabulous floral designs, in both Groovi and Stamps. If you’re not familiar with Jayne, let Paul open that door for you. She is greatly missed, but NEVER forgotten.
See you next week. Love and hugs
Barb xxx
54 thoughts on “Downtime”
Use some time for yourself as well as your folks & enjoy the weather. Hope the hip op has gone well & mum makes a very speedy recovery xxxx
Sounds like a plan, Barb. It’s important to take care of yourself or you will be useless to those around you. Glad you are able to be there for your mum and dad this week. Hoping and praying that all goes well. Lots of love, Hxx
Hello Barbara
I hope all goes well for your mother this week and you make the most of the break. We will still be here when you come back.
Take a break always helps.
Best wishes to your Mum, hope all goes to plan. 👍👍
Love and prayers for your mum’s operation to go well with a speedy recovery and for you to be able to recharge your batteries whilst also caring for your parents this week.
Oodles of love Xxx
Sending lots of LOVE to you and the family. Speedy recovery for mum. Also have you time, you deserve it after being there for us for the last 6 months. I am re visiting episode 18, trying again with me kite and Tuscany scene. Will ,post picture later.
Barbara you give so much to us in the wider Clarity Family, now it’s time for you to take – take a break from all things Clarity, take a rest for yourself and most important, take time with your family. Best wishes and good thoughts to your Mum and Dad, hope all is well. Hip, hip hooray!
Glad you are taking time for yourself and your family. Hopefully all will go to plan, and I am keeping you in my prayers.
I am taking the time away from the Shac to catch up some of the things that I planned to do at the start of lockdown, but never did, as I procrastinated with craft, which is what I needed to do to keep my mind, and then daughter’s wedding planning took up time. Today I have been clearing out under my bed, and finding stuff I forgot I had, and also putting away my summer clothes, not that I wore many as I didn’t go out much!
Looking forward to seeing what Paul is going to show us.
Dear Barbara take as much time as you need. We all understand. I hope all goes well for your mum and that her recovery is speedy. I do know what is it like looking after your parents. For me it was very draining. This card is gorgeous. I do love Jayne’s images they are stunning. See you next week. But if you need longer take it. Take care. Hugs xxx
All the best to your Mum with her hip op. You certainly deserve some down time. Take care.
Sometimes we need to get our priorities right. Put your folks first. Hope the op has gone well and your mum makes a good recovery. X
Take time for you and your family Barbara,hope everything goes well for your mum sending healing thoughts to her. Don’t worry about us shackers we will be here ready and waiting when you have the time to get back to us. Looking forwards to see what Paul has in store.xxx
We will miss you , but fully understand the need for some peace and recovery time. You have given so much to so many for so long. Please take as long as you need and then a bit more ,just for you. Sending positive vibes to your family . Take care of yourself. X
Hugs to you and yours. Hope the op has gone well, do let us all know. I’ve had to stop the Shac due to other commitments but come retirement I hope to catch up with everyone else. You need to understand how much you are appreciated.
If you are taking care of everyone else don’t forget to take care of you too! Wishing your Mum a quick recovery. Hope that all goes smoothly for you all. And I’m sure Clarity is being well looked after by your Dream Team! 😍
It’s time for you to let it go and take time for yourself and your mum and dad and of course Dave!!!
Hope the hip operation is going well.
The stamps are gorgeous and I hope I get a lot of the poppets and these for my birthday!
Stay save and healthy and prayers and love for you and your family
Greetings, Trijntje Huppel
Enjoy the break and being with your mum and dad.
Hope your mum’s op goes well and that she’s soon home where you and your dad can look after her in her recovery.
Love and hugs to you all xxx
Hope all goes well with mum’s op. Take care of you too. I am sure a break will do you the world of good. xxx
Thinking of you all this week. Enjoy being with mum and dad and Für Mutti eine schnelle Besserung! Liebe Grüße
Thankyou for taking care of us now it’s your time! ♥️
Can’t thank you enough for keeping me sane whilst stranded away from the family – you’ve been so loving and caring about us all even though you have your own troubles too. I hope and pray that all goes really well for your Mum and that she makes a speedy recovery. Please don’t forget to look after yourself too! Lots of love and prayers – Liz, Malta
Will be thinking of you. Love and best wishes. Xx
Enjoy your time with your parents and Dave, family must come first and you also need some downtime, look forward to the tv shows this week, look forward to seeing you next week, and also wishing your Mum a speedy recovery . xxx
Hi Barbara
You have to put family and your own health first
We and Clarity will be here whenever you feel it’s ok
Love to you and your mum. ❤️❤️
Family always comes first, Barbara. Love to you and your Mum and Dad xx
Hope all goes well with Mums operation and I am sure with a loving family to care for her she will soon be up and about. Enjoy just being a daughter with no other people making demands on your time. Xx
You have done a lot of giving to us in the Clarity community over the last 6-7 months and we are all very grateful but now it is time for you to give yourself some rest and relaxation with your lovely family. However long you feel you need to take we will understand and we will still be here when you return.
You have a dream team to look after things and in the meantime I’m sure the lovely Paul will keep us occupied (but not necessarily off the naughty step – haha).
I have all the items in the upcoming shows (much to hubby’s wallet’s relief) but look forward to seeing what Paul does with them.
My best wishes to your mum for a speedy recovery.
Stay safe 🍒
Good for you! You all need a break and this precious time with your parents is important for all of you.
You have given us so much time over the last 6 months and now is the time to take some for yourself.
Sending lots of love and looking forward to seeing you back when the time is right for you. Hugs. Annette X
Take time out for yourself and your family. Your Clarity family will be here when you are back on board again . Enjoy the break and hope all goes well with your mum. X
Time for family is always a good thing, don’t worry about us, we’ll be here ready when you are xx
Take Care. wishing you and all the family well. x
Dear Barbara, take care. Remember your self too.
Rest and refresh – just what everyone needs! Enjoy and every blessing to you and all your family. From the above comments you can see how much you are appreciated by all of us.
You take all the time you need Barbara, definitely family comes first, wishing you all well, we’ll all be ready and waiting when you are able to return. Don’t forget time for you, worry takes it out of you. Love all Jayne’s stamps and plates, will be lovely revisiting them as I have them all including the books, we all need reminders and inspiration at times. God bless you all and please get Paul to tell us when your Mum has had her op. Love and hugs xxx
I will miss your daily blog, but family comes first. Your parents need you and it’s wonderful that you are able to be there for them.
Take care of yourself and hope you can switch off for a couple of days x
No-one will begrudge you a well-deserved break – I see it as the perfect opportunity to scroll back through the blog to rediscover some great step-by-step tutorials and musings!
Hope all goes well x
Hope all goes well Barbara and mum is getting better try and have a rest yourself as well with your mum !!
And breathe Barbara……totally get it that you need to switch off and concentrate on your Mum/parents. Change is as good as a rest they say? – Dont forget to have a quiet sit down with a cup of builders when you can. Wishing your lovely Mum a pain free time very soon! & looking forward to your return, but only when YOU feel refreshed and ready.
Love the stamps! 😘xx
You deserve the rest although I’m sure you will be looking after your dad and sorting hospital visits. Your mum will be fine and up and about before you know it. They don’t keep them in bed very long these days.
As for your loyal followers I’m sure we will enjoy revisiting all those wonderful blogs and YouTube videos you have delighted us with.
Take care. Love and light.Karen
Good. Looking after people is full on. You may need longer, both to offer good care and to refresh and recover afterwards. We’ll see you then. I hope everything goes well.
Hi Barb,
You deserve the break and I know your mum and dad will be very pleased to have your company. I hope your mum’s hip op goes well and that she makes a speedy recovery. It might be a strange time for her in hospital because if it is the same as it was for me just over a week ago, I was not allowed any visitors which makes the days go very slowly. The good thing is though, that they certainly don’t want you in hospital longer than is absolutely necessary. I am beginning to feel a bit more like myself but my knee is still very sore and the physio yesterday didn’t help much other than to make it even more sore and stiffer today!! Still, I know that in a few weeks I will be recovered enough to have pain as a distant memory ( I hope anyway!!) Thinking of you all, Alison xxx
I’m glad you’re taking time out Barbara. 100% time for yourself, Dave and family. Nothing else to think about. Be kind to yourself. Loads of love x
Hello Barb, make sure you get some down time too, and with Dave and Mum and Dad. Hope Mum’s op has gone well, and she has a speedy recovery. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Hope everything goes well this week. You deserve the rest. We will all be here ready and waiting when you come back xx
You certainly deserve some downtime. You have given so much to us since the start of lockdown and it’s been very much appreciated. Make sure you have some time for yourself as well as your parents x
You take as much time as you need. We shac shakers will be fine. Thanks for all you have done for us x
Best of luck to Mrs G today and always.
Please look after yourself. It’s very easy to crash and burn as a carer – take it from one who has the T-shirt!
God bless xx
Your parents & you are the most important thing at the moment, over the weeks we have learnt lots of skills that we can use over the few days that there is no SHAC shack, if it takes longer for any reason so be it. We will be here ready & waiting at the bus stop for when you are ready to drive the bus again.
I trust your Mum is recovering well from her operation. Thank you for everything you have done for us, particularly over the last few months. I hope you can find time to relax a little. Take care.
Love Brenda Nash
Hi Barbara and all your lovely family. Hope all goes as planned this week for your Mum and that she recovers well. Good you are having some downtime–hope you get the chance to relax and chill.❤
Hope everything goes well with your Mum sending love to you and your family. You have helped a lot of people in these recent months and although we have missed you – please look after yourself as well Love Jan x
Enjoy your break Barbara, and hope your Mum is doing well. You have a good team who will keep the show on the road, and you thoroughly deserve some family time
Hope everything is going well for you and your family and Mum’s hip op a great success. Been off line for a few days so just caught up. Sending lots of love to you all xxxx
Hello Barbara, just joining in with all the good wishes for your Mum, hope she is recovering well from the op and you have had a good week with your Mum and Dad.
You have done so much for us and we look forward to learning more when you have had a break. You are a Star Barbara, with a heart of gold and we all look forward to the Shac Shack each weekday morning.
It looks as though we are in a personal lockdown for the foreseeable future as the news isn’t good and the “advice” even worse, no confidence in anything we are being told! Thanks for giving us all something to look forward to and leave our worries outside. Jean x
Hope you had time for you in your few days off. You deserve it. Xxx