It works. It really does.
Hi there. Thanks for popping in. Woke up with a washing machine head this morning – a real spin cycle. Don’t ask me why. I guess it just happens when there are a few uncertainties, a few changes. (Maybe it’s Pottery withdrawal?! Half term!)
But TV prep was the order of the day, regardless of the scatterbrain. The show must go on, right?! And there was no way I could blog with that head on me! So I settled down to the Groovi project. It may not be the best ever – but it certainly cleared my head! I decided to just go with perforating, to exemplify how you can get really cool depth and interest as a total beginner. Prick, prick, prick. Focus on the holes. Concentrate on the lines. Make sure it is neat. Etc etc. I think the Lightwave underneath, the light peeping through the holes with each perforation is quite mesmerising too…
Having to concentrate on the perforating steered my mind away from the traffic, from whatever was causing noise in my head, traffic. It works it really does. And I enjoyed it immensely!
By the time I mounted the piece on the black card, I was chilled – really truly chilled! Want to have a look? (Not inside my head! At the card!)
I have to go to a meeting now, but I just wanted to share that moment of Clarity with you. Groovi definitely helped me calm my mind this morning. I can tell it has a positive physical impact, because my chest gets really tight when I am anxious, as if I have drunk far too much coffee, or lost my purse. I am sure you know what I mean. But now I am calm, the spin cycle has stopped – and all is well. And I’ve got loads of tips and tricks in that little card to show folks who are starting out on their Groovi journey. Or who get washing machine heads.
If you’d like to how it all helps to clear the mind, watch Maria work her magic with Groovi Plates from 6pm on HOCHANDA.
Love & Hugs
Barb xxx
Clarity – The Home of Art, Craft and Well-being.
14 thoughts on “It works. It really does.”
Beautiful can sooo understand when you ya washing machine head I start cards then before I have finished it I’m onto the next one lol then loads t finish off x
Oh Barb, I feel exactly the same at the moment, packing to move house next week, yikes – the card, parchment, dies, Groovi plates, stamps, etc etc, oh dear oh dear,never realized quite how much crafty stash I have and yet I get the feeling will definitely be ordering more tonight !!!
Love & hugs to all x
Love your sneaky peeks at the card. I hate waking up with a thousand & one things going on in my head. Makes me feel tired before I start the day & as to what to do first if anything can be done that is a whole different ball game. Glad you managed a few Groovi moments to start your day. As to half term, ours is next week so the NEC could be busy!!
Off to sort my Groovi projects out for tomorrow’s meeting at Bromsgrove.
What a lovely sneak peek, will make sure I’m home on time to watch the shoes. Can totally relate to the washing machine head and tight chest. I can always tell when I’m having crafty withdrawals, must rectify that tonight. Thank you as always for the insight into your little corner x
Oops shows not shoes lol
Along with Groovi there’s a few apps that may help with anxiety too…..Calm, Headspace & Insight Timer. 🏖️
My cute Groovi penguins have entered the building today so I’ll be in the zone for the next few days. ❣️We’ve got reli’s visiting though & I need to dust etc & pretend we always live in a clean, well kempt house rather than a arty, farty, crafty home, just for a few days anyway😜
Hubbies just said he’s got gas!🙊 (Well, after 32 years of marriage I think I know that 😏)
No, no, he explained it stands for “Gear Acquisition Syndrome”. Which, he explained is an uncontrollable urge to have stuff.
So, I’m thinking, is that a bad thing?🤷
What a pretty project – looking forward to all the hints n tips on Sunday.
With all you have to manage it is no winder your head gets in a spin. Don’t know how you cope.
My washing machine head doesn’t start until I go to bed no matter how calm a day I have had. Keeps me awake till 4am then just as I have fallen asleep something wakes me up too early 👿 no wonder I get grumpy !!! It is fortunate it doesn’t happen too often. Quiet, coffee and breakfast usually sorts me out.
Quick trip into town this morning for essentials – it was almost deserted – where did everyone go? Cold but sunny so altogether not too bad.
Have put todays shows on to record and am having a relaxing day before the celebration starts.
GAS syndrome applies to my hubby too so you have my sympathies, Sue.
Love to all 🍒🍒🍒
I usually go into ‘spin cycle’ at night…makes sleep impossible until can calm my head down, usually with some type of crafting so I know exactly where you’re coming from. Anyhoo have just set the recorder for Maria’s shows this evening and tomorrow so will have to fit the necessary household tasks in between the programmes. Credit card is on standby! X
I loaned a colleague at work my Groovi Go starter set to try out. A set of her own has now fallen into her basket as she found it so relaxing.
Hi Barbara,
My partner, Alison bought the groovi go….it sat forlornly amongst our accumulated craft supplies untouched, so I thought I would give it a go. I have never done anything so mindful and relaxing ever. I am totally addicted, I love to pick elements to create my own designs and I may have purchased further groovi supplies. (Although if the other half asks, I will deny everything.)
Keep bringing out your fantastic goodies.
Simon Walker.
Once again my earlier post has gone astray !!!
Had a lovely day, very relaxing, no aggro. WhooHoo!!
Back to the party now.🍒🍒🍒
Hello Barb, a lovely little sample of Groovi. Crafting definitely clears my head and stops all the sidetracking thoughts. Take care all. Bx
Groovi certainly does clear the head and relax you. Takes your mind off so many things. Glad it helped you. Will try to watch Maria’s shows today she always has some good demos. X