Best Die Ever!!!

Best Die Ever!!!

Hi there!

Thanks for popping in. And thanks for supporting and watching Paul and myself on Hochanda TV this weekend. Busy days…..I hope you enjoyed the demos? We pack a lot in when you think about it.

We are up in Northumberland, Morpeth, all set to attend lovely Becca and Simon’s wedding tomorrow. We headed up north after telly this morning and a couple of business meetings. Linda and Rob Williams are up here too, to join in the celebrations .

As you know, every Monday, I throw a light on one of our 4 products of the month. And today, it is the Die of the Month: the Birds in a Tree Aperture Die Set. I love love love this design by Mel.


Remember when I used it on my coil pot? #prideandjoy.

And this is just the beginning…..
New Tile Art coming Up!
These all went to new homes….

Now I know most of you good people are paper potters, not clay potters! So let me find a paper sample for you…..

Scraps on Rainbow River Card.

Why not check out our Offers Page here?

The Half Price Members Sale is very very busy, but the website is standing up fine, and after the initial hiccup, we are in fine fettle and open for business 24/7! If you like this die, and you haven’t got it, then now may be an ideal opportunity!

Love & Hugs,

Barb xxx

PS. Blogging on an iPad is a Real challenge, I can tell you!

PPS the Blog received a Highly Commended Award this year. Aka runner up. But hey! Gratitude abounds! Thank you so much for voting ! xxx

28 thoughts on “Best Die Ever!!!

  1. That is brilliant news on the blog award. Have a fabulous time. I am just checking out the website for some more stamps 😉
    Have a wonderful time at the wedding.
    Hugs to you and Dave xxx
    Linda xxx

  2. Enjoy the wedding celebrations. Congratulations to Becca and Simon. I wish them all the best for the future. xx

  3. I have just acquired this die thanks to a lovely lady who gave me one she had a double of. I look forward to playing with it once I’ve finished all the new secret stuff! Thanks again Avril it was so kind of you.

  4. Have a great time at Becca and Simon’s wedding. And safe journey back to Peterborough on Wednesday for setting up. Busy busy bees!!!
    I bet you’ve found it cold up north… You need your big coats on definitely!!!
    Love and hugs xxx

  5. The shows and demos were great, thanks to you and Paul. Have a lovely time at the wedding and congratulations to Becca and Paul. I am looking forward to the Pergamano shows and will watch them on rewind, as I am out on Thursdays.
    Very well done on the award, but I bet that whoever won does not blog every single day of the year ( apart from when they get married!) and put so much effort and information into each and every one. In my head you deserved the top prize! Hugs. Annette X

  6. Loved the shows yesterday and have today’s recoded to watch later. Lovely demos from you and Paul, with all the new goodies.
    Congratulations to the happy couple! Xx

  7. Loved your shows today Barbara and Paul! You have inspired me to start the Groovi system which I will be ordering along with the Fairy plates I need something to wind me down.Have a lovely time at the wedding,congratulations to the lovely couple.

    Take care
    Wendy xx

  8. Shows this weekend we’re great and I bought all the Fairies. Got lots of ideas ( and reminders ) from you and Paul today.
    I voted for you and Clarity in all possible categories, glad you achieved some recognition, after all you do so much for all your followers, and blogging EVERY day is dedication indeed.
    Enjoy the wedding, safe travelling, and I’m looking forward to the Pergamano show.
    Sweet dreams, 🍒🍒🍒

  9. We all love your blog. I am Looking forward to see what you are up to on thursday. I have to see on rewind as I will be at my pergamano class making Groovi cards and it is my daughters Birthday too. Congratulations to Becca and Simon. Xx

  10. love the dies & best of all when I manage to get 2 for the price of one using the waste & double sided sticky sheets. Also love paper piecing with them.
    Congratulations on your Highly commended for the blog although I still think it should have won for the fact that it is added to every day & has lots of followers who take the time to read & comment.
    Must remember we have the bonus of another slot on Hochanda with you & Linda on Thursday.

  11. Have a lovely time at the wedding Barbara, and you and Paul did a great job with the great demos over the past two days. Congratulations on the Highly Commended for the blog too. x

  12. Catching up with the shows-inspirational as ever. So much new material coming out, it is difficult to choose. Congratulations to Becca and Simon. Enjoy the wedding (Happy memories for you and Dave). Safe travelling. I am looking forward to Thursday but will have to catch up with the recorder which is working again. xx

  13. Hi Barb,
    Great shows again today. I did have a laugh when you were trying to pronounce Alnwick (Annick). It is a lovely place – if you get a chance go to Bamburgh and Holy Island, I’m sure you’d love them. Have a lovely day at the wedding . Congratulations to the happy couple. Well done on the Highly Commended although you should’ve won! Love and hugs Alison xx

    1. Yeah!!!There’s a smashing pub at Bamburgh that makes delish food. Seem to remember the gravy is lush. Lovely scenery around there too.

  14. Love a good wedding. 🥳 Have a good one💃🏼🕺🏼
    I’ve just finished a wedding card using the Love tangle and Queen Mary plates. Got a bit carried away with the old Queenie pattern and so ended up having to make an 9” square box/envelope for it. Looks good👍🏼
    I love my iPad, though tend to use my little trusted Samsung smartphone as my “go to” ‘puter.
    Not that I do blogging, just Tweeting, Pinterest and this blog for me.
    Guess it’s the same old names on the Award list again…….I’m proud to be in the Clarity Gang though, and “highly commended” is always better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick……… cause that would hurt🤕

  15. Hi Barbara
    Caught the first show this morning and loved the different take on the Dies. Enjoy the wedding, congratulations to Becca and Simon, hope you have a lovely day. Congratulations on the award, shame you didn’t win though as you genuinely do blog every day rather than having them preloaded. Safe travels back after the wedding.
    Love Diane xx

  16. Hi Barbara
    Thank you and Paul for the wonderful shows on Hochanda today. Most enjoyable and very inspirational.
    Can’t believe you only got runner up for your blog, you should have got a first place award. I will have to find a few more people to do some voting next year!!
    Enjoy yourselves at the wedding

  17. Hello Barb, absolutely loved the shows, and all the demo’s, cracking products. Hope you enjoy the wedding, and have time to kick back a bit with Dave and the others. It is a shame the blog did not win the award, but then again, it is just an award, we all know how special it is to us. Take care all. Bx

  18. Hi Barbara
    I managed to catch up with the shows yesterday. Love all that you do. My problem is that I only have a few bits of Clarity goodies and don’t know what to buy first. Probably the basics. I shall try and get to the NEC and have a chat. See how far my bank balance will stretch!
    Love Karen

  19. Congratulations on the blog award and also to the happy couple. I hope the tiles were a wedding present – they would be delighted! Enjoy your time in Morpeth – there’s a lovely quirky gift shop there near a tiny wool shop and a lovely tea room – maybe called the Cloisters (it’s been a while)!

  20. Wow loving your pottery tiles and your vase is just amazing, must go and make some canvas tiles as I love the birds die set and any day now the new swirl die will land – Happy days yay x

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