All back in the nest….
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Forgive me for not hanging out much this evening. Grace and her lovely fella Mark have landed safely too, so now we have them all back in the nest….
Spaghetti Bolognese followed by vanilla ice cream with fruit compote. We’ve been yack yack yacking for hours! Poor Dave! It goes from just the two of us for months, rattling round in the house, to an invasion of two huge blokes and a beautiful chatterbox. Me? I wouldn’t have it any other way. I guess I still hark back to the days when the kids lived at home, and there was constant action.
Now we just have to decide about tomorrow.
Do we catch the double-decker bus to Brighton and wander through the lanes?
Do we drive into Tunbridge Wells and go to the Christmas Market in the Pantiles?
Or do we walk to the Crowborough Rugby Club, and join in the Christmas Carols and Mince Pies party?
There are two definite camps here!
See if you can work out who wants to do what….
Time to go in and crack open the Cluedo!
Love & Hugs,
30 thoughts on “All back in the nest….”
Glad Grace has landed safely, now the family fun can begin. Cluedo is always a favourite here over Christmas. Have fun tomorrow doing whichever choice wins out. XX
Evening bloggy friends, not many sleeps now till Santa visits…if you’ve been good that is! Have a good Sunday. XX
Whatever you do it will be fun with all your family together.
Have a great time with the family and enjoy every minute….. gisela
Think we are honoured you came on here. So pleased for you enjoy every moment I loved when all was at home all the there friends use to come around pile of shoes near front door lots laughter fun know just me bob and of cause Katie very quiet till all come back around love to you all joy xxxx
Whatever you do enjoy it – I reckon your Mark is definitely at the rugby club, Brighton or the Pantiles for the girls ! Can’t you fit in all 3 ! Haven’t played cluedo in years ! Enjoy! X
Perfect. Complete. You need ask for nothing more.
Enjoy and make loads of memories. Merry Christmas to you all and God bless xx
All the options sound good for tomorrow. Reckon you might go for the trip to Brighton with the carols a close second. We have been with our kids last night and today and like you I just love it. Noisy, hard to get a conversation finished and Oh boy do they love to play me up especially my son-in-law. Whatever you do tomorrow it will be great because you will be with them both. xx
Whatever you do, cherish every moment xxx
Hi Barb,
You must be on cloud nine having your family back together. What a lovely photo of Grace, Mark and Mark. I believe how alike Mark and Mark are! I reckon your Mark will be wanting the rugby with possibly other Mark and the girls will go to Brighton. I’m sure Dave understands. Whatever you do, have a great day. Love and hugs,Alison xxxx
Enjoy making memories, love and hugs to all on the blog xxx
Happy Times Barbara. X
Family all together just as it should be. Enjoy your time together. Merry Christmas. Jx.
Family all together just as it should be. Merry Christmas. Jx.
Have a wonderful time whatever you do!
Whatever they all want to do, it’s fine with me…. No really. The weather looks a bit rubbish, so I think they will stay local. It’s just lovely that they want to come back for Christmas…x
Christmas carols and mince pies all the way!!
Whatever you do just enjoy it and make happy memories!
Lovely to see Grace and Mark and Mark all home safely for Christmas!
Love and hugs to you all Xxxx
Have a wonderful time whatever you do, all in the nest, how lovely. Just enjoy Barb and Dave and make more precious
Whatever you decide, you will have fun together. A warm house, filled with your family and laughter. What more could you ask for?
Have a great day out today. As Dave said, the weather looks rubbish, so it would be mince pies and carols for me, although that would always win, as it really makes it feel like Christmas.
Love to you all. Annette X
It says a lot about a person who still blogs to their followers when they are surrounded by so much love and happiness. I have always said you have a beautiful family and it is so lovely, as David has said, that they want to still come home for Christmas. I was going to say that the 2 Marks will want to go to the Rugby Club, the girls will fancy the Christmas market and Dave will do whatever makes you happy. He has already confirmed one aspect and I know that whatever you decide to do, it will be filled with fun and laughter. Enjoy your family time, such a precious gift. Much love. Xxxx
Have a really, really, really lovely time and thanks for sharing such happy times and lifting our spirits. Happy Christmas xx
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all. Have a fabulous family Christmas together. Enjoy and be happy. We are off up north to enjoy Christmas with our family. Be great with the grandkids. Christmas is far nicer with young kiddies. Love to you all. Xxx
Morning Barbara, so pleased you’ve got all your family with you again for Christmas. The Lanes in Brighton are always great but it’s Christmas and with the weather not being so good I think carol singing and mince pies will win. Whatever you decide to do I’m sure you will have a lovely day! Have a Wonderful Christmas/Fröhliche Weihnachten. Love to you all /Alles Liebe xxx
Morning Barbara. So pleased you have all your family with you again for Christmas. I think the Lanes in Brighton are always great but with the weather not being so good Carol singing and mince pies will win. Whatever you decide to do I’m sure you will have a LOVELY time together.
Have a Wonderful Christmas/Fröhliche Weihnachten. Lots of Love to you all/Alles Liebe xxx
Enjoy the day whatever you choose to do. Weather wet here so if it’s the same by you wouldn’t be venturing far. No pleasure in being damp and set for me
I am late today, trying to get everything finished & tidied up before the family arrive about 5ish. The girls have been carol singing outside their local supermarket this morning so no doubt will be tired & cold when they get here. Look forward to hearing which trip out won today, they all sound good. Haven’t played Cludeo for ages, now the girls are older perhaps we will dig it out this Christmas & try it out.
Most of all enjoy the festivities & thanks for taking out time for the Blog.
It just shows how well you brought up Grace and Mark. You gave them wings to fly but a firm home base to rely on and to enjoy coming home to. I have just got home after a lovely day up in Derbyshire with both my children, their other halves and my four grandchildren. Good food, good company and plenty of hugs. What more do I need? Just enjoy your time with your family. That is more important than any expensive presents. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
Dear Barbara. Lovely to see photos with your family. I am sure you are all having a wonderful time. I am just getting to know my two little grandsons. I don’t get to see them often. Best wishes to you all. Love xxxx
It’s the best thing in the world to have time with family. Enjoy every moment, no matter what you do x
Hello Barb, what a beautiful photo, and so pleased to know that you have your family around you for Christmas. I bet it was the Christmas Market that won. Take care all. Bx