Meet the Artist – Alison
Hi everyone
I hope you are all well.
A busy day at Clarity Towers.
A bit of desk moving with some additional
phones and computers installed
Here is card no.5
from Alison (aka Alimecca)
Okay, so time to work out how Alison has created her card:
The composition of this card really does speak for itself.
I would say that Alison started with the
and then used the Art Nouveau Alphabet plate
to spell out Happy Birthday.
Used the Nested Squares Extension plate
to create the outside frame.
Infilled with the Art Nouveau Floral Spacer plate and
the Art Nouveau Poppies Border plate.
Detail has been added to the corner panels
using the A5 Basic Straight Grid.
A little bit of Picot Cutting to reveal the
Sweet Dreams Designer backing paper.
Coloured on the back with some Perga Liners.
Then attached with some Perga Brads.
We already have some of the Art Nouveau
products on Special Offer:
So today’s 20% Blog Offer is on the following plates:
(Currently Offer of the Month)
Enjoy your evening.
Happy Crafting!
Paul xxx
49 thoughts on “Meet the Artist – Alison”
Wow! What a stunning piece of work. That's why you are Pergaburga Man Paul – all that shifting about you do! More stand building coming up soon too!
Wow! Alison that is awesome. Well done.
I have been playing with those plates while sitting with hubbie as he recovets, but nowhere near as wonderful as that!
Hi Fiona I hope hubbie continues to recover.
Hi Fiona,
Thank you for that lovely comment. I love these plates. I hope your hubby is continuing to make progress. Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Hi Fiona I hope hubby is making good progress and you are looking after yourself too. Love Diane xxx
I love this card Alison and Art Nouveau is a favourite. Each Groovi card I see adds even more to my shopping list! I don’t think I shall ever catch up. Have a good evening. Annette X
Thanks Annette xxx
That's lovely Alison, love these plates and stamps
Thank you Paul for putting all these lovely cards on here for Barbara and explaining what was used. Well done Alison, yours is amazing.xx
Hi Pam I hope you are both ok xx
Thanks Pam. Sorry to hear that you don't feel any better, I hope you get some relief soon. Pleased to hear that Pete's shoulder is doing ok though. Sending love and hugs to you both, Alison xxxx
Sending hugs Pam xxx
Another beautiful card – your mantlepiece must have looked fantastic Barbara! Well done Alison x
Thank you Paul you are doing excellent work. Alison the card is beautiful. I've finally caught up with the blog! I hope you actually get your op it must be so frustrating for you. Love Chris x
Thanks Chris, Pete is getting there with his shoulder, I'm no better, but forever hopeful that I'll get there eventually. Hope you are both well. Love and hugs Pam xxx
Hi Chris,
Glad to hear you've finally got caught up with the blog! Thanks for your comment. If they dare to postpone this op WW3 will be declared! I found out on Thursday that someone who has only just been referred is having her knee done in a month – God I was livid when I heard that!! Sending love and hugs, Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends, hope everyone is well and looking forward to some nice sunny weather. Take care, love and hugs Pam xx
That's a really pretty card!
Sounds like you've had a busy day Paul! More desks ay? You'll need another unit soon!
Great set of instructions with the accompanying offers make for a great blog today.
Love and hugs xxx
Another lovely card, & thanks Paul for giving us a breakdown of how it was achieved. More great offers as well!!
A lovely card Alison ! X
What a beautiful card Alison.
Gayle x
Wow – what a stunning card Alison! You really are a clever girl! Well done and thanks for your comments. Love and hugs to you, Paul and everyone on the blog, Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly,
Thank you, I really enjoyed playing with these plates. Hope you and Neill are feeling better, I know how frustrated you must be personally. Sending love and hugs to you both, Alison xxx
Hi Gilly I hope Neil's feeling better and that you get some help from your GO xx
Sending hugs Chris to you and Neil xxx
Are you moving everything around Paul whilst Barbara is away, she will have great fun trying to find things when she comes home. Beautiful card Alison. Very colourful. xx
Wow Alison your card is beautuful. Lots of lovely Groovi skills on display. Xx
Hi Donna,
Thank you for that lovely comment. Hope your first couple of days back at school haven't been too bad. Is Phoebe fully recovered now? I hope so anyway. Also hope your sister is coping. Sending love and hugs Alison xxxx
Hi Donna,
That should've said first day back! I've been thinking it was Tuesday all day for some reason!! Xxx
Evening bloggy friends, hope everyone is well today. Sending hugs to you all. Xx
Hi Paul,
Well this was a surprise! I wasn't expecting to see my card here, I thought there'd be loads of better ones than mine to showcase – so thank you! I absolutely love these plates and the original Art Nouveau poppies and lilies with the corresponding border plates. This was the first time I've ever tried to do a card like this ( sort of a bit of a sampler) and it did take me a while to do but I really enjoyed making it. So much so, that I made another 2 along the same lines but mixing up the plates. Sounds like you have been busy at work! Thanks again, love Alison xx
Hi everyone,
Thank you for the lovely comments – very kind of you all. I can really recommend these plates if you haven't already got them & the stamps ( haven't got the stencils but that might have to change!!) . Much better day here, sun has been shining! Sending love and hugs to everyone, Alison xxxx
Hi Alison beautiful card you have worked hard on it, your picot cutting is really good. I'm meeting the lovely Maureen tomorrow in Newcastle then we are heading off to meet up with the rest of the gang for 3 days of fun and laughter. If you hear of a riot in fenwicks that's us having a coffee and a catch up! Sending hugs xxx
Wow alison amazing stunning art work so beautiful. Thank you Paul for sharing your day xxx
Hugs lots of love to all on the blog xx
Thanks Sheila. Hope you're ok, sending love and hugs, Alison xxx
Sending hugs Sheila. Hope all is ok with you xxx
Your card is beautiful. I have a few of those plates, they are so good. Can’t achieve anything as good as yours. Long way to go. Thank you Paul again.
Hi , thank you – believe me if I can do it anyone can!! Xx
Lovely card Alison. xx
Yet another fabulous card. Barbara’s house must have looked like an art gallery with all those lovely cards displayed. I haven’t got any of these plates but I think they might have to be added to the wish list (which is getting longer by the day). Dreary day here with a chilly wind and the boiler has gone on the blink, think it’s the pump so I will be on the phone in the morning. xx
Beautiful Alison xxx
Thanks Joy xxx
Paul you're doing great job in showcasing Barb's lovely birthday cards while she's having a break. Great card from Alison – lovely colours and some of my fav plates too! It's smashing to see all the effort that goes in from 'us shoppers' as well as the very talented design team. Hope moving the desks around doesn't cause too much chaos when Barb returns – it always seemed to 'unsettle' us when we used to do it in the office I worked in, then again we always played a trick on someone unsuspecting by turning their desk around the wrong way and then tying the chair to it so by the time they actually got the chair free they were beyond noticing that the desk was back to front too! Naughty but good for a laugh and we didn't move things around too often – lol!
Glad you liked it – see you Sunday xxx
Hi Paul and Barbara
Wow Alison what an amazing card, it's a real labour of love isn't it. I love the plates you have used, I bought them for my sister for her birthday. Thank you Paul for letting us see these beautiful cards and for the great offers. Remember to bend your knees when you lift the desks!
Love Diane xxx
Hi Diane,
Thank you. Enjoy your time with "the gang" & especially Maureen – hope she and George are well – haven't seen any comments from her for ages. I'm sure Fenwick will wonder what's hit them ! Xxx
Ooh Alison's card is awesome! So beautiful. xxx
Beautiful parchment art Alison, I must get my plates out for a play 😉