Another bright Idea just around the Corner….

Another bright Idea just around the Corner….

Hi there,
Thanks for popping in.
Did your day go well?
Ours did.
A few of us from the office had an excellent meeting this afternoon.
We took ourselves off to the lovely Spa Hotel for lunch.
 We broke ground on new ideas, made plans and generally got some Clarity on the next direction.
Sometimes you just have to step away from the plate 
(the Groovi plate??) to see the next move.
Feeling much more aligned now.
Great things on the horizon.
Teamwork makes the dream work.
But getting back to the imminent future, our lovely Rosie will be on your HOCHANDA screens this Saturday, with some fabulous new products which I know that many of you have been asking for:
Beautiful coloured parchment A4.
No less than 26 different colours, 
from lime green, orange, primrose yellow and olive green

to petrol blue, purple, dusky pink and plum.

There’s a great selection pack, with one of every colour.

Then there are our new, top quality, 3mm brads,
in many colours and metallics.

We had a little brainwave here. Remember the corner stamps I used to create patterns with? Well, I got to thinking that they would be great in Groovi, not only for pattern building – that goes without saying.

But also for brads and for attaching your artwork.
Let me give you a very rough idea of what I mean:
So you line up the edge of the parchment with the line which houses the corner of your choice, and emboss.
See the circle with the dot in the middle?
That’s for the brad, and the dot shows you exactly where to drill!
But see the line on the inside of the corner?
This is where you can use the corner like a photo corner if you will.
Use a 2-needle tool to perforate along that line,
and picot cut along that edge.

Now you can slot your artwork into the corner.
Isn’t that Groovi?!

I will do a little whitework to add some interest.

Even better.
Nothing difficult here.

And you aren’t restricted to framing parched art. 
A photo corner’s a photo corner! You can slot anything in there.

Yep. Rosie will be showing you much better and cleverer things than that on Saturday, but I just wanted to put you in the picture.
2 borders. 8 corners.
I have a feeling they will fly.
And will proably take a lot of brads and parchment with them !
Rosie’s shows are at 8am. 12 noon and 4pm.
I do hope you can take the time to watch her work her magic.
She always puts such a novel spin on things.
  • SKY 663 (24/7)

  • FREEVIEW 85 (6AM-7PM)

  • FREESAT 817 (24/7)
Love & Hugs,

31 thoughts on “Another bright Idea just around the Corner….

  1. Fantastic Barbara, looking forward to seeing shows at the weekend. I'm patiently waiting for my snowflakes to arrived having ordered them while in Malta 🇲🇹 😘❌😘

  2. Fabulous corners, I love them. And the parchment. And all the brads. My husband is going to divorce me if I keep spending at this rate. Haha, I'll have more time to craft if I don't have to cook his tea, wash his clothes and tidy up after him!! 😁

  3. New colours are gorgeous! And the tiny brads are just what I needed!
    And the corners…..Barbara's blog shows why you need these! Very clever indeed.. Even more clever than as stamps!
    Looking forward to Rosie's shows!
    Love and hugs xxx

  4. Hi Barbara, what a brilliant idea.
    I was looking for some brads the other week, I did find them in the end bought them a long time ago!!! I was trying to catch the post.
    We will be able to do lots of different things with these plates and brads.
    I will add them to my order very soon I have started to make the list.
    Once again thank you for bringing us such great products.
    Question. On the no 1 tool for tracing out my designs in parchment which is the tool reference in pergamo
    Thanks once again.
    Lynn xx

    1. Hi Su, Thank you so much for the information on the no 1 tool , I just did not want to order the wrong item.
      Hope you have a good day watching the shows .
      Thanks a lot.
      Lynn xx

  5. Hi Barb,
    Sounds as though you've had a very productive day. So looking forward to seeing the new colours of parchment and these borders are fabulous – I know they will fall into my basket! Great to have the brads as well – the small ones are really difficult to find. Enjoy your evening, love and hugs Alison xxx

  6. I'll be doing my best to be up and ready with plastic in hand for the 8am show as I'll be out for the 12 noon show and there'll be nothing left by the time of the last show. Is Rossella a good dancer/singer?? ����

  7. Hi Barbara
    Oh my goodness what gorgeous corners, love the picot edging you've put on the . Now as you are the corner queen I can see some beautiful creations coming from these. Love the coloured parchment and the dinky brads too, I feel there will be more sell outs this weekend. Good to hear you've had a productive day, oh no what have you got in store for us now!!! Have a good evening.
    Love Diane xxx

  8. Oh wow Barbara what a brilliant idea 💡 I will defiantly be adding these to my groovi stash I have the corner stamps too. Will miss the shows on sat but will set my recorder
    Have a lovely evening xx

  9. All brilliant yet again. I can't keep up though. Help! I will be able to watch first two shows then off to nephew's house for family get together. Still probably will not be much left by last show. xx

  10. Brilliant, love the new colours. I was going to ask if there was any possibility of having dark blue parchment but plum and purple sound good too. Oh dear the wish list is growing xx

  11. Hello Barb, what a great concept with the corner plates/ designs, and as usual, you think of everything down to the last dot! The Coloured parchment is really great too. Have to go through my shopping/wish list. Take care all. Bx

  12. Got the stamps but definitely need the Groovi corners…strange coincidence as have been punching out 'photo corners' from scrap parchment for mounting some pieces recently…weird! Xx

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