Linda ! It’s stencils you want !
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Another glorious day here in the southeast.
I was talking to my mate Linda Williams this morning.
It’s raining in Wales apparently.
Anyway, she has been writing a book about tools for months.
Ooh! I say!
For the uninitiated, that could be misleading.
I could write a novel about a few tools who’ve crossed my path over the years too. It might not be a bestseller, but it would be quite therapeutic I bet !!!
Anyway, back to Linda.
She was losing the will to live,
with all this pricking, pricking, pricking.
I know! It gets worse, doesn’t it ?!
And what she declared was that she was ready to give up pricking and take up stamping! She has decided it’s quicker.
Hahahaha! We could have told her that a while ago, couldn’t we?!
In fact, if it’s speed craft she’s into, then she really ought to take up stencils! They are even faster!
Since it’s really hot here in the southeast.
Did I mention that?
(You could always move down here, Linda!)
and it’s a rare day off for Dave and myself,
so I didn’t want to spend too long doing a step by step for the blog…
So I looked through the Member’s Half-Price Sale again, and found a neat Clarity Stencil that I am partial to.
Ready, steady, go.
Piece of white card and Flowers Stencil
Attach little card to copy paper with rolled up masking tape.
Add stencil over the top.
Drag Texture paste (Grunge Paste, Viva Decor – you pick)
through stencil with a spatula, drop stencil and spatula in soapy water to wash, and go back into sunny garden for half an hour while it dries.
Dry off stencil and relocate on texture paste.
Smear some pink Dye based ink onto the past with a blending tool.
Add a darker colour
and some teal, to yield dark blue.
This is what we have.
Mmm…Now what? Way too dark..
Use some sand paper to lift some of the darkness.
Avoid the main flower.
Spot on.
Time to make a framed masterpiece….
You watching , Linda?
Double-sided adhesive sheet and a mount board
It’s worth joining the club, just to access the sale!
Sign it with a white pencil, to add balance.
And value!
Stop the clock.
Aside from the drying time,
15 minutes max.
I mean, I KNOW it’s no Linda Williams Parchment original,
I KNOW that!
But it’s a simple, arty, gritty piece –
and I like it.
Mind you.
I bet her book on tools is going to be pretty gritty too!
I wonder whether we can talk her into launching it with me on telly.
Now that would be awesome, wouldn’t it?
(hahaha! I know exactly what she’s just said out loud when she read that too!)
Time to join Dave dans le jardin…
Love & hugs,
53 thoughts on “Linda ! It’s stencils you want !”
Amazing what you can do with a stencil! Enjoy relaxing in the sun with Dave. X
Super arty blog today. I do love being able to start and finish a project in one sitting, although when I have time Groovi is great and so relaxing. I have just left the craft room after a rather disastrous attempt at heat embossing a border round a card! Not sure if it was the versamark, the powder, the heat gun…or just me. Definitely time to walk away. Xx
I love using my stencils. I need to check that there are any in the sale that I don't already have!
It is a very driech day today. The kids are at a BBQ and Hubbie is working so I am enjoying a wee hour of peace catching up on my programmes.
I hope everyone is having a great day.
That's it I am sold! It's stencils for me from now on! No more parchment, it takes me days to make a flipping parchment card! Stuff the book I am coming over to the bright side. xxxx
hahahahaha! I knew you would see sense!
As if ha ha ha
Hahaha. Fab canvas Barb xx
Bet you don't. Back to the snipping Linda. X x
Hahahahaha – so fickle Linda!! Lol. You will slide back to snipping all too quickly. Lol xxx
We shall see that at the retreat!! Hahaha! Inky fingers for you Linda!!! X
Oh yes….maybe for a visit, a changer is as good as a rest xx
I'm glad to know it takes you days too, Linda! X
It's good to have a change every so often, Linda, but could you cope with inky fingers or a messy gel press like Sam's? I remember the tales from last year's Retreat. Even if you have a break and at with strong nails, please don't abandon the clean end of crafting completely. You would be sorely missed. xxx Maggie
Afternoon bloggy friends, hope everyone is well today. Was just in the craft room, but left in a huff (see above) oh well. Try again later. Xx
Been there too, I'm sure it will be fine next try xx
Oh dear Donna – we all do that! I'm sure next time you go in there, it will be much better xx
Oh no Donna I hope things improved as the day went on xx
I love playing with stencils and ink. Husband always knows when I have been playing by the colour of my hands as I seem to got more ink on me than the paper or card. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?!
Gayle x
I'm like that too and even worse with glitter!!
Hi Barbara, brilliant, love it. Thank you for sharing Linda's lesson with us all!!! I've never tried texture paste. Hope you're enjoying your rare day off with Dave, in the sunshine. Dull, and rain on and off here. Love Brenda xx
Acceptance – the greatest gift you can give to someone with autism
Always unique, totally intelligent, sometimes mysterious
Great to see so many people commenting yesterday. Please don't make it a one off because Barbara was giving away her artwork and voucher. It only takes seconds to say hi and thank you. And I'm sure it would mean a great deal to Barbara to see how much her considerable effort blogging for us every day is appreciated. Looking forward to reading all your comments.
Haha! You do make me laugh! There's poor Linda getting rained on and writing about tools and pricks and there's you dans le jardin with Dave whilst you wait for your grunge paste to dry!
I myself have been getting inky in my journal! Too many nasty bitey stingy things around in the garden for me to be comfortable! I'm getting some insect repellent to bring with me next week!
Talking of next week I'm getting so excited now and the mention of Linda has made me think that in a week I'll get to meet the lovely lady! I have said I'm hiding the baby wipes from her! Linda says she's bringing a flannel! Haha! It's going to be such fun!
Enjoy your evening
Love and hugs xxxx
I've been parching and am pleased with my efforts. Started this one on Friday evening and just scanned it in. BUT! I am more pleased with the fact that I managed to remember to turn the fan OFF before sprinkling me glitter!!
I think I need to revisit the sale – again. Glynis xxx
Jane re the bitey stingy things… I'm a 'magnet' for them and have been since childhood so am in sympathy with you! However, something you might like to try for future – pharmacist told me a few years back after I took photos of me looking like elephant woman having been mosquito bitten all over my face and under my eyelid to try taking Vitamin B Complex (one a day capsules are best) from around May to September (ooh that reminds me of a song!) and they may help, no guarantees, but they have done wonders for me and not had a single bite since doing so. Best part is that what your body doesn't need is pee'd away and no side effects! Just a suggestion…. xx
Now, are you going to the pub on Monday night, Linda? I am hoping to meet as many folks from Monday and Tuesday as I am travelling down on Sunday. xxx Maggie l
Beautiful artwork! Enjoy the garden! xxx
This is gorgeous Barbara! I hope you enjoy the garden! I can just picture Linda's face when she reads the bit about going on TV with you! 🙂
Linda xxx
Another wonderful piece from you. Love stencils great for a quick card. Not sure you going to get Linda on TV but worth a try. I have been to my parchment class today, thoroughly enjoyable way to spend a few hours. The snipping does get addictive, I love grid work. X
I love stencils your right quick brilliant so much can do with them have to say got so many and always looking For more. And katie always say want to do stencils when crafting think there is not many of yours not got may be that way with stamps toenjoy your time in garden and Linda Williams you won't regret buying a few stencils then a few more make great back grounds to xxx
This is lovely. Think I must join the stencil club!
Sorry about the rambling rubbish I am writing but I saw Tom Chaplin from Keane at the De La Warr pavilion last month and he came out with that immortal phrase 'A moment of clarity'. So I have made him a scrap book type card with that very stencil on shrink plastic. It was meant to be xx
Thank you for taking the time each day to share your Art – not so sure about the temptations you put in my way I am too easily led especially when that word SALE is mentioned irresistible
Stencils are a fabulous tool and there are so many beautiful ones. I love the texture paste and the way you have sanded some of it away. Definitely arty and pretty. Hope the rest of your afternoon was nice and relaxing Barbara. x
Love this artwork. I must raid the shed and put some sandpaper in my craft room! I have a day off coming up next week, so hopefully I'll be able to inky or painty fingers. Enjoy your day in the sunshine x
Belle soirée dans le jardin !
Hi Barbara & ladies not forgetting the men.
Love this artwork and colours, I to love the few stencils I have they make lovley backgrounds to a card.
very warm in the Midlands today but should not complain.
Hope everyone has had a look lovely weekend.
Hugs, Lynn xx
I'm going to have a go at this to make some quick cards for a get together we are having with friends to raise money for a small local wildlife hospital, it's so quick and effective. Enjoy your evening dans le jardin avec Dave xx
Hi Folks. I've been having internet issues for a couple of days, so frustrating, I could read but not reply. To cap it all I couldn't get emails up on my phone. I contacted the online help, someone so far away rang me that I couldn't hear him and it took three calls to me before he was just loud enough. He told me I was using the wrong web address and wouldn't accept that it was the same one I have used for 3 years. Blimming Terrible!!
Hi Chris – sorry to hear that you have been having problems – that is SO frustrating! Good luck with making your 'quick cards' – hugs xx
What a great card – and SO quick! Ah well – I am just about to start a groovi card and it won't be quick – but enjoyable. Still not made my final choices from the sale goodies – must get onto that this coming week! I am sure that you and Dave will have enjoyed your time in the garden, Gilly xx
Hi bloggy friends – hope that you have all managed to get enjoyment from your day! We had a surprise visitor – someone we haven't seen for nearly 2 years! It was a lovely surprise – love and hugs, Gilly xxx
It's lovely to have a surprise like that. Good luck with the card. I put my order in on Friday just some essentials as I'm saving for leyburn xx
Hope your weather has held out Gilly, still been hot here. Lovely surprise for you wasn't it, so nice seeing friends you've not seen in a while. We are meeting friends tomorrow that we haven't seen for five years, exciting. Hugs Pam xxx
Lovely art. I must look through my stencils tomorrow and have a go! Mxx
Beautiful artwork. xx
How lovely, you make it look so easy. I have some stencils but not made much use of them yet, must be more adventurous.
I have ordered a couple of things from the sale and added Tina's Christmas plates and some Christmas parchment. Got carried away I think. xx
Hi Barbara
I must find my texture paste again and try putting ink on it, it looks lovely. I've only used texture paste on canvass and then painted over it. Oh dear something else to look at in the sale, it's a brilliant sale isn't it, lots of fun things to buy to try out. Linda I'm sure your book will be amazing and you will be fine launching if on tv with the lovely Barbara at your side. Hope you've had a good day relaxing in the garden.
Love Diane xx
Sometimes its nice to do something quick like this stencil, which is beautiful, but its also nice to do something that takes time so you can switch off from the goings on in our busy world. Clarity offers us something that covers all of this whether it is Groovi, Stamping or Stencils or a mixture. It always amazes me how many different takes there are on each of them. xx
Great step by step, thank you Barbara. I haven't used that stencil although I've had it ages. Must try this one. I came out of the stencil club this year as I wasn't using any, (out of my comfort zone) but since, I have been using them on my inserts with a verse and it makes such a difference. Must look in the sale to see if I missed any. Hope you and Dave had a pleasant time resting in your garden this afternoon.xxx
Hi to all you bloggy friends, hope you've had a good day and been enjoying the good weather while it lasts.xxx
Got this stencil… must give it a go! As for Linda giving up parching…. well as the saying goes "Is the Pope Catholic?" Really can't picture her covered in ink etc and will look forward to the 'Tools' book xxx
Hello Barb, I doubt Linda will ever be a full convert to stencils or inky artiness, but then again you never know. Love your quick step by step, I am guilty of not using my stencils enough. Hope you enjoyed the garden with Dave. Bx
I luv the color palette you used, that was truly a highlight of this beautiful creation and m truly impressed by this.
Love the simplicity of this…and all the beautiful colors!
I may just have to give something like this a go.
I have texture paste but so far have only used it is snow using pine tree stencils then adding glitter when still wet.
Always new ideas here….keeps my head spinning