A Tiny Stencil and a Little Paint…

A Tiny Stencil and a Little Paint…

Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Sorry it’s so late again, but the time just runs away 
when you’re busy, eh.
How about a simple trick with a stencil and some white paint?
This Petite stencil is a fave.
Only 4″ x 4″, designed to favour the Petite Gelpress plates,
but oh so lovely and detailed.
Lay stencil on a sheet of 7″ x 7″ stencil card
and mask off the edges.

Let’s use this new Viva Decor white acrylic paint
Very good. Great nozzle control.

dab the white paint all over the stencil.
Allow to dry.

Remove stencil and masking tape.

Mask off the sides again with clean masking tape,

and this time use the applicator sponges to work bright coloured inks into the acrylic paint area.

I went with Fancy Fuchsia
Tenacious Teal and
 Lime Kiss 
Artistry inks
Great colour combo!

This is what you should have. 
You are, in effect, staining the card where the stencil was.

Lightly wipe the surface with a baby wipe. 
Go easy; you don’t want to rub the card off

White and patchy is what we are going for, not solid white.

Mount on lime green card.
Did you know it is this year’s fashion colour.
Together with fuchsia and teal!

Mount on white card. Done.

That’ll do.
I really ought to get an early night…
Love & hugs,

32 thoughts on “A Tiny Stencil and a Little Paint…

  1. That is beautiful. I think I will give this a try at the weekend as I am planning on doing some crafting for just me once I have made invites for my friend who will be 50 in the summer. She is wanting postcards and I will be using the clarity postcard stamps once I print the details on the computer to put the final touch to it.

  2. How lovely – lime green and fuschia are two of my favourite colours. Could this be done using the regular sized stencils masked off if I can't wait for the mini ones I wonder? I am really liking this new mini sized works of art idea – thanks Barb. Sleep well x

  3. I love this – something that even I could probably manage. I HAVE to buy the petite stencils they're fantastic.
    Tonbridge Sue

  4. Fabulous affect. Love it. I need to get some of that paint in my stash. Want to experiment and see if it works for One Stroke Painting Kannikar Sukseree stylee.

  5. Hi Barbara, I love that colour combo. And something easy that even I couldn't mess up trying out!!! Could even try my drop shadows on it, mind you that would turn it into something I could mess up!!!! Thank you for sharing, and making the time for us. Don't be worrying about us, we'll all patiently wait for when you are less busy to come chat to us. Just you concentrate on whatever you've got on. Love Brenda xx

  6. Evening just got here before bed great little card. Of at last for me injections hopefully will ease some of pain and be able to sleep night night sleep well xxx

  7. Hi Barb,
    Time runs away with you when you're retired too – I don't seem to be able to get anything done these days!!! Love this little piece especially the colour combo. The Gel Petites are brilliant, although I haven't used mine for ages. This might just be the kick up the bum I needed. My Tina's flowers and swirls from Sunday's shows arrived today from Clarity towers and they are gorgeous – well done Tina and Clarity. Itching to try them now! Rosie's shows were really good today. Love and hugs Alison xx

  8. It took me a while to understand how you did this one. Speed reading and extreme tiredness does not help the brain to grasp the simplest instructions. Then I suddenly had my light box moment, realising this was one of the techniques you taught us at the Retreat, and one I really enjoyed. Such an effective piece, not colours I would have picked but they really worked. I am going to put my brain to sleep, and hope that the British Heart Foundation will actually take my old 3 piece suite in the morning. Sleep tight. xxx Maggie

  9. This looks fabulous and the lime green layer really makes it pop. I will give this a try tomorrow. Thank you for showing us Barbara and sleep well. x

  10. This is beautiful, Barbara, definitely one to try this weekend! I've spent the last fortnight picot cutting loads of flowers from Tina's flower plate, very addictive!

  11. Hi Barbara
    This is beautiful, you would think you had spent ages doing it. I haven't got the smaller stencils (now why didn't I think of getting them in the sale!), but might have a go on the larger one, it's my go to stencil for geli plate. Love the selection of colours you have used, they look fab on card, not so good on me!
    Love Diane xxx

  12. Love the colours barb and that is one of my favourite stencils. Haven't got the little gelli plates yet but thinking about it. Started dismantling my craft room for the bit house move yesterday. Well what a job this is going to be. Two days in and it doesn't look like I have touched the room at all. It is crammed with stuff and I have difficulty finding anything if truth be told. Just had to buy two dies that I have already bought before but can't find!!! That is truly a terrible confession. Will be continuing with the craft room task today and probably for the next fortnight. Trying to work out what I can do without and what is essential and not to be packed straight away. What do you choose? Sitting looking at boxes ready to go already in my living room. This is a major episode in my life and a little scary not to be without my crafting gear for who knows how long!

  13. Really lovely and stunning colours. Beginning to get into those "tiny" creations. Tina and her tiny groovi and now you with the tiny stencil. Will have a go at it. Thanks for the inspiration. Xx

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