What a difference a Dave makes!
Friday’s blog a private peak, right?
2016. Has it been good to you?
Or has it been one of those years
you would just rather put behind you and move forward?
Me? I don’t know really. I have been too busy to take stock.
Nothing earth-shattering has happened in my little world.
Actually, when I stop to think about it,
I guess 2016 has been a very good year.
The positives far outweigh the negatives
– I suppose that’s the truth of it.
When I peep out over the parapets at the rest of the world,
it sickens me, angers me, frightens me.
And 2017 looks pretty bleak in that regard.
I am sitting in front of my window ledge,
full of stark reminders…
But in Grayland, all is well.
So in Grayland I shall stay.
I can’t convince Trump and Putin to back off,
or terrorists to stop the atrocities, any more than you can.
But I can do the best that I can do with what I have to work with.
We have built a little craft company and a superb creative community is growing up around it.
We help and support each other,
and we endeavour to be kind to each other.
The new year is full of promise and I am excited to share some new plans and ideas with you. It’s not all about the money either,
but I think you know that.
Of course we have to turn it over to keep going,
but money never was my driver, nor will it ever be.
So now I’m off to spend the afternoon with my folks.
Mark wants to hook up with his cousins
and introduce his girlfriend to his grandparents.
You see, that’s what I call a day well spent,
in the company of people I love and who love me.
Where’s Dave?
Well he and my brother Steve have been working flat out
at Clarity while the cogs have stopped turning in between Christmas and New Year, building a new machine room.
I have to tell you, what Dave has managed to build inside our old barn over time is unbelievable! He has quietly been going at it in the period leading up to Christmas and this week, getting up at 5 every morning and coming home late every evening.
I’m not allowed to look till it’s finished,
but I already know it will be brilliant.
I’ll take some photos to show you next week.
What’s for tea at your tonight?
Turkey Curry here. And Dave even cooked that!
Love & Hugs
61 thoughts on “What a difference a Dave makes!”
i want it to end 2 months ago if possible. they have been sh**. and have ruined whatever happened before, hugs xx
Woo-hoo Dave! Xxx
Brilliant Dave look forward to the pictures enjoy the curry xxx
Evening dear blog friends sending hugs to you all xxx
Hi Sheila,
Hugs to you too, hope you're feeling a bit better. Love and hugs Alison xx
Hello Sheila my lovely – I hope that you are not in too much pain and have enjoyed your Christmas with Tom! Love and special caring hugs, Gilly xxx
Hello my lovely Sheila I've caught up with you at last. Sending new year hugs to you and Tom, let's hope you have a year with less pain next year xxxx
Do hope you'll have a better year in 2017 Sheila and not be in do much pain.xxx
You are absolutely right, Barbara…we can't change the world. But with the love and support of our friends and families, we can make sure that our own little corner of the world is safe and warm and a place we want to be. Surrounded by love. If we let the warmth and love spill over, there is hope that someone will take that overspill and spread it further. And so it will go on….
Wishing you, your family, and all at Clarity Towers a wonderful 2017.
Hi Barbara!…..you have a Dave…. I have a Colin! Both of us are so lucky. Our men are the salt of the earth and the sort that anyone would want!
Enjoy your evening! Love and hugs! Xxxx
Hi Barbara!…..you have a Dave…. I have a Colin! Both of us are so lucky. Our men are the salt of the earth and the sort that anyone would want!
Enjoy your evening! Love and hugs! Xxxx
Well done Dave. 2016 has been a very busy year for me, so looking forward to 2017. Our son gets married on Easter Saturday and time will go quick. We are all excited it is something lovely to look forward to. Like you I love having my family around me. The only cloud hanging over us is my son-in-laws health but at the moment he is reasonably well and long may that last. Enjoy your evening with your fabulous family. xx
You're so right Barbara to enjoy time with your loved zones. Life is far top short.
I can only agree with your re. Dave. Got the "same" home.
Xmas for me this year is one to forget, but don't talk about it.
Thanks for all your great work. Xx
I decided to use my crock pot out again and see if this will free up some time for clarity .
So tonite it is chicken in the pot ,
The grandchildren and adult children set off for brooklyn New York and they are having a ball .
Tonite we are going to see the movie " The Fantastic Beasts " happy new year " to everyone . Janice
You stuck gold when you met Dave I to have a Bob who also is amazing support always there when need him not as handy with hammer and nails put has ago but in ever other way hugs xxx
There have been highs and lows for me and the family. But with the support of dear friends here nothing seems quite so bad. Thank you xxx
Love and hugs, Pen xxx
As my daughter would say Dave is a legend what a star you have there. Look forward to hearing your plans they will be exciting they always are. Your little company has certainly contributed to my enjoyment in 2016! I am forever grateful . Many thanks to you and the Clarity team you are all amazing. Happy new year x.
Thanks for sharing the family Gray! A very good family. Cheers and happy new year!
Aye Barbara, my feelings exactly about 2017. But like you say all we can do is do our best to spread love and kindness and help as far afield as possible, to as many people as possible, in the hope that not only will us doing our bit make a positive impact on the recipients, but also that it will be paid forward and grow exponentially. My year, well, a year of being totally alone, my only humans I see being my monthly garden visits and my brother a couple of times. Got away from here once. But on the positive side, it meant no people coming that harmed, hurt or used me, and Daisy is well, and found my craft mojo again, at last. Got to make the most of the lot in life given to each of us, and find the positive, no matter how bad you think your year has been, there is at least one there, if you only look. There's always at least someone in the world worse off than you are too.
Maybe a timely reminder to thank everyone who pledged and kept up doing their Random Acts of Kindness. Much appreciated. Please keep it up in 2017, we are making a difference, all our tiny bits add up into something much greater, the whole being greater than the sum of the parts. And for anyone new, we pledged to do 2 Random Acts of Kindness each day. Please come join us. Some of us also make ATC Random Acts of Kindness, ATCs with "just to brighten your day" written on the back, that we hand out to anyone who looks like they need a wee boost/smile in their day. Thank you.
Glad you had a good family day Barbara. Shame Dave couldn't join you. Bet you'll be squealing with delight at the big reveal. I'm patiently waiting for you, God, or someone, anyone, to send a Dave my way!!! That would solve all my problems and improve my quality of live immensely. Dinner, I just had my usual veg and beans. And a wee treat of a couple of very yummy chocolates.
Hope you have a lovely evening
Love Brenda xx
Hello my lovely Brenda I hope next year social services remember you are there and your lovely garden man gets to increase his visits to make you laugh and smile. Sending you and Daisy hugs xxx
Thanks Diane. Hope 2017 is a good year for you xx
You are a very wise woman Brenda. And an astute one. May 2017 be a good one for you xxxx
Thanks Barbara. And I hope 2017 is a healthy, happy, content and prosperous one for you and all your family xx
It's been a funny old year. For us we count our blessings. Hubby came through his prostate treatment with very little bother, a new great niece (who's gone to Spain today to see her dad's Mum), and our first cruise. For my friend today, who's hubby is still in hospital, a sad end as her father-in-law died this morning, her husband was let out of hospital to visit him yesterday which was good as he hasn't seem him for a good few weeks since he's been in hospital.
On a better note it was turkey pie for us tonight ! Hope your turkey curry was good. Look forward to seeing Dave's labours. Happy New Year ! X
Hi Jackie – sorry to hear about your friend's father-in-law – take care. Hugs Gilly xx
Sorry to hear of your friends loss Jackie. Sending hugs xxx
All sounds amazing Barbara – I am sure that 2017 will be as brilliant as you want and hope it to be. Xxx
Oh Barbara
I wish I had a Dave. Say no more xx
We do have so many blessings to count, despite the scary world out there. I also have a brilliant husband who is my rock.
What a wonderful world it would be if people could turn their backs on destructiveness and embrace their creative side.
Hi Barb,
I'm sure that you will go from strength to strength in 2017 – you have a loving family, a brilliant workforce, a great blog family and of course Dave. I too have a Dave and although at times he drives me up the wall, he is my rock and I know he's always there for me whatever I do ( although I could've done without him booking us an induction session at the gym tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock!). I've renewed my membership today and had a lovely conversation with one of your lovely staff (sorry can't remember her name), so looking forward to my Clarity envelopes for the next year. Sending love and hugs to you, your family, Clarity and of course Dave! Love Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope everyone is ok and that today has been as good as possible for you. Sending love and hugs to you all, Alison xxxx
Hi Alison – good luck with your early appointment tomorrow! Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Alison sending hugs xxx
You have a wonderful Dave. For me and my brilliant Malcolm, Our year has been a bit up and down but look forward to 2017 bringing improvements. I hope that the rest of the world sees less of the ill will that seems to have been around and that all the goodness that is out there prevails in the New Year.
Congratulations Barbara on a very good year in Clarityland! You and your team – and of course a special mention to Dave – have achieved so much this year! We all forgive you for making huge holes in our bank accounts and no doubt we will continue in the same vein next year! So pleased that you have had some wonderful quality time with your family over Christmas. Thank you for all of your efforts this year, hugs Gilly xxx
I for one will be very glad to see the end of this year – although Neill has also come through his prostate cancer treatment very well, still a way to go on the health front for him – but we will face that next year! xxx
Hi to all of my wonderful blog friends – I hope that you are all as well as can be and looking forward to 2017. I think that we must all try to remain positive about 2017, as the alternative is too depressing. We can keep crafting and trying to help people within our circle. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly,
I think you and Neill have had a very tough year and you have come through it bravely. I'm sure 2017 will be better for you both. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi Gilly, hope you're still enjoying good weather in Spain. My niece, her partner and their baby flew out to Benidorm today to see his mum and step-dad and for baby Emily to meet two aunties she hasn't met yet. Happy New Year to you both. Xx
Hi Gilly sending hugs and good wishes for a happy and healthier 2017 xxx
Hi Barbara
You have a lovely family and a wonderful man,a kind heart and compassionate soul. What more can anyone wish for. Perhaps a better world , but the likes of us can do little to change it. Just look after the ones you love as best you can.
Hugs from Chris X
Bit of a mixed year – sadness for those no longer with us but happiness in remembering the good times we shared. Some things didn't work out the way expected and others that were better than intended! Just grateful for my family and friends who are always there whenever needed to hold things together. Xxx
You make me cry for you of HAPPINESS as you have (after I found you here on net) quite given me hope and inspirations and trying to make the art going another direction as it has been the last 2 years( I discovered I could do more than make photographs) – Thank you EVER so much to you and Dave for the 2016 and I will think of you at the New Year eve ( I will be alone as I have no friends nor family around me) And I will think of every one I met online as well … Warm Hugs from Copenhagen.
Much love from England Marianne
Three cheers for Dave, I am sure it will be fantastic. I am lucky enough to have a Michael. This week he has put up a new fence panel mended the light in the kitchen and unblocked my waste disposal. Today he made Bang Bang Turkey for tea with salad and a jacket potato. Think I might be all turkeyed out now xx
Hi Barbara, just thinking…..will it be possible to have a stamp, stencil and mask and /or a groovi plate of Dave so that we all make some use of him? I'm sure they would all sell well and we would appreciate sharing your treasure. Personally, I have searched for decades for something similar without success. On a serious note…please make sure you both find the time to have some quality relaxation together too – you do much more than deserve it, and THANK YOU!! xxx
Hi Barbara
Your Dave is a lovely man, he really is a sweetie doing all that hard work and cooking dinner so you can have quality family time – what a star. I have a julian, such a sweetheart, even if he is getting a little deaf and cannot hear my 'wait for me' or ' can we sit down a mo' as he strides off! ( well that's what he said!). We had lovely burgers for dinner tonight, makes a nice change from turkey!!! Lovely to see pictures of the family all enjoying themselves. Wishing you, Dave and all the family and staff at Clarity a happy and healthy new year xxxx
What a comfort to have a Dave, as you know mine is a Pete, I don't know what I'd do without him. It's been a mixed year for us, some very sad, but plenty of happy memories. On the whole good. Hoping 2017 will sort my back pain out, but I know I have to accept it if nothing can be done. We can't change what is happening in the world, it is scary but we can spread our love and kindness around and pray it will help. Wishing you and your family have a very Happy and Healthy New Year, the same for all your Staff and Design Team at Clarity. A huge thank you too to you and your team for all your inspiration over the last year, also to your staff who deal with us so patiently on the phones. xxx
Hi to all my blog friends, wishing you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year. Thank you all for your support over the last year, where would we be without Barbara's lovely blog . Love and hugs, Pam xxx
Hi Barbara so glad you have a good one in Dave and that you are spending time with your family I had a wee smile at your nephew with his arm round his Gran I treasure wee times like that as I'm grateful I to have huggy teenage grandsons that make my life worth living.
But we also have a Guardian Angel looking after us to and he never leaves my side especially the last few months so roll on 2017 lets all be as happy and healthy and caring for others as we can be.
Love and hugs…Dot..xx
Hugs to all …love..Dot..xx
Hi Dot, noticed your name just up from mine so thought I'd say hello! Sending hugs XX
What a lovely photo of your Mum and Dad and Mark and his cousins and Alex is still smiling which is a good sign. Your Dave is a real grafter and am sure the finished work will be fantastic, and look forward to what new plans and ideas you have Barbara, and with all this in mind I'm sure 2017 will be a great year for you and yours and the business too. It is no good stressing over things that are out of our hands and we just have to hope that all in the wider world will change for the better in 2017. x
Glad you have had a good day with your family, well done Dave you sound like a handy man to have around. I have been to London today to see the lights. Beautiful angels on Regent Street were my favourite. No shopping just making memories and spending time with my sister…priceless! Xx
Evening…actually morning bloggy friends! Hope you are all ready for the new year. How has it come so soon? Xx
Thank you Barbara for all you have done this year happy new year to you and yours
God bless June horrocks xxxx
Good morning Barb
I'm very lucky to have a 'Dave' too, only mine is called Steve and I'd be lost without this very clever, supportive and loving man
So that said Steve and I wish you and yours a very happy new year and all the very best for 2017
June & Steve x
Hello Barb, a lovely blog post. I too have a "Dave" called Neil, and he is just the best husband, and my anchor in any storm. So to you, Dave and your family, and all the Clarity family, we wish you a very Happy new Year, and may you continue to be blessed throughout 2017 and beyond. Bx
Thank you for all your inspirational and thought provoking posts this year. I truly wish that 2017 is a year filled with love, joy and lots of happy times.
Love and hugs
Linda xxx
My year has been very difficult and my husband is now in a care home. I am grateful for all the positives in my life (& there are many in the scheme of things) but sometimes it is hard to recognise them. I am hoping that 2017 will be better for us as a family and for the UK and the world s a whole.