The Clarity Calendar 2017 has landed!
The new calendars for next year have come back from the printers !
Am I excited? I’ll say !
They look soooo lovely this year.
Most of the artwork has been blogged
by myself during the course of this year or last.
Each month sports a seasonally appropriate piece of artwork,
with the step by step project overleaf.
with the step by step project overleaf.
For example, for February,
I chose one of my favourite canvases from this year…
…and on the back of that month
it shows you through photos and simple instructions
how the art was made.
Just like this ‘ere blog actually!
Except it’s an A3, top quality calendar.
That may be interesting even for a non-crafter,
to see how something was constructed.
Last year I signed the first 100 copies sold.
Which went down well.
So I shall do the same thing again this time.
Time to get signing after supper then !
I really have to concentrate though;
sometimes I slip into cheque signing mode,
and you’d think I was impersonating a doctor
signing a prescription!
(aka illegible!)
Hope you like it too.
Love & hugs
92 thoughts on “The Clarity Calendar 2017 has landed!”
Hi Barbara
The calendar looks fantastic. I hope you will be taking a good supply to NEC. I am enjoying the Clarity Personal Space page. Thank you for organising it.
Hugs from Chris X
Yes, we will sure be taking Calendars to the NEC. And I am also really happy that the new Facebook More Personal Space place is gelling so well, Chris xx
Evening Barbara! Wow…. Is it really that time of the year!? It's gone so quickly! And so much has happened!
Love and hugs xxx
Oooh must get mine. So adore your artwork Barbara. I have the 2016 which you very kindly signed for me. Still in pristine condition. I have another that I mark in dates to remember….don't care if that one gets messed up lol!!!
Hi Emma! Nice to see you here! Glad you approve. Calendars ARE for using though…xxx
Hi Emma I've got one I use and the other one is still in its wrap both signed by Barbara spoilt I was xxx
Hi Barbara, your calendar looks great. Hope you ordered enough from the printers this year 😉. I remember your celebrity signing sessions last year, please please remember your neck and take it easy, you've got TV shows to get through this weekend. At least you'll get an extra hour in bed on Saturday night which I hope helps you. Assuming I'm right about the clocks going back this weekend. Love this month's diamond club offerings, and your stencil demos are Barbara wow ones 😊. Best crafty club by far. Hope you can sign along to something good on telly, or get Dave to play you some of his relaxing compositions. Love Brenda xx
The boxes of calendars are all by the telly, ready to be signed later!! xxx
Hugs for you and daisy xxx
Sending hugs to you and Daisy Brenda xxx
Hi Barb,
Order placed! I really love this year's which is still pristine as is Emma's. It has pride of place in my craft room ,so I am really looking forward to being a proud owner of next year's too. Thank you so much. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope everyone's day has been as good as possible. Love and hugs to all, Alison xxx
You girls are too funny!! Glad you approve though xxx
Mine is on the wall in front of me when I go on computer and I've used it well – all my social stuff and looking back to first part of year all hubby's hospital appointments marked off on it. It's definitely one to keep as a reminder of how the year started …. not saying anything else otherwise I'll have to cross my fingers, throw salt over my shoulder and goodness knows what else ! Xx
Evening Alison crafting hugs xxx
HI Alison. Love and Hugs xxx
Hi Alison mines pristine too, we are a funny lot aren't we! Sending hugs xxx
How exciting, can't believe it's that time of the year 😱😂
Will order now in the hope of a signed one this year, I ummed and haaa'd last year and so glad I got one in the end. Have enjoyed the challenges too. Xx
Oh blimey! Tina's stamps jumped into my basket – who did that ?! X
Haha! I just peeped round the back of the website and noticed that Jackie ! Judging by the way these calendars are already going, I’d better go and get a-signing! xxx
Reckon you need a stamp Barbara ! X
I have already got Tina's stamps and love them. xxx Maggie
Hugs Jackie xxx
Oh Jackie what are you like 😀Xxxx
Does anyone else find it really hard to write on new calendars? Especially hard when it's full of such wonderful Clarityart. I'll be practising on scrap paper before I put those first January dates in!
Calendar ordered! The images for next year look beautiful even from the small peeps on the scroll over box. Can't wait. Xx
Haaa, just noticed there are other people who like me couldn't bear to write on their calendar! Xx
I had two, one to use and one to keep forever. xxx Maggie
Same as me Maggie used one for the calendar challenges one still pristine in its wrap xxx
Evening bloggy friends, hope everyone is well. Sending hugs. Xx
Evening Donna hope your crafting your weeks holiday away crafting hugs xxx
Hello Donna and Phoebe. I hope you're both well. xxx
Hello Donna hope you are having a good week xxxx
Hi Donna,
Hope you and Phoebe are enjoying half term, love and hugs Alison xx
They look fantastic have to get mine ordered loved last years xxx
Loved last years calendar so glad you taking them to NEC will persuade one of my lovely daughters to buy me one again for Christmas. I remember them last year getting you to sign it while they thought I was not looking. Goodness how my list is growing for NEC. Too many beautiful things. xx
I was wondering if you were going to produce a calendar for next year. I missed out this year. How positive am I, I have just ordered mine for next year! Love the look of this years. Hope your hand doesn't ache too much after all that signing.xx
I was hoping there would be one for next year. Will you have them at the NEC and will you have time to sign them for us there, pretty please? Last year, I had one to use and one to cherish for ever and I would do the same this time. xxx Maggie
Missed out last year, off to order mine now – hope I'm in the first 100! xx
The calendar looks fabulous and must go and get mine ordered too.
Linda xxx
Hi Barbara, The Calendar looks fabulous !!
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barbara, The Calendar looks fabulous !!
Lots of love from Patricia xx
oooooooo something for the Cabin me thinks…lovely
so enjoying the FB page tooooooooo
Evening pen xxx
Hi Pen, love and hugs Alison xx
Hello Barb,
Calendar ordered and fingers, eyes, legs and everything crossed that I've made the 100!!
I agree with you that calendars are for using, that's why I always get a cheap, chatty one to mark and will keep yours pristine ha ha.
Maureen xx
Oh wow Barbara another stunning calendar. I have loved having one this year. I must get on and order one for next. Take care. Hugs Jackie
My whole family have enjoyed this years calendar. Ordered one just now for next year. No one is allowed to write on them though!!!!
Wow Barbara the calendar looks amazing just placed my order, the one I use for my calendar challenges is on the craft room wall the other one is still in its wrapping as a keepsake as it was the one that had the card and voucher in the card is in a frame in my lounge wow dosent seem nearly a year ago .will you be doing the calendar challenge next year ?
Evening dear blog friends sending crafting hugs to all xxx
Forgot to say received my diamond club envelope on Saturday all 3 are amazing just started doing a little with the groovi one following the inspiration xxx
Good evening, Sheila. Just warned Mike that when comes in from his meeting, the strange smell in the kitchen is varnish!!! I'm still working on Mum's stuff. Hope you've had a good day. ;~}
Hello Sheila dear. Sending love and hugs. xxx
Evening Shelagh I did a little groovi it didn't goes as planned so maybe tomorrow will be a better day to try again . 😱 Xxx
Evening Sheila, I've had plenty of those days when the crafting doesn't go as planned but I keep trying.
Hello Sheila sending you a hug. Do you think you can turn the groovi into a happy accident or is it past saving. Xxx
I can still rescue it xxx
Hi Sheila,
Pleased you've been up to do some Groovi today, love and hugs Alison xx
Ordered mine – I hope it is one of the first 100!! 😉😉😉😉 It looks lovely Barbara. Xx
Such a delightful temptation. I have yielded as gracefully as possible. This year's calendar has been a daily joy and having another for next year is so lovely. Thank you.
Hi Barbara keep signing that's mine ordered looks great fingers crossed a made the top 100 as for writing on Barbara's calendar now that would be sacrilege they were all warned since it went up on the wall. Nip round the back can Yi see me.
Love and keep signing…love Dot xx
Evening bloggy friends hugs to all and cuddle for Brenda…xx
Evening Dorothy a wee hug comming your way xxx
Hi Dot, hug received and sending you one back.
Hello Dot sending you a hug xxx
Hi Dot,
Sending you a big hug, love Alisonxx
Aaaw, I'm absolutely gutted that I had to be out this evening, and have only just got back in. So I'm sure I'll have missed the 100. But the calendar will be a joy to have. I've never been stuck for inspiration from last years, so another year of the same…wonderful. Love and Hugs xxx
Hi Morag,
I'm sure you'll get a signed one! Love and hugs Alison xx
hey my writing is pretty legible although mu signature not. the calendar looks fab, hugs xx
Just back from the chinese restaurant celebrating Sarah's 18th and my sister is here. Earlier she was asking me what I want for Christmas so my request for a calendar has been photographed on her mobile phone. I haven't written on this year's calendar but it does sit on my craft table and is covered in ink and paint. I'm sure that has added to it's value, haha.
Happy birthday Sarah. Hope you are having a good time with your sister Julia xxx
Happy 18th Sarah xxx
Hi Julia,
Happy birthday Sarah. Hope you've had a great night – you deserve it, love and hugs Alison xx
Calendar looks beautiful, and has been duly added to the ever growing wish list. Tomorrow sees launch into Christmas cards as a piano pupil is keen to take me to local car boot sale to sell some! That wasn't planned! Hope all had good days xx
Lovely, another calendar, so enjoyed this years, more beautiful artwork to admire next year. Thank you.x
Hello Barbara
Hope you found something good to watch on tv and haven't got writers cramp. Mine from last year is still beautiful and untouched, it's too beautiful to use. I'm sure I must be outside the 100 by now so I will pop it on my Christmas list, or buy it myself if there are any left in the new year.
Love Diane
Hello lovely blog friends hope you are all ok. Sending hugs xxx
Evening Diana hugs xxx
Hi Diane,
sending you a hug, love Alison xxx
I've just got home too. Been out since just after nine this morning, Grandchildren slept over last night and been to Cardiff with us today, dropped them off and had tea with them. Shattered now, after a lovely day. Goodie Goodie Gumdrops thank you Barbara for making us another calendar, shame I've lost out on a signed one again, but will order tomorrow and hope for the best. I've got your signature on my book so what more could I want.xxx
Hi to all my lovely blog friends, hope you've had an enjoyable day doing what you like best. Off to bed to try and catch up on some sleep as the last couple of nights I've not had much. Love and hugs to you all.xxx
Goodnight hugs pam xxx
Hi Pam,
sounds like youve had a fab day ( if tiring!). Have a good night's rest, love and hugs Alison xxx
The calendar looks beautiful Barbara and so lovely of you to sign the first 100. Don't get wrist ache..lol. x
I loved 2016 so can't wait for 2017. Put my order in! Hope I get a signed one – might be worth something one day ha! X
Hi Barb, well that is one of my Christmas presents sorted then. It looks as fabulous as this years one, cannot wait to get it. Thank you for all the inspiration. Bx
Ooooo I'm late must go and order one right away xx
Morning Barb
The calendar does look gorgeous…. must get my order in!
June x
YAY….I was going to ask you about this at Richmond …. but I forgot (story of my life – ah well). I love my Calendar from last year, I've referred to it many times for techniques so I'm dead chuffed another is on it's way (but the old one will be carefully preserved, especially since it was a signed one. (No…it won't be going on e-bay)
Maggie (Yorkite)
PS I hope Dave checked out Earol, but please tell him it is just a cleaner – he'll still have to get his lugs checked!
Very exciting! John did a photo calendar last March to sell at a charity craft fundraiser, and we have the last few 2017 copies left now – were planning on giving them as stocking fillers, but there may not be enough. Might have to have one for my craft room x
Love the calendar barb I got some for presants last year I love a nice calendar xxxjune horrocks