Straddled Writing – Inspired by Eileen.
Hi there,
Thanks for popping in.
Rainy Monday, or what?!
Had a bit of trouble finding my mojo today;
in fact the harder I tried to be creative, the less success I had!
I’m going to look into that.
I reckon it comes more easily when you aren’t forcing it…
By 5pm I was really running out of steam.
But then I remembered Eileen’s fabulous, thoughtful artwork which she gave me at Ally Pally, and it was as though I had been plugged in!
Check this parchment art out!
Zentangled Parchment.
Eileen had borrowed my mantra,
which she had read on our Mindful Wednesday blog,
the thing I say to myself at least once a day,
and transformed it into a work of art.
Isn’t it amazing to think that somebody was thinking about you,
and thought enough of you to spend hours making you something beautiful?
Not only did Eileen touch my heart;
she also inspired me with the way she straddled the writing!
As soon as we spoke on Saturday,
I asked her if I might be allowed to try her idea out.
So at 5pm today I lept into action,
and figured out the easiest way to write backwards.
Out with the Groovi Plate Mate and the Square grid first.
Make a double frame using the finest stylus.
I used the hills from the Groovi plate in the Starter Kit
to create my waves.
Single lines.
Glance at Eileen’s.
Double lines.
Out with the tracing paper.
We sell great stuff.
You can use it for Vellum overlays too.
Top quality.
I use it for illustration work.
Trace the lines.
Now flip the tracing paper and the parchment
so that you are looking at the front of both.
Write your words in pencil on the tracing paper.
Poem, saying, first line of a prayer….
There. Now you have your template.
You need the soft side of the blue mat for this job.
Clamp your parchment with the Groovi mate,
backside facing you, if you get my drift…
and we are ready to start writing backwards.
Simply copy the back to front writing on the tracing paper.
Use the 2nd finest stylus.
Be confident.
Don’t press too hard – you’ll puncture the parchment!
I have to tell you, I was delighted when I turned to check the front !
Thank you so much Eileen!!
Back to the back,
and now I added some elements of the Meadowgrasses Plate.
Another masterpiece from Melanie.
I am surrounded by talented people!
Added a circle sun with the round nests.
Added some boxes around the edge.
Went a bit wrong with the sun,
but decided to keep going rather than start over.
The writing came out far too well for me to want to revisit
that too!!!
And then suddenly the bit that went off piste becomes the most important part!
Can’t let it go until I have completely botched it.
oh dear…
Couple of birds from the Chinaman’s hat on the Groovi Plate mate,
couple of doughnuts in the boxes,
a little embossing with stylus No. 3 and No. 4.
Dinner’s nearly ready and I am totally in the groove here!
Let’s add some colour.
Just one colour.
A light brown…
Now for a backdrop…
Perfect scrap.
Cut and trimmed.
Attached with 2 brads.
Mounted on Kraft card.
We sell good stock. Good price too.
Stop the clock.
Very happy with that little journey.
Very grateful to Eileen for giving me the inspiration.
I am really looking forward to tomorrow now, because I want to try that kind of straddled writing again.
I want to practice with the next line of the prayer.
Time to call it a day.
We will pick a Limerick winner tonight,
which means a good giggle in bed,
and tell you who won the £20 Gift Voucher tomorrow.
love & hugs,
54 thoughts on “Straddled Writing – Inspired by Eileen.”
Evening Barbara
The serenity prayer is one I say every day …. It helps in times of joy, stress, worry and problems. If only everyone would follow it's words what a wonderful happy place we would all be in.
I a grateful to understand it's words a day at a time.
God bless and crafty hugs Pen x
I am grateful …..It should say x
What a beautiful gift from Eileen. Yours is too Barbara. I'm amazed at how many ways these Groovi plates can be used. Hope you feel better tomorrow and that your mojo comes flooding back. Hugs to you and Dave xx
A beautiful piece of art no wonder your mojo has wavered you must be so tired with all you do try to rest Barbara with your Dave too big crafting hugs xxx
What a beautiful gift from Eileen what a beautiful crafted creation xxx
Hi Brenda
Hi Donna
Hi Dorothy
Sending hugs to all xxx
Hi Diane hope your feeling less battered and bruised hugs xxx
Evening Sheila how did your elephant go? Xx
Hi Sheila
Bruises coming along nicely thank you ! Good old arnica works a treat! Looking forward to hearing about Elma . Xxx
Not started elephant yet as no crafting today my hairdresser came to home and then podiatrist app out of home today so no energy left to craft I must write some cards tomorrow to pop in post for birthdays this week .
How are you doing with your craft ?
Hi Diane glad your bruises are coming out have you manage to groovi ?xxx
I went to the cinema tonight so didn't get any crafting done. I will do extra tomorrow.
Hi Diane, glad to hear the arnica is working well. Keep rubbing it on! Xx
Glad you got to cinema xxx
Morning friends fell asleep but a great wee morning coffee read better than any newspaper away to help with the school run catch you later take care…..x
Morning Dot, that's why we are only owlets in training! Xx
Love it!
Wow Eileen, great design on your gift to Barbara, I've seen that style of writing in journaling, such a clever idea to transfer it across to parchment. Love your interpretation too Barbara, really like both quotes, very uplifting, need that at the mo, thank you both xx
What a great gift from Eileen; double gift really as it also gave you your mojo back. Love the writing between the lines idea. Hope you have a good laugh in bed tonight ..at the limericks I mean xxx
Wonderful Barbara, where all I had the energy to do was sit in front of the TV! Note to self try doing some Groovi after a stressful day!
Enjoy your giggling!
Much love
Kim x
Thank you Eileen that's brilliant sounds like just what was needed enjoyed that talk through have a lovely evening hugs Joy xxx
Hi Barbara
I think it must be the time of the year when Mojos go on their holidays. It is the Chr***mas word that frightens them away. I think yours may have been tempted back by Eileen's lovely artwork. Mine is peeping round the door because he has seen my Dove of Peace stamp set which arrived a
few days ago. I am just promising that I will start earlier this year instead of leaving it to the last minute- I say this every year !!!! Looking forward to Hochanda on Sunday.
Hugs fro Chris X
Chris, I can so relate – every year I'm going to make cards throughout the year, but never do, even last year when I was due to give birth the end of November I only did a few in advance! Thinking about starting a monthly Christmas card club next year to motivate me!
Such a wonderful gift from Eileen. So glad she allowed you to share it with us all for inspiration. After seeing you go through all the steps Barbara, think I will give this a try. Both pieces of art are beautiful. There are just endless ways to use the Groovi and it is fun exploring them with everyone. Enjoy your laughs and giggles tonight.
this is beautiful x
Hi Barbara
How clever of Eileen,great inspiration. Your piece turn out great,I'd love to spent a day at one of your retreats.Looking forward to see what you do tomorrow.
Hope your week gets better and better.
What a thoughtful gift! I love the writing, and the zentangle too. I'm so glad I gave into temptation at the open day back in June and got the Groovi kit, there are just so many things to do with it that I didn't envisage back then!
Barbara, I REALLY hope you have a holiday booked soon, you seem to have been going like the clappers recently. Lots of places for some late summer sun in October….
Hi Barb,
What a lovely gift from Eileen – really clever and lovely. I also like your version too. The writing is fabulous and I think like others, I might have to give this a try. I hope you and Dave get a chance to rest and holiday soon, you sound worn out! Love and hugs to you both, Alison xxxx
Ps I almost forgot,. Can you say a big thank you to your mum – I bought one of her glasses chains at Catterick and it has been much admired. Xx
What a beautiful gift from one lovely lady to another – her calligraphy is absolutely stunning too, and she was one of the first ladies that introduced me to your wonderful stamps! Both pieces of art are just stunning. Susan x
Both are beautiful inspiring pieces of art. It amazes me how the grovi plate can be so versatile. I think I now need one for Christmas. I was trying to resist getting one, but I can see how I can not be without one now. Take care everyone. xx
Beautiful gift to treasure from Eileen and lovely of you to share it with us. Carol
Wonderful, very clever idea. Love the creations. xx
A very good evening to you Barbara,
A beautiful present from Eileen and an equally beautiful interpretation from you. And here I am itching to create something, ANYTHING.
There's been so much to sort out after six weeks away and with husband home tomorrow, it will be sometime before I stamp, colour, ink, parch! Suppose it's the penance for spending colouring non-stop on a six hour flight whilst keeping an eye on the Second Best Marigold Hotel! .
So many new Clarity products including ne Goovi plates languishing in boxes around the house and I have to spend my time with a duster!!!!
Hey Barbara, Monday after a weekend at A.P. Is a good excuse to chill and do something else then all your inspiration will flood back, tsunami style. Tomorrow will look after itself! Isn't it You Choose Tuesday? Great imagination has no walls, nor creativity any boundaries! ;~}
What a lovely gift. I hadn't even considered that all the writing would need to be backwards! There you see my prayer would have been back to front so I would have needed to count to ten! Look forward to tomorrows instalment . xx
How lovely of Eileen to give you this thoughtful and beautiful gift Barbara and I think your version works wonderfully too. I think the changing of the season does have an effect on the way we feel, and I always find I feel rather sad at the thought of the dark evenings and cold weather to come for many months before the spring and brighter days. The winter can be beautiful and winter time sunny days are uplifting, and we shouldn't wish our lives away so we have to make the best of it, x
Evening Brenda, hope this Monday was good for you. Xx
You must have had a lovely surprise to receive such a beautiful gift from Eileen, she is very clever to make something so nice and kind too.
I love Eileen's design and your version of it too – thanks for sharing both
Hi Barbara
I was do lucky to be stood watching you when the lovely Eileen presented this to you so got to see it first hand – it really is stunning. Eileen i do hope you pop in and read all the lovely comments, you are a real inspiration. Thank you for letting Barbara share it with us xxxx
I managed a delightful hour or two using the Groovi plate today, I had such a relaxing time and was so pleased with my first attempt. We have just dace timed our daughter and showed he what we have done – she can't wait until she comes home at Christmas to have a play! Love the tip about writing the verse out and going over it – mine would have been backwards too! Enjoy your evening chuckles with Dave.
Love Diane xxxx
So good you managed to groovi and face time your daughter to show here what you have made its so relaxing to use and you can achieve so many different things I love making the bookmarks happy groovi -Ing xxx
Hello Barbara
What a beautiful present and I like your slant on it too.
I agree with you, the harder you try the more difficult it becomes to find the creative juices.
What wonderful news that Paul is coming to work for Claritystamp. I am certain he has made the right decision.
Sat here all packed for a 7 a.m. flight to Spain and I want to get my groovi plate out. We have to leave at 3 a.m. and I need a couple of hours sleep so it's going to have to wait till I come back. I'm taking some cross stitch to do – Christmas card(s) and can't pack any more! This is a lovely design and I'm sure there's so much more to come!
Good luck with your show at the weekend – I will catch up with it when I get back x x x
Very kind of Eileen to make such a lovely gift for you. Was really impressed with your interpretation of it too. Love the verse and considering whether I could make something similar to put on the bedroom wall so I'd see it first thing in the morning & think on the verse. Sorry didn't make the show over the weekend being poorly but I did put an order in today to make me feel better. Ha Ha. Is there a chance that you could split the Kraft Card in smaller amounts say 25 sheets, or is that being cheeky. Don't think I'd use 50 sheets. Wouldn't want to order from anywhere else if there was a chance. Xx
Oh Barbara, this is just fantastic! Just had a play, used a quote from Les Mis that I like, " to love another person is to see the face of God". Used the peonies above and below the curvy lines. not brilliant, went through the parchment a few times, but as a first attempt, not too bad!!! Coloured the back of the peonies with a Promarker, subtle but nice. More playing with this lovely idea tomorrow! Thank you for such a great idea, and the vital instructions. Love, Ruth x
Would love if you would share with us your creation. I have the peonies but have not worked with them yet. Looking for ideas as to how to use them. I am new to this new parchment craft.
Thanks Cathy! I don't think I can put a pic on the blog, but if you email me later on ruthmcmahon@hotmail.co.uk, I can send a pic ( I think, not very computer-literate!). X
Hello Barb, thank you for sharing your gift and your creation with us, they are so beautiful, and so inspiring. Take care. Bx
And the beautiful thing is , that Barb gave this card to me !!! x
Ahhh, that's lovely. What a lovely press's. Ain't life grand, that a simple exchange of a piece of art created with someone special in mind, can just make your day special too. Hope you're feeling on top of the world today. Karen xxx.
Spellchecker strikes again, should say pressie not press's!
Beautiful gift shared by two like minded people who love each other xxx
Don't worry about your 'mojo', we all get times when mojo just escapes us. Just so long as you have it back by Sunday! Looking forward to it. X
Morning Barbara the the ideas for groovi just jeep on coming this is another one for me to remember don't think I will manage to wait for santa take csre…Dot X
Great inspiration when the mojo disappears. I wish I could join in with you and the groovi plates, but can't until I've had my hoilday and see if I come back with any money.
Beautiful Barbara and Eileen's too, what a lovely gift .
Thank you for sharing it with us ,
Both are beautiful.
Brilliant I want to have a go at this now.
Eileen's piece is beautiful too
Jackie x
Wow – and isn't Eileen's handwriting beautiful too! Just been to Marks to get a new duvet and was assisted by Barb's doppleganger – amazingly, no-one had mentioned it to her before, but she is Barb's dead ringer – AND (must be my lucky day) HOCHANDA have the ballerina stamps on already – so I bought them yesterday (of course I'll be watching as well!) Happy days
PS I regularly 'see' Dave at my local Tesco – HIS double is on one of their adverts (unless it really is Dave??!)