YouTube Tuesday – Leafy Corner Interlude
Hello there.
It’s You Tube Tuesday
and thank you for popping in!
We have just had our 6 year TV birthday, you know.
Yep. 7th May 2009.
It was a one hour show with Martyn Parker,
and I shall never forget it.
Terrified would be more apt.
Shortly after that we moved to Sunday morning Shows,
and we’ve been there ever since.
Shortly after that we moved to Sunday morning Shows,
and we’ve been there ever since.
We sold out of this little leafy corner within minutes on that first show, so I thought it would be cool to take a look back.
Old is often gold, you know.
No voice, just a tuneful intermezzo.
No voice, just a tuneful intermezzo.
This little leafy corner is included in our
June Half-Price Clarity Club Members Sale.
Over 6 years.
That’s 72 Sundays,
without a break.
Now that’s what you call dedication!
Mum and Dad have watched every single one too.
So I hope you can join me this Sunday No 73,
on 7th June 9am-11am
Create and Craft
Freesat 813 / Virgin 748 / Freeview 36 / Sky 674
We are launching a new product.
Very excited about it too.
much love,
62 thoughts on “YouTube Tuesday – Leafy Corner Interlude”
Great video. ..you wouldn't believe one little stamp could be so versatile. …!
I'll be watching Sunday….
Luv Rach 🙂
Wow such a little stamp , just loved it , I want one lol,,,. Hope you get them back in store soon,,.xx
Wish I could do that! I will be watching on Sunday though! Welcome home Barb (and Dave) – glad you had a good richly deserved break and thanks for allowing us to share in your adventures.
You tube Tuesday brilliant, Cannot wait for Sunday put on record so don't miss anything nice to be back in bungalow to watch in comfort have a wonderful show Barbara hugs Sheila xxx
Hi Sheila, have you recovered enough yet to be able to enjoy being back home and back in your craft room? xx
Hi Brenda yes I have thank you was crafting late yesterday using yesterday blog demonstration with the gelli plate and chalks even used my mega block it's brilliant specially as it was half price too ,planning my blog challenge card for boys boys boys
Crafting hugs xxx
I have just had a thought of something I want to try with that little stamp. Now where did I put it????? Can't wait till Sunday to see what you have planned for us. Meanwhile, make sure you spend as much time as possible with Grace. xxx Maggie
Sadly, I have not been here from the beginning, only starting on paper crafting in 2010, after years of going round the NEC, saying that I could not see the point of stamping and I would never get into that craft. Then, for some reason, I was flipping through the channels and found Create and Craft and there was this incredible lady doing wonderful designs with just a corner stamp. Even my husband got hooked and watched every show after that, and encouraged me to buy more and more stamps, not that I needed a lot of encouragement. You gave me the courage to go back to my first love, drawing and colouring, despite being put off at school. You also did so much to give me the courage to carry on after life dealt me the worst blow. I am one who owes you so much. Thank you, Barbara, and I look forward to the next 6 years. xxx Maggie
First Sundays can't come round soon enough for me! So enjoyed the giggles last month with Dean. Also very excited about our first Clarity Open Day next week. Welcome home Barbara.
Hello Barbara
I love this little stamp. Enjoy your time with Grace.
Hello Barbara
I love this little stamp. Enjoy your time with Grace.
It was this stamp and the way you used it that made me a Clarity fan.
And you keep coming up with ingenious ways of using things.
Kelly x
I'll be watching on Sunday Barbara, but I'm going to resist buying anything and make a shopping list for Crowborough on the 12th – save some stock for me! 🙂
Have a good afternoon, Carole xxx
Yip I remember it well, My beautiful Lily arrived a few days later 🙂 I'm really looking forward to watching Sundays new product launch. I first met you in the NEC Nov 2007, but there were not queues are your stand then. You demoed the reflection technique using the brayer to add the reflection. and screwed up paper to add the water. I still have the sample card you gave me xx Claire
Hi Barbara, and I've watched every single one of your shows! I can remember how nervous you were, both your first show and when you started your classroom shows. I was sat here sending you good vibes, willing you on, telling you you're doing fine, because even on that very first show I could feel some sort of connection to you, and feel that you had so much to give and share to all us crafters. And I can say that you are the only craft guest that I have watched every single show, and gained knowledge and inspiration from each and every one :-). A huge thank you for your dedication and eagerness to share and teach and help from me :-). Always good to revisit /remind of your older techniques. Except my to do/try list is growing by the day!!!! When I read your writings I didn't understand your sentence of no voice…, thought a moment, shaked my head, nah, just add that to the no chance of interpreting pile. Then I started to watch your youtube and the penny dropped, no voice, means only 'happy' music 🙂 Thank you, made me smile and feel a wee bit of that nice feeling inside, watching you demo and hearing your 'happy' music :-). Love Brenda xx (very intrigued as to this new journey you are about to embark us on on Sunday)
Brenda – I have that nice warm feeling inside reading your post today! You sound like there is sun shining all around you today, Susan x
Glad I can share it out :-). I'm in my craft room, warm sun shining in on me (trying to ignore the gales, blown over pots and planters etc.!), the nice feelings from this post, Barbara and all you guys, and Nicola and Daisy too, all trying to battle the bad stuff to the back, and about to start putting together my art from nowt much. Didn't get up this way today, but for now I am 🙂 And bonus, discovered last night while doing my teapot bit that my eyes, despite being very tired and sore, like the rest of me, are focussing much better just now, they haven't been this good for ages, and doesn't make sense, but I'll take any improvement I can get, eh!! I had thought they never would improve again, so when they go blurry at least I know now if I can get my body better a bit my eyes will improve again too 🙂 Thank you xx
Hi Brenda, gales all day down here but I haven't been blown to Oz yet! The houses in Balamory are beautiful and colourful! I would love to visit there one day. Glad to hear you are having a good day with your eyes and feeling more settled and positive. Long may that feeling remain. XX
Ha,ha Donna, well at least you've now got the ruby shoes to get you back home!!!
If you do ever visit, you must go to Iona too, amazing special wee island, and if it's still the same no vehicles are allowed. But go in the summer! 😉
Thank you for your wishes, I hope so too, can only try eh..
Are you ready for the next bit of colouring in, I'll take advantage of my eyes being a bit better, as it won't last. You'll like this next bit 😉 Still not got anything onto my 'canvas'!!!!!!, had to go feed myself first!!! But I have cut up my jammies so all set to start. Just the top though, keeping the bottoms to unpick and make a pattern from for sewing my own, nae waste in this house eh! But it means I can make really comfy ones how I want them without the faff of altering a proper pattern and making up samples to try, see, method in my madness!!!! I better finish my shopping order for tomorrow first though. I can do the colouring in later once I've gone back to bed, I'm needing the pencil sharpenings!!!! Are you up for doing the next bit? xx
Pencil sharpenings, cut up pyjamas, It sounds like anything standing still too long is being added to your art! Cant wait to see it. Yep, I'm ready for the next bit of colouring, looking forward to what you have in mind this time.
I have been to Scotland on a family holiday, we stayed in a log cabin near Loch Ness, drove through Glenn Coe which was stunning, We went to Skye as well. I have the strongest memory of my dad sitting at the toll barrier to cross the bridge and when he was told the price was only to go over and then you had to pay to return he said very shocked "pay? each way!" Im not sure if he thought we would swim back, we still remind him of that moment! Xx
That's funny. Yeah, I think it's free now, as the locals were also charged the same! I've been to Skye too for a few days when I was in my early 20's, it was early May and shorts and tee-shirt weather!
Aye, Daisy better watch herself, spending too much time sleeping, might wake up to find her fur shaved off, all in the name of art of course!!!! Nah, I think she's safe, couldn't deprive her of her fur coat living up here eh!!!
Ok, see the main focal point, the vertical thing going from right at the bottom to near the top? Actually might be easier to tell you what it is and that might help you see what I mean. A dragon's head breathing fire, see it? The head right at the bottom, with the wee sticking out bits to either side, that's the eyes and the fire spreading up in jagged flames, and a narrow strip to each side too. The dragon has got to be greens, bright greens, with orange eyes, and the fire red at it's mouth graduating through orange to yellow at the tips. What do you think? This is a big bit, I know I might not get it finished tonight. xx
A dragon with fire, sounds good. I will get that started later xx
Hi you sound chirpy the day Brenda loving the colours your suggesting for the teapot giving me ideas to thanks mine still a work in progress to but pencils not up to much happy colouring…x
Hi Brenda
Oh you do sound on form today lovely lady. I can't believe you've cut up your jim jams! That made me have a good chuckle! I do like your idea of making your own though, at least they will fit rather than being too short or too long. Poor Daisy! Why not make a space in the artwork for het to sit and become part of the design? She might like that and you will be the only one with a cat in their artwork! Iona sounds lovely, we are hoping to explore more of Scotland if our daughter gets into university in Aberdeen. Xxx
Hi Brenda. Lovely to hear you sounding brighter today. I can see the dragon in the teapot, your colours sound great for it : ) You sound like you have been very busy, so glad that your eyes are being good for you at the moment : ) Take care x
Brenda – I endorse everything you posted – all so true – thanks Barb from me too!
Thank you Dot, Diane, Mrs B and Beryl for your lovely replies 🙂 xx
p.s. Diane, you could shoot peas through the bum of my old jammies I cut up they were that worn out, and loved, needed a reason to finally throw them out!!!!
I remember that first show – I think I got almost everything you demoed and then I ordered the book too! I still love my corset stamp, and the magic of using it with fuseable fibres. Will have to watch the YouTube when I get back from my grocery shop – that will keep me focussed!!! Thanks, Susan x
Hi Barbara
This little corner stamp was the 1st Clarity stamp I bought and from that day I was hooked. I am still not as good as you are at lining it up but I am much better than when I started. Looking forward to Sunday and your new product.
X Chris
Hi Barbara I have to agree with Brenda M post I have also watched all your shows on T V and love them this little corner stamp was my first stamp and the leaf trail back in 2004 at a show in Exeter. Saw you there for the first time and loved your art work with the brayer the dippy toe lady you are my number one in crafts have learnt so much from you looking forward to Sunday happy crafting Pauline xx
Love this corner and have used it as a border, a corner and a main element! Have learned sooooo much from watching your shows, videos, and you tube videos. I know that it was your introduction of the gelli plate that has made me more arty and confident enough to start my first art journal which I am loving! Thank you Barbara XX
Love the corner -it's still the best.
Lovely video. It was this wee corner that was one of the first things to get me hooked on Clarity too (this and the leafy swirls stamp). I can't draw at all, but this helped me make beautiful patterns. I love every clever corner I've bought from Clarity. They're all great, but this one's a favourite.Thanks, Barbara for such great designs. Looking forward to Sunday morning. xx
Wouldn't miss it here in the USA .,not live but might as well be .joy now
This was the first clarity stamp I ever bought….from the Clarity stand when you were at a show at the Reebok stadium… as it was called then… in Bolton!
I'd stood and watched you create magic with that little corner and a small Adirondack rainbow ink pad. I ummed and arred about it …walked away to think about it….then came back and watched a but more and I had to get it! Not only was it my first clarity stamp …it was the first time I'd ever stamped. I made loads of little cards using your technique and I was sold on stamping. I'd always said until then I didn't see how stamps were so popular…the next time I saw you at a show I bought loads!! Isn't life strange!!! That little stamp brought me into the clarity clan and to become a friend!
Love and hugs xxxx
And a valued member of the Clarity Design Team too xxxx
Six years wow didnt think it was that long but you kniw what I dont think Virgin had c&c as an option thats a pity cause I've missed a lot of Barbara but be sure I won't be missing any shiws now ive pushed that record button already
See you Sunday with my bacon peace (butty)….xxxxx Dot
How I love my corner and leafy trail stamps! They stamp as beautifully today as they did when I bought them years ago. Great video Barbara. Pat x
Love my Clarity sundays 🙂 xx
I remember the first one Barbara it was my first stamp I bought the time has passed so quickly. Love the vidio thank you again for everything love to dave love June horrocks xxxxx
a lovely blast from the recent past. it's good to revisit these. now i need to get the stamp out and play….. hugs xx
Enjoyed that little stamping interlude. Recorder set for Sunday as will be at Maria's Clarity class in Preston. Xx
Hi Barbara
Oh so many of us came to Clarity through this corner stamp! I bought mine at Ally Pally after standing watching you with my mother in law stamping with the and going on to the corset – that was the knitting and stitching show so early days! I was so pleased when you came to the TV and try to watch all your shows one way or another – now have the record button to back me up. Thank you for the blast from the past I enjoyed that.
Love Diane xxx
Lovely. Now where did I put mime? Looking forward to Sunday's show. Hugs xx
It's a great stamp and now I'm encouraged to use it more. I've had it so long and been carried away with new stamps, stencils etc. Your success is so well deserved and I hope makes all the effort and dedication worth while. Carol
This leafy corner stamp and other similar corner stamps are so versatile and cleverly designed and thanks for showing these techniques again Barbara. We tend to forget Clarity's beginnings as there have been lots of changes along the way, but it is good to take a look at things back then to see how good Clarity was and still is. x
Hello Barb, the oldies are always worth re-visiting, love the corner stamps, and looking through the comments, so many memories of our intro's to Clarity. I remember my first purchase too, the motorbike and the gift verse. Now days, I get really tetchy if I miss the Clarity TV shows, looking forward to Sunday. Have a wonderful day. Bx
Hi Barbara. Congratulations on 6 years of shows! I have been with your for nearly 4 years now and still love every minute : ) What a beautiful little stamp this one is, so pretty, and versatile. Take care xx
Love that leafy corner stamp. So versatile.
Just watched this from my sunbed in Crete! Here for next two weeks but have wifi in the villa! Will miss Sundays show but look forward to catching up,on my return. Will check I have this stamp the and if not order it! I think I do have it though and this has reminded me why I got it! Happy 6th birthday you have given me so much inspiration. Over the years and the Clarity team if course ! Xx
Hi Barbara
Looking forward to Sunday as usual,never miss a show.
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