Please help me! I’m having a Senior Moment….

Please help me! I’m having a Senior Moment….

Hello there!
Thank you so much for all the very real, honest and positive comments on yesterday’s Mindfulness Blog.
I think we are really onto something here.
As a group, I mean; not just me.
Isn’t it amazing how many of us are in the same boat?
But you never find that out until you open up and share.
How’s the positive thinking going today?
You can start your day over at any time, you know. 
If it has gone a bit pear-shaped and you are on a slippery downhill slope, and the washing machine head is on spin cycle, 
you can stop it, you know. You can decide to start the day again.
I do it often!  
But on to today….
Thank you for popping in!
I wonder if you can help me…
I was rummaging around in this tip that is an artroom this morning,
looking for a nice blue background to blog on today 
(sounds a little lewd!). 
Anyway, I found a neat piece of Gelli Plate artwork 
which I did ages ago.
Mmm, I thought, that’ll do.
Seeing as how we have to get up to Port Sunlight today,
ready for the set-up tomorrow, and the show on Saturday and the workshop on Sunday….
“This won’t take long to recreate”, said I to myself.
Which would be correct, 
if I could remember how I did it!!!
An hour later, 
following a few fruitless attempts 
and establishing how NOT to do it,
Close, but still not there….
I decided to hand it over.
Your go.
Phthalo Blue Acrylic Paint System 3
Buff Titanium Acrylic Paint System 3
(You could certainly use the Fresco chalk paints for this too)
A piece of Punchinella
Have a closer look. 
Maybe you will figure it out…
Which went first? The stencil? The blue?
 Or was it the Buff Tit?

Did I pull the whole lot off in one single print?
Or did I pull individual layers?
How did I get the colours to blend like that?

I have had a very senior moment here.
or a CRAFT moment, as they call it:
Can’t Remember a Flipping Thing!
So if you can figure it out, email me your thoughts 
and put me out of my misery please!
If you can actually do it and send me a pic, 
that would be awesome!!
And the one that looks most like mine will receive 
a £20 Gift Voucher from me!
But now I really must go pack for Port Sunny!
Have you clicked Follow this blog yet?
Do you read it most days?
I would appreciate a click if you can find the button!
If you come from across the miles, 
then please leave a comment below too!
The British followers here will be sure to make you very welcome, I know! 
much love.
PS. Guess what.
Grace is coming home for a week at the start of June!
And next week I am meeting up with Mark in San Francisco.

You see, we were right yesterday;
we move towards what we picture in our minds…

73 thoughts on “Please help me! I’m having a Senior Moment….

  1. Great, great news about Grace and Mark. The power of PMA! I'm sure you'll get lots of help with your picture, but I'm not experienced enough yet to have a go. Carol x

  2. Liebe Barbara,

    ich freue mich so für Dich, dass Du in der nächsten Zeit einige Tage mit Deinen Kindern verbringen kannst.
    Ich für mich habe schon oft festgestellt, dass wenn man über Dinge redet/schreibt wenden sie sich oft zum Guten (ich weiß nicht wie und warum es geht aber es funktioniert sehr oft).

    In diesem Sinne Dir noch einen schönen Tag.

    Viele Grüße sendet Sabine aus Berlin:-)

  3. Hi Barbara
    What lovely news you are seeing Mark next week and Grace will be with you soon – I've just seen her comment on yesterday's blog, isn't she lovely to her mum.
    My sister bought me a t shirt that says having a senior moment back in 5 minutes – would you like to borrow it! Lol. Right back to the geli plate, I haven't got this stencil (why I ask myself) but I've had a bit of a think. If it was early days background, if you remember we pulled separate layers so I think it might be that. Did you start with buff tit and put the stencil outie down? No I think you might have started with the blue put the stencil down with the punchenella then blotted most of the blue away from the stencil. I think you the did a double layer so you removed the stencil and added some buff tit to the middle and a top up of blue around the edges. Oh yes don't forget to spend 10 minutes whizzing around on your chair and pulling funny faces waiting for the paint to dry don't keep touching it Barb oh you are so impatient. You then did a final buff tit layer to pull the whole lot off Ta Da!
    Well I bet that's nothing like it but it was fun playing in my head. Would love to play for real but I've just cleared the table to start sewing so perhaps tomorrow.
    I just have to say, I went out in my garden this morning, the sun is shining, birds are singing and the rose that was being battered to pieces yesterday in gale force winds has decided to fully open and bloom, so my mindfulness moment today was appreciating it's beauty and the fact that today is another day. I've taken a picture of it, let me know if you would like it for your Wednesday blog.
    Safe journey to Port Sunlight and have a fab weekend being you.
    Lots of love Diane G xxx

  4. Barbara, I'm so glad Grace is coming home and you will see Mark too, I know how wonderful that will be for you. I'm having a quiet day doing my scrapbook, can't believe I started it in 2004! It's a beautiful Anna Griffin Family Tree album full of beautiful antique botanical prints. Since Mum died It now seems urgent to get everything in place with my scrapbooks and photos or all these family members will be forgotten by future generations.

    Sorry for waffling 🙂 I'm afraid I've got no idea how you made your print, it looks great though! I look at my prints and haven't got a clue how I did them either but that's the beauty of monoprints isn't it 🙂 xxx

  5. Hi Barbara, so very happy that you will get to see both your children very soon. Positive thoughts seem to work…. Dream it and they will come!! Anyway, I'm having a much more positive day too. I've been on my exercise bike today to try to rebuild my stamina…I even caught up on your blogs and watched You Tube Tuesday whilst pedalling; most excellent experience. It was the Gelli plate video and it has made me want to get mine out again so I think I may be about to go and try to work out how you created the flying boy in blue.
    I've also just go back from walking the dogs ALL the way around the village for the first time since last September so it looks like my recovery is gradually happening. The power of positivity!!! Hope you have a safe journey to Port Sunlight. I know lots of people are very excited about going. Must go and play with the geli now. Best wishes Jeanette xxxx

  6. Hello Barbara

    Lol. I like the CRAFT moment. Very funny.

    Sorry, I can't help with the instructions. Although I have a gelli plate I have yet to take the plunge. As one of my daughters would say "All the gear but no idea"!

    I am so pleased for you that Grace is coming for a visit and that you will be seeing Mark soon. I know how you feel, my youngest son lived in Japan for over six years, only coming home for two weeks each year and we couldn't afford to go there. Thank goodness for Skype.


  7. That is lovely that you are going to see Grace and Mark. Does that mean Grace will be around for the open days, I really enjoyed chatting to her last year. Well I have not got the stencil that you used but maybe I could play around with another and work out how you did that. Will have to wait now til grandchildren have gone home, school closed today. They have been brilliant. Hope all goes well at weekend, I shall be enjoying myself at Sazz's workshop. xx

  8. This is one of the highlights of my day, love you ,love your blogg and love your collection . I frequently comment from the other side of the pond but don't think anyone is reading and never a response . Have given up commenting almost , but don't think I will ever tire of you and your beautiful personality . Meeting my son in New York next week .know how it is to be far from your children . Enjoy your time with Grace . Joy now. Jan

    1. Hello Janice… I read all the posts…after reading the blog…before commenting… We will be looking out for you now. Hugs from Little old me…xxx

    2. Hi Janice
      I read the comments too so please don't stop. I posted early today but have just popped in to see what people are saying. Take care love Diane xxx

    3. hi Jan never miss reading your comments so don't stop as this is a highlight of my day to and spread the word across the pond about this lovely warm and talented lady who lets us in to her life …..Dotxx

    4. Thank you all so much for your response . Blogging and facebook and FaceTime have brought us all so much closer to each other . Though distance in miles separate us we are all one in spirit sharing the same love , joy happiness and challenges .,gorgeous day here so I off to buy a lovely plant for my daughter for Mother's Day on Sunday here in virginia . Joy now jan

  9. Hi Barbara, so pleased that you are going to see Grace and Mark soon. Is that due to the power of PMA? Both of my sons live fairly close so I am lucky to see them and the grandchildren often. I am sure you will pack an awful lot in in your visit to them and have lots of fun! Can't help with the challenge, I have a 6 x 6 gelli plate (still not used -sorry) and although loads of your products, not the ones necessary for this project but ( attempting some PMA at this point) will go and have a dabble at creating something else. 🙂 Good luck to all who take part. X

  10. Wow Barbara – I'll have a think about how you might have done this and email you, but although I have the stamp, I don't have the stencil, so won't be able to have a go myself! It's very reassuring though that I'm not the only one who doesn't always remember how I did something….
    Great news about Grace and Mark though – I'm sure when I headed off to work in the US in my 20s I didn't really think about my mum and dad missing me so much, and now I live miles away again – good job I'm one of 4 kids really! Enjoy the show, and hope your journey is uneventful, Susan x

  11. Glad to know there is someone else out there like me – can't remember. I put it down to the sun as I live in Spain. Like you I will also see my daughter soon – she is coming to see me at the end of June.It's her birthday tomorrow 45 years old where did the years go and how old that makes me feel. As we grow older I think we have grown nearer, ok not in miles but in other things.

  12. Hi Barbara,
    you see how quick things can change. You´ll see the kids very soon…
    I´m very bad in anything which has to do with the Gelli Plate so I know I´m wrong but I try.
    Best wishes
    Rolf xxx

  13. Hi Barbara, sun is shining, wind has thankfully died down and I have had a good day! But the thing that tops all that is my canvas arrived today, and its beautiful. Thank you xx
    Will have a go at the gelli plate steps and if I vote early enough I may get out my paints and try recreating it as well. XX

    1. Have emailed you my attempt! had fun with my gelli if nothing else………………..just excuse the slightly dodgy photo, David Bailey I am not! XX

  14. Hi Barbara, so glad to hear you are soon going to see both your kids, you must be full of soo many good feelings today :-). I know you'll make every moment with them quality time and make some wonderful memories to add for after. I don't know if it's right but I equate your feelings of missing your kids with my feelings of missing the basic human things in life the majority of people have /have had and take for granted, it hurts deep and feels so hollow. But you don't need to feel so sad any more and hopefully Grace booking a flight like that goes a long way to showing you how much you are loved and do matter to them both, and you can have confidence in that 🙂

    My positive thinking today – sorry it's the same place as it was yesterday and the day before I'm afraid, can't find it! But I am trying. Lovely Barbara, and all you lovely folks on here, I'm really sorry I'm not my normal self and not finding positive or funny things to say just now. And especially when there's so much about being positive and banishing the negative on here. I worry you'll all be getting fed up with me, like Barbara was saying yesterday, but then I don't want to worry anyone if I stay away from here so I don't leave down, negative comments. People with Asperger's usually have delayed reality /affects to things, and I have this one bad. I explain it like a jigsaw, the bad thing happens, I get one or a few pieces of the reality /affect puzzle, rarely, if ever, do I get the whole puzzle in one go. It feels like this is it, this one piece /these few pieces are the full reality /affect, I don't ever know there is more to come or when that will come. Then a day, a week, a month, a year or even many years later I get another piece. It goes on like this. To the extent that I got another piece of the puzzle of my granny dying, 13 years after she'd gone! I think it's one of these that's happening just now. It's like my spark / warm light inside me has been extinguished, and it's cold nothing where that normally is. Not sure if it's related to the serious incident the previous worker did a number of weeks ago, it might be related to a previous thing one did last December, it's probably worked like a domino effect. Anyway, that's where I'm at right now. Nicola is trying to think how she can help me find or get that spark /warm light back, which is obviously very difficult when everything is so bleak for me right now and for the foreseeable future. And not helped by being too ill to do any proper craft, so can't try to lose myself in that. Maybe I'll just bounce back from this too, like I have everything else throughout my life. I'm sorry, I will keep trying my hardest.

    Barbara, I soo know that feeling of not being able to work out what you did. You know you did it, you know it's possible so why on earth can't you just remember or work it out! And if you are like me, feeling determined you're going to work it out and you can't get it out your head!!!

    Love Brenda xx

    1. Sending you a big hug and some sunshine, nice to know you still come and read the comments even if you don't feel able to comment yourself. Now I know I can still say hi and you will see it. I'm sure nobody is getting fed up with you! Xx

    2. Thank you Donna, you're a lovely soul. 🙂 Sounds like you're in need of a big hug back :-). It's still freezing up here but there was wee bits of sun today and tomorrow is to be dry so hopefully the worker will get the grass cut, all this rain with interludes of sun sure makes it grow some! Just wish the same were true for my veg seeds, unfortunately they need the warmth too!!! xx

    3. Brenda sending a big warm hug tomorrow is another day life is not easy but on this blog you know your not alone my day was very dark yesterday and I slept and cried myself to sleep last night know I'm going to have some more tough days till I get back in my bungalow but I also know there is a lot more crafting people suffering in their days too xxx

    4. Brenda, I wish you could see the lovely yellow rose bobbing outside my window today. It was being battered by the wind and rain yesterday but struggled back and opened in the sun today, it bought a huge smile to my face. I hope the sun shines for your gardening day Diane xxx

    5. Hi Brenda you will bounce back like you said you've done it before so you know you can . There are days when my wee granddaughter doesn't seem quite herself and she can't tell us whats wrong and then the next day she's back to her wee cheery self she hates any change a bit ocd with her stuff and can't cope much with to much people but we love her to bits and will keep learning from people like yourself so thankyou for being here…Dot..xx

  15. Great news about seeing the children so soon. Not sure how you made the print but I suspect that talc came into it somewhere along the way!! 🙂 Keep smiling. x

  16. Didn't read yesterday's blog – was in a bad place!! But all of my own doing, I know. I did a Mindfulness course last year and, especially at work when you want to smash that co-worker over the head or tell the boss where to go (frequently, in my case!) I find the 3 breaths really work. Just in through your nose (count of 6 or 7) and out through your mouth (7 or 8) thinking Relax, or It's Ok or, He's a XXXX – really does work. At least it does for me!

  17. Hello Barb, what fabulous news about seeing Grace and Mark. Will give the task a go. Have a great trip to Port Sunlight. Take care and stay safe. I am sure everyone is looking forward to it. Bx

  18. Hi Barbara
    So glad you'll see your daughter soon as I think it will settle your mind and then to visit your son,you'll feel on top of the world I'm sure.
    Not so good with canvas's so won't bother guessing as I'll be miles out,but one day I'll master it.
    Have a successful weekend at Port Sunlight.

  19. Hi Barb,

    Well I haven't a clue lol! Looks like you would have put some bubble warp on your jelli plate first then the stencil shape of the boy and birds down on top, not the aperture part but the actual cut out part onto your jelli plate on top of the bubble wrap, then possibly painted over it in Blue then transferred it over onto some card, the edges of the boy & birds have a sharp Blue edge so you must have painted over them on top of the bubble wrap, this way would leave the boy & birds White but the bubble wrap Blue on the card. Hope that makes sense but whether it turns out remains to be seen lol! Good luck and do let us know how it turns out lol!

    Fantastic news about Grace & Mark, positive thoughts work! Have a fabulous weekend.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  20. Hello Barbara

    I read your blog everyday and look forward to reading the tips and the inspiration that you enthuse in me. Also like to read all the comments from other avid readers of your blog. Great idea your mindfulness blog, like you say there are others out there who have the same doubts and down days. Like your blog says one day at a time. Have a safe trip, followed by a great holiday. Your are a amazing and lovely lady who helps and inspires others.
    Mary xxx

  21. PMA all the way!!!! My day started brilliantly… Sun streaming through windows… Had contact lense fitting, not worn them for 15 years… A treat to myself (really just wanted to be able to wear really good sunglasses 😎)…. Voted…. Then had a seat in my summerhouse…. Unfortunately I fell asleep, was caught drooling…. So now I am off to my craft room, needs a clean up again!
    As for your card Barbara, I too am having a CRAFT Moment over this but I am sure you will get a good response from everyone (I will read all about it…then claim, that's what I thought ! )
    Enjoy your weekend end at Port Sunny and have a great trip to the States . Safe journeys . Hugs xx

    1. Hi Emma, I was thinking about your funny dream needing to wee on top of Ben Nevis. It's reminded me of one of the expeditions I went on with the school. Funnily that was fairly close to Ben Nevis too!!!!! We had been driven for hours in the mini bus to the start point, walked for hours with big heavy rucksacks on our backs on a surprisingly hot day. Finally got to the bothy, all wabbit and all desperate for a wee! Had a look round us, no trees, no bushes and a long walk to reach any undulating ground that could hide us! Someone came up with the bright idea (probably a boy!) that we all go behind the wall, boys one way, girls another! Well the boys were all up for it, as boys would be!!! And us girls were all just stood there looking at each other nervously!!! The boldest of us said why not, and the rest of us did that kind of nervous giggle! Then another girl said come on then lets go before the boys get back. The rest of us reluctantly tagged along, all of us nervously heading for the wall! A row of boys standing behind the wall at one end and a row of us girls crouching behind the wall at another end, nervous, all of us trying to wee as quick as possible and finish at the same time as each other, concentrating on looking forward to make sure we didn't inadvertently look at our neighbour!!! So at least your predicted wee on top of Ben Nevis is going to be slightly more dignified!!! Thank you for making me smile and remember a better time 🙂 xx

    2. Hi Brenda. Having to wee outdoors is not something I relish doing so my son bought me a 'she wee' . What a disaster!!!! I will not go into details, but suffice to say I was glad that I practiced using it at home!!! There is a knack to using it that I just cannot get the hang of…..going to stick to bushes if I get caught short!
      Glad my little tale made you smile. In fact I was out today for a 12k hike…all uphill…found a little wood to stop off in….whilst clambering through the undergrowth I managed to get my hair caught up in the low branches of a fair tree…..didn't realise….kept on walking and was pulled back….nearly landed in a big pile of nettles! I thought that someone had pulled me by my ponytail!!!! I can feel another bad dream coming on lol!!
      It is quite difficult to disentangle oneself from a tree while doing the pee pee dance….feel free to laugh, I did!

    3. That's so funny Emma, sorry but I am laughing!!! I can proper picture the whole scenario!!! You poor soul. Hopefully all these things just now means no incidents for you on the day, fingers crossed 🙂 xx

  22. Great news on the kids!!!! Be good to see you happy when you have them around you again !!!
    Got some hopeful positive news today that house move is back on the move again – just waiting to have it confirmed!!!

    Much love
    Kim xx

  23. Lucky you barb meeting up with the kids, just one thing, can you pack me in your suitcase and take me to San Francisco, my grandkids live in Pacifica,and it's such a long time before they come here in July.
    Greetings from sunny Spain
    Jan x

  24. Hi Barbara I would love to help but still stuck in the hotel and all my craft is at home apart from my bits that I ordered to do a canvas but still need my e bosser so cannot start with the chalks as need to do the stencil through e bosser or can you do the chalks and do the stencil when eventually get back home .i was only thinking this morning could you give yourself a well deserved break away to see your grown up well grounded children /adults , thinking of you xxx

  25. Hi Barb,
    Will try to work out what you did!! See, I told you yesterday that because you are a super mother, your children will come back now and again,
    Maureen xxx

  26. I think the your stencils went first, blue paint next. Add punchinella and pull off some blue paint. Let dry, then use the Titanium Buff to pull the print.

  27. Hi Barbara. What great news about Mark and Grace. Oh, the power of positive thinking! Off on holiday tomorrow for two weeks with no laptop so will have lots of blogs to catch up on when we get back. As for your artwork, I have holiday head on and can't even begin to work out what you did! Have a great time with Mark.
    Gayle x

  28. Hi Barbara so happy for you that you will be seeing Grace and Mark soon for real big hugs good luck at port sunlight but you don't really need its Clarity it's amazing and so are you…Dot..xx

  29. I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time with Grace and Mark. The further loved ones are from us the more we appreciate time spent with them. Sorry I can't help figure out how you did this fab piece of artwork, but I did find the Follow button! Had no idea about it, but since I'm on here most days I'm happy to be a Follower! 🙂 If we all find it and press it, the numbers will swell!

  30. Hi Barbara, On a positive note when you are doing one job and in your head you are onto the second and third !!! Colour in your tea pot, getting there and enjoying it so much we all need a colouring book to focus on when things are scrambling.

    When you do get round to this book , could we have one with watering paper!!! Not that you have nothing else to focus on. Have a great time with your daughter & son & all my besat wishes for the weekend.

    Lynn x

  31. Great blogs today and yesterday Barbara. Such fab news about Grace coming back in June and that you'll meet up with Mark soon too. Definitely a case of PMA. Hope your trip to Port Sunlight went well and that the setup, show and workshop go well. Hugs xx

  32. Evening Barbra
    Thank you for yesterdays post 🙂 Ive been lacking in PMA recently but today was very different and i had my PMA back and that was all down to reading your post.
    Thank you again, me and my partner find you very inspirational.
    Barry & Jay (your 2 fairies from ally pally)

  33. Oh you see! You talk about how you miss your kids one day then the next you've got a plan and low and behold you'll be seeing them both very soon! Marvellous! Xxx
    Safe journey to port sunlight and I'll see you there! Xxx

  34. I love this gelli print with the boy in flight stencil Barbara and hope you have a good time at Port Sunlight, and how wonderful to be off to see Mark next week and then your Grace coming home quite soon too which must make you so happy! x

  35. You are funny! Love your work! I enjoy reading your posts, and being inspired and amused! Greetings from Down Under (Melbourne, Australia).

  36. How do I do it, lost my comments. Been away for a couple of days and now catching up with your blogs – hate to miss out. Senior moments we all have them, some more than others. Port Sunlight looks like a place that needs to be visited – must go on the list. Take care Barbara and don't get too tired. Good to hear you are catching up with the "youngsters". xx

  37. I know how you did this!!! Great news that you will be seeing Mark and Hey when you go to San Fransisco DON'T FORGET YOUR COAT!!! When you go there it always makes me wish I could nip over to see my Sister, its Sunnyvale CA is the place she lives. Very close to where you will be. Still she is coming here in August for a family wedding. Have a great time. xx

  38. Hi Barbara. Sorry but haven'y got a clue how you did this one. I'm sure the lovely people on here will be able to help you though : ) Take care xx

  39. Hi Barbara
    I read your blog every day – often reminded to look by your facebook message. I don't always remember to send a comment but I always enjoy reading and looking at your messages. A Gelli plate is next on my 'wanted' list ao I will be trawling back through your blog for lessons and inspirations. THANK YOU

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