Day 3 NEC
Hi there,
Thanks for dropping in on Blogland.
Day 3 of the show done.
Once again, it was great to see so many familiar faces and friends.
Got my tits out, which made a nice change….
The little ones sit perfectly on any one of the wonderful Clarity Wordchains!
The background was made using an 8″ x 10″ Gelli Plate,
Spun Sugar Distress Ink Pad and then Tea Dye Distress inkpad.
Using these different colours transformed our Blue Tits into Bullfinches for me.
If you like, I can Youtube this. It’s easy peasy. Give me a week or so to get my act together. And recover from the spectacle that has been the NEC.
We have had a laugh though. Remember I broke my toe when I dropped my Ipad on it weeks ago?
Well, I’ve only been able to wear one pair of boots for the entire time, and you can imagine they were ready to walk to Birmingham on their own after seeing 3 weeks of non stop action! So I had the bright idea of squirting some talcum powder in each boot. Well, you had to be there the first morning, when a little cloud of talc puffed out of my boots with every step! And to crown it all, they’re black suede. Oh boy. Smelt lovely though!
One more day. We can do this!
Bye for now!
Much love, Barb xx
48 thoughts on “Day 3 NEC”
Hi Barbara love this card! You are on the home stretch now! Have been playing with my new stamps today and am loving the chalk paints especially using them as a wash! Hope all goes well on your last day. I know we are all very appreciative of the time you and the team put into the shows and sharing your talent and knowledge with everyone. Xx
White on black is in vogue this season, footwear included, don'tcha know! (Just as well as my wardrobe contains little else.) Pleased to read foot is almost 'toetally' recovered!
How about great tits as well as bullfinches? I have a number of pairs nesting in my garden, Lol.
Enjoy your tomorrow at the NEC; just wish it wasn't such a trog from Aberdeen. ;~}
This looks lovely , and to use different colours ,. I brought this stamp last year would like some ideas to use it ,,.xx
Well I have not dropped an Ipad on my toe but Oh boy do my feet hurt after one day at the NEC. Fab day though and thanks to you and Maria for all the good advice I picked up. Hope tomorrow goes well then maybe some well earned rest. Brilliant card, love these little birds. xx
Hi Barbara, you're so funny :-). Glad you are enjoying yourself and business has picked up today. Be careful of the white powder puffing out your boots though, some folk might think you're selling something you shouldn't be!!! This is beautiful artwork, aye I'd like a youtube on this please, when you get the time. Thank you and hope tomorrow is as good for you. Love Brenda xx
Hi Brenda. Just to say I posted a response to your helpful Cuttlebug tips, but a few days later, so I thought I'd mention it here in case you missed it. Thx again. Carol x
Thank you Carol, you're very welcome. I don't often get the opportunity to help out another person, so I'm glad I was able to help you. Hope you manage to get the results you want. There's nothing more frustrating than knowing something is doable but nothing you try yourself works!!! 🙂 xx
Ha! I can just picture the funny looks as you walked past folk … as usual you find a novel way to make sure everyone enjoys their day! And don't worry, my hubby can beat that – his steel toe-capped boots have a squeak …. on just one foot …. which is so loud that children have been overheard asking their parents what the strange noise is!
Good luck with tomorrow. And the boots!
This is lovely! That bird always looks spectacular!
I'm all ready to come to the NEC in the morning!!! So looking forward to it!
See you tomorrow xxxxx
Love this card Barbara and would love a YouTube video of how his is done. I will be coming to the NEC tomorrow and am really looking forward to it.
Lol! Must have been quite a sight little clouds of white powder making an entrance each time you took a step. Hope the toe is not suffering too much whilst you're on your feet all day. Life what have you done with these birds. They are great stamps and I love using them.
Have a great day tomorrow and a safe trip home. Hugs xx
Hi Barbara
Only one more day to go. I hope you have enjoyed bringing your unique art to the public. It takes a great deal of dedication and organisation but it is much appreciated. Those little birds are my all time favourites and a youtube tutorial would be good. I hope all goes well tomorrow and that you can find a few days to chill when it is all over.
Hugs from Chris X
I discovered on Thursday that my buggy has developed a squeak, despite a serious dose of WD40, so your talc and my buggy will go well together. Hope the show was busier for you today. I am looking forward to seeing what you have to show us tomorrow. Sleep well. xxx Maggie
PS I hope the M42 is a little better tomorrow, after two days of torture on it so far this week. xxx Maggie
You are too funny…..enjoy tomorrow!
oh i was there when the beginnings of this started. you have changed it round a bit since. this is more subtle. i must say i lean more towards the original one from thursday, hugs xx
Beautiful art work your so cute with your boots have fun tomorrow xxx
Oh Barbara you do make me laugh with your tits out and kinky boots! Hope it was busier today – it does sound like you are having fun though. This artwork is lovely, love the inky background on geli plate. Hope you have a good final day and a relaxing week planned for next week. Night night sleep tight. Love Diane xxx
love these 'tits' xx
Your talc story reminds me of one of my staff….my job is managing a team of parking attendants…no hissing now everyone!….well several summers ago…one of my team on a hot day decided to carry around with her a plastic bag with some talc in that she could refresh herself with during the hot sweaty days of pounding the beat. Well on this particular day, following issuing a parking ticket to a car on a double yellow line, she was fiddling about in her small bag looking for something when the driver returned. As normal the driver made a bit of a fuss…she was still fiddling with her bag when all of a sudden the small plastic bag with talc fell on to the ground!..with that the driver jumped on it picked it up before speeding off in his car!…she was so worried because of course it looked like a bag of drugs and was convinced there was going to be a complaint..headline news sort of thing…Parking Attendant found with drugs…well that never happened so we can only presume that when he tried to inhale it he got a nasty surprise!!!
As I am soon to leave this job after 24 years…I wonder if I should start a book on all the things I have experienced???!!!
Glad your day went well – 3 down and 1 to go!!!
Much love
Look forward to reading that book!!
Thats Hilarious 😀
Oh Barbara,
ich lache mich schlapp, wenn ich dieses Bild vor mir sehe: Du mit weißen Wölkchen aus schwarzen Wildleder-Boots. Einfach nur zum Kreischen…
Die Farben Deiner Karte passen super, hätte nicht gedacht, dass spun sugar und tea dye so gut zusammen passen!!!
Rolf xxx
Ha 🙂 I had my tits out today too, what a coincidence! I Angelina fibered mine, had to be careful with the iron 😉 Hope today was busier, only one day left then you can put your powered white feet up. XX
Lovely tits if you don't mind me saying! You do make me laugh, but I can really empathise with the "only one pair doesn't hurt my foot" situation after a bout of plantar fasciitis – poor shop assistant nearly passed out when I went to try to buy a new pair!!! Enjoy your last day and safe home, Susan x
I thought talc was only for dusting on cardstock before embossing! Lovely background on the card and the shading really makes the bird pop. Carol
News Flash: Topless Angel seen walking on clouds at NEC! Crafting fans watched in amazement as an angel was seen bearing her tits among the crowds. Although heavily disguised as a mere mortal in black boots and pressing her tits into a floppy silicone object; this true angel gave herself away as little clouds of heaven escaped from each boot with each step that she took.
Thank you for a bed time giggle, Barbara. I hope tomorrow is a better day. Lots of love Jeanette xx
That's so funny Jeanette, I love it when you do your 'news reports' 🙂 xx
Beautiful pair of Tits lol. I can just manage the little puffs of powder from your boots, what an image 😁. Glad all going well. Seriously tho' lovely artwork and yes please to making a YouTube video x
Sounded as though it may have been busier for you today, do hope so. LOVELY card, really love the tits and they still look great as bullfinches. Amazing background and love how the birds rest on the word, be grateful of a utube demo of today's blog when you've got over all this extra work. Hope you manage some time to yourselves after the last few days. Funny about the boots saga. You always make us laugh. All the best for tomorrow.xx
Oh Barb, you always make us laugh with your brilliant sense of humour, I can just see you laughing out load with every step you took lol! Nothing like having your own smoke machine following you around lol!
I do hope your toe is getting better though and glad that you are having a fabulous time at the NEC. I hope you are there in November as I hope to visit lol!
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Oh Dear forget to say what a fabulous card, love the background. Gorgeous
Love & Hugs
Jacquie j xxx
Good luck for the last day. Shame I couldn't come to say hello. Go Team Clarity! X
I can just see you walking along, puffs of powder from your boots with every step! Only you, Darlin'…only you! <3
Good morning all. Your lovely comments and responses have set me up for the last day. Thank you. Xxx
Good morning Barabra, hope today goes well for you all. Love this card and the way you have positioned the bird on the wording. A YouTube would be much appreciated. Anne x
Morning Barb, I am sure the visitors over the last 3 days and today the last day at the NEC are coming away with loads of ideas and inspiration. Could just see you with little puffs of talc appearing out the boots. Hope the toe is not too painful. Would love to see a youtube video of this gorgeous card, as I now have these stamps and the latest sets of the word chains. Have a wonderful day, hopefully somebody has been snapping away, and we will see some more pics from the NEC. Bx
I love this stamp and I am going to order it if it's available of course. I owe it to myself as the blue tits are nesting in my box for the second year after 16years of trying to temp them. So not only will I have the stamp the real thing in my garden I can get my tits out any time I like love you barb June horrocks xxxxx
Hope the day is great and that the toe gets better soon. xxx
Thank you for the laugh Barbara. The thought of you leaving talcy footprints had me in stitches.
Love the card, as always and look forward to the you tube. Enjoy the last day at the NEC . Keep in mind that large glass of wine when you get home! Don't want to rub it in , but you missed a great day of rugby yesterday 🙁
Gayle x
Unless you're Scottish!!!!!!!!! xx
If I were you, I'd have had slippers on, behind the counter Barb. It sounds as if you were busier yesterday, and I know it must be hectic, but you do need enough sales to cover costs, and some extra to boost the coffers. Now you have inspired me, I'll have to 'get my tits out' too! LOL.
Hi Barbara. I love your card. I just wish that my tits would sit nice and perky on the wordchain rather than sagging all over the place!
I hope today goes well at the NEC and you aren't pulled up by security for having something you shouldn't in your boots : ) Take care x
Hi Barb,
Love the artwork today, and I believe that it was talc, I really do!!!!
Well, it'll all be over by now and you'll be packing up as fast as you can. Safe journey home to all of you.
Maureen xx
Only just catching up with the blogs. This one today has made me laugh as earlier on i was at a craft fair and cam e across another cheeky artist who is fond of the blue tits. Posted the link on your wall.
Your tits are great Barbara – very versatile! lol This is a lovely piece & the tits would look fab inked with any colour I'm sure….a new trend of mulit-coloured tits…now there's a thought!!!!
Looking forward to when you are in Crowborough so that I can pay a visit.
Take care, Carole x
I've got a wonderful picture in my head of your talcum boots as you stride purposefully into Hall 11. 🙂
Gorgeous birds and the little tit on the sentiment looks great. What a funny thought, your fragrant boots, and there must be a wonderful fragrance wafting behind you too! Oh, that is unless it is fragrance free talc lol. Hope your sore toe will allow you to get out of your boots soon! x
Barbara, I just have to say I often get a laugh from your humour. Today though, i was laughing out loud as I read your post about getting your tits out, and the comments about one lady's tits sagging or drooping………..My grandmother was from London, so I understand a lot of the expressions that are not commonly used over here in Canada. I must tell you, though, that tits is a common word here for a woman's breasts………
i can just visualize those pouffs of talcum powder with every step……