Sunday Sunshine Santa Fé Style
Thanks for stopping by! Spent a lovely day with Dave in Santa Fé yesterday. Strolled around for hours.
Found a great fresh organic Café for breakfast, called Pascuals.
Talk about sensory overload! Check this out:
The artwork was fantastical and vibrant,
The murals were superb,
Everywhere you looked, there was another unique artefact
Even hidden in the walls!
It was a really delightful place. The food? Ah yes, the food was excellent. Best omelette I’ve ever eaten. You wouldn’t think that an omelette could be a fab culinary experience, but it was for sure! Not cheap, but superb. Dave said the same. So a BIG thumbs up from us two travellers – If you ever get to Santa Fé, be sure to visit Pascuals.
Next stop, Cowboy Bootshop…
More art in bootform…
Did she find a pair?
Has the Pope got a balcony?!
So onwards they mooched, chatting to the local artists and soaking up the colours and flavours.
The Native American Indian artists display their beautiful silver jewellery and turquoise on the ground in the shade of the Plaza every day. It works off a lottery system. If they get selected they can sell their wares.
Can you imagine queuing up in the early hours each day, to find out whether or not you are allowed to sit on the ground in the square and sell your artwork? Think about it.
Art. Everywhere. In the shops, the galleries, the parks, the streets.
God knows how many wonderful bronzes there are! There is a whole area called Canyon Road which is pretty much all about bronzes.
Did you know that Santa Fé is the second largest Art Mecca in the States, after New York? Gallery upon gallery upon gallery. The Georgia O’Keefe Museum is my favourite. You could spend a month here and still not even touch the sides!
Great architecture,
Old adobe,
Real funky!
Look at this lamp made of twigs. There is a whole shop of these exquisite lamps! They cost a very pretty penny. Every time I say I’m going to make one. I’ve even gathered the twigs! One day, I’ll just go in and buy a little one I think…..
Yes, if I ever need a dose of inspiration, a walk through this town will set me up for months to come. The place just oozes talent and creativity.
I must confess, I was speaking to Dave on the way home, that sometimes that sheer mass of artistic talent makes me feel rather inadequate. He dismissed my insecurities with a wave of his hand and reassured me that I am every bit as creative as anybody else in Santa Fé. God bless him. What a difference a Dave makes.
And so, instead of comparing what I do with what they do, I’ve decided to just love what they do, and enjoy what I do. Much easier on the head and the soul, eh.
Amazing evening skies on the way out of town too.
If we get time, we’ll head back for another day. Who knows – I may even find my sunglasses! And if I don’t find my old ones, I’ll certainly find my new ones – Haha xx I can feel another shopping trip coming on….
Muchos besos!
50 thoughts on “Sunday Sunshine Santa Fé Style”
What a wonderful day and beautiful sunsets. Enjoy.
Lovely blog that I could read on the bus in to work and set me up for the day! Bypi seen to find the most beautiful places key alone the boots! Inadequate ? You have to be joking that's one word that would never spring toons about you !! Have a fab time! Glad Dave dropped the overalls it was reminding me of
Silent witness! That's the trouble using the phone on the bus it doesn't always
work……….. let's finish this now I'm at work! Bypi in the first message should read 'you' and toon should be 'to mind'
Great pictures Barbara, You sure are having a great time out there,
What a beautiful and inspirational place, Barbara. You are tempting me with another place to add to my wish list.
I sometimes feel that seeing everyone's different artwork on FB has the same affect on me. Whilst inspired, it can make me feel inadequate so I might have to adopt your new expression and just enjoy what I do. So pleased that you're having such a fantastic time. We've got crunching frozen snow & ice underfoot here so I'm staying in today..can't risk a slip! Love the donkey statue. Love Jeanette xx
Hi Barb,
Are you crazy, there's nothing inadequate about what you do. Heaven help the rest of us in that case, and Dave is right – so listen to him, and keep up your wonderful, descriptive blog.
Glad you're having such a good time. xx
Santa Fe looks like an amazing place. Glad you and Dave are having such a good time. Xxx
What a wonderful place, Barbara! Thank you for showing it to us. It makes me want to book a flight right now!! Pity I don't have a Dave to bring with me….. 🙁 Ah, well…… I shall just continue to enjoy it second hand, through your blog. I look forward to tomorrow's instalment….. Jo xx
Hello Barbara,
You definately not inadequate. Art is different things to different people. Everybody has talent of varying degrees. I am not happy about the people who have to wait every day to see if they are allowed to sell their wares. Thought America was the land of the free. Another disillusionment.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
Hi Barbara. I am njoying reading your blog so much, introducing me to places I just dream of visiting. Santa Fe looks such an inspirational place and I can see why you have kept a home there. Dave is right, you are equally talented, everyone should have a Dave! Anne x
Amazing shots, looks like the wild west with the red sandy looking buildings. Very sad having to queue to sell your wears. I have a friend who is lucky to be sponsored to attend the annual craft faure in Sante Fe. She loves it there, always returns home buzzing with ideas. Your art is not just limited to the products you make it also inspires others to look for their own arty self and you help us to find it. Now that really is priceless! Enjoy the rest of your holiday x
Looks like a fantastic place, the colours are not ones I lean towards but in your photographs the browns and russets of the earth and buildings look fantastic
HI Barb, what a fantastic day. Mind you, you lost me in the cowboy boot shop I'm still in there. Do they provide camp beds for people who never want to leave as they think they've found heaven? Dave is so right in what he said to you and the way you now perceive it is just right. You are every bit as talented so don't let anyone tell you differently. Continue to have a great stay. xxx
Morning Barbara, Thanks for sharing your holiday with us. Fabulous scenery and I love the boots!
I hope you both enjoy the rest of your stay.
Ruth x
I don't think anyone ever feels their art is good enough, but I think all the awards should help you realise how loved you are! Xx
Rockin' the boots Barbara!
Thanks for sharing.
Amanda xxx
Oh Barbara, thank you so much for posting and sharing all your pics, it's made me want to go.
I am making my first ever trip to the US in October – I'm 68 and I'm going to spend all 4 days at the Houston quilt show. I wish Santa Fe was a bus ride away from Houston, but I very much doubt it. (I mean a day trip, not a cross the US greyhound type bus).
Sounds amazing, I do find other artists inspiring too. But different environments do certainly recharge the old batteries. Can't wait to see what this generates. Enjoy the rest of your break and breathe it all in. Thanks for sharing with those of us who can't travel, it gives me a lift. X
what awesome colours! i would just love to take a stroll there to absorb some of it. i agree with Dave with regards the artwork. to each his own. everybody is good at what they do and if we all did the same we would be mighty boring wouldn't we? i'll bet they would love to be able to do what you do and are not able to! hugs xx
Hi Barb,
thank you for give us a great overview about this city… I must confess I only knew the name Santa Fe but I haven´t know anything about it… never thought that it is so arty.
Thanks for sharing
Rolf xxx
Always love your blogs and really been enjoying your travel diaries. Have a great rest of your stay x
Hi Barbara, inadequate is certainly not a word that springs to mind when I think about you so I'm glad you have Dave to reassure you. Also if you are inadequate I'm not sure what that makes me but I like your new phrase I think I will gave to adopt it so that I can admire your work and that of others while enjoying what I do even if it isn't very good.
Thank you for sharing your trip with us and enjoy the rest of your holiday.
Jackie x
Oh what a lovely town, photographs are wonderful and the best – the evening sunset. What a pleasure it is to share your holiday- thank you so much.
Just the thing to warm us up and cheer us on a chilly winter morning in Wales! I am going to have to forward this to a friend of mine, for she is an artist in the general Santa Fe area. Georgia O'Keeffe is my most favourite artist. ~~~Deb
As a shoeaholic just love the boots – you've reminded me of my pair of Rocket Busters from El Paso and a pair with' bling' toes bought in The Hague. Thank you – I'd forgotten I had them; time for a hunt!
Hi Barbara how can you doubt yourself look at all your clarity followers and how much you teach us I would never have thought I would enter my cards into your clarity challenge or leave comments on your blog or have a gold club membership my crafting is what keeps me going xxx
What an interesting place Barbara and what a great time you are having and lovely photos too. Wishing you a happy tomorrow! x
What a fabulous place. No wonder you are so in love with it. So much art, so little time. Enjoy the rest of your well earned holibobs. X
Thanks for sharing your holiday with us all, I really look forward to my little slice of 'Barbarland' each day, the photos are fantastic as always, really makes me want to visit. Enjoy the rest of your well-deserved break with Dave.
Love your holiday blogthanksnfor sharing love June xxc
Hi Barbara, what an amazing place full of such natural and man made beauty. Thank you soo much for sharing and letting me see another part of the world that I would never have otherwise had the pleasure of. It's upsetting to hear of the local artists having to queue never knowing if they are going to get picked, what's so wrong with letting them all sit and offer their wares for sale, giving them all a chance of making a living, or at the very least a rota system. Why can all human beings not just be kind to each other and respect each other! That's why this blog of yours is so special, not a bad word is said and people showing kindness and respect for each other, sharing and helping, and you so generously sharing and teaching all your creative ideas, techniques, helping each of us to improve not only on the arty front but also as people. That's what I try to remind myself when I get scared to do a comment or scared in case I've said something wrong. Your artwork is unique and more and more it's blowing my mind when I see you take it to the next level or you bring us something new. So please never let yourself think you are inadequate, that makes me sad to hear you think that. That's another gremlin you need to send packing :).
have fun
Love Brenda xx
I concur with Dave, I have been to Santa Fe and you could open a shop there and be awesome, you under estimate your talents, love the cowboy boots…. YEEHAW!
Santa Fe looks like a very interesting place to visit. Loving the boots! I agree with Brenda about sending that 'not good enough' gremlin packing. I think that loving what we do after being inspired by someone else is definitely a good mindset to have. Xx
I will let you know when I perfect it! Xx
Dave and Debby are quite right. You can hold your own in the talent stakes with anyone anywhere. Enjoy the talents of others but never doubt your own. xx Maggie
Love the boots, the art work, the beautiful evening sky and knowing that you and Dave are having such a fab time. Pat x
What a fab place Barbara. So glad you and Dave had fun. x
Love the boots. Santa Fe looks amazing, I would lose myself there as well. Thankyou for sharing your trip, lovely to see all these arty places. xx
Hi Barb,
Fabulous blog today. You are certainly going to really special places and I love those boots – did you buy them?! I don't know how you can ever believe that you are inadequate and everyone who comes to visit the blog every day, those that follow you on C&C, attend the retreats and open days etc should prove to you that you definitely aren't. I agree with you as well that everyone should have a Dave – mine is busy doing a Wasgij puzzle at the moment, so at least he's quiet!! Hope you find the sunglasses! Love Alison xxx
What an amazing place and love those boots! Glad you are having such a wonderful time! Love and hugs xx
Amazing boots! Thanks for taking us on a stroll around downtown Santa Fe – another place on my wishlist, along with the National Parks … one day. Enjoy your holiday, Susan x
ooh Barbara, now thats my sort of sight seeing and shopping trip!! loving the boots, loving the Native American Art – love their art so please carry on being inspired by them!!! I can smell the omelette and the coffee from here!!!
Much love
Kim xx
Hi Barbara. Thank you for sharing another fabulous post with us. Once again you have led us around a fascinating place that most of us will never get to visit, and shown us just the surface of Sante Fe. What a place it is, very sad to hear about the lottery sellers though! I didn't realise that it is so "arty". It must have been hard to leave. I love the bronze of the donkeys and your boots. How long did it take for you to decide which ones to have.
I am so glad that you have Dave to sooth away your worries. Inadequate is NOT a word you should ever think about yourself, if you do ever think it again just stop and remind yourself of what you have achieved so far in this life and how many people you inspire and bring joy to every single day : )
Looking forward to seeing what you have for us tomorrow. Take care.
Thank you for sharing,
putting this place on my wish list!
Looks wonderful, Barbara…and those boots weren't made for walking (very far). You need to keep on enjoying what you're doing so that we can keep on loving you enjoying what you do. I completely empathise with the inadequacy thing, but I too am learning to appreciate and use what minor talents I may have. Addicted to the blog too x
Looks an amazing place to go Barb, I am envy of you seeing Georgia O' Keefe work, I love here art work.
Love your boots too lol!
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Hi Barbara. Wow what a place and what a sunset, thank you for sharing it with us. Thank goodness you have got a Dave in your life to put you straight. Yes art is in the eye of the beholder and everyone is different so you are not inadequate at all! Would love to see the Georgia O'Keefe gallery, Emma studied her for Gcse so we know her work well. Love those boots, now are they just for standing around looking pretty in or are they practical walking ones?? Lol. Enjoy your extra shopping trip for sunglasses. Have a wonderful time with your lovely Dave. Take care love Diane xxx
Hey Barb, well what can a person say, apart from bloomin gorgeous. Love the puctures, so thanks for sharing. Very jealous of the boots:-). Enjoy the rest of your trip. Bx
Dave and Debby are quite right. You can hold your own in the talent stakes with anyone anywhere. Enjoy the talents of others but never doubt your own. xx Maggie
What amazing art work could spend all day in there drinking coffee and admiring the art work thanks for sharing love Joy xxx