Sneak Peek at Sundays TV Shows….
Hello there!
Thanks for stopping by.
I’ve been working on the demos for the Sunday TV Shows today.
I am so lucky to have this lovely art-room to work in.
What a difference to have a whole room to myself.
I spent many a happy year on the dining-room table though!
Let me rephrase that…
Thought I’d whet your arty appetite here,
Wednesday’s blog is something new, after all.
Really liking the new Tree stamps which are coming up
on Sunday morning.
They almost threw me, because I could see so many possibilities,
I got a little lost in my head that became a forest!
Tell you what, if you invested in the Wee Folk last month
(who actually sold out completely before we even finished our walk down the counter last month!),
then these trees are a Gotta have.
See what I mean?? They just fit so beautifully!
I’m not going to show you the finished artwork,
but please join me on Sunday and see what I get up to!
And yes, the Wee Folk are back in stock, too.
I would love to show you my favourite stamp this month,
a magnificent Panel, a whole window of birds. Mel drew it,
and it is precious. But no. I can resist…
Otherwise there’ll be nothing under the tree!
I’ve also been asked to do an extra show at 5pm on Sunday.
It’s a Special Extra Hour, to showcase our lovely American Style stamps and stencils
which we launched at the CHA earlier this month.
Well, I’m looking forward to that hour, too!
We can have another look at the fab artwork samples
the Clarity Design Team sent me to L.A. with.
It definitely deserves another airing.
So tune in:
Createandcraft 9am-11am and 5pm
Freesat 813 Virgin 748 Freeview 36 Sky 674
And if none of those work, then go to createandcraft.co.uk.
And if you haven’t got a computer, go next door!
Much Love,
38 thoughts on “Sneak Peek at Sundays TV Shows….”
Ooooo extra clarity …….yay!!!! Xxxx
Looking forward to Sunday. Trees look a bit tempting, I must say. Intrigued 😎
Don't think my neighbours would appreciate me invading them to watch crafts lol, but don't worry Barbara I will be watching and recording as usual, so I can watch them all again. Looking forward to seeing all your new stamps and demos, and the samples for your fantastic design team. An extra hour at 5 is great news, crafty hugs xxx
These stamps look fab, can't wait to see end result. Looking forward to Sunday morning and afternoon, thanks J x
I will see you there! Alerts set on the phone! Glad to report that I have received booking confirmation for Crowborough in July and the B&B is also booked. Sorted, but lots to do between now and then, including Christmas each month when Clarity club arrives! Yeh, Love it. Lots of love Vanessa
Wow is that another month that's flashed by? Extra Clarity too. Yay!. So pleased to see that the wee folk can go to the park now but not sure about the image of you spread out on the dining-room table! Poor Dave. No wonder he had a whole room built for you down the end of the garden!! Looking forward to seeing the new precious Mel stamp, sounds wonderful. Have to go now as need to go set the sky +. Love Jeanette
Hello Barbara,
As I work weekends my friend records your shows and we watch them together. She has a very busy week next week so I will have to wait until Thursday or Friday before we will be able to watch!
Hello Barbara,
As I work weekends my friend records your shows and we watch them together. She has a very busy week next week so I will have to wait until Thursday or Friday before we will be able to watch!
Barbara you're such a tease lol. Really looking forward to sunday xx
Hooray! Extra Clarity on Sunday! I got my Wee Folk stamps last week….used them for my grandson's 8th birthday card. (Happy Birthday, Dominic) I stepped out of my comfort zone just a bit….well, quite a lot actually……but was so delighted with the end result! And so was Dominic! Thanks, Barbara. xxx
Welcome home Barbara. Lovely stamps and I agree they work really well with the wee folk. Looking forward to Sunday's shows. Kind regards Joanne K x
Oooh like these trees, looking forward to Sunday and yippee, an extra helping of Barbara and Clarity
Oh! Squeeeee ~~~ actually, I shouldn't be quite so excited that it is the first Sunday of the month coming up because it means January has already gone and where the heckle did it go to????? Still, really looking forward to Sunday because Sunday is the day I get a whole half hour lie in and as it is the 1st of the month it will be easy peasy breakfast and pj's day until your slot on C&C is done ~~~ I do love first of the month Sundays since I found you! ~~~Deb xo
Wow lovley trees I got the wee folk from clarity both sets they are brilliant they fit the jumper set perfectly looking forward to the shows got it ready to record wow and an extra show too happy crafting xx
Stop teasing us!! 🙂 these trees look lovely – I'm waiting for my Wee Folk to arrive and I guess I'm just going to have to get these. Looking forward to seeing the panel too. xx
Lol spent many happy hours on the dining room table – that made me laugh. Extra clarity too – bonus!! Great card too Barbara – can't wait to see the finished article. Xxx
Fabulous, i will be with Janet Pring at our Clarity East workshop, cant wait, its been ages! BUT will be home to see the 5pm show. Have a great show, let's hope we get lots of demos in 🙂
The dinning room table is where I do it too! (titter, titter!) I shall be watching on Sunday and the extra hour is great! Can't wait to see that bird panel, sounds right up my street. Xx
Thanks for the reminder – recorder all set just in case we're otherwise engaged! No, nothing to do with the kitchen table, but we're in redecorating mode, so there may be an appointment with a paintbrush…Susan x
Oooh! looking tempting. I'll be watching on Sunday, credit card at the ready. Pat x
Hi Barb,
I can't believe that January has almost gone already! Looking forward to Sunday and an extra hour too -yeah! Like the look of the new tree stamps and can't wait to see the panel stamp. I'm still trying to get the picture of you on the dining room table out of my head!! Love Alison xxx
so glad you have an extra show. yes those stamps do deserve another airing as does all the beautiful artwork, hugs xx
I absolutely love the wee folk and hope there will be other additions! The panel of birds sounds great! As does two shows… Hope you are not too jet lagged though!
Looking forward to watching you on Sunday xx
Much love
Kim xx
Oh gosh … I rang in my order this afternoon (which included the wee folk) so I think I'll have to do another soon to get the trees! Mind you, the bird panel sounds intriguing & may be perfect for my bird watching husband. Will have to think of a good tale to spin to justify buying tho – this order grew after yesterdays blog. Hubby has bought me the allium set & gilding flakes for Valentines. Perhaps I could buy him the bird panel for his birthday!
Thanks Barbara for bringing us such moments of joy – it will be a Sunday treat having the extra programme 🙂
Hugs, Alison.
Wow, where did January go? Must get my challenge card in before it's too late. Can't wait for Sunday, I think 2 Clarity shows in one day deserve a big fat 'do not disturb' warning going out. The trees look great.
Hi Barbara
Looking forward to the shows on Sunday and to see what you've done with the trees.I think I'll be buying the tree stamps for sure they look quite cool,and am intrigued about the bird stamps.
Hi Barb,
Lovely surprise that it's Barbara Sunday, the month has gone so quickly. I'll alert the other half that I must not be disturbed by anything other than cups of coffee!!
Lovely sneaky peaks Barbara and an extra hour which has got to be good! Looking forward to Sunday. x
Hello Barb, I can't believe the time has come round so quickly. And when you think of what you've been up to since your last UK airing. Well. I certainly love my wee folk so I think the trees are going to be a must have. So looking forward to another excuse to hide away and give you my full attention. xx Margaret Col.
Loving the look of the new stamps and some returning stock of some stamps . And an extra hour to boot. X Alison
Looking forward to Sundays show's
Hi Barbara Oh you tease, these tree stamps look lovely and the bird panel sounds interesting, then you tell us we have you for an extra hour. Roll on Sunday! Haha yes I was spread out on the dining room table today too ( what an image!) , I'm sure there are many people who are!!!! Lol. Take care love Diane xxx
I can't wait to play with the wee people, very cool…looking forward to the Sunday shows….
Hello Barb, these new stamps look wonderful, ànd as you say look great with the wee folk, and the bird panel sounds amazing. Great to know that we have an extra hour with Craftalongabarbie. Looking forward to it and the inspiring samples and demos. Have a good day. Bx
Hello Barb. I have all your shows recorded as i can then lok back on them. Will set recorder for both shows Sunday. Looking forward to the extra hour as I have the glasses stamps,
Thank you for your great stamps and work.
Beautiful Barb, I love trees so excited to see he finished result.
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Hi Barbara. Love the new tree stamps, the wee folk fit beautifully don't they. Anyone would think that they were made to work together : )
Many happy times on your dining table……best not go there had we! : )) Only 3 more sleeps then we get 3 hours of you on our screens, what a great way to spend a Sunday : ) I hope the weather is kind to you. Take care.
Like the look of the tree stamps. I bought the wee folk so these are probably necessary. Even my daughter who does not use stamps liked the wee folk. Will enjoy the Sunday shows, an extra hour yippee!! xx