Wonder Winterland…and more Blog Candy
Hello there!
Happy Bank Holiday Monday!
I hope you are enjoying your long weekend?
Yesterday was brilliant. The last time I checked the Just Giving Page for ALS/MND, we had raised £1,312 + £278 Giftaid.
Well done to the Clarity team for rising to the Ice Bucket Challenge so brilliantly, and to all who donated.
There was some negative, judgemental comment mixed in
with all the uplifting action, but to be frank,
I couldn’t give a dead bat’s arse.
We have raised £1,300 + for a group of poor sufferers.
If you missed the fun, go back to yesterday’s blog! Nuffsed.
I hope you are enjoying your long weekend?
Yesterday was brilliant. The last time I checked the Just Giving Page for ALS/MND, we had raised £1,312 + £278 Giftaid.
Well done to the Clarity team for rising to the Ice Bucket Challenge so brilliantly, and to all who donated.
There was some negative, judgemental comment mixed in
with all the uplifting action, but to be frank,
I couldn’t give a dead bat’s arse.
We have raised £1,300 + for a group of poor sufferers.
If you missed the fun, go back to yesterday’s blog! Nuffsed.
I am very happy NOT to be working this weekend.
Back in the not-so-long-ago day,
when we couldn’t make ends meet all year round with stamps,
when we made those lovely slate vases too,
this was always the Stonor Craftshow weekend.
4 days of camping in the field by the showground.
It was also always the weekend that the kids would come back from visiting their father in California for the summer,
ready to go back to school.
So they would more often than not get picked up at Heathrow and brought to the show to be with me. Camping and hanging out with all their friends on that circuit was a great distraction for them, because I think the rift between mother and father,
not to mention geographical distance,
was always hard for them to bounce between.
not to mention geographical distance,
was always hard for them to bounce between.
Anyway, just wanted to flag up that although I actually used to really enjoy Stonor, it’s especially nice not to be camping.
How well I recall sleeping in the van on a blow-up bed one year! A crowd of us had been into town for a meal, and I had forgotten to sort the mattress out beforehand. We crept back to the campsite in the dark, and then I remembered what I hadn’t remembered!
I was using the foot pump to inflate the bed in the dark, and
I was using the foot pump to inflate the bed in the dark, and
all the neighbouring tents etc. thought we were at it!
Squeak squeak squeak!!!
Squeak squeak squeak!!!
The worse it sounded, the faster I tried to pump,
to get it over with quickly – and the worse it sounded!
My friend Sophia, the mad, wonderful, Peek-a-boo hat lady,
was cackling with laughter outside, waking up the entire campsite,
so they ALL heard us at it. But there was only ME in the van!!!
to get it over with quickly – and the worse it sounded!
My friend Sophia, the mad, wonderful, Peek-a-boo hat lady,
was cackling with laughter outside, waking up the entire campsite,
so they ALL heard us at it. But there was only ME in the van!!!
Ahh, those were the days…
Anyway, enough woffle.
How about a little Christmas card, using shrink plastic?
I am trying to mix up the daily blogs, so that they aren’t samey.
Ice Bucket here, talcum powder there….
Ice Bucket here, talcum powder there….
Starting again, with a BLANK white A6 piece of Claritycard,
dust with talc. This will stop the embossing powder from clinging.
Stamp the Wonderland stamp in Black Archival,
and heat from underneath.
This is how the embossed piece will go super-smooth.
If you heat from on top, it will go more dimply.
Trim the card.
Use a black Micron pen to add a faux stitch.
Black Shrink Plastic. Delightful stuff.
Cut it out with a Spellbinder tag die and punch a hole.
Stamp the Shakespeare quote in White Brilliance,
use a tame heat gun to shrink, or pop it in the oven on a teflon baking tray for a minute, and get perfection every time!
Look how much it shrinks!
Layer up, mount on craft card, add a ribbon, lovely.
Quick and simple.
Let’s keep it simple.
Buy the large Winterland stamp, and we will give you
the Sweet Content Shakespeare quote (rrp 7.25) as a gift.
The winner of Saturday’s £20 Gift voucher is:
(email me your address and we will send you the gift voucher xx)
(email me your address and we will send you the gift voucher xx)
Why ? Why not??
leave a lovely, uplifting, positive message,
and tomorrow you may win
a lovely tin of Spectrum Noir pencils.
You can even pick the set you would like!
much love,
105 thoughts on “Wonder Winterland…and more Blog Candy”
Stunning card! I do like monochromatic cards!!
What great fun we had yesterday and all in such a good cause….and more to come today I think!!!
Love and hugs!! Xxx
Paul Church, Mandy Branston and others!!!!
Sounds like you ticking them off as they do it Barbara. Made me smile so much yesterday and all in a good cause. Brilliant. x
A lovely blog on a miserable, wet Monday morning. At least it's a no-work day tho! x
Very nice, peaceful card for a very wet Monday. I'm off to hide in my craft room and play with my Clarity toys all day long. I am inspired by Clarity to try and make a masterpiece!!! Whatever it will be fun.
Best wishes
Sometimes the simplest cards can be the most stunning and this one is no exception! Gorgeous. As for the negative comments just ignore them – I bet they would be the first ones to complain if one of their loved ones needed treatment and there was insifficient funding for it. I love your philosophy Barb – and I couldn't give a dead bat's arse about them either!! Rofl. Xx
Well done on yesterday! Beautiful card today. Looks quite simple but stunning. Love the faux stitch too. Not tried shrink plastic yet. I will add that to my list of new things to try when I have a bit of time. The pumping of the air bed story made me laugh as did your emphasis on BLANK white card. Congratulations to JackieCou! x
Youbdo make me laugh with your stories, congratulations to all the team on the Ice Bucket Challenge. I love the great embellishments you can make with shrink plastic, but especially the fun you can have making them I have had more disasters Than I care to remember but these also gave me so much fun, getting the giggles as I created great unidentifiable blobs, that is what crafting is all about
Oh I so enjoyed seeing you and your Team throwing themselves into this amazing Challenge.
Negative comments – laugh in the face of them!!
I've got my dear cousin staying with me for a few days – at 62 he was diagnosed with dementia. We're trying to help out a little to give his partner a break. It hasn't all been easy, BUT you may ask "what's uplifting about this comment"! The uplifting part is that we've made him laugh so much his ribs hurt! He goes back later today but is coming back to us on Friday. That gives me time to polish up my tickling stick xxxxx
Yvonne, that is wonderful. You are a good woman xxx
Oops, I think my comment just got lost in blogland ether! Anyway, the card, though you say it is simple, is really effective. Keep enjoying your 'break'!
Morning Barbara, what a lovely, funny story to have my cuppa to. My boys dad and I split when they were babies so they don't know anything else. They have been packing their bags each weekend for 14 years now. I must admit now they are teenagers it's quite nice to have a day off sometimes!
I love the simplicity of this card, it looks so elegant (just like you xx).
Have a happy day,
Amanda xx
Great card by the way – haha meant to say that xxxx
Think you had best day for your challenge today is not nice out there so dark. Anyway love the card and bit if fun with shrink plastic have used any for while may have play later xx
Great news that you have raised so much money and for such a great cause, well done and thank you for making me smile yesterday. Love this card, really want to get these and make some of my Christmas cards this year. I did try your idea from Saturday and although it didn't go quite as planned I did learn a lot and it got me out of my crafters block so will have another try later today. Have a great day thanks Jx
I like that stamp. It has a stillness that you find on a snowy day. Less is defiantly more. Stunning. Enjoy you Bank Holiday Barb x
That is a very elegant looking card. I am going to play with my new Clarity farm stamps this afternoon and try to make a nice birthday card for my dad's birthday next week. Think I I might combine it with A Clarity stencil too.
I'm also enjoying the bank holiday, no rushing around. Lovely artwork this morning, lovely quote too, I haven't played with my shrink plastic in ages, hmmm I've got an idea for the challenge, just enough time to do it, thanks as always for the inspiration x
Lovely blog today and after seeing this beautiful card I am looking forward to Christms card making.
Good morning,
I just had the image of you and Dean doing the shrink plastic and it made me smile. I watched your ice bucket challenge again and that made me laugh. Congrats on raising so much money for this worthy cause. Lovely card. Xxx
Hi Debby, I hope things are ok and that you are ok xxxx
What a lovely Xmas card. You make using shrink plastic look so easy. Very very well done yesterday and hope you nice and warm now!
Hi Well done for yesterday. You gave us a great laugh! Must try shrink plastic. Have a relaxing day. AliJ x
thanks for the laugh on this very wet and dreary day down here in Dorset. have never tried shrink plastic on my cards but did do a workshop a few week ago and made a lovely bracelet all made from shrunk plastic drink bottles. continue to enjoy your break. xx
I have only recently got into card making and more recently found your blog after watching you on create and craft. Because of your fab tutorials and inspiring blogs, stamping and inking is now my new passion. Thank you so much. x
Hallo Barb,
einfach wunderschön diese Karte ,simpel aber schön.Ich muß mich doch mal an die Schrumpffolie trauen.
gglg von nicole aus Deutschland
Life is what you make it, you can not go back only improve on the future.
Now love working with shrink plastic and this card is great and looks easy to do, just need to order the black shrink place to add to growing colours you do. Don't work too hard you are precious to us all.
Beautiful card Barbara love the shrink plastic sentiment.
I keep saying I am going to try shrink plastic
Yesterday's ice bucket challenge was brill .I don't think he could have got more ice in your bucket if he tried good on ya.
I watched it on my mobile in the cafe of Marks and Spencer's every one was laughing
Well done the Clarity Team too. T x
Loved today's blog especially the camping story. So funny! Reminded me when I went camping with the parents one year in Wales . Camped in the dark and when we woke up we were in a field of nosey cows mooing like mad. Didn't know whether to laugh or cry! Think we packed up pretty quick that day! X
Shrink plastic! Such fun! Thanks for the inspiration and the ALS donation page. Marvellous time to go dance in the rain xxxx
Wow Barbara you have done a great job raising so much money. I have been visiting your blog regularly and the ice water (I am sorry) made me laugh out loud. It did look like Dave was prolonging the agony!! I am a Paediatric Nurse and can't tell you how much things we have been given from charity donations make our childrens stay in hospital better. Fab card as always Aileen xx
"A dead bat's arse " !! ?? Never heard that one before. You're an education in more ways than one. I caught up with your Ice Bucket challenge this morning & Dave is definitely smiling a little too much. I watched it with my 3 year old son, at the end when Dave walked off with the bucket he asked me if the man had gone to get some more snowballs – I bet you're pleased he hadn't. Great card & great fund raising
OMG I won! Was just thinking I'll go for the blogsale and read down further and it was me! I'm sure I have some shrink plastic somewhere amongst this lot!
I've posted my attempt at the 'then she went too far' blog on the Clarity website.
Well done to you and the team for the Ice Challenge, I was glad to see a page to donate to and have done so. We used to caravan all the time when we were little and love that, have never fancied camping though, I think we saw too many washed out in the fields opposite our caravan park in those days! wouldn't mind trying Glamping though!
It's a grim day here so staying in and crafting a bit more I think and will then visit Dad this afternoon.
Congratulations enjoy your voucher. xx
Thanks Lynne! x
Love your card beautiful snowy scene. Your story invoked memories of when my parents, grandparents, me and the dog used to ever year pile in the car with 4-berth caravan in tow. We would travel 400 miles up to a small campsite in Scotland. The things that happened on those journeys and the good times that we had have all come flooding back. Happy times, thanks for the memories.
Life will always have its naysayers. Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.
Loved today's blog, Christmas here we come te-he.
I bought shrink plastic ages ago and have never used it. Such is the life of a crafter.
Enjoy your day.
Stunning card. Love the shrink plastic sentiment, and so pleased and proud of the money you've raised. DOn't worry re. the bad comments, people are jealous of your success. Keep going back on yesterday blog's post to laugh again and again…… Enjoy your BAnk Holiday Monday, it's a "normal" day here in France.
Laurence x
It's LOVE that makes the world go round and you have oodles of that as you and others demonstrated yesterday. Love the blog today too… great chat and great card. Keep going, Barbara… we love it all! G xxx
oh Barbara,i love this Winterwonderland, will you bring this also to HSE24 ? 🙂
Baba aus Wien
Hello Barbara,
Well done yesterday. I love this card. I used this stamp last year for some of my Christmas cards, just added a deer.
Love, Roz.x
Just got to ignore all the miserable ones, bet they would have a change of heart if they were suffering from this horrible illness. It is brilliant what you and your team have achieved. Lovely story about the camping, my son did similar one year at Xmas. He realised they had not blown up mattress to stay over for night so took it outside to use car pump at midnight. Noisy I don't think we were too popular with neighbours. Funny though when he was trying to get it back in house. Beautiful card today, got to try shrink plastic. Spectrum Noirs , that is generous will keep fingers crossed. xx
Oh Barbara you do make me laugh. Loved the ice bucket challenge and well done for all the money raised. Love the card today. Keep it simple. Lovely. x
Morning Barbara. I too have never heard that saying before. Must remember that one. Why oh why would people be so negative. Every bit of fund raising – for whatever cause – is not only a financial help but also a way to raise awareness that more funding and research is required. I loved the vids of you and a few of your ladies along with a few others that were raising money for other charities. One friend of mine had two very large barrels poured over her and then she poured the basin of cold water that her feet had been in over herself. Lots of laughs to be had for good causes.
I love the card Barbara. I love working with shrink plastic. Just never with this stamp…Must sort that out! I shall have to buy the verse as I already have the wonderland stamp and they do go together so well.
Very well done on the money raised.
Hope you have a wonderful day x
I've been on face book this morning and every one's complaining about the rain-So I have posted saying I am Polly Anna and playing The Glad Game-There are so many things to be Glad for.
I love the rain you don't have to feel guilty about staying in and crafting.Lolx
Lovely card simple yet stunning. Laughing while reading your blog made my dog look at me! Well done for raising lots of money for a very good cause, why anyone would leave negative comments is beyond me. People can be so judgemental. Well, rise above them and keep remembering all the good you did by taking on the challenge. Hope you have a relaxing bank holiday. Love Donna XX
Hi Barbara, I absolutely love this, already have the clarity card but haven't used it yet. So I really must buy this stamp! Keep up the great work. I look forward to your blog every day, in fact I'd say I'm addicted to it. Such great inspiration! Thanks so much. xx
Lovely card as usual Barbara. I sometimes have a go at copying what you have done but somehow mine always looks like the poor relation!
Well done on your fundraising Barbara.
Love this card !
I have never used shrink plastic but always like it when I see the results.
Your work is always inspiring ,
Barbara what a lovley uplifting blog today wow how to raise so much money for the charity all these neurological illness are terrible to bear on the person who's has got the illness and the carer .thats why crafting is essential as it helps in many ways just think Barbara how many people you have helped over all the years you have been fetching us your products I say thank you to you and your clarity team xxx
Lovely card. I too was thinking about the shrink plastic with Dean. Always makes me smile especially on such a dreary day.
Lovely card Barbara, I have to say it was a great feeling going to bed knowing that the alarm wasn't going to go off at 6 this morning, although the dog couldn't quite understand it. You and your team have done a brilliant job accepting the challenge and thanks to Jo Rice I have done mine too for Clarity Cumbria! On an uplifting note, my dad had a stoke 9 years ago and is housebound and also doesn't say very much but both he and my mum giggled all evening last night watching all the clips, and when the carers came to put him to bed all you could hear was him giggling and talking, so thank you xx
WOW I can't believe how much has been raised!! Brilliant. I think you had the most ice Barbara?? By the time I did mine Tesco and Asda in our area had run out of ice??? Either there are a lot of Cocktails being made or a lot of people are doing this challenge. Its great being part of this lovely fun team. xxx Love this card too. I didn't know why I needed Black Shrink Plastic until now! xx
What a great amount of money to raise Barbara, and more to come I'm sure. This card is uncomplicated but so elegant, and the shrink plastic sentiment looks great and makes me think of you, Dean and that tin tray. Boy, did that make me laugh! I also love the layering and the faux stitching. With the weather like it is here today I feel really sorry for anyone who is camping and at this precise moment having to bail out I should think! Anyway, thank you for the wonderful offers and blog candy. x
Simply beautiful!
Love the card Barbara congrats for raising so much money for such a good cause loved the vidio of you doing your bucket challenge love June xxxxxxxx
What a wonderful idea to raise money for #icebucketchallenge in this way. The card is gorgeous and beautifully simple, I do so love shrink plastic but rarely use black it looked really good. I have heard so much about SN pencils but do not have any(too much stuff!?) so it would be tremendous to win some, not knowing too much about them I would be happy to get any you recommended to start with. Have a wonderful Bank Holiday Barbara, everyone at claritystamps and all followers. 🙂
Lovely Winter/Christmas Card. I am really pleased to hear how much Money has been donated. Wonderful! xxx
Lovely card Barbara. You mentioning camping made me think back to our camping days when that was the only way we could afford a holiday. So many laughs though. Once we camped on a beach near Criccieth and not only did it start to rain and the wind picked up too. The tent pegs didn't hold in the sandy ground and we ended up chasing the tent and our belongs around the campsite.
Love that card – my sister bought me a Clarity gift card last year, and it arrived in a wonderful card from you, using that same stamp and verse. What a lovely feeling!
Lovely project, I've never used shrink plastic, maybe it's time to give it a go. I was at Stonor park on Saturday, brilliant day out, could have spent an absolute fortune – if I had a fortune!!! I hope the weather doesn't put people off going today.
Lovely design, maybe I'm starting to think about Christmas -horrors!
Such a clean elegant card – love it! Well done to you and all the team on raising so much money for such a worthy cause. Extra ice in the bucket I think for all those nay-sayers! Congrats to Jackie on winning the gift card, and thanks for all those lovely blog candy offerings and special deals this week – I'm tempted, but promised myself no more Christmas stuff until I've used up some of that mountain in my craft room!!! Susan x
Lovely card for Christmas I must start my Christmas cards, I keep trying to be good and not buy any Christmas stamps this year. Well done to you for raising money for such a worthy cause. xx
Elegant and peaceful card! Love the camping story! You are an inspiration with all that you do and manage to cram into one day!! Well done on the fund raising. I'm fighting the urge to buy more Christmas stamps but I fear I will cave in! On such a dismal day, there is only one thing to do – off to the playroom for me!!
I love the monochromatic style of cards, beautiful artwork again and the shrink plastic always brings back memories of you and Dean on C and C.
As for the squeaking when blowing up the airbeds, reminds me of camp with my Guides.
And the negativity of people astounds me, what you did was a fun ( perhaps not?) way to raise funds and the profile of a deserving charity, GOOD FOR YOU!!
Hello Barb, well done to you and the clarity team for the amount raised. How I laughed at the foot pump squeaking story. This card is lovely, very classy, and I love the sentiment on the shrink plastic. I am enjoying the chance to win on the blog candy, but then again I try comment on your blog everyday, as they are always uplifting, whether it be an arty one or a story. Well done JackieCou. Enjoy what is left of your bank holiday everyone. Bx
What a lovely card again! Simple, yet beautiful. Are the spectrum noir pencils really as good as you say? I have the pens, but just can't justify the pencils at the moment! They may have to go onto my Christmas wish list!! Thank you so much for doing the sale – it means we get to enjoy even more clarity products!
Alana x
What a fantastic amount of money you have raised, congratulations. I giggled out loud at your foot pump,story thanks for sharing and making me giggle.
I love your card too it's simple but very elegant. Thanks for the chance to win some wonderful candy
Jackie x
I love this stamp and also the comment about the 'dead bats arrse" I really can't understand all the negative comments about the ice bucket challenge, I threw a bucket over my husband this morning,I t was great 🙂 ( I have also donated a tender but it was worth it)
There are always a few negative comments and negative people in life you are so right to just ignore them you bring such pleasure and inspiration to so many of us you should feel very good about yourself. I went to Stonor yesterday a good day but Im glad its not today with so much rain here.
A gorgeous picture book Christmas!…lovely. Imagine if you had had to use your 'puff' to blow up that mattress!
What a great card. I received my shrink plastic from Clarity the other day and am going to try it out tomorrow as I have run out of time today as I have been decorating another candle and then playing with shaving foam and ink misters.
Hi Barb,
What a lovely card. This is one of my favourite stamps – I used it on loads of my Christmas cards last year, but stupidly, I've never thought about embossing it!! The story today was so funny especially the foot pump bit! I had a good chuckle at that! Well done for the money raised so far, ignore the negative comments – as you say, it's all for a good cause. Please don't enter my name in the draw as I have all of the Spectrum Noir pencils already. Thanks for everything, love Alison xxx
Hi Barb,
Congratulations on raising so much money for a VERY worthy cause. Mean spirited people only hurt themselves, so you are right to ignore them.
Really love the cleanliness and simplicity of this card. I think the best thing about shrink plastic is the holding of the breath to see if it will flatten out – it's a real heart stopper. I think the secret is using a low temperature heat gun.
Camping story – We took my daughter, son-in-law and baby 8 months old to Braithwaite near Keswick in the Lake District for a week in a cottage to celebrate my birthday. It was so gorgeous that the Saturday we came home they decided to pack the tent and go straight back. We went back with them, helped to put up the tent, treated them to dinner and then we came home.
The next morning got a phone call from my daughter to say that baby had woken up during the night and wouldn't settle so they'd left everything and came home! We went back with them that day and packed up and came home. That's home from the lakes, back to the lakes, home from the lakes, back to the lakes and home from the lakes all between Saturday morning and Sunday lunch time -beat that!!!
Now I have to apologise because we've had a lovely sunny Bank Holiday Monday here in the North East. It really upset us to see it raining in London ha ha ha. xx
Well done raising so much money! That's brilliant! So is the gorgeous card, such a lovely stamp! xxx
Hi Barbara wow great card today and I love the look of that shrink plastic in black – very snazzy. Oh my goodness more giggles today with the squeaky air mattress – you do make me laugh – I can imagine the van rocking from side to side too!!! Lol. Congratulations on raising so much money and for having a laugh whilst you did it (well Dave had a laugh anyway) you are a good sport. Have a great evening. Love Diane xxx
Hello Barb.. What a wonderful fundraiser you are.I have been nominated but this week I am in Somerset for a family funeral so it will have to wait. Really want to try the spectrum pens so fingers crossed. Have totally forgotten about shrink plastic so thank you for reminding me of what fun it is. Xx Margaret Col.
Hi Barbara,
Well Done!! That was a great fundraiser, video was fun.
Card is fab too! Love shrink plastic.
Lorna D
Great card Barbara and amazing fund raising effort. MND is such a nasty illness so anything that money of more research can only be a good thing. Well done everyone.
Did nt know they did black shrink plastic.
hi, does the sky look blue because of the lighting on the above card? I like it light like that.
Loved your ice bucket challenge. So many friends are doing it, that I am running out of cash to donate. LOL
Problem with my post disappearing so hear goes again, if both end up adding my apologies. Love this monochrome card, so simple but so elegant. I am so pleased that you reminded me of product I had in my stash and not used in a long time ie shrink plastic. Didn't know you could get black but colouring with my Graph Its will let me do whatever colour I suppose. Hope you have had a great weekend and well done for the fundraising, awesome x
A stunning card, love monochrome designs. Congratulations on the fund raising, I missed yesterdays blog post so off to read it. Hope you've enjoyed a restful bank holiday.x
Lovel card, my daughter did the ice bucket challenge today – helped by me and my son-in-law and grandson. She then nominated 3people to do it too. -one being my other son-in-law, who did it at tea time. Excellent you have raised so much money.
Love the card today Barbara. Well done for the bucket challenge. I have a friend whose sister has MND. It's a horrible illness. Good on you for taking up the cause. Never mind the negatives, they will always be with us unfortunately. Lynne.x
Hi Barbara! Just arrived back from a weekend away. First of all, love the pieces of art work created over the weekend. Secondly, well done for completing the iced water challenge. Thirdly, in response those who don't appreciate your efforts, and those of others, for a very worthy charity (who knows which of us may need their support in the future?) I lead them to consider quotes from Mahatma Gandhi: 'You must be the change you wish to see in the world.' (One of your own wonderful stamps and how does change happen without people like you making the effort?) and 'Where there is love there is life.' Keep loving and maybe the lives of others will be better. Well done, Barbara. As you say: 'There for the grace of God go we.' Margaret x
Beautiful card Barbara and well done for taking part and raising so much moneyh in the ice bucket challenge. Your video clip did make me laugh. . My son also did the challenge today in nothing but a man-kini and a pair of children's swimming armbands!! Hmmm… 🙂
Wow what an amazing achievement and such a difference you will have made to this charity.Simply inspiring.wow I am loving this Christmas card.Such a beautiful scene and the shrink plastic looks amazing.Youve inspired me to get my shrink plastic out, so thank you.Hugs Debbie x
I just love you blog Barbara and it does make my chuckle. You write just as you talk if that makes sense. A big Thank You.
Fab card! Love the effect of embossing on clarity card. Haven't tried this yet but will now I've seen how gorgeous it looks. I made half of my Chrissy cards last year using this stamp. It is very versatile. Thanks for all the insprration as always x
what a great idea that shrink plastic. must invest in a brilliance ink pad now as mine has never stamped properly. love the crispness of this card and the kraft card gives it a modern feel xx
Fantastic news about how much money you have raised Barbara. I haven't seen the negative comments, and really can't understand why anybody would be. This is a lovely card, I haven't seen black shrink plastic used before – well I don't get out much! 🙂 Another lovely blog candy today. Please don't include me as I already have all of the pencils, which are great by the way. I also usually go to Stoner this weekend, though didn't make it this year. Hope you had a lovely day. xx
Great card simple but stunning! Good idea using the shrink plastic and spell binders for the sentiment. Congratulations on the great fundraising I'm off too watch the rest of your challenges now. Donation to follow!wx
Like Angela, I have not seen negative comments and can only think that they are largely from the miseries of the world. I normally limit myself to a couple of favourite charities but I am happy to join in with something like this, The amount you have raised in such a short time is something to be very proud of, and your team are just great sports. I have shrink plastic but not black – something else to go on the wish list. It certainly gives a great effect. Please do not include me in this particular draw, as I am one of those awkward folks who prefer the pencils I already have and love. Have a great time tomorrow getting your own back on Dave – how long can you stretch it out for? xx Maggie
I am enjoying everybody's clips of them doing the ice bucket challenge. And of course for each person who does it a little bit more money goes in the pot, fantastic.
Do you know, I have never ever been proper camping, in a tent. However, it's not something I would put on my (ice) bucket list, haha x
might have go dig out my shrink plastic, not used it in a while!
uplifting quote – smile and the world smiles with you
Hi Barbara, love your blog every day! have tried pretty much everything, but love stamping and colouring in most, with gelli printing close behind. Congratulations on the ice bucket challenge – what a fantastic way to raise funds and awareness of a truly terrible condition. And if people have left negative comments, well,they are "not worth the candle" as we would say up here in Scotland! Xx
What would I do without your daily missive – each an anecdote to whatever is currently getting you down. Yesterday, midst contacting my dear but severely disabled mum's care-providers two hundred miles away, I logged into your blog and, not at your expense mind, was cheered up by the ice bucket – not so much the actual drenching but by Dave's comment re 'dents in your head.' It reminded me of 30+ years ago in Brunei, waving bride and groom off on honeymoon from a balcony when father of the groom doused the happy couple with the contents of a large cool box, the contents being not ice-cubes but large ice blocks, missing them by fractions of an inch!
As for today, the air-bed scenario also ignites a variety of memories from our many holidays and weekends at our summer cabin in one of our local glens, where often a slight twist to the norm ended up as a farcical situation, good enough to grace any Charlie Chaplin film.
Congratulations on the fund raising – a most worthy cause.
Shelagh ;~)
Absolutely love your stories…and congrats on the fund raising. I know first hand the sorrow that muscular dystrophy bestows on a family.
Well no day off today and just stopped so late again reading your blog
I have a love of shrink plastic but have never yet used black , think I have a sheet I bought a long time ago and just never found a use but think thanks to you I now have lol!
Hope you have had a lovely day . It's rained most of the day here but made work less of a issue as not so jealous as now I might get my day off on a sunny day ( selfish I know ) but I have some gardening to do lol!
Hi Barb…I'm sorry you have to experience negative comments, when trying to be effective….I just want to say that you INSIRE my creative side, and I'm so pleased I found your site! I told everyone on my Blog Post to check your video's…smile! Your daughter, and granddaughter were joyous to see….I'm learning so much from your video's….I appreciate you, and your funny bone…lol…lol!
Oh Barbara, can't believe I didnt read this yesterday!!! All that ICE bucket challenge stuff etc, then the rain, I got side tracked!!!
I never knew there was black shrinky stuff!! and you cutting out with a die!!! My how things change!
This is a delightful card and loved your lead in with the description of the camping…needs must when the devil drives eh!!!
Ignore any negativity…the girl done good and that is what counts xxx
Much Love
Kim xx
Hi Barbara. Like Kim I didn't read this post yesterday! Great news about the £'s raised so far : ) A dead bat’s arse? Brilliant saying : ) that's all those nasty mean minded people are worth!
Your camping story has brought back great memories. One year hubby had been given a torch that you had to shake to charge it up. On our next camp I came back from a loo visit late one evening and as the tent came into view the shadow of hubby shaking this torch looked as if he was doing something completely different. I will leave you to imagine what! Being such a kind wife I stopped him immediately and didn't laugh at all……. Yeah of course, and pigs might fly! (it's hard not to make a noise when you are laughing fit to burst isn't it) Funnily enough the torches never caught on. I wonder why? Have a good day. Take care.
its a stunning card , ha ha abought sleeping in van we still do it but have caravan mattresses on plant trollys is bit low though and have to duck the shelves above head when getting up ,done last one this year and it bucked it cats and dogs all weekend was horrid glad to be home and hopefully can craft to hearts content. and the battery that we cool our fridge stopped working so lucky it wasnt very hot or milk would have gone off
o and great that you raised all that money xx