A Sunday Ditty…
Hello there!
Thank you for stopping by.
Rather late today I fear;
simply could not get my arse in gear!
The sun’s shining bright and the garden is calling,
but to not blog at all would be simply appalling!
So let’s make it fast and keep it real easy;
I promise to not make my ditty too cheesy!
A spritz and a splash on some white Gelli Card
You have to admit – it isn’t that hard!
The Balloon and the Compass in black’s what we need,
Archival Black, so that it doesn’t bleed.
Add some colour and depth to the beautiful balloon,
We’ll be ready for take off very soon!
But before we depart, let’s flick some water –
If you want it real grungy, you know you oughta!
Down in the valley I’ll add three small trees,
and a dot in each corner should be a breeze.
My intention’s quite simple – to doodle a frame,
but the margins must all be exactly the same.
All the rulers are buried somewhere in the van!
We’ll make do with paper and pen – sure we can!
Now we’ll stamp our With Love along each side,
then join up the ends, so they look like they’re tied.
A line and a squiggle, a dot and a dash,
can make all the difference – from plain to quite flash.
And when you stand back and admire your art,
it’s the personal touches that make it so smart.
So never be nervous about using a pen;
what’s the worst that can happen?
Just try it again!
Have a great Sunday
much love
55 thoughts on “A Sunday Ditty…”
Think I may just have a go at this, it looks fun and I have the stamps and the ditty is great, how multi talented are you Barbara ?? !! xx
You are just too funny, I love reading your blog every day for the humor, the ideas, and a point of Clarity. You rock and roll. I was thinking I should try to rhyme but. Not today… Love this cRd.
I really enjoy your techniques.
Hugs x
Love it you always make things look so easy, thanks for sharing daily your talents xxx
Wow,love this Barbara,you are certainly a creative genius,wish I had half your creative brain cells 🙂
Donna xx
Hello Barb, thought I'd give it a go :-
For one in a hurry who really must dash
Your time and your talent you share
An artwork you make using ink and a splash
Oh such inspiration is rare!
Super! Thank you xxx
wonderful, just wonderful, dear Barbara. I will give it a trie. xx
How do you do it Barbara? Creativity personified. Brilliant idea. Jx
I love your little ditty, really I do. I aspire to be as clever and as talented as you. With your micron Pen and your splish and your splash and your ever increasingly huge absolutely enormous ……………Mmmmmmmmmmm Heart!!!! xx
careful Sam!!! LOL xx
Sam you're so witty with your funny little ditty; talented and messy, you make me look a jessy; but the Boss, she's the best, puts the rest to the test; if you don't have a clue, she'll show you how to. Now you just can't ask for more than that!
Oh you all so clever I can't keep up. Lovely well done. Look what you started now Barbara. x
Brill and very brave Sam 😉 x
How you find the time every day to create great art and to blog about it too is just amazing Barbara! Thank you so much for all you do to keep us inspired, I don't know anyone else that is as generous as yourself so I hope you realise how much you are valued
Your little ditty
has inspired
Me, barb,
to get out my card
And copy your ideas
But this rhyming reply
Is rubbish ha ha lol
Hahahahaha1 That is so funny xx
Hi Barb,
Don't know what's better,
Your artwork, or newsletter!
If only I was as talented, and pretty,
I'd be able to dash of a ditty
Love xx
Ha! Maureen! Very flattering, thank you. And I love your ditty!!!
Such a great project, and what talented girls round with nice poems. Too difficult for me in English, but will try in French….One day!!!! Go back and enjoy the sun and the pool after that lovely pause reading your post. Have a great Sunday,
Laurence xx
You can create, you can paint
I'm not as good, I know I aint
You can draw and inspire
I can doodle and put them in the fire
You can compose a verse
All I do is swear and curse!
Above all else you are star
I shall follow and maybe one day be on a par! (I don't think so!) Apologies for my go at a ditty
Brilliant card now floating off in the balloon.
Love Anne
Brilliant. Well done xxxx
That's why we love you Barb – you're one of a kind 😀
Wow a wonderful ditty and a card so pretty have a wonderful day xxx
Simply fabulous Barbara. Xx
Hi Barb,
You really are very clever and so inspirational. Not only are you a very talented artist, brayerer, card maker, stamper, Gelli Plate aficionado now you add poetry to the list. I'm just managing stamping, card making and a little Gelli Plate!! Thanks for all you do. Love Alison xx
Ps might not be able to comment this week as hubbie is taking me to Norfolk for the week. Xx
The picture is delightful with its splish and the splosh
gets a thumbs up and a "oh my gosh".
Your talent is amazing we all agree
and reading your blog is our cup of tea.
So please carry on educating the masses as I for one really enjoy your classes.
Not as good as your ditty. Best wishes Joan x
Fabulous! See how many poets are out there?!
Barb its beautiful. Its amazing how you not just come up with beautiful creations but also your little ditties too. Always quite amusing.
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Love your blog and your YouTube channel. Your work is fabulous. I'm not sure which I enjoy more, your work or your personality. Such a pleasure to watch! Can't help but smile. Thank you for sharing.
Now Barbara, for me, you will always be the best,
And really a Sunday should be a day of rest,
But to creatively connect is always your desire,
And every day, in every way, you always do inspire!
..and this today is great because it uses stamps which are beautiful, richly coloured inkiness, and some of your own personality. x
What a great piece of art and I love your ditty too.
I hope by now you are relaxing in the garden
Jackie x
Now poetry writing is not my bag,
Even if it's only on a tag.
And that's as far as my verse muse can go,
Without everyone cringing at my show.
Right I am cringing now, so I will just say that your blog is just a wonderful way to start or end a day. I am off now to do some line art and see just how far I can develop my ideas. You and the wonderful design team have given me so much inspiration. I also want to finish off the very last project we did, to see just what will work to bring it alive. Thank you for your teaching, Barbara. xx Maggie
Hi Barb clap, clap, clap. just Great
Crafty hugs
Pauline B
Afternoon Barbara – hope you are having a nice relaxing day – Sunday lunch and feet up at some point!
What a marvellous week this has been – rounded off with a typical Gray masterpiece!!! I love the balloon stamp – and this picture you have created is just fab!
My two days mid week at the retreat were such a treat – got myself in pole position and loved every minute – did not want it to end – even my dreaded reflections!!!
So thank you again from the bottom of my heart – it was a sheer delight to come to Crowbrough and craft and learn…
Clarity and Inspiration
Happiness is my destination
Its sometimes hard to find
But Barbara Gray
Gives Inspiration
So Happiness – is my destination
Friends at my side
Clarity gave me Inspiration
Happiness is mine
Much Love Barbara
Kim xx
Well Barb, your little ditty was sent to please.
And your artwork was done to tease,
So I am having a crafty play,
With ink I bought while I was away,
And hope you like what I have done,
Because it's been a lot of fun
Trying out all the teacher's tips and tricks.
Now better go and tidy up quick!!!
Love and hugs to you! Xxx
Nice one Jane!! x
Hi Barbara love the card and your ditty, if only I was as arty and witty!!!
That's about as much as I can manage at the moment. 🙂
Hope you manage to chill out today. xxx
Oh you know how to set us all thinking. Love all the poems and I could not resist joining in.
Well you are just great,
To help us all create,
Pictures, cards and tags,
Using brushes and brayers, not rags,
Stamps stencils and ink,
And plastic made to shrink,
So with sometimes a joke
You make us ALL HAPPY FOLK!
Thankyou Barbara love your blog and also the card today. xx
Brilliant card and brilliant ditti! xx
Oh Barb you are so clever, always something really good from nothing. Thank you.
Just catching up on your blogs after a weekend away to the mull of Galloway so a but too tired to join in with the poetry. Your instructional poem was very entertaining & the card is delightful. Hope you managed to rest today between retreats & TV preparation. Keep up the good work. Best wishes Jeanette xx
Lovely artwork xx
I am a Yorkshire lass
Who would love to have been at your class
By heck by gum
I'm feeling a tad dumb
What on earth did you spray at the beginning?
My apologies my brain has already hit the hay 😉
Came late to the blog from a picnic with Isla –
She is my grandaughter-o my what a smiler !
Each time that she smiles it goes straight to my heart
When goodbyes come around it tears me apart!
But a blog such as yours is just the right thing
The art and the rhyme makes my spirit to sing
Your talents are many I'm sure this you know
But the best of all talents
Is to make the heart glow.
Hope you have some d own time after your busy week Barbara,
Take care xxxRuth
great poem Barb. lovely artwork xx
Hey there Barb,
how l loved your ditty,
you never cease to amaze
how you can make something so pretty!
Ela xx
Hello Barb, how wonderful, a fab image and a ditty to make you smile, you always make the time spent reading so worthwhile. Love the squiggles, and the laugh I had this morning, but Monday morning brain does not allow me to say much more. Hope you had a relaxing Sunday. Bx
What a fab piece of work
I tried a little ditty too but failed miserably lol.
Have you tried the Dylusions Inks yet Barb as they are fab……..
I would highly recommend them 🙂
See you soon
Love Denise xx
Hi Barbara. How do you do it? Not only a beautiful dreamy card, I love the balloon, but the whole post in rhyme! Brilliant, thanks for taking the time. Have a good day. Take care.
Hi Barbara
Oh dear I'm late and look what I missed
At midnight though it wasn't top of my list!
A balloon and some ink it looks quite fun
Something to try when I get up this Mon (day)
Shocking I know but I have had a try
And now that I've done it I really must fly.
Hope you had time to relax in the garden
And this little poem you really must pardon.
Lovely artwork Barbara and a great ditty
I'm not talented like you and that's such a pity
Love Diane xxx
Hi Barbara .. A nice man card … x
Hi barbara, a beautiful card. Love the balloon!
A great card and fab rhyming tutorial!! x
Lol your talent never ends I loved your post made me giggle. Right now it's the middle of the night and my pains high so I appreciate the giggle not complaining just sharing with you. Your beautiful card is such a delight you can really see that ballon take flight. Xxx hugs xx Sharon xxx
Just love this idea Barbara – too tired to attempt a poem though after 3 days at the Commonwealth Games! Thanks for sharing, Susan x