A Stencil Club Sunday…

A Stencil Club Sunday…

Hi there

It’s been a working Sunday here for me, although making artwork for the February Clarity Stencil Club is hardly a slog, is it?? I had a great time, and I’m going to break with tradition, and actually SHOW you a little bit of what I made today. It’s just a little peep, and Jane has done something super lovely too. But you get the flavour of what it’s about…

Usually, we keep quiet about which stamps, stencils or Groovi plates are being launched each month in the clubs, but this month – for the first time – I have decided to give you a little preview of the February Stencil. Why? Simply put, I would like more people to join our club! You get so much for so little, and I sometimes wonder whether people who have never been in the clubs actually know!

Making the project art is only a little part of the whole club process, and at the risk of boring you, I am going to tell you what goes into the clubs. Ready? Let’s stick with the Stencil Club.

  1. We design a stencil. That’ll be Lisa or Jazz usually
  2. Prototypes are made and tested by Lisa
  3. If good to go, Jane Telford and I receive a stencil each.
  4. We discuss colour and make sure we don’t do the same technique.
  5. We each make a project, taking step by step photos as we go.
  6. We show each other and the team what we’ve done.
  7. We then each write out the step by step instructions.
  8. We submit the projects for photography to Jim
  9. Jilly and I mock up the project booklet
  10. Pete and I proof read it.
  11. I write a monthly newsletter
  12. Pete adds the events page for the coming month, and checks my spelling!
  13. Lisa goes into production, making and packing the stencils.
  14. Lisa prints and folds all the booklets
  15. Lisa prints and folds the newsletter
  16. Sue and Linda collate and assign the monthly instalments to the club members. Some are in one club, two clubs or three clubs. This takes some organisation!
  17. The envelopes are franked and dispatched.

Now swap the word stencil for stamp, and repeat. Now swap the word Stamp for Groovi, and repeat. Linda Williams designs the Groovi plates and does a Groovi project, which takes the heat off me project-wise.

But you can easily see that there is a lotalotalotawork goes into each project club every month. No sooner have we dispatched one month, than the next month is on the table – and off we go again!

Plus of course, if you join, not only do you receive a monthly stencil and double-project booklet, but there’s the instant 1-club 10%, 2-club 12.5% and 3-club 15% discount off all orders placed all year for members. AND the half price exclusive sale just for Club members (coming up in February)

Here’s the link to the website, if you would like to know more. HERE. Our valued club members are the backbone of our business. Those annual subscriptions are what keep us afloat, and we appreciate their regular support so much.

If you are in our Clarity Clubs, please tell us below what you think. Value for money? Good quality? Reliable? Informative? Useful? We certainly put a lot of effort into it!

Once the work has been done, it’s a numbers game. We have to do the same ground work for 100 members or 1000 members. So the more subscriptions the better. Since C&C folded, we are totally self-sufficient – and our Clarity Club is even more important than ever.

If you were wondering whether or not it’s worth it, I’m going to rely on our club members to give us an honest review below.

Love always.

Barb xxx

See you in the SHAC tomorrow at 10am. Then at 2pm. I’m getting some smashing stamps out of the cupboard – perfect for this time of year. Something light and fresh.

57 thoughts on “A Stencil Club Sunday…

  1. I’ve just renewed my stamp and stencil club membership after many years. so pleased I did as I think this month’s stencil is one of my all time favourites! love the stamp too. I’ve just finished making a card with the stencil or part of it! looks like I’m going to love next month’s too 😍 x

  2. Ooh that’s a fabulous stencil and project. I have been in the stencil club since the beginning and the stamp club since #88 although I have quite a few of the earlier stamps and many of the project booklets since the beginning thanks to a friend. I love the clubs – you always get great inspiration and techniques to practise with the projects and it is also fun to do your own thing with the stamps/stencils/Groovi plates. Well worth joining – not just for the discounts.

  3. Each club is very good value for money and is a little piece of happiness each month. The icing on the cake is Barbara writing each month, funny, informative and like a friend writing to you.

  4. I’ve been in the stamp club since the a4 and photo days and wouldn’t give it up for the world! I was in the stencil and groovi clubs then dropped the groovi, then the stencil and went back to groovi. It is such a joy to receive an envelope each month. The newsletter is the icing on the cake and the discount a bonus!
    I’d recommend it to anyone who wants a little boost each month. Xx

  5. I’m in the Stencil & Stamp Clubs, I love them and really look forward to receiving them every month. They are beautifully presented! – The project leaflet that comes with each club is so well done and the perfect inspiration!. They are really, really good value for money and always in line with the forthcoming season of events albeit Valentines, Easter, Christmas, Birthdays etc. All very strokable! 😂 And not forgetting your Newsletter Barbara, always lovely to read and see what’s coming up next at Clarity. Blimey, I feel like a Sales woman, but I will only sell what is brilliant and I am passionate about! 😀 X

  6. I’m in all 3 and I think that I easily get back my monthly subscription by the savings I make with my 15% off, plus the fabulous twice yearly members’ sale!
    I love getting the club package every month and I’ve found that I often go to the club products when I’m looking for a particular element that’s not in my own personal stash (ie things that I’ve specifically chosen myself). It’s good to have various styles of crafty things in your armoury, and the project sheets are always good. I learn a lot from them.
    It’s so nice to feel part of the Clarity ‘family’ too. The monthly newsletter is like getting a letter from a friend – lovely! Thank you Barbara. 🥰
    Jane x 🌸🌼🌺

  7. I’m a Diamond Club member. Been with Clarity for years, with a break, but rejoined a good while ago.

    I really look forward to my monthly Club arrival. Barb’s newsletter is so lovely.

    If you read this, and other Club members comments, jump right in. Nothing to lose and a WHOLE LOT to gain.🥰

  8. I belong to all three clubs and look forward every month to receiving all the goodies, such good value and excellent inspiration. (Ideal for newbies to crafting with step by step instructions)
    As a three club member I get 15% off all Clarity products I order, also earn points which can be traded in for further money off.
    Additionally, twice yearly Clarity have a members half price sale on practically everything and as the company make the majority of products they will make extra to ensure nobody misses out and to fulfill orders.
    As you can probably tell I am a Clarity fan, have been since very early on. In my opinion I cannot think of a better, friendly and caring company and would recommend them wholeheartedly.

  9. I am in all the clubs, and it’s lovely when the envelope come through the letterbox. I love all the items and project. This month I took part in the PTC swap and made the piece that carried the PTC using a couple of club stencils. It is lovely to have such a lot of variety to choose from now that my collection has grown. Well worth every single penny!

  10. I am in all 3 clubs and I love getting the Clarity envelope every month and excited to see the stencil, stamp and groovi plate and of course Barbara’s newsletter about what is coming up next and what has been happening, the sales are a bonus, very hard to resist lol.
    Anybody thinking about joining just do it you won’t regret it. Xxx

  11. Hi Barbara,

    I joined the Groovi Club at this year’s open day, so I guess that makes me a ‘newby’, and as soon as circumstances allow I will be joining the others too! I have been over the moon with the Groovi plates and double project booklet I have received to date. And it was such a lovely surprise to receive the baby plate mate in the first issue, thank you so much. It really is amazing value. And the newsletter is such a lovely touch, I’m still chuckling about the cow f*rts in last months issue…but I agreed with every word.

    I think what I’m trying to say is, I feel it’s a privilege to be part of the Clarity family, and I’m so glad I discovered you in lock down. The quality is second to none, the customer service is exemplary the shows/shac are both brilliant and informative, last but not least the value for money is exceptional. I love everything about this Company, and being a member of a Clarity Club is just the icing on the cake for me. If you’re still undecided, join the club(s) it will be the best thing you’ll ever do. Penny xXx

  12. I have been a clarity club member for many years now (with a couple of years break) Usually Christmas or Birthdays I ask for clarity vouchers which I spend in the members sales twice a year. But decided this year to use them to become a Diamond Member. Really looking forward to receiving the stencil, stamp and groovi projects. Like Christmas every month. The points when you buy was a great innovation last year and I have already taken advantage of that. Been a Shacker since the begining so thank you Barbara. I get tired out just thinking of all the work you and your team put in. So glad I am retired now so more time for play, Su

  13. Im in the stencil and stamp clubs – I absolutely think they are value for money and get you into the members sales – not to be missed. I love love love receiving that envelope each month with a surprise stencil and stamp and great project sheets. Did I realise how much work goes into them – probably not. So- Thankyou Clarity for the clubs! Very pleased I’m a member!

  14. I have been in the stamp club for ages, I sometimes add another one for a bit of variety, this year I added the stencil club and I adore the January stencil the stamps are so cute that I can’t wait to have a play.
    If you can afford it do not fear joining any or all of the clubs as they are amazing value.
    Linda x

  15. I’m currently in the stencil club, but was in the stamp and die club for years, and even in the project club in days gone by when you stuck photos onto a typed page!!! I’ve learnt such a lot from the project sheets, tried new techniques, and have a vast selection of Clarity products as a result. Always excellent quality, informative and great value for money x

  16. The clubs are amazing, absolutely worth the subscriptions. All to gain nothing to loose.

    The projects are always wonderful, my favourite bit is the surprise, it’s like getting a Christmas gift every month, and Barbs news letter the icing on the cake.

    If you are not signed up and think you’ve no space for more craft items choose the stencil club. These take up the least room, in my opinion you can do more with a stencil, the versatility is vast and I love being in this club.

    It’s well worth joining. And the discounts are an added bonus. So If you are on thd fence, don’t be choose a club and join. If you decide you’d prefer a different club, you can renew in one of the other clubs.
    Just join and have fun.

  17. As others have said, the clubs are great value.
    I am in the stamp and Groovi club and I love getting my envelope every month. When they arrive I sit down with a cuppa and read Barbara’s newsletter then I look and the stamp and Groovi goodness and finally the projects, it’s a lovely little ritual each month😁
    If I lose my mojo, I’ll always got to my club folders and as if by magic my mojo comes back, what’s not to love 💕

  18. Ok so I may be a bit biased but listen to what I have to say.
    I have been a member of the Clarity clubs starting with the stamp one from nearly the start of it. Then came the stencil club…so I added that one as it started. Then the groovi club and I even had the die club when that one was a thing. Now it’s Stamp, stencil and Groovi and aside from the fact that I do one project for each club I still love being in the clubs for the benefits of it. The product and project sheets have always been good inspiration and I often look through them if I’m stuck for ideas. The discount obviously is an added bonus especially at the times when they put on Members only sales.
    But I love the news letter most. It arrives and I open it and put the news letter to one side. I save it until I get a moment to make a cuppa and settle down to read it with my brew! It’s like having a mate come over. I read the words but in my head I can hear Barbara reading it to me. You can tell she’s written it just by the way the words flow!
    When I first started with the clubs, never in a month of Sundays did I dare to think that one day I would be helping to prepare the booklet that goes out with the clubs. When Barbara asked me I was a little bit nervous about doing it but I feel absolutely honoured that I have been asked. So ask me if I like the clubs now! No I don’t……..I LOVE them.

  19. Club membership is so lovely. Very exciting to see what pops through the letter box. Newsletter too is an incite into Barbara and Clarity. Bargains galore with sales and offers. Too good to miss. Why wouldn’t you join.

  20. Would definately recommend joining one, or all of the Clubs. It’s like having a birthday every month and all the designs are so versatile. Each design comes with a project booklet, a lovely letter from Barbara and of course a wonderful new design to be played with. I am in the Groovi Club and they are my ‘go to’ plates for cards, coasters, gift tags, and now Mini Makes. It’s a surprise what the postman will deliver each month. It’s never a disappointment and such great value for money. There’s nothing to lose. Pam xx

  21. Like Gill I’ve been in the stamp club since the very early days of A4 sheet with the stuck on photo and I’ve still got them all neatly filed away for reference. I’ve joined the stencil and groovie clubs at various times as well. The newsletter is always good and of course there is the 10/12 1/2 and 15% discount on all orders as well as the members only twice yearly sale. Definitely worth the money as the quality is exactly the same as normal. If in doubt go for it.

  22. Oh blow, I wrote a load earlier then got distracted by someone and it’s all gone ! Basically, it was, join if you can it’s well worth it!
    I’m in all 3 and was in the die one too. I definitely haven’t used them all but love looking through them, I plan to use more stencils for background in future as I want to do more stamping too. I’m really a Groovi person, yet had a lot of stamps before Groovi came out, just didn’t know how to use them properly!
    Reading the newsletter is like hearing Barbara talking to me as if she’s in the room. They’re all good quality, informative and detailed projects (2 each time!) and a hug a month, love mine so much I don’t often open it until later in the day, making it last. Then, I think, what if I don’t make it through the day – I wouldn’t know what was in the envelope ! Stupid thoughts sometimes !
    Do it if you can ! Great value in money and I must get my subscription back over the year in postage let alone the discount ! And now Reward Points ! No brainer. X

  23. I’m in all three clubs, as Pam says its like having a birthday every month when my monthly club goodies arrive. I make time to have a cuppa, and the firstly read Barbara’s newsletter, then having hidden the club goodies under the envelope where I can’t see them, remove them one by one, to savour the excitement. If I’m stuck for anything to do, I can always find inspiration in my previous club folders, added to that, there is the brilliant discount, the twice yearly members only sale, and last year, points which can be used off purchases, and where else would you find a company, that if they don’t have what you order in the sale in stock, they make it. It’s great value, all round. Clarity is simply the BEST.

  24. I’m in the stamp club and at one time was also in the die and stencil club also .
    Because I don’t live in the UK ,I now have to pay a extra custom charge of 7 euro for each monthly envelope .So you can understand I thought twice about wheither I would continue or not!
    The answer is YES absolutely !
    I get such joy from that envelope and all the possibilities and news inside .It’s about the cost of a coffee and a scone and ten times better for me .
    I have stamps going back years and they are still wonderful to use .Not many craft items last for years and work as good as the day you bought them .But of course not all stamps are Clarity quality .My dies and stencils get great use also years later .
    Carmel x

  25. Hi all
    I am member of all 3 clubs and I just love getting the Clarity envelope through the door every month, always good quality and love the project ideas that come with them.
    Anybody thinking about joining just do it you won’t regret it. Xxx

  26. Hi Barb, I only found clarity about 3yrs ago watching a craft programme on TV (sorry I just couldn’t write the name!) where I purchased groovi starter kit, that’s when I then joined groovi club then about 18mths later I joined stamp club as well for Clive. We both look forward to receiving our envelope dropping through letterbox each month, I have to agree with Jane when I read your news letter it’s like you sat there talking to me! I seem to read in your tone of voice as though it’s an audio letter.
    So do we like being in Clarity clubs? Yes we doooooo
    X Sue & Clive

  27. Belonged to stamp club for years and stencil club since beginning and dies beginning to end. Groovi from beginning until couple years ago as I was finding it difficult. love the letter that comes because it’s just like getting news from a friend.
    WI card making club has done well from my ” library” over the years! love all the learning from the clubs.

  28. I was originally Groovi club member for a few years now a stamp club member. Fantastic designs, great inspiration booklet, definitely value for money. Plus reading the newsletter keeps you up to date with what is going on. Terrific Club members sale and of course the discount on orders. Definitely worth every penny and am pleased to be a member. It’s great looking forward to the monthly envelope and seeing the new design.

  29. Value for money, good Quality, Informative- yes they are all of those things, but best of all they are fun !! I am in the stamp and Groovi clubs and love the fact that sometimes they are of subjects I wouldn’t have thought to buy- but I can follow the step by steps and stretch myself a bit !! I would definitely recommend the clubs!

  30. I am in all 3 clubs, have been almost forever. I rejoin every year. Was in the die club too, so sad that finished. My envelope has been arriving earlier in the month than it used to but this month it is a no show although others seem to have received theirs. Perhaps it will arrive early next week.
    The inspiration booklets that come with the items are so useful and I often refer to them. The discounts and points are an added bonus and the club sales are great for topping up on essentials. I must confess that with the amount of items I buy from Clarity I have more than recovered the club fee and postage.
    The newsletter is a delightful read with a coffee when I take a break. I can almost hear Barb talking to me.
    Can’t watch tomorrow morning, hubby has to attend the hospital, but will tune in when we get back to catch up and watch the 2pm show too.
    From a dedicated Clarity addict…..stay well, stay safe.

  31. I’ve been in the Groovi club for just over 6 years, having joined days after I found Clarity. If I didn’t have an aversion to messy crafting, I’d be in the stamp and stencil clubs too because they are all excellent! Clarity really are the best and I love creating something every month with the designs!

  32. Reading all the comments you must be thrilled that soo many people responded in such a enthousiastic way. Love being a member of both groovi and later stamp club. Costs me more for postage overseas, but all the extra benefits cover that through the year. And your letter is like reading all the latest from a good old friend.
    When I teach parchment I sometimes put several clubplates on the table for my students to use during class. With some lovely cards as results😊. I will definitely renew my memberships and might add the stencil one too. Will need more folders though.😉Keep up the good work Clarity 👏

  33. By the time you get down to my comment you will have realised that we all love being a member of one or more of the Clarity Clubs. Each club gives you 2 projects to do which is great for reactivating your mojo or ways of using the product if you are not sure of the process. With members sales & other offers during the year there is nothing to loose but a lot to gain. My post is often a couple of days after the first ones are received so it is always something to look forward to but at least I know its on it’s way. Thank you Barbara & the Clarity team for all the work that you put in for us to have that monthly ”Happy Post” xx

  34. Hi
    I am in all 3 of the clubs and think they are good value for the money and quality is great as all Clarity stamps etc are, I really look forward to the clubs arrival to see what exciting things are there.
    The sales are really good for members, I just love the quality of everything along with the project ideas leaflet.
    Go on join the clubs you won’t regret it.

  35. I don’t think there’s much else to say other than what’s already been said. The Clarity goodies speak for themselves and I can’t wait for January Groovi plate to plop on my mat

  36. I’m in the stamp club and it’s with great anticipation that I look forward to the envelope dropping through the door each month to see what lovely stamps are inside. Sometimes the stamp is not one I would have chosen to buy but actually that is a great bonus as it encourages me out of my comfort zone. But always they are fabulous quality and when I’m asked to create a card especially for someone with a particular theme I look through my back catalogue of club stamps first as the chances are there’s something there that would be perfect. I also have bought many from years before I was a member and also some of the stencil and die club. The members sale is also a fantastic bonus and a way to pick up some fabulous items that I’ve been yearning for. Definitely recommend joining.

  37. Lovely artwork Barbara.

    I really enjoy being in the Groovi club and wait with anticipation for each envelope to arrive. I find the projects very interesting and inspiring with excellent step by step instructions.

    If I am in need of an idea for a card for someone, I will often flick through the club issues looking at the projects.

  38. I’ve been in the Stamp Club for several years, with a short break between the days of the A4 sheet with photo stuck on and the concertina leaflet. I’ve got a few back issues for the period I missed, where the project sheet was printed as an A4 booklet with photos incorporated in the printing.
    For a while, I was a member of all 4 clubs (Groovi and Fresh Cut Die from the very beginning), but my first love is stamping so, when finances meant I had to tighten my belt, that’s the one I chose to keep. This year, it was touch and go, because I was made redundant the week before Christmas – but I decided that I needed the monthly boost that the Club envelope brings – and, hey, at only £7 per month, it’s not really extravagant, is it? You’d spend more than that on a couple of coffees!
    We have a little ritual – when the envelope arrives, Mum and I sit down with a cup of coffee and I very carefully extract the newsletter, so as not to see the project sheet or stamp. I read out the letter to Mum, then pass the stamp to her while I read out the intro on the project sheet. In years gone by, Mum would have a go at the projects within days of receipt. Now she doesn’t have the dexterity for crafting, but it’s still something we share.
    I like the fact that the Club expands the variety of my craft stash – I might never have considered purchasing some of the designs, but I find that there are occasions when they prove to be ideal.
    And, when mojo is lacking, what better than to reach for a Club stamp and follow along with the project sheet.
    So, like so many others, I’d have no hesitation in recommending the Club’s to anyone who is undecided – go on and treat yourself!

  39. I have been a stamp club member since 2012 and the stencil club since the beginning. I have just renewed my membership and would hate for it to lapse. I, like others do it seems, have to make myself a cuppa and sit down and read Barbara’s newsletter which is like having a penpal contacting me (remember those!). It really is lovely receiving that Clarity envelope once a month!
    The techniques and inspirations are worth their weight in gold and also the benefits of club discount and two yearly half price sales are fantastic too.
    Thank you to Barbara and team clarity for all you do.
    (Can’t miss the SHAC either!)

  40. So much of what I want to say has been said already, but I love the Clarity clubs! I too have been in the stamp club from the early days of photos stuck on typed sheets and I’ve got them all filed away in folders. Then I joined the stencil club and die club while it ran. There’s so much inspiration in the project sheets – they’re filled with tips and techniques. I set myself the challenge of working back through all my club stash a few years ago – I blogged a card each week starting from my very first one – it took me months as I’ve got so many!
    I love the anticipation of opening the envelope each month when it drops through the door (but really don’t mind today’s ‘spoiler’ – the stencil looks fab!)
    And they’re incredibly good value at £7 per month each, especially when you consider all the other benefits of discounts, members’ sales, etc, that come with it.
    so I’d just say, if you’re not in the clubs already, then come on in – the water’s lovely!

  41. I’ve just renewed my stamp club membership. I love getting the envelope each month. I love this month’s stamp. I know I’ll use it a lot. But getting the discount is great. There are very few months when I don’t order and I always make sure I spend enough for free postage. So that’s at least £3 I save which until now was half the cost of membership. And then the sales are amazing. That’s when I top up all the consumables usually at half price. I don’t know another company that does such brilliant offers as well as top class service and education. By the way, I am loving Clarity tv. So so much better than C&C or Hochanda. Keep it up guys. You’re doing a great job.

  42. I concur with everything that has been said in previous posts above. I am currently only in the Groovi club, as that is my main interest and also have many Clarity products such as stamps, stencils and dies in my stash.

    All Clarity products are of good quality and customer service is excellent. Such a good caring team for a small company.

    I have been a Groovi club member for the past two years and have renewed for this year. It’s great value for money when you consider the discounts and members only half price sales twice per year and the club Groovi plates each month expand my design possibilities. The two projects using the same plate are a good starting point and you can go off piste and combine the Groovi club plates with other Groovi plates and/or other craft items in your stash.

    When finances allow; I will have no hesitation in joining either the stamp or stencil club and maybe all three. However for now it will just have to be the one club. If anyone is sitting on the fence, just do it and join at least one club to try for the year and I guarantee that you will re-new and maybe join more than one club if your finances allow. In other words; it’s well worth it!

  43. I’m in the stamp
    and stencil club, chopped and changed over the years due to change in circumstances but I now have an extensive library of stamps, stencils groovi plates and dies with full colour inspiration and instructions for projects,
    I would definitely recommend one or more of the clubs.

  44. l am really happy to be a Clarity club member. I look forward every month to receiving the envelope and get quite excited wondering what the exclusve design will be.
    Like others it’s a bit of a ritual: I don’t open the envelope until I know I have enough time to: 1st read the newsletter; 2nd study the Groovi plate; 3rd read through the ingredients lists for each project; 4th read through the detailed step by step instuctions.
    Worth every penny.
    I could (and do at least once a month) spend about £7 in a cafe on a coffee and cake which is enjoyable but quickly consumed and forgotten. The £7/month I spend on a Clarity Club membership is also highly enjoyable, but, is much better value as the enjoyment is longer lasting and can’t be forgotten as it’s all written down and beautifully illustrated; it’s infinitely repeatable at no extra cost plus it’s also better for my waist line 😉. But wait, there’s more (if I needed to justify the spend), there’s the added bonus of the discount on orders and the biannual Members Only 50% sale (which, trust me, I take full advantage of). I rest my case😄 and would encourage membership – you won’t regret it.

  45. Dear Barb, what you and the team put into the monthly club items and project sheets is beyond amazing. I did renew my stamp and stencil club just before Christmas, and have previously been part of the groovi and die clubs too. The quality is exceptional, the inspiration is stupendous, the Newsletter gives us an insight into your world and that of the Clarity team, and to be honest if I had to forego anything to save money, I really doubt it would be my subscription. I always top up the basics in the club members sales, and look to see what I can spoil myself with a bit. My Club envelope arrived on Saturday, and I put it aside until groceries were packed away, house tidied up, then sat down, read the newsletter first, then just fell in love with the stamp and stencil this month. Love the projects. I know just what is going on hubby’s Valentine’s card. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you and the team do. Bx

  46. Ich war im Grooviclub. Da ich in Deutschland lebe, musste ich monatlich fast 8 Euro Zoll bezahlen, somit ist die Mitgliedschaft zu teuer. Jede Bestellung wurde mit hohen Zollgebühren belegt. Es lebe der Brexit!!!! Schade….

  47. I joined the stencil club at the end of last year to support Clarity and I love it. I love the January stencil and all the ideas that have come with it, you can see how much time and effort it takes to produce but it also feels so personal, I just feel like I’ve joined a big family. Thank you Clarity x

  48. I am in 3 clubs, and love getting my envelope each month, January has just arrived this morning so look forward to reading the newsletter and looking at my goodies. Saw the 10am show this morning and waiting for the 2pm
    Barbara and the Clairity team work so hard and bring a lot of joy to many people. I wish you all well and thank you xx

  49. Having read the blog yesterday evening imagine the delight as I received my very first club envelope this morning!
    For Christmas I was gifted a club membership and I decided to join the stamp club.
    I agree with all the comments above regarding the informative newsletter from Barbara.
    This afternoon I’m looking forward to a crafty play with my new stamps and instruction booklet.
    Needless to say I’m already looking forward to my February crafty envelope dropping the door mat.
    Thank you to everyone at Clarity Towers.

  50. I became a stencil club member in 2020 so that I could participate in the members super sale! Now it has become a special day each month when the envelope is delivered (the latest one last Saturday) and I can enjoy reading Barbara”s newsy letter and feel I’m part of a welcoming family of friends who help with lots of ideas. The £2 sale over Christmas enabled me to get some of the old club stencils and dies so my stash is growing. Thanks for that!
    2 p.m. will find me watching Clarity T.V. and being tempted to add some stamps to my order for the stamp pens.
    Thank you Barbara and all at Clarity for everything you do for us. Susan

  51. I started as a stamp member and have moved onto groovi for the last few years. It’s a fantastic members club. The surprise that pops through the door each month with the project book, showing two different designs is great. You also have a letter from Barbara herself, which is also a interesting read. All in all a bargain and something to look forward to each month. An added bonus of 10% discount on any orders placed is a god send as well as the members only half price sale. What more could you ask for. Xx

  52. My friend and I had belonged to the clubs almost since the first ones, with photos to stick on a sheet of ideas -just stamps back then. Sadly we decided to leave last year, mainly due to advancing age and ill health that prevented us from using our packs. We both have so many unused club packs as well as stamps, stencils and even dies bought separately. We are hoping to be able to get back to more crafting and will then definitely rejoin the club as they are such good value and have such good ideas. Also the club packs were great for giving the mojo a kick-start!

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