Twas the Night before Maria’s Show….
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Just got home after THE BEST DAY!
You know those ones where everything just feels right,
goes right and is right?
It’s like you go to push a door and it opens before you even touch it. Effortlessly. Almost as if there are hands unseen delving into our lives.
So tomorrow our Maria is on TV with a rather splendid set of Groovi Plates: The Twas the Night Collection.
And the Universal framer is just right to frame them all,
and it comes FREE with the set.
I drew these years ago, when the kids were small.
Each little baby plate captures a verse from the wonderful Christmas poem written many, many moons ago by
Clement Clarke Moore (1779-1863)
Here’s a little card I made last year.
Check out the frame. See all the family?
I enjoyed making this one…
(Go to Thursday 7th July 2016 for a step by step blog project of this card if you like)
I have been saying I would draw another 3 for years,
but every year I run out of time!
I think this year I WILL DO IT.
As soon as the retreats are over next week.
But in the meantime, I really look forward to seeing Maria get clever with them tomorrow.
I do hope you can keep her company
at 12 Noon and 4 pm on Hochanda.
- SKY 663 (24/7)
- FREESAT 817 (24/7)
Love & Hugs,
41 thoughts on “Twas the Night before Maria’s Show….”
Hello Barb, the plates are as beautiful as the stamps, look forward to seeing the next 3. Will try tune in to Maria's shows in between work. Take care. Bx
Evening, this explains everything! I went on Hochanda when I got in to see what I had missed from Maria and couldn't find her shows…turns out I was a day early!! Thought today was Wednesday, hmmmmmmm I wonder how much paperwork I've filled in today with the wrong date! XX
Evening bloggy friends, hope everyone is well. Sending hugs to all. XX
Hi Donna – wet but well thanks! We have had rain all day and it is due to carry on throughout the night and into tomorrow too! Still – the farmers and the gardeners will be happy! Hugs to you and Phoebe xx
Hi Donna I nearly put the bins out tonight thinking it was Wednesday today, I put it down to a senior moment. I think it's nearly the end of term for you! Enjoy the shows tomorrow xxx
Yes, end of next week is the last day of term. Then I get to do all those jobs I keep putting off till the holidays! Xx
Hi Donna, wet here too, from lunchtime and still with us. At least no watering the garden tonight. Gone a bit chilly as well this evening.xx
Love them as stamps and groovi looks wonderful to. Having couple days away just me and Bob feeling nice and relaxed xx
Glad you've had a good day 🙂 Beautiful card… and my favourite colour! Mxx
Hi Barbara – so pleased to hear that you have had such a good day – well deserved!! I am looking forward to watching Maria's shows tomorrow – as long as our tv reception improves, still having problems. We will all look forward to the new plates, when you get the time to do them. Hugs Gilly xx
Hi bloggy friends – I hope that your weather has been better than ours, even had to put on the heating for a little while this evening! I finished off a Groovi card today (and got it into the post) and I used the leafy frame for the first time. I really loved it, it was a relatively quick card – should have spent more time on the white work, but time didn't permit! I managed to get away with it by leaving it underneath some heavy books overnight – I know, not the right way to do it, sorry! How many of you have got this plate & not yet used it I wonder? Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly I was given the butterfly frame for my birthday and haven't used it yet, mind you I'm still waiting for my finger to stop being so sore. We had rain today, first time in ages, you could almost hear the ground sigh with relief. Hope your weather improves soon xxx
Hi Gilly, I don't do groovi but goodness knows how many stamps I have that have never used. We had a heavy shower this morning whilst I was at work but it's been dry ever since. Day off tomorrow and I think a therapeutic walk along the beach is in order.
Hi Gilly, glad you've managed some crafting today. Hoping I can do some tomorrow.xxx
Brilliant, I bought these last year, looking forward to the next 3 X
They are lovely plates. Glad you have had a good day. Will watch the shows tomorrowalways enjoy the Clarity shows. xx
I love these plates and the stamps too. I made all my cards last year with them and everyone loved them. They were fun to make and the images are beautiful.
I need to start thinking this year's cards, but don't know which designs to do this year.
Lovely plates…..I treated myself at the Open Day to the little mouse in the shoe. I have the stamp already and I use it every year, so I'm sure the plate will be put to great use too.
Looking forward to the shows xxx
Hi Barbara
I bought a couple of these plates last year and used them for Christmas cards, they were lovely to use and didn't take a lot to make a simple but effective card although I know I could have spent ages doing white work etc. I'm looking forward to watching Maria's shows tomorrow, got a nice bit of ironing to do as I watch! Good to hear you've had a day when things go right.
Love Diane xxx
Hello everyone hope you are all ok, we've finally had rain here today which has been so refreshing. The garden desperately needed it. Sending hugs xx
Hi Diane – saw your reply to my post. I am sorry to hear that your finger is still sore, I hope that it won't be too long until you can Groovi! Hugs back to you xxx
Hello Barbara
I love these plates and bought them all, together with the stamps. I have set to record Maria's shows tomorrow but I am not a happy bunny! I don't know if it is me, my television or Hochanda but it failed to record your and Paul's shows on July 3rd/4th and Rossella's shows ladt week! I was away last week and set it to record lots of things. Everything recorded except Clarity! That was the only thing that mattered as everything else I can watch on catch-up. I like to save all my Clarity shows. Sorry, rant over.
Hi Roz, have you a computer, if so you can go back for about 2 weeks to catch up on Hochanda. I've caught up on Barbara, Paul and Rosella's shows over the last few days. Just go to Hochanda TV Schedule, then look up the dates you want. There was even a repeat one of Maria's. Hope this helps.x
It's good to have a day like that…I'm working myself up to that!
Hi Julia – your idea of a walk along the beach tomorrow sounds a very good one. It won't be long now until you go to one of the Retreats – so that will be a good time for you. Keep positive and strong, Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Julia, nice to see you on here. I've got lots of stamps, stencils and groovi plates I've still to use. Never enough hours in the day. Still keep on buying them though. Ha ha.xxx
I love these plates x
Beautiful artwork Barbara in stamps and Groovi and I hope to see Maria tomorrow. x
Love these plates and have them all so far in Groovi and stamp form. Used them a lot in Groovi last year for my cards, the stamp ones two year before for star books for my granchildren. They'll be out again this year. Beautiful designs Barbara. Only just realised you'd used all your family names in your card. Super. So glad you had a good day today.xxx
Got these at release and have all ten half done… were going to be some Christmas cards for 'special' friends last year… at least I'm on the way to finishing them for this time around – lol! Recorder set for Maria tomorrow as may be out delivering birthday cards to two friends who celebrate on the same day xxx
Hi Barbara! Just getting ready for bed and thought…. Oh no I ain't seen Barbara's blog so here I am! I love these plates! I love the stamps too so I was delighted to see they were getting another airing with Maria's shows tomorrow. I'm sure she'll work her magic with them.
5 more sleeps until I travel to Crowborough. Excited to see everyone who's going and to see the projects you have in store for us all! Fun fun fun! And it'll be nice to spend time with you too!
Love and hugs xxxx
Hi all my lovely blog friends hope you are all well. Proud of myself that I've completed all the birthday and anniversary cards for the year, and well on my way with the (not to mention) cards. Really want to try messy and use the Sam shapes stamps and canvases and milti-media, so now at last I'm a bit more hopeful.xxx
So pleased your day has gone well Barbara, what a difference it makes. Love the card and the way you have incorporated all the names, great fun hunting for them all. What a great idea. Looking forward to the retreat next week. Plenty of rain here today, good for the garden but not so good for harvesting.xx
Unfortunately i can get hochanda on the hospital TV. I've got terrible twitching too so takes ages to write on here or on web address. Have to delete ton. Love Jeanette 9yxx
I CAN'T get hochanda and then my jerky fingers cancelled my subscription . Hope all is well now x
I CAN'T get hochanda and then my jerky fingers cancelled my subscription . Hope all is well now x
Unfortunately i can get hochanda on the hospital TV. I've got terrible twitching too so takes ages to write on here or on web address. Have to delete ton. Love Jeanette 9yxx
Morning Barbara, looking forward to seeing Maria on Hochanda today. Lovely plates and can't wait to see what the DT have created.
Linda xxx
Got Maria on record. Love these images and have all the stamps and have used them many times for cards and mini books for the grandchildren. I look forward to seeing the next 3 stamps (no pressure ). Nice fine day here after yesterday's downpour,not too hot xx
One of my favourite Christmas stamps of all time comes from this set, so I look forward to seeing the 3 new ones. Just having a cuppa whilst watching Mr Murray on TV and finishing off a crochet tea cosy that's been languishing in the basket for months. Must get into the craft room later today or I will be stamping at midnight later in the week!! x
This is so beautiful. I discovered your plates and system today and have just ordered the starter pack. I absolutely cannot wait for them o arrive!